k Tottyan W Boyle at Town THEATRE feV 'V: fe- IV ir ' $ •, I?- mu*:- ^ ^^Vill you need a new suit for the occasion ;iyMen'S All Wool Suits* £4 $25.00 10-445.00 ' Knee Pant $lZ.po ,to$ 15.00 JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILL. Spring Is Here! That means house-cleaning time and the re-placing of carpets, rugs, linoleums, curtains and various pieces of furniture and we feel safe in stating that we can supply you who may be in njeed of anything in these lines and do it satisfactorily. Electric Sweepers We carry two kinds of electric carpet sweepers. The Hoover and the Eureka. We do not sell you today and are gone tomorrow. We are established and expect to remain here the balance of .our life and therefore must stand back of what we selL Come in and let us. talk our jWpsition over with - - • --f. • ^ • • v..! UNDERTAKING AND EMBAt^WlNG : .-.Ml'.. JACOB JUSTEN - •»; . - McHENR, ILL, TIME is coming and calls for new gowns, shoes, etc. Our line of shoes is large, with all the popular styles to select from, in black, brown and white. We bought them early and can save you money in high boots or oxfords. Dress Goods Popular shades in voiles, organdies, silks, all wool and worsted fabrics. You can make up your own gowns at much less than the ready to wear garments this season. Men's Suits and Top Coats Our new spring samples now ready. Have your suit made /for you by the International Tailoring Co. We guarantee a perfect fit and lower prices than the ready made goods. Fresh pure groceries always on hand. Phone 117*|l ' Goods Delivered M. J. WALSH Buy your Work Shirts, Overalls, Boots and Shoes here and be satisfied. MCHENRY, ILLINOIS Interest in tfc$p||ftng spring elections here is bcfHMit to grow among' the voters of the village and community and before the end of anottor week candidates for the various offices to be filled should become more numerous. . The time of filing petitions for the three township offices which become vacant this spring expired on Monday* of this week and as a result four of such documents are now in the hand of the clerk, as follows: Town clerk, Chas B. Harmsen; assessor, John W Kimball; commissioner of highways, John Boyle and Wm. B. Tonyan. Thus it will be seen that there will be but one contest in the first election and this will be for the office of highway commissioner and, in view of the fact that both candidates are hustlers, it is predicted that a large vote will be cast. Mr. Boyle, the present incumbent of the aforesaid office, is now completing his first term under the one commissioner plan 'and if there are any complaints against the services as rendered by him it ha3 not been brought to the attention of the writer. In fact it looks to us as* if Mr. Boyle has made a very efficient servant for the people and the candidate will, no doubt, make a strong bid for the position he now holds. The second candidate, Wm. B. Tonyan, has served the people of this township under the three commissioner plan and while thus occupied gave much of his time to the work and left a clean record at the expiration of his term. As previously stated, both men have a large following of friends and supporters and a close race is predicted by those who have followed local politics in the past. Two petitions bearing the names of Thos A. Bolger and Chas. H. Harrison, who are now completing short terms as members of the community high school board, have also been filed with the clerk and, according to present indications, these two men will be re-elected without opposition. In view of the fact that the terms of these two men have been very short, giving them but little time to acquaint themselves with the work and responsibilities connected with the offices they now hold, it seems to be the general consensus among the voters of the newly organized school district to .reelect these men. The new board, since its organization, has worked along in a most harmonious manner and its work is beginning to shape itself for the future good of the younger generation of the community. Up until Wednesday noon, when the writer called up the clerk of the board of education of district No. 15, no petitions had been filed with him. However, there is still plenty of time for this and, no doubt, prospective candidates for the vacancies will make themselves known ere long. Stephen H. Freund, one of the members of this body, whose term expires this spring, informs us that he will not be a candidate for re-election, while Jas. B. Perry, who has served at the head of this body for man^ terms past, also declined to become a candidate. This means that there will be at least two new members on this board during the coming term. The situation in village affairs remains unchanged since last week, in that no public announcements of candidates have been made. However, one can hear an occasional rumor and from these we take that a great deal of interest is sure to be $hown by the voters this year. >A REGULAR FELLOW" . THURSDAY, MARCH 25 CiP William Russftt fv'v ts_ Jijgfcwiynm >4' BiUTT & JEFF MS ....IN.... fiiN-sriw •AfURDAY, MARCH 27 Louise Huff- -in- ^ • kXJi' w ,m The Sea WiK and .i<; Fay TIncher ^ • --in-- 0 SUSIE, BEHAVE t-, SUNDAY. MARCH 28 Tay lor Holmes ;-:i --IN-- . A Regular Fellow and KEYSTONE OOM£JDY TOE POOR FISH> MATINE^AT 2*St ^.dmission. It and IS CfoU Evening. 15 and 25 Centa 'f . tUESDAY, MARCH 36 Special Attraction.^, ' Jack Pickford - -INBill Apperson's Boy HARVARD HIGHS WIN AGAIN Local Unable to Stop Their Opponents In Fast, Game With Ttylor Holmes at the Empire Theatre Sunday Evening m Dalion Pemberton is a rabid woman hater. So when his grandfather decides that Dalion must marry one Virginia Christy he runs away to Buenos Aires. There he meets a beautiful girl and immediately changes his opinion of women by falling violently in love with her. When she leaves for America Dalion goes to--with the coal. He endures the blows of a bullying sailor, scrubs decks and fires the furnace, all for the sake of sweet love. Upon his arrival in New York Dalion is arrested and taken to jail. Shortly afterwards he is forced by two cell mates to escape with them and to aid in their plan to rob a wealthy home. But they discover that already thieves have entered the very house they had picked. Then ensues a general mix-up, in which Dalion receives and returns several hard blows. But the belated arrival of policemen puts end to the fight and the four crooks are taken bask to jail. Dalion is dumfounded to discover that his efforts all have been for the mysterious lady of the boat, but he is rendered absolutely speechless when the girl's mother returns from the opera and introduces his sweetheart as Virginia Christy, the girl whom he had fled to Buenos Aires to avoid marrying. # Hostess to Social Wheel Mrs. James B. Perry acted as hostess to the members of the Social Wheel at her home on Maple avenue on Thursday afternoon of last week. Music and games made up a few delightful hours, with honors at the latter going to Mrs. Andrew Eddy. Delicious refreshments were served. The the >Bifcrvard (24) * Burkhart Croak • <Kolls •etzer Hanson The McHenry highs again lost 16 the Harvard quintet when the two teams met on , the Harvard floor oil Friday evening of last week, this time the score being 24 to 14. • The locals knew that they were up against a tough proposition, but, notwithstanding the fact that the odds were aginst them, our boys went into the fray with a grim determination of making a showing at least and how successful they were in this the score will plainly show. Harvard has been playing some mighty fine ball during the past month and followers of the local team "were pleased to see our boys hold their opponents as well as they did. Kolls, for Harvard, was easily the shining light last Friday night, caging seven baskets and one free throw for total of fifteen points. Barbian made the most points for our side, getting two field baskets and four free throws for a total of eight points. The score: McHenry (14) ' . • Barbian Bonslett \ ; ; "F. Niesen • C. Nye <34 Weber G. Field baskets: Barbian, 2; Bonslett, 2; Pflesen, 1; Burkhart, 2; Croak, 2; Kolls, 7. Free throws: Barbian, 4; Burkhart, 1; Kolls, 1. SPECIAL SESSION Of YiBige Trustees at the Village Ball Tuesday Evening Council Room, March 28, 1920. The village trustees met in special session for the purpose of purchasing a new scarifier and to transact any other business that might come up before the meeting, with Pres. Olson presiding. Trustees present: Cooley, Doherty, Knox, Krause, Overton and Stoffel. Motion by Cooley, seconded by Doherty, that the village purchase this Russell Reliance scarifier on approval. Motion carried. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Cooley, that the board accept the agreement between the C..& N. W. R. R. Co. and the village of McHenry on the new light to be constructed on the railroad crossing on Main street. Motion carried. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Knox, that the clerk be instructed to write to the different oil companies for prices on road oil. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Doherty, to adjourn. Motion carried. John O. Olson, Pres. V. 0. Schreiner, Clerk. St. Patricia's Elpct The annual election of officers of St. Patricia's court, No. 189, C. 0. F., took place at their hall last Saturday, March 20. The newly elected officers are as follows: Ellen Loretto Walsh, chief ranger; Annastacia Malone, vice chief ranger; Mary Conway, recording secretary; Mary Burke, financial secretary; Margaret McCarthy, treasurer; Mary Carey, Florence Knox, Maryani) Doherty, trustees; Mary Givens, Bridget Doherty, conductors; Mary S. Johanna McEvoy, sentinels. May Start Road Work Soon According to reports from Lake county, work on the uncompleted cement road between Volo and Waukegan will be resumed at a very early date, possibly next wee*k. The heavy winds of the past Week or so have next meeting will be held at placed the roads in such condition home of Mrs. Harvey Baron on jas to make road 'work possible much Thursday afternoon of next week, I earlier than was looked for a few , • 1'" '• ' "4 V A . c.*, JIMfMlMS ' *4. .v , --net" • - . .. . . 'M TJhose who maintain Checking Accounts wit|t ®§iS insure their moneey aaggaaiinsstt allll possibility of lloossi»t Utilize the best known method of regulating income tad outgo, and protect themselves" automatical!^ figainst error, fraud or carelessness. M k-: . • ; ^JThey enjdy all this--and.more! 7? % ?' ;:£y chocking their funds through tlus institution they, acquire a friendship with our officegi Which grows more valuable every tlay. " -W- :^r *l3*> »" v t * V' •" •.#* • < • „ *3' • ^Checking Accounts cordially invited. - yl - . 1 •- ^ •' 7 / • - i* ^ •W* iV.' '4/'^ V5'* " if'X- - "V* V* ^ ' v x .... r-: ; A' t:. x'-:~ ' c , ir:-; ' ' J " ' • ; i -i i l { 'i • i ,, ..' 0-% :> t $5V xt • . -ru We have just received a large shipment of tin- / \ 1 4 ware and white enameled ware bought at a big ff1 saving, which we ate offering at ^eiQar^bly -, ^ • : & _• K * TiJk:. • v- • " ^ low prices. .W« would alsp take this opportunity to cajl^.., .^ jj:% your attention to our line of moderately priced . . jf 4-, ** ladies', men's and children's shoes. Buy now ^ , ffif Faster . - K4 " '.s " < :p ^ ; . r , » *' « ,*> - »• . , m • . . i \ "'"i i;fili"ti f i i i i i r • •• ' X-. ' GENERAL MEkCHANDISE k' l- -WEST McHENRY aft mim* Every family should welcome On Hew (otto It is just what they want at this time when there is no other desirable roasted ooffee on the markef without a Rio flavor that can be retailed at less than 45c. It is something new, something most people probably never heard of, because it is only during the last several years that these coffees have been imported to this country. This coffee grows on the Island of Java and it is known in the trade as Robusta Java. Order at once if you want the only high grade coffee on the market without a Rio flavor. Price per lb. 35c or 3 lbs. for $1.00. JOS. J. MILLER McHENRY, ILL. Drains Site For Lumber Plant The land to be occupied by the newly organized McHenry Lumber company and located just west of the C. & N. W. depot is to be tiled and drained in preparation for the new lumber plant to be constructed on the site. The work of draining the land is to be starte'd at once, as F. E. Covalt, the president and manager of the now concern, is particularly anxious to start building : 'M |p *$Lj 'V? 'jfj. V' ijil 9Jf. •V-'M, THE UNIVERSAL CAR > simplicity of the Ford car, its stability *.; in construction,- the famous heat treated i Vanadium steel with its marvelous strengt > jtnd flexibility, the low cost of operation and .- f.cliiaintenance, its ease in operation, all have *' 4(iade the Ford car the great favorite in every ^ ,-fprnd in the world.' It's the one car that always Satisfies and serves. A utility beyond question ^ that all can afford. We will be pleased to have| your order. Don't delay because the demand *| - |s heavy all the time. We have almost everything in motor car accessories, sell the^* Jfj genuine Ford Parts, and assure the best in ' i |nechanical repair work. tXe ^hon® • STAR GARAGE ' .; 4 -it John R. KjMMt. Prop. o ALFORD H. POUSE Attnqr*at*Liw, ,*• TiUphewe N*. 10S-R SIMON STOFFEf l Insurance agent for all dacMS «l property in tho bait BL i W£SX Mail--BHL rjd. fm : M