Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Mar 1920, p. 9.

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'££r^'*H& 'ii *j»-*HttVV £V" -&. .i 8 y«?HOTi» mnooBAw xeHmvix^ 1%; life ' used to KILL COLDS MA'* &3# ?* ' ? • *?' caU naiiy (or <9 yam " t form --i«. rar*. ir 'taMta up a cold in 24 UtTM grip in 3 day*, back if it fails. The box has a Red . with Mr. Hill's plctura. At AttDrmg Stmm iV'l": f WV;^ SQUEEZED TO DEATH When the body begins to stiffen and movement becomes painful It is usually an indication that the kidneys are out of order. Keep these organs healthy by taking COLD MEDAL Tbt world'* standard raced? for kidney, Vnr, bladder and uric add troubles. Famons since 1694. Take regularly and keep in good health. In three sizes. AB druggists. Guaranteed as represented. t the name Gold Mxlal on nscj hi aad accept no Imitation False Teeth Held Firmly in Place <Sl) wv/ PrwtuU Sora Gums Promotes Mosth Hygieo* •H| Briny* Health and Comfort At leading druggists everywhere. 35c, or Sand 10 cents for trial sampk Ceregai Laboratory, Cleveland. O. Ladies Let Cuticura Kent Your Skin Fresh and Young Soap 25c, Oiabaaat 25 aad 50c, Tiloa 25c. Tne Kind. "We had shortcake yesterday.** "So had we. It was so short It wouldn't go around." Garfield Tea stimulates the liver, ear recta constipation; cleanses the system and rids the blood of impurities. All druggist*. --Adv. There Is no punishment for wasting taxes; so it never stops. He who to unable to collect his -fits or his bills Is In tough Inck. Sure Relief tevvw» impigcstk* , 6 BELL-ANS n Hot water dJ^\ Sure Relief RVfEoLr L-ANS INDIGESTION BetterThan P i l l s - For Liver i l l s NR Toriic*h t _ Tomorrow Alright Children Who Are Sickly When your child cries at nlrbt, tossea restlessly in its sleep, is constipated, feverish or has symptoms of worms, you feel worried. Mother* who value their own comfort and the welfare of their children, should never be without a box of Mother Cray's Sweet Powders for Children for bm throughout the season. They tend to Break up Colds, relieve Feverishnet*. Constipation, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Bowels and destroy Worms. These powders are pleasant to take and easy (or parents to five. They cleanse the stomach, set on the Liver Trad* Mark, sad clve healthful sleep Don't seeept by recuUtinc the child's aajr sebstlMa. system. l/tsjby matkrri fin tn:tt jo ytart. Sold by aU druggists. Sample mailed FBEE. Address, Mother Gray Co., Le Roy. N. Y. Bm stm-m 90m ask for and obtain •otter Braj's Sw»«t Powdsrs fw CfcMrea. % I T C H ! aaoeT user wnnow qaesciso if STOPS SALVX TELLE in UE treatment of ITCH, ICKIKi, RING WOBM.TS3TKK at otbw itching akin dlwurs. Prlee 7/LScL aIItc kaaruSotMrlsktisM. o r di~r ect trow 1 e^sksrasarss. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM lestaadiaC-StopsBairl Reatoeea Color aad teCreyaadFililHsfc MLiBdHnitdiuiiiihi OMW. WH.MAIPW.KT. cSWSi HSSB&SSB33I* GRACE HOTEL : CHICAGO: htlnis Seaissesd saad Clasfc Sfceet with detached bath 11.00 and SI-SOm dsf. Bootna with private bath HJO aad SUO Owealte Pert OSoe--Sear Ml Tb sat res srt Sws Stock yards ear* faa direct to the door • cleaa, eomlbrtahte, newly teeorated kstel • safe place tor year-wife, mother or * , w. N. CHICAGO, NO. 12-1S20I IF BACK HURTS USE SALTS FOR KIDNEYS moat if Kidneys feel load or Bladder bothers. Moat ftolks forget that the kidneys, like the bowels, get sluggish and dogged and need a flushing occasionally, else we have backache and dull misery In the kidney region, severe headaches, rheumatic twinges, torpid liver, add stomach, sleeplessness and all sorts of bladder disorders. Ton simply must keep your kidneys active and clean, and the moment you feel an ache or pain in the kidney region, get about four ounces of Jad Baits from any good drug store here, take a tablespoonful in a glass of water before breakfast for a few days and your kidneys will then act flue. This famous salts is made from the add of grapes and lemoi juice, combined with llthla, and Is harmless to flush clogged kidneys and stimulates them to normal activity. It also neutralizes the acids in the urine so it no longer irritate* thus ending bladder disorders. Jad Salts is harmless; inexpensive; makes a delightful effervescent lithiswater drink which everybody should take now and then to keep the kidneys clean, thus avoiding serious comply cations. A well-known local druggist says lie veils lots of Jad Salts to folks who believe in overcoming kidney trouble while it is only trouble.---Ad*»t, Appropriate Advice, "Sam Is always talking about Ms operation for appendicitis." "Why don't you tell him to est It outr .1^ •$<• m OUCHI LUMBAGO PAIN! RUB BACKACHE AWAY Relief With a Small Trlfl Bottle of Old "St. Jacobs Oil." Kidneys cause Backachel Not They have no nerves, therefore can not cause pain. Listen! Tour backache is caused by lumbago, sciatica or a strain, and the quickest relief la soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil." Rub it right on your painful back, and instantly the soreness, stiffness and lameness disappears. Don't stay crippled! Get a small trial bottle of "St Jacobs Oil" from your druggist and limber up. A moment after It is applied you'll wonder what became of the backache or lumbago pain. Rub old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil" whenever you have sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism or sprains, as it is absolutely harmless and doesn't burn the •kin*--AdY. Tho Easiest "What Is the best way of getting hard cash?" "Working some soft thing.1* CREAM FOR CATARRH OPENS UP NOSTRILS Tells How to Get Quick Relief From Head-Colds. Ifa Splendid! to one minute your clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more hawking, snuffling, blowing, headache, dryness. No struggling for breath at night; your cold or catarrh will be gone. Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from your druggist now. Apply a little of this fragrant, antiseptic, healing cream in your nostrils. It penertates through every air passage of the head, soothes the. inflamed of swollen mucous membrane and relief comes instantly. It's Just fine. Don't stay stuffed-up with a cold or nasty catarrh--Relief so quickly.--Adv. Very Much So. "Was Jones successful with his farm?" "Well, he raised a mortgage on it." Important to Mother* Kramine carefully every bottle Sf CASTORTA, that famous old remedy for Infants and children, and see that It Bears the Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoris Usually the hand that rocks the cradle can't hit the side ofSfcarn with a brick. CHEAPLY BOUGHT, DEAR IN END This proverb cannot be applied In any case better than in buying remedies. If you, for instance, suffer from constipation, poor appetite, headaches. Insomnia, or other stomach troubles, Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine is the best remedy you can buy. Now somebody will tell you that he knows a preparation which is ten, twenty or thirty cents cheaper, tou will follow his hint, you will buy cheaply, but you will, see soon that you have thrown away your money. A reliable remedy Is always worth its weight In guUL Just as Mr. Joseph Zeleznik wrote us on February 23: "Star City, W. Va^ box 158. Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine is more worth than money. I recommend it heartily to all my fellow countrymen. Publish my full name and address." Ask your druggist or dealer in medicines also for Triner's Angelica Bitter Tonic.--Joseph Triner Company, 1333-43 S. Ashlaud Ave^ Chicago, BL--Adv. Perhaps a pretty girl is called a "peach" because she has a heart of The Cuticura Toilet Trftf Having cleared your skin keep it clear by making Cuticura your every-day toilet preparations. The soap to cleanse and purify, the Ointment to soothe and heal, the Talcum to powder and perfume. No toilet table is complete withost than. 25c everywhere.--Adv. If a cook has a good temper tfs a Ign that he is not a good cook. STEPS OUT, HOUSTON INr WWW r.V; ftH.--• i IP David P. Houston, alright, receiving bis commission aa. secretary of treasury from Carter Glass, the retiring secretary. week BOW being carried oq for the soldiers and sailors of our allies bo> yond the yesr 1920, should the seek ously unsettled conditions occasioned by the war continue. Setting apart of a substantial portion of the surplus to be regarded as a reserve fund which might be used at any time for rendering T. M. C. A. service In any grave* national emergency. This reserve fund should certainly be held for these purposes for at least two years. Continuance of the educational pro-, gram for ex-service men. We recommend also a study of the heeds of the wounded ex-service men who are «now having vocational, training. Recommendation that the total amount that seems now to have accrued in the operation of the canteen, approximately S5C0.000 (brought about by the government's cancellation of the charges aggregating $2,- 500,000 and for which we had a reserve fund), to be used for the benefit of ex-service men, either through an appropriation direct to the American Legion or to the relief of Incapacitated jex-servlce men, or to sucl. other purposes for the benefit of ex* service men as might be agreeo upon between the officers of tlie national war work council and the officers of the American Legion. • . $508,899 PROFIT «Y» HUTS Adjustments Show This Gain ami Wipe Out "Book Loss" of $1*78,084> PUBLIC GIVES $161,722,649 Report Reveals Approximate Balance of $17,000,000--Largest Sums Expended on American Fighters F While Abroad. New York.--A financial statement of operations by the national war work council of the Y. M. C. A. from the beginning of our participation In the war to January 1 last reveals that the canteens operated for soldiers and sailors returned a net profit of $508,- 899.79. A previous report in March, 1918, reported a loss on canteen service of $1,478,074.14. The United States carriegk Y. M. C. A. supplies free or charge on transports, and furnished rail transportation and motor supplies in France. The report also shows that $161,- 722,649.42 had been contributed by the public to Y. M. C. A. war work up to January 1. The report of William Sloane, chairman of the war work coundl, reveals an approximate balance of $17,000,000, the prlndpal expenditures to the ends for which the money was given having been aa follows: Itemized Expenditures. 8pent on soldiers, sailors and marines In the United States $38,809.50; abroad, $52,382,736.03; other expenses not itemized, $7,000,000. The fund of more than $161,000,000 was made up as follows: First Y. M. C. A. campaign, $5,113,666.98; second Y. M. C. A. campaign, $53,334,546.81; United War Work campaign up to January 1, $100.759,73L17; other sources, $2,- 614.704.46. The balance of $17,000,000 revealed in the report is surplus, writing off more than $21,000,000 of "commitments already made for continuance of the work not only on behalf of the American army and navy at home and overseas, but also among the allied armies In the troubled areas of Europe aad *sla." Recommendations for continuance of work adopted at the last joint meeting of the executive and finance committees of the national war work council include the following: Recommendations Made. Continued support of such welfare work as the Young Men's Christian association is now carrying on for enlisted men in the American army and navy in the United States and its possessions and overseas wherever American troops are still held. This recommendation includes the maintenance of the permanent Young Men's Christian association buildings for American soldiers and sailors, also needed additions thereto and new buildings for such purposes. Continuance of the support of the Father May Swear When Hanging Paper Moorhead. Minn.--When father lays the carpet on the stairs has long been conceded as a time to throw the mantle of charity about certain sayings and doings of paterfamilias that normally would be beneath his dignity. Now comes a Moorhetfd Judge who says that the law extends this leniency to such occasions as when father hang* the paper on the wall. So Mrs. Henry Buchhols of Sauk Center, Minn., was denied her bill for divorce, Judge Nye ruling that whatever Henry might do when exhausted from matching wallpaper patterns and when covered with paste and perspiration does not constitute "cruel and inhuman treatment," especially when records prove him at all other times meek, faithful $nd provident INDIAN'S CHARMS FAIL Did Not Protect Him When He Blew Out Gii» Kayuse Chlsf on His Way to Washing* ton Diss in Chicago Hotel. Chicago.--The tribe of Kayuse Indians on the reservation In Umatilla coanty, near Pendleton, Ore., are awaiting assurance from their chief. U. M. Sum Kim, that their lands will not be taken from them. They will learn that he died In a hotel at 803 South Wells street, asphyxiated by gas. It Is believed that he blew out the flame. His charm of four snake heads failed to protect him. Chief Sum Kim was on his way to Washington to appear before the Indian board of commissioners to plead that his people be protected from a firm that is attempting to take parts of their land away through court proceedings for failure to pay an alleged debt, It Is said. Adam Bird, owner of the hotel, detecting the odor of gas, traced It to the Indian's mom. The South Clark street police were summoned, but It was found he was dead. Tied to a string around his neck were four small cha mols bags. Within them were the dried heads of four snakes. He had worn a sombrero, boots, yel low duck trousers and a black shirt. He curried four blankets. The body was taken to the Central undertaking rooms at 818 Federal Street. Among the papers found were those of a law firm demanding that the chief appear before them and straighten out a money matter, threatening court procedure If he failed to do so. The chief carried affidavits proving his side and a map and blue prints showing the land owned by the tribe. Traveling orders and appearance papers for a hearing before the commissioners were also found. This Cat Was Not Mad. Gyneed, Pa.--With what looked like froth in her mouth, a big black and white cat dashed through a room In which Daniel Davis, chief of police of North Wales, and his wife Were sitting. Such was not the case. It seems that tabby had found a luscious lemon meringue pie that Mrs. Davis had Just baked for her hubby. The cat stuck Its head into the frothy white-of-egg top of the pie, and, finding it hot, beat a hasty retreat CONGRESSIONAL NAVAL INSPECTORS AT KEY WEST I M w • - Reliable Information All American women know of the great success o£ Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound in restoring to health women who suffered from ailments peculiar to their sex, yet there are some who are skeptical and do not realize that all that is claimed for it is absolutely true--if they did, our laboratory would not be half large enough to supply the demand, though today it is the largest in the country used for the manufacture of one particular medicine. The Facts contained In the following two letters prove of benefit to many women: Buffalo, "K. T--" I suffered with organio inflammation and displacement. When lifting I had such paiu and bearing down that I waa not Able to stand up, and it hurt me to walk or go up or down stairs. I was going to a doctor without any results and he said the safest thing would be to have an operation. I met a lady who told me she had three operations and wa® not well until she took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I felt relief aftor taking two bottles of Vegetable Compound and I kept on with it until I was cured. I always use Lydia K. Pinkham's Liver Fills and they are fine. Everything tused to turn sour on my stomach ana the Liver Pills reUavod that."--Mis. A. Boasas, £93 Buffalo, X. Y. Fargo Avenue, Sacramento, Caiif.--"T had 0T> gania trouble and had such terrible pain and swelling in the lower part of ray side that I could not stand on my feet or even let the bed clothes touch my side. I gave up my wodt thinking I would not be able to go back for months. My mother advised me to take Lydia E. Pinkham's V egetable Compound as it had saved her life at one time, and it put me in a wonderful condition is a couple of weeks, so I can keep on working. I work lit a department store and have to stand on my feet ail day and I do not have any more pains. I surely reoommena your vegetable Compound to all my friends and yoa may use these facts as a testimonial.-- BaaTHA JT. P*sraa» «an X 8k. Sacramento, Calif. "I j • • •-* •j ' ' f i il ' -'jl The fact is, the Beet Medicine for Wc Lydia E.Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Concerning Clams. "Don't be a clam I" exclaimed the well-meaning friend. "Open up and get acquainted with the world!" "Clams are what I have been thinking about," answered Mr. Growcher, slowly. "I have seen a great many clams who would have been happier If they bad stayed the way they were instead of opening up and getting acquainted." LIFT OFF CORNS! • -ftA AwJy fe# drops then lift toot touchy corns off with . fingers . ;:.*t The i-oiigt'esaloual board of navai inspectors at Key Wost just before eiabarkiog on the U. S. S. Duiyiiiu, to go to Jamaica and the Virgin Islands on a general tour of In spectlon. Left to right: Senator Kenyon of Iowa; Congressman Garnett of Tennessee; Senator Edge of New York; Congressman Towner of Iowa; Rear Admiral J. N. Oliver, U. 8. N„ head of the commission; Congressmen Campbell of gtansas and Gay of Louisiana. CANNED BEANS SEIZED Federal Inspectors Charge Can- Mrs With Misbranding, i •k ^ .. - ir Long Cranberry Beans Labeled as ."Rod Kidney Beans" Taken by Officials. - Washington.--Seizure large Shipment of canned beans, labeled as "Bed Kidney Beans," but which were long cranberry beans, was made recently in Chicago on information furnished by federal food inspectors. Officials of the bureau of chemistry, United States department of agriculture, who are charged with the en-, forcement of the federal food and drug act, have received Information that large quantities of the low-priced long cranberry bean have been put up under the label of the high-priced red kidney bean and are being sold to conramers at the higher price. Inspectoral have been instructed h> report for seizure all shipments so mlsbranded coming within the jurisdiction of the federal food and drug act. The long cranberry bean costs the canner only about half as much ag does the red kidney bean, yet invest!* gatlon has shown that when the long cranberry bean Is sold under the label of the red kidney bean the price to the consumer is as much as that of the genuine red kidney bean. The long cranberry bean, which is imported in large quantities from Japan, is an excellent article of food, and there is no objection to its sale and use under a truthful label, say the officials. The bean looks and tastes very much like the genuine red kidney bean, and If sold under its own name could soon establish a market on its own merit, but because Its cost Is so much less than the red kidney bean, its sale under the name of the higherpriced bean It Oemorallsing to the; trade and unfair to the Consumer. The officials have Inaugurated a campaign to seise all Interstate shipments of beans which In this particular violate the food and drug act. BARTENDER WOULD BE 'MAID' An "Old Profession" Might Supply -the Present 8hortage, Qtlk fornian 8ays. San Francisco.--Here is an advertisement that appeared in a dally paper here recently: WANTED--Position in kitchen or general housework by man that has been keeping bar for twenty-eight years. The applicant, John Kornahrens, according to a newspaper Interview, suggested that a3 boushehold help is lacking the "members of a noble old pro* fesslon might come to the rescue." Laborers Buy $25 Shirts. New York.--Louis B. Tim, silk shirt manufacturer, reports silk shirts selling at $25, "and the peculiar thing about it," he Bald, "Is that we sell more of these shirts to worklngmen than we do te millionaires/* Doesn't hurt a bit I Drop a ltttte Freesone on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then you lift it right out Yes, magic! A tiny bottle of Freezone costs but a few cents at any drug store, but is sufficient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. Freezone is the sensational' discovery of a Cincinnati genloa. It is wonderfuL--Adv. Subtlety. The six-year-old boy had told a fib and had been commanded by his mother to go to bed in the dark. He started reluctantly, and upon taking a long look at the dark stairway, turned to his mother and said: "Mother, don't you think you'd better come along and see if I really go to bed?"--Pittsburgh Leader. Plain Proposition. "And you used to say you were wtt* Ing to die for me?" "So I am." "And yet you refuse «s * new dress?" "But look at the cost of It If** _ "It's cheaper than a funeral.* iV; BOSCH EE'S SYRUP. • cold Is probably the most cos* mon of all disorders and when negleefr\ ? a ed is apt to be most dangerous. Statlstics show that more than three " 1 times as many people died from to-,* 4 ^ fluenza last year, as were killed In < ^ the greatest war the world has ever1 ^ known. For the last fifty-three years; Boschee's Syrup has been used for coughs, bronchitis, colds, throat ii*£. ritation and especially lung troubles.® " It gives the patient a good nlghfl' rest, free from coughing, with eaSF ^ expectoration In the morning. Madev 4 In America and used In the homes of' ^ thousands of families all over the} • civilized world. Sold everywhere.--Ad*; •'* t", W - Ml . '•! " . v Direct Hint. '"fee," said the young stadeet, thoughtfully, "when I get Interested in : , ^ a subject I never stop until I haTsi^-yH! t* embraced it thoroughly." ^ '•« "That's nice!" was her hesitating re- " ply. "Do--do you think I'm an Inte^ esting subject?"--London Tit4H|iiii;.^v . OLD CLOTHES DYED -M MAKE NEW GARMENTS "Diamond Dyes" Turn Faded, Shabfey 'A Apparel Into New. S'l ^ Don't worry about perfect results. * Use "Diamond Dyes." guaranteed to ,< .• •;,> give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether It be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods,--dresses,*'^ blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers--everything! Direction Book in package tells to diamond dye over any color. Ito match any material, have dealer show^^i '•--Ad•. ill The self-made man is often the only one who- Is satisfied with the Job. you "Diamond Dye" Color Card.- * •' Beware of the man whose 1 table gifts consist of sympathy. Take Aspirin * With Water XT four Aspirin tablets have the same "Bayer" stamped on them, they are genuine "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," proved safe by millions of people. The name "Bayer" identifies the true world-famous Aspirin pre«cribed by physicians for over eighteen years. Always drink one or two glasses of water after taking the tablets. . unbroken "Bayer package" contains yropwr Colds, Headache, Toothache, ache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheu- < matism. Neuritis, and for Pain. { Always say "Bayer" when buying Aspirin. Then look for tho safety "Bayer Cross" oa the package and on the tablets. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost but a few cent*. Dcsf i gists also sell larger packages, A«biatotfs4si LMIQU UtttfKtan I tasMlicscMa IMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMUMMMIIMMMIIIIH L. * « ». v. •.*>:... &L •9 .l it*.

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