Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Apr 1920, p. 8

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.00 to $45. ,5 • i,'- "il * IL 29 Albert Ray r,w^; JQd PM Mte-gcB V- v -V 1 v--^ *Sj*fe •"? «':,V P- • ;.*• i t r m> * • if % if f -y r / ? > 'f& fAW.": ' J * <-t. "J» ', 1' /V r *\ !r.:J it, Kf' f^. k -v* '.fe • I;-', §/%' ife U-" ^;tC> m Boys' Knee Pant Suits - $12.00 to $15.0<J | '.£A: V-' •'* HPIW'HU'V t= - *; d-f • JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILL. That means house-cleaning time and the re-placing of carpets, rugs, linoleums, curtains and various pieces of furniture and we feel safe in stating that we can supply you who may be ia a^4 <4 myth\m 1 jflftg and do it satisfactorily. , • t : Electric Sweepers We carry two kinds of electric carpet sweepers. The Hoover and the Eureka. We do not sell you today and are gone tomorrow. We are established and expect to remain here the balance of our life and therefore must stand back of what we sell. Come in and let us talk our proposition over with you. W UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING JACOB JUSTEN McfiENR, ILL. , SPRING TIME milk it coining and calls for new gowns, shoes, etc. Our line of shoes is large, with all the popular styles to select from, in black, brown and white. We bought them early and can save you money in high boots or oxfords. ' w, ' . !•! ' nil 111 l"l" •] Dress Goods Popular shades in voiles, organdies, silks, all wool and worsted fabrics. You can make up your own gowns at much less than the ready to wear garments this season. • .T • Men's Suite and Top Coats Our new spring samples now ready. Have your suit made for you by the International Tailoring Co. We guarantee a perfect fit and lower prices than the ready made goods. Fresh pure groceries always on hand. Phone 117-R Goods DeBvand M. J. WALSH A X -NOWy *" Wear it in the morning. • Wear it in the evening. We stij} have quite a few good ones at price%#' lower than they will be nexftf! fall. ,, SMITH BROS. McHENRY, ILLINOIS What People Are Dol*t h TM» Village and the ImtadBftta Other Short Paragraphs Aluminum ware at Erickson's. • Place your order for early seed poatoes with M. M. Niesen. Everything tnodern and an expert workman. Lee Kertscher, die barber, McHenry.Ill. Car of good seed and eating potatoes for sale on track in West Mc- Henry. Hans Nelson. Sherman's five piece saxo-banjo orchestra of Woodstock at Stoffel's hall next Saturday evening, May 1. j The M. E. Ladies' Aid sociey will meet with Mrs. Sarah Sherburne on I next Thursday afternoon, May 6. j John Pfannenstill is now employed at the J. J. Vycital hardware store, having started work there last w?ek. | We don't mean to be boastful, but | doesn't it really begin to look as if McHenry is at the brink of a real boom? i Miss Irene Conway is a new "hello girl" at the local exchange of the Chij cago Telephone Company, starting |w o r k M o n d a y . < | Saturday is moving day and from 'all indications several changes of residence will be made among the residents of McHenry. I Miss Cecelia Conway is a new employe at the M. J. Walsh store on the West Side, having started work there Monday morning. I Henry Buscy of Cedar Rapids, la., is a new employe at the Overton ga- Jrage on the West Side, beirfg employed in the mechanical department, j Emory Herdklotz, George Lindsay land Henry Kennebeck are new employes with the Mtflenry Lumber 'company, starting work Monday. Business men of the entire village ]are looking forward to one of the best ] seasons ever experienced. Everything seems to point in this direction. Henry Freund, who during the past several months has been employed in the boat department of the Hunter factory, has given up his position at that place. Stephen G. Adams of this village, until recently employed at the Terra Cotta factory, has gone to Kenosha, Wis., where he has found employment more to his liking. George A. Stilling-reports the sale of a Studebaker Special Six 5-passenjger touring car to A. J. Cannon of I Woodstock. The machine has* already I been delivered and is now being en- •joyed by its owner. I The week end visitors to our village are beginning to grow in numi bers and with a week or two of nice, | warm sunshine things should begin j to liven up along our beautiful Fox. The putting up of awnings, planting of gardens and raking of lawns suggest that summer is near at hand FRIDAY. APRIL 30 V; Junior Claw BptcrlaUimcht > KnHttod- Tfc Time of His Life SATURDAY. MAY 1 m The Sc»iR an<l "• VAjffDEVmE MOVIES FOR SALE--For cash, $175.00, Ford runabout. Phone McHenry 616-M-2. FOR RENT--A six room flat. Electric lights and gas. John Carey, McHenry, HI. 46-lt FOR SALE--Fresh Holstein cow with calf by side. Inquire at The, Plaindealer office. 45 FOR SALE--Three cows, choice stock and home raised. F. C. Feltz, West McHenry, 111. 46-tf LOST--A woman's tin kid glove. Finder kindly notify The Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. 46-lt WANTED--Cows to pastute. Six dollars per season. In4uire of Orson Smiley, McHenry, 111. 45-21* FOR SALE--Lots in Edgewater subdivision to McHenry. J. C. Holly, Hoy bank, McHenry, III, 40-tf 1 f i v. tM'i IL. ^ K'-:~ and our inhabitants want to be in readiness when the warm days do arrive. Anton Schneider gait the Terra Cotta factory last week, where he has been employed during the past several months, and is now employed as meat cutter at the P. J. Heimer market on Watar street. Tennis appears to be growing in popularity among the students of our school. A court, in the rear of the school building, is always in use during the recess periods as well as before and after school hours. | The household effects of J. E. Kram , beer, bookkeeper at the Everett Hunter factory, arrived here from El 'gin Monday and the faihily is now j occupying the Mrs, Margaret Bona jlett house on Waukegan street, j If you can enjoy the finest emotional acting, a huge spectacle and a mas | terly presentation of the world's , greatest theme--see Dorothy Phillips in "The Right to Happiness" at • the Empire theatre May 7 and 8. Carpenter work on the new addition to C. Unti's ice cream factory in Centerville was started on Monday morning of this week and the job under favorable weather conditions should be completed within the'course of the next few days. Anglers have been numerous along the river and lakes during the past few days, but ftius far we have failed to learn of any "real" catches. How ever, black and silver bass and perch are beginning to show an inclination I to "fall" for the bait I Dorothy Phillips, in "The Righ^to Happiness" at the Empire May 7 and 8. In this supremely pure love drama she'll weave a spell about you; she'll tug at your heart strings; she'll make you think; she'll make you cry aloud, j"Who has the right to happiness?" , The new bungalow, under construction on the corner of Green and Pearl streets, is now under roof and should be ready for occupancy within the course of the next few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Vasey of Chicago are .the owners and will occupy same. I The next meeting of St. Mary's • court, C. O. F., will take place at their hall in the Schumacher building, over the Chicago .telephone exchange, ng^t 'Tuesday evening. May 4. As matters of importance will come up at this meeting a full attendance is desired. j Drop in. You are welcome to hear 'all the latest records on the Everett | phonograph. We carry a full line of j needles and repair parts for all makes | of talking machines. Expert repairing. Trade that ancient machine of ! thine for an Everett No. 9. Everett ! Hunter, Jr. ' ' | The Stilling A- Stock carp seining gang is putting in some fine work at Bistakee lake these days. The largest haul recorded 'j- SUNDAY. MAY 2 , -Itme Petrova IN 1 The Life Mask ^ , a„d . . M ^,:^PAYBE NEWji;. ^HfrftTINEE AT':*:3» *0, Admission. It and 15 Cent*: Evening, 15 and 25 Cent* t ^ " TUESDAY, MAY 4 $^ - Special Attraction Sins of the Childref CLASHED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--My modern six room residence and garage on Green street. Mrs. C. Warner, McHenry, 111. 46 FOR SALE--1918 Ford tourning car in perfect running order, good tires. R. S. Howard, West McHenry, 111. 45 FOR SALE--A Ford runabout in first-class running condition. All new tires, fice. ' Inquire at The Plaindealer of- 46-lt FOR SALE--Emerson gang plow and one sixteen harrow. Also two good work horses^ C. E. Sherman, two miles west of McHenry. 45-2t* FOR SALE-->-Five room cottage, .partly modern. Electric light and gas, cement basement. Inquire of Fred Karges, 771 Market St., Kenosha, Wis. 45-3t LOST--Or taken from Buick touring car in MeHenry Sunday morning, a gray wool shawl. Finder please leave at this office and receive reward. 46 FOR SALE--Team of horses, coming five and six years old. Also double and single harness,'light and heavy. Chas. Paul, McHenry, 111. Phone 630-W-l. 46-tf FOR SALE--A 6-room summer cot tage, complete with furniture, located at Schaefer's Grove, on Fox river, near McHenry. Jos. J. Frett, McHenry, 111. 46-2t* FOR RENT--Flat of 6 rooms, water, gas and electric lights. Schnorr building. $10.00 per month. See N. J. Justen & Son, furhiture store, West McHenry, 111. 43-tf FOUND--A woman's glove. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement Call at this office or on, "Buff" Feltz, West McHenry, 111. " 46 FOR SALE--Model 90 Overland roadster, run about 7000 miles. Good con dition, tires good and new Exide battery. For further'particulars address Ray Page, West McHenry, 111. 44-tf FOR SALE--Eight room house together with two lots. All modern conveniences, including *hot water, heat, electric lights and gas. Inquire of Frank J. Freund or J. C. Holly McHenry, 111. 48-tf FOR SALE--Beadtifoi McHenry home.' Large brick house, fine condi tion, nice sightly location, large grounds, fruit and shade. Also ex cellent business building in McHenry ideal location for auto accessories tire repairs, bakery, restaurant or most any general line. Will accept liberty bonds or exchange for Dakota or Nebraska land. Address F. J Schnorr, 518 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. 35-tf made last Saturday, when 818 of the water pigs were landed. The seining will be continued until the arrival of the spawning season. Universaliat Church . The sermon subject next Sitttfay morning will be: "The Agony of Growth." Service held, at 11:00 o'clock as usual, cordially invited. Everyone is most , i* ^ utilizing to the utmost their own inteilf- ^ >* ;J ^ gsoce, originiUjtty and initiative**dam upon ^ 'V > •4/;-,,..^.^ B au available outside forces. V • ' ' ' f ' § "'*' VS" The bank is one of the business ro^n's ereateit vV-- v? -4 sources of help. -- 4^, r' 'i f "' .j ^ To a host of our city's business men this iasti- " -\V vT < i \ .hjs tution is not only a strong guardian of funds, but ^ y:i a twined and reliable assistant, a wis^> a&d ^ ; «>"nsdc».a very rea!friend. ? • » ' . - ~ r*~- i - /ti' / ^ * . , - •a*."#" 1 < • M-fff •• .o>» W.; -i . . a r-v* <1 )fi* ' ! "it.. »fs&a'J \ w r. f .s A splendid new line of dre|p ginghams in fancy plaicte, Checks and plain colors. - These ginghams were con* tracted for last summer and t„ we are therefore able to price. ^ them from five to fifteen cents, under todays market > \ I '-V- •< ^ * f '\>i i.-'v-:.' 3 i- . iir/s •' i <* ' * • ^ • ' •*•+ * $ *• j'x ... v • ' v- GENERAL MKRCHANDISE WEST MdH^fHir •'•4. , <f*"t •*"> \ v-' • ' } ' 1 THE UNIVERSAL CAR V "* U*' Insist On Genuine Ford Parts • ImitafcUm "Ford" parts are being sold by many mail-order ' Tiouses, down town stores 'and garages to unsuspecting Fbrd ^ owners as "Ford" parts. But they are not Genuine Ford parts made by the Ford Motor Company. They are made by concerns who have no connection whatsoever with the Ford Motor Company. These imitation parts are not even made from the same grade of steel, or under the same formulas used by the Ford Comr^ pany. They are counterfeit parts. Tests have shown them to break when the genuine Ford parts didn't even bend, and they ^generally are from thirty-five to onehundred percent iowerl* i*. quality. • - -"/V-V • The Authorized Ford Dealer is your protection. As such, "'^S^'lshandle nothing but the Genuine Ford parts. They are made from •v ^^the famous Ford Vanadium Steel and each part--according to it'n ,! , * ;"1use-- is heat-treated in the way that will give it the longest w«r- 's.%ng Qualities. Every part is the same as it's duplicate in your V;,;; ««•!»« Fort tnwk. < Our stock of pftrtR is complete. And Mr Fort ^rtjumtciuciii» *vi j vui car your money. .. '.Ay mechanics are at your service at all times. Drive in when replacements or repairs for your Ford car may be necessary. " rnni- riar and also vquc monev. ' ¥„#t c* '™ "-if " t* STAR R, ItNOX, Prop. vimm-' < ^ -tf- •Mm :r% mast ' sJi f v>i." w s k l - r . : m7i • 'C:-

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