Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 25 Mar 1920, p. 9.

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yon* % to a r.'l* nS&onr&rata'i^ ttf*t*ake trerjr *<, ___ poartble and to chooaa'tfctllilftt rem- •fljf without delay. Trlnert rapedlea tatlfeoae yon need. Mr. $tefer0£warts tm Westchester, N. Y* wrote « two weak* ago: 1 have used come of Trtoer'i remedies and find them great" Take Triner's Am«riean Elixir of Bittar wine for stomach troubles, constipation, indigestion, headaches and nervonsness; take Triner's Angelica Bitter Tonic to restore your vitality; take Trlner*! Cough Sedative In case of colds, relieve your rheumatic and neuralgic pains by Triner's Liniment, and Jw will And all these remedies great like Mr. Schwartz. Tour druggist or dealer in medicine keeps them all In rtock.--Joseph Triner Company, 1*88-43 S. Ashland Ave, Chicago. DL-- Adv. "':V *' ---- ^ •, , No 8csrclty. * •/. j "AH the world's a stage,"^ * ' : "Tep, and there's no scarcity of u» Btogue artists." FRECKLES ' bTjkMam T IUBOMr it o Cat Kid td JmFhFllLaHgW aIa hBaOm eldo no*te rr otuhre (malkiclhMte,s tu B OMt<h lMot --4o«bl« strancth--la (unnt««d to nmon •hoM homely apota. 8lmply Sot on ounce of Othlno--double •trencth--from your druggist, and apply a little of It Bltfit u4 moral** and jr©« IboiU 000a 000 that on* tho wont trookloa have Mm to aiNfpMr, whtto tbo ligbtor MM havo vaatohod oatlioljr. It la goldom that moro than ono onnoo la seeded to oom. ptotoly eloar tho akin and gain a beautiful Stoar ooaplMlon. Bo rare to oak (or tho doable atrengtb Othlae, aa thta is cold under guarantee of , book It It (alia to remove tiMkloa , "^Cheerfulness Is an excellent wearthg quality. It has been called the bright weather of the hearts--Samuel Smiles. Stop the Pate. b' Iv druggists. For free sample writo W. Cole Co., Rockford, 111.--Adv. JJPbo hurt of a burn or a cut stops when ^fible o Carbollsalve is applied. K heala without scars. 25c F1S lied. and SOo^ Touth doesn't value its youth, and •fen a million in later years has Its disappointment. f AFTER 6 YEARS-STiLL WELL Nmt StroBg and Hearty Theafk Cue Looked Hopeless "Six years ago I was in awful condition," says E. K. Chase, 36 E. Cross St., Ypsuaati, Mich. "My family waa told I couldn't live more than two months. I was in constant pain from the uric acid and •was BO bad With rheumatism m y legs aeemad all drawn up. My back never stopped hurting. The kidney secretions were held back until only a few drops came, and I bloated until I thought my akin would burst. My legs were twlee their normal rise. "The water seemed to fill my chest and proas against the heart, for three months I never moved out of the chair and I choked and rasped for breath like a dying pan. All the doctoring failed, and my weight went from 185 to 125 pounds. "Doan't Kidney Pills saved my life. Eleven boxes cored me of every complaint. I have been well six years and able to work as hard as any man." Sworn to before me. FLOYD E. DAGGETT, Notary Public. Cs<D--afratAara»aao,aOoaBa« DOAN'S VMS' poarnuiutnN co, BUFFALO, N. Y. Retf U. S.Pat.Oft PETROLEUM JELLY Aconvmientsafe ^ •ntiseptkfcrk»^^f; IiwalmHft fnf * dressing cuts and •ores. A Amended Jemedy. >•"" ' RUTH SDBfXnUlB *£•••••* * jNats Itiwt Vork SLOW DEATH t|MNb pains, nsnroosnsss, fatty in printing; often mean jviou disorders. The world's l#tsodard remedy for kidney, lirsr, JMaddsr and oric acid troubl-- COLD MEDAL *S«Bfdr of Holland for more tta :|«m All dragglsta, in tbne |Nkfcr*iHMGililUU«iM Clear Baby's Skin With Cuticura Soap and Talcum Soay 2Se, (Ni l * 2S aal SOc, Talc«aSc. IN TIKE KKTES Mr. Melnrlcks Waa Heady to Ohw Uy^ Then He Found How to Asprin Health. "My flrat slaap in S months was oa thf saoomd algbt after I began using Mllki Kmulslon. I had had a bad case of atom* acfa trouble and constipation for yeart and was ready to give up. I waa trouble! with gaa, dlssbtess, bloat after eating; gnawing sensation and araaops in tha stomach. Milks emulsion was a Godsenl to me, and I want everyone to knoa about a awdtdne that will cure cases liks mine."--C. K. Hdtnricka, TO & Alabama 6t., Indianapolis, Ind. Thousands of sufferers from catarrh <g the stomach, indigestion and bowd troubles have found that Milks Emulsiog gives prompt relief and real lasting be» efit. Milks Emulsion Is a pleasant, nutrttlW food and a corrective medicine. It re> stores healthy, natural bowel action, doing away with all need of pills and physics. It promotes appetite and qulckfy puts the digestive organs In shape to assimilate food. As a builder of flesh and strength Milks EmuWon Is stronger reo- Ommended to those whom sickness hat weakened, an<* Is a powerful aid In resist, ing and repairing the effects of wasting diseases. Chronic atom&eh trouble ant; constipation are promptly relieved--usu ally in cne day. This !k the only solid emulsion saad4 and so palatable that It la eaten with a spoon like Ice croam. No matter how severe your case. Tot are urged to try Milks Emulsion under this guarantee--Take six bottles horns with you, use it according to directions and if not satisfied with the results youi money will be promptly refunded. Pries 00c and $1.20 per bottle. The MQkS Emulsion Co., Terre Haute. Ind. Sold by dm# everywhere.--Adv. The Retort Courteous. He--Don't yon try to mak* a fool of me. She--Not after yonr boasts of being a self-made man snd doing the Job much better than I could. TAKE ASPIRIN Company, who Introduoed A» plri'n In 1900, give proper directions. gst qnlck relief foOow earefnlly the safe and proper mrectlons In each anbroken package of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," This package is plainly stamped With the safety "Bayer Cross." The "Bayer Cross" means the genuine, world-famous Aspirin, prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years. "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" can be taken safely for Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Joint Pains, Neuritis, and Pain generally,. Handy tin boxes of 12 tablets cost but a few cents. Druggists also sell larger "Bayer" packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacattcaddeater of -Salicylic* add.--Adv. Swabbing Yams! 81 ob--You have to keep things neat OB shipboard? Gob--Betcha I Scrubbnlously --Cartoons Magazine. "CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP" IS CHILD'S LAXATIVE Leak at tongue! stomach, ll*sr «Ml bowels. • Aceept ^California" Syrup of figs only--look for the name California on the package, then yon are sure your child Is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Children love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! Too most say "California.** ---Adr. Dire Consequences. She--You liked my cooking wed enough just after we were married. HiS--I didn't have dyspepsia $100 Reward, $100 Catarrh is a local disease greatly Influenced by constitutional conditions. It therefore requires constitutional treatment. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINB Is taken Internally and acts through the Blood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System. HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINE destroys the foundation of the disease, Sveo the patient strength by improving e general health and assists nature In doing its work. $100.00 for any case of Catarrh that HALL'S CATARRH MEDICINB falls to cure. Druggists 76c. Testimonials W. *• Cheney A Co., Toledo, O! Says an amateur poultry fancier: "The only money in chickens is what they swallow." lOOftJEP! If Constipated, Bilious or Headachy, take "Cascarets." #- Peel bully! Be efficient! Don't stay sick, bilious, headachy, constipated. Remove tho liver and bowel poison which is keeping your head dizzy, your tongue coated, your breath bad and stomach sour. Why not spend a few cents for a box of Cascarets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest laxative-cathartic you ever experienced? Cascarets never gripe, sicken or inconvenience one like Salts, Oil, Calomel or harsh Pills. They work while you sleep.--Adv. A > LiftOff Gams! Lift touchy corns and | calluses right off with fingers Apply a few drops of "Freeione" upon Histoid, ? v , bothersome corn. Instantly that corn stops f hurting. Then short]/ you lift it right off, 4 J* At the annual dinner of the Reptile Study Society of Amerlrn New York, snakes were much in evidence* Many of the several hundred guests brought their pet snakes along. The photograph shows Dr. Allen 8. Williams, founder and national director at die society, with Mrs. Williams. On the street cars, the fat men always seem to get the inside seats. I s / V . : : Country Contains Fertile Fields and Mountains Stored With Pttoious Metals. BABBIT WARREN OF HUMANITY At One Time There Ware 300 Tribes md Dialects in Region--Is Sort of i, Three-Ring Group of Nature! Marvels. Washington.--With various anttbolahevtc governments seeking a resting place and capital at one end of the range and fabulous oil hoards of Raku at the other. Inspiring covetous imperialistic Interest, the long line of mountains which separates Europe from Asia gives promise of once more attaining the headline position it so often has held throughout the ages. Made up of 400 miles of majestic peaks, In three ridges, the Caucasus stretches from northwest to southeast like a petrified wave, whose northeastern face mounts to the snow crest, but whose southwestern front, facing toward Turkey, seems dashed Into countless precipices by the titanic forces of nature, says a bulletin from the National Geographic society. The Caucasus is the most interesting rabbit warren of humanity on the globe. For uncounted ages various peoples sifted through the secluded valleys, leaving a fraction of their number In some remote spot, so tbat at one time EI Azixl said that there were 300 tribes and dialects in the region, 650 miles long and 100 miles broad, which he called the "Mountain of Languages." Straby spoke of 70 races of men, some of them armed with poisoned arrows and wearing skin shoes with spiked soles. Troglodytes they were snd are. The Caucasus is a sort of three-ring group of natural marvels compressed between Europe and Asia, between tho Black sea and the Caspian. On the European slope the Caucasus la flanked by the Cossacks of the Don, the Kuban and the Terek, along whose banks the famous Tolstoy served as a young soldier. On the Asiatic side there are the new republics of Georgia, Aserbaljan and Armenia, partly carved from Russian, partly from Turkish lands. The people who have left the deepg>' i'Hil"n t r' ii*"i H'lii'-ifr' .' 1 . ii'"| i i est impress on the Caucasus, although most of them emigrated to Turkey In 1864, are the Tcherkees or Circassians. The Tcherkees gave to the Caucasus and the fancy dress ball the Tcherkeska, the familiar skirted costume of the warlike Cossack and the lithe Georgian grandee. It is the original opera bouffe uniform, with a narrow waist and flaring skirts above soft boots without heels. This costume Is also distinguished by 18 cartridge cases ranged across the chest. Formerly real cartridges gave a truly martial aspect to the dress until the automatic revolver came Into fashion* But comparative wealth and peaca overtook the Georgians and the othef town dwellers who wore the striking dress, and gradually these cartridges were changed for decorative Imitations. Some of them were made of ebony at one end and Ivory at the other. Modernity has gone even further. One of these cartridge cases Is now sometimes used for a fountain pen, and the ultra-fastidious dandy sometimes has hollow decorations in whose solid gold shell is concealed rich perfumf for the mustache. The North Caucasus Is not dlstlQ* guished solely by legendary lore and fancy dress manhood. The broad fields, which sweep gently up toward tha slopes, produce some of Russia's moat abundant grain crops, and form an lm» portant field for the sale and use of modern agricultural machinery. Doesn't hurt I Hard corns, soft cons, cemp ttttvsen the toes, and OS bald skin calluses bottom of fuet Bft right oS--too TityUtdair ku «ftw emu mt dr*t stem Bossn COCOHINGT rsa Smoke Evil Is Washington.--The smoke evil, which costs each city .dweller of this conntry from $12 to $20 each year In property damage alone, cannot be abated If the people continue to use In the old way the same smoky coal, according to the bureau of mines, department of the Interior. Now the bureau maintains that the best way to get rid of the smoke plague in the residental portions of the cities Is to first turn the bituminous coal into coke and gas, which are smokeless, the coke being used for house heating and gas for cooking. The factories may continue as usual to use the soft coals, for It has been demonstrated thnt in the boiler and besting plants the coal can be burned practically smokelessly. Uee Smokeless Fuel. The only way of eliminating smoke In large cities is by using smokeless fuel," says Dr. Van H. Manning, director of the bureau of mines--Ma fuel that will burn without producing smoke in any equipment now In use. In the past the only smokeless fnel available in quantity for house heating was anthracite. However, anthracite la mined In only one district In the United States and, therefore. Its use Is limited to the area lying within reasonable freight distance of the anthracite mines. Much the larger part of the country has to depend on soft coal. "Coke should be used for heating houses because It Is a clean and convenient fuel. It eliminates smoke, reduces the necessity of cleaning the furnace and flues, requires leas attention than coal, and gives a more uniform temperature in the house. By burning coke for domestic heat, more soft coal will be used In by-product plants, which save many valuable byproducts that are wasted when tha coal Is used directly. The by-products of popular Interest obtained in the coking process are gas, light oils, ammonia and lars. By-Products of Coking. "With soft coal costing $T .%. fe|in turned Into its by-products, you will get 5,000 cubic feet of gas valued at $5; three gallons of light oil valued at 75 cents; 25 pounds of ammonia sulphate valued at $1.25; nine gallons of tar worth 25 cents; and more than half a ton of coke valued at $6. "When our mineral supply of oil Is exhausted, soft coal will be a material source of motor fuel. The light oil recovered from coking soft coal now supplies part of the ever-Increasing demund for motor fuel. Germany, during part of the war, was cut oft from every supply of mineral oil, and she depended entirely for her motor fuel on her cofl. As a result of that condition, Germany sent most of her coal through by-product coking plants. What has been done In Germany may in the future have be done la the Called States." It Is not known why a hone rises from the ground on Its forelegs, and a cow on its hind legs. Names Mean Nothing You're Merely a Number m U. S. Census Records. Identity Lost When Individuals 'Become Cards With a Lot of Holes Punched In Them. Washington!--Names mean nothing at all in the Job of counting noees In the United States for the 1920 census. You have a name when *ou come Into the big barn-like building here where 4,000 clerks are tabulating you and about 110,000.000 like yon. Very soon, though, you become nothing but a card with a lot of holes punched In it. You have sex, age, nationality and a lot of other things, bat no name. Your card Is Just as Important, yet as anonymous, as the president's. In the census bureau the president Isn't Woodrow Wilson. He is merely a white man, born in America, /living In Washington, head of a family, English- speaking and able to read snd Write. Neither king's hones nor klag*a men could drag your name out of the census bureau. Draft officials In 1917 tried It and failed. The census bureau gave General Crowder lots of Information about the number of men between certain ages living In certain areaa. But when the slacker drive was on and General Crowder, with the whole war department back of him, tried to get the names to check up against enlistments and draftees the census bureau called his attention to the law. It's not only against the law to give out such Information, but enumeration sheets carrying names are destroyed after the Information has been transferred to cards. A bald-beaded man Is soon parted. AUSTRALIA "LOW" IN H. C. L Atfvanoe Only 46 Per Cent, M Par . - HJCeat In United Statea and •sjU 210 In Sweden. Washington, D. C.--Living costs have advanced more in six foreign countries since 1914 than In the United States, according to a comparison of retail food prices in nine countries, Including America, made public by the bureau of labor statistics. In Australia and New Zealand, however, tha advance was less than In this country. The comparisons are made from the latest reports from the various countries. In August, 1919, the Increase In the United States was 88 per cent, compared with 93 per cent in Canada, 169 per cent in France, 112 per cent in Norway, 116 per cent in Great Britain and 210 per cent In Sweden, while in Australia and New Zealand prices climbed but 48 per cent. April, 1919, the latest report from Italy, showed an advance of 181 per cent there, against 78 per cent In this country. Belleau Wood Mapped by U. S. Marines Washington.--A large relief map of the section of Belleau wood In which United States marines did such severe and heroic fighting during the war is being prepared by marine corps topographical experts. The map will be twenty-two feet square and will show the character of the terrain of a territory sixteen miles square. The data for the preparation of this map was secured by a mapping party of marines who just returned from France. Central Americas as One. El Paso, Tex.--The republics of Central America have formed plans to unite themselves under one government, beginning September 15, 1921, the centennial of their independence, according^ of Mesico City. England Will Work Shorter Hours British Labor Paper Says Wagea and Living Costs Are Highest Evsr. London.--Wages continued to advance, hours of labor to shrink and the cost of living went higher than ever before In this country In 1919, according to the Labor Gazette. "There was a marked reduction in hours of work, the decreases afTectlng 6,400.000 workers, with an aggregate reduction in weekly hours of 41,461,- 000," adds the paper. "This was an average reduction of 6% hours a weak for each worker." Increases granted to 5,647,000 employees aggregated £2,111,000 a week. There were In the year 1,413 trade disputes Involving 2,570,000 workers, as a result of which they lost a total of 34,483.000 working hours. The general level of retail prices at the end of 1919 for food, rent, clothing, fuel and light was 125 per cent at>pve that of July, according to the Gazette. This was an increase at 5 per cent In the year. On January 1, 1920, food stood at 186 per cent ibove pre-war rstaH prices. Raman Palaoe to Qermanlf ' Rome, Italy.--Newspapers here art protesting against an attempt by Germany to purchase the Wolkonskl villa* now belonging to the Marchese Campanari, as the seat of the German em> bossy here. It Is pointed out that included In the property are picturesque arches of the Neronlan aqueduct, built by Emperor Claudius; two ancient Reman burial places, numerous urns and frescoes and antiquities which at present the public Is allowed to visit. It is feared that If the Germans pwv chase the property It will be closed to the people. The claim Is made that no palace having such historic Importance should be allowed to pass into foreign Spohn's Distemper Compound to break It up arid set them fcack In COPTw«nty-sts years' uae has made "Spohn's" Indispensable in treating Coasha and Colds. Influema and Distemper, with their resulting complt* cations, and ail diseases of the throat, nose and lungs, m&rvelously aa a preventive, acts equally well as & cure, oents and fl.ll par bottle at Ares storm SPOHN MEDICAL COMPANY. This is of Interest to Mother* You doubtless liave read many, many times about MTIEI GRAY'S SWEET FIWDERS FBI CHIUWEI,; and resolved that you would purchase a package the neift time you were at your Druggists. But you perhape have forgotten or neglected to do so, snd as a result have new tried this most superior preparation, which for over thirty years has given entire satisfaction to Mothers in < the little ills to which children are imbject. We dent that a trial in your family will convince you these Powders are deserving of the highest praise, and WS now offer yon the opportunity of having a regular SOo. txMI delivered to your door absolutely FREE. Simply cut from this paper the above Trademark Reel and mail to us together with name and address of five el more of your friends who have children, and by return mss Haas maii you will receive a full-sised package of MOTHER GRATA SWEET POWDERS. Address, Mother Gray Co., LeBoj,H.1L SOUTHERN N. *. FARMS--Lante farina: •mail farms; equipped farms; country •* tatas. List free. F. B Wells, Sidney. N. V FRECKLES SE@b Never Judge the sice of a woman's toot by the price she pays for shoes. One ton of water may be colored by a single grain of Indigo. OPEN NOSTRILS! END COLO OR CATARRH Hew to Get Relief When Head and Noee Are Stuffed Up. Ootat fifty. Your cold In head or catarh disappears. Tour clogged nostrils will open, the air passages of your head will clear and you can breathe freely. No more snuffling, hawking, mucous discharge, dryness or headache, no struggling for breath at night Get a small bottle of Ely's Cream Balm from yonr druggist and apply s little of this fragrant antiseptic cream in yonr nostrils. It penetrates through every air passage of the head, soothing and healing the swollen or Inflamed mucous membrane, giving yon instant relief. Head colds and catarrh yield like magic. »Don't stay stuffed-up and miserable. Belief Is tore.--Adr. FASCINATED THE FAIR SEX Marat, Repulsive In Person and Man* iters, Was Noted for His At> tracttvenees to Woman. Jean Paul Marat, one of the leading and most infamous figures of the French revolution, was described by a contemporary as "beyond any question the ugliest man In the whole of France--and not merely ugly, bu> positively repulsive in person, habits and manners." And yet. In his early years, be was the most popular physician In Paris, not because of supposed professional skill, but on account of his attractiveness to women, the most wealthy and beautiful women of France dally crowding his consultation rooms, pushing, almost fighting, to get a word or perhaps, a single from him. That he turned a cold shoulder to their allurements seemed only to Inflame their ardor, and at one time he contemplated flight, so embarrassing became their attentions. Even when he contracted a loathsome skin disease while hiding In the sewers of Paris, fair women continued to adore him. FREE MAP Taxas-Loulslana oil Ft»!ds. also wackty ket Letter covering condition* mwm, current news. Your* tor asking. Day 0s» eurltles Co.. Dallas. Texas. W. N. U., CHICAGO, NO. IS-IMUl The man who Is unable to find hie match may have to go to bed in the dark. ANY WOMAN CAN DYE AND KEEP IN STYLE "Dtaifcond Dyes" Turn Faded, Apparel Into New. Don't worry about perfect results* Use "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether It be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods -- dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, feathers--everything! Direction Book in package tella hM to diamond dye over any color. ¥• match any material, have dealer show you "Diamond Dye" ColOr Card.--Adr, Some men are born kickers some fall victims of dyspepsia. A pawnbroker who Is always ijfr vancing Is naturally progressive. air "is Extreme Economist. "Are the locomotives going to ring bells and blow whistles when their engineers' wages are raised?" "I don't know," replied Mr. Dostln 8tax, cautiously, "whether we can afford to use up all that steam and man power." Garfield Tea, by purifying (ha blood, eradicates rheumatism, dj^WP •la and many chronic ailments.--Adr. KING HAD SOME IMAGINATION Wonderful Story of "Waterless taaf WfHild Have Done Credit Baron M_unc hausen. Prester John as a title was like the Egyptian Pharaoh and belonged to whole lines of king who reigned la the East aid In Ethiopia In particular. One writer of long ago sets Abyssinia as the kingdom of Prester John. Abyssinia used to be called "Middle India." It Is related that before the year ' 1241 a letter was addressed by Prester John to Manuel Commeiius, emperor - of Constantinople, saying that in Prester John's country there is a "waters , less sea," which none have ever crossed. It consists of tumbling Ml> lows of sand, never at rest, and con* tains fish of most excellent flavor. Three days' journey from the coast of the sand sea is a mountain whence rolls down a "waterless river," consisting of small stones, which crumble . into sand when they reach the aea. Whoever Prester John may hava been, if he Invented that story, ha certainly possessed a vivid don and considerable originality. a t ' A Dusty Worm. v '.V "Why don't you marry htaf i ^ "He has such freakish ideas. ai|f he's a worm of the dust." "But as long as he is a worm wtth the dust, what do yon care?"--Boates Transcript e Satisfying Sweetness of the wheat ana barley food to a matter or economy as well as deligkt these days. Crape-Nuts pleases without 1he addition of su^ar. as is art the case with most ceueah. w . •* J . .. Grape-Nuts is

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