Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 May 1920, p. 5

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RF-- m m &•/ $$k ; . ADttli&ONAJ, mC**mE ,•:• Gr»vfi lbr the Hjftda ^n tlwt. local- «Jty is Setio^E 'ti^Cfeayslake faster than the craws can unload same. The population of Harvard, according to official figures just made public, is 3,294, a gain of 286 in ten years. . I Atty. C. B. Whittemore, who is also mayor of Marengo, suffered painful burns about his arms, face and neck -one dlur list week. He was in the act of making some adjustments on his automobile and was laying on his back underneath the ear when suddenly his clothing caught rfre. Presence of mind and quick action saved him from more terrible injuries when he rushed out to a newly plowed garden and by rolling himself in the dirt he succeeded in extinguishing the flames. The blase, it is thought, was caused by a short cireuit of wires on the car. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Vi||pjge Truateea Meet in * * - Regular flmaioai >;; $¥<*' l; { t* I4;'" Clean and Sanitary •4 We pride ourselves on our cleanliness which makes this place a most inviting one in which to do your meat and grocery buying. Our equipment is of the very latest '* that money would buy. With our perfect cooling system and refrigerator counter we are able to display our meats to very good advantage and at the sfeme time keep same properly cooled and in aaanitary state. Our grocery stock is also bandied in the same caretaking manner and we invite you to call ^nd see how we handle yourtable delicacies. <& iiniiii ' WATER STREET MARKET & P. J. Heimer, Prop. WOKS yfhe kind that you like ifre to be found at this store in great variety and our prompt deliv- • ery service also assists itt making this popular < trading center for busy people. Just phone us ' your order and we'll do the rest. It's service tiiat counts these days and we wish to have it Jtnown that we are here lor that particular pur- ' P<»e. , • M. M. Niesen, McHenry * Phone 84-W Council Room. May 3, 1920. The village trustees met in regulaj session with Pres. Olson presiding. Trustees present: Cooley, Doherty, Knox, Krause, Overton and Stoff el. The minutes of the annoal meeting were read and approved. The following bills were approved by the finance committee: " v Public Service Co., lighting sts and traffic lights Valvoline Oil Co., gasoline.... 37.89 F. G. Schreiner, p r i n t i n g , . 7 1 . 5 0 Ben Hiller, lbr on waterworks 4.00 Motion by Doherty, seconded by Stoffel, that the minutes be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Knox, that the treasurer's and collector's reports be accepted as read. Motion carried. * Motion by Knox, seconded by Krause, that the bills be accepted as O. K.'d by the finince committee. Motion carried. Motion by Krause, seconded by Overton, that the appointments made by Pres. Olson be confirmed as read. Motion carried. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Doherty, that the board of local improvement ordinance be passed as read. Motion carried. Motion by Stoffel, seconded by We Sell Genuine International Repairs Made For TlLh e Line - , -IT . §y A» . . INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY REPAIRS made for International implements and other farm equipment by the Harvester Cora- * pany are the only repairs made from the original fittema. All others are copied from copies, and in is roundabout reproduction they may lose in correctness of shape, sharpness of detail, closeness in fitting* jnd quality of material. These repairs are made fat ering, McCormick, Milwaukee. Titan and other ktionafanade machines, Genuine (0J Repairs Are Better in Quality * Fit Better and Wear Longer . * The Harvester Company stands back of itftflMektnea. Be fair in the matter. Do not substitute imitation repairs for the genuine and expect best servicik - Repairs made by other concerns and marked "Madb for" or "Will fit", are not genuine IH C repairs. Thejr often lack weight, are not always correct in shape, are * imperfectly finished, do not fit properly, or are made Ef inferior material. Buy Genuine International Repaid! >r your International Farm Equipment. Beware of Any Other Kindl MATH FREUND McHENRY, ILLINOIS by the finance committee: \ John Walsh, marshal service. .$100.00 Wilbur Lumber Co., supplies.. 18J8 W. G. Schreiner, postage, telephone and supplies 1.S6 Chas. B. Harmsen, Sirpt. of ww 100.00 American Legion, flags 174.00 A. H. Pouse, atty. service.... 100.00 Wells Engineering Co., service on sewerage * 500.00 Geo. Meyers, lbr on streets... 64.80 H. Mueller Mfg. Co., supplies 14.40 John Olson, pres. service 12.TK) F. A. Cooley, trustee service.. 15.00 Peter Doherty, trustee service 15.00 John R. Knox, trustee service. 15.00 Albert Krause, trustee service 15.00 R. I. Overton, trustee service.. 12.00 Simon Stoffel, trustee service. 6.00 W. G. Schreiner, clerk service 30.00 Dr. A. I. Froehlich, bd health 7.60 A. M. Brown, bd of health.... 7.50 Ben Brefeld, bd of h^ilth.... 7.50 F. A. Bohlander, judge of elee 6.00 John McEvoy, judge of elec.. 6.00 Wm. Welch, judge of election 6.00 C. B. Harmsen, elk of election 6.00 Henry Miller, clerk of election 6.00 Wm. Thurlwell, elk of election GjOO John O. Olson, bd of local im* provements 12.00 John R. Knox, board of .local - improvements ............. 12.00 R. I. Overton, board of local improvements 12.00 Motion by Krause, seconded by Doherty, that the minutes' be accept ed as read. Motion carried Motion by Cooley, seconded by Motion carried. Motion by Krause, seconded by Overton, to adjourn. Motion carried. John O. Olson, Pres. W. G. Schreiner, Clerk. Council Room, April 29, 1920. The village trustees met pursuant to an adjournment, the newly elected officers having taken the oath of office when seated on the board with Pres. Olson presiding. Trustees present: Co ley, Doherty, Knox, Krause and Overton. Absent, Stoffel. Motion by Knox, seconded by Doherty, to adjourn. Motion carried. John O. Olson, Pres. W. 6. Schreiner, Clerk. Annal Report of the department of waterworks of the village of McHenry, for the fiscal year ending May 1, 1920, obtained from the village records, as follows: To water rents $1940.91 To taps .... * 22.50 Knox, that J. C. Holly be given the.Knox, that the clerk's and Supt. of insurance on the road oil wagon and waterworks reports be accepted as the new scarifier. Motion carried. 'read. Motion carried. Pres. Olson appointed Walter F. i Motion by OveTton, seconded by Vogt, Prof. O. G. Treadway and Wm. i Cooley, that the bills be accepted as G. Schreiner to , audit the village; O. K.'d by ( the finance committee, books. " J Motion carried. Motion by Knox, seconded by Doh-1 Motion by Krause, seconded by orty, that the bond of C. W. Stenger Doherty, that the Wells Engineering be approved as read. Motion carried, company be paid $500 on theif, con Motion by Doherty, seconded by'tract for the new sewerage. Motion Krause, that W. G. Schreiner be paid ; carried. ' • a salary of $160 a year for clerk ser-1 The president appointed Cooley vices. Also that he pay all of his > Overton and Krause to canvass the telephone bills. Motion carried. votes. They having canvassed the Motion by Stoffel, seconded by j votes found that Michael Freund re Overton, that a telephone be in-jceived 210 votes; Joseph Justeft,, 21! stalled in Pres. Olson's residence and votes; Nick F. Freund,s 199 votes the village to pay the telephone bill. Peter Doherty, 854 votes; John >R Motion carried. Pres. Olson made the following appointments: Village clerk, W. G. Schreiner. Treasurer, C. W. Stenger. Attorney, Alford H. Pouse. Police magistrate, J. W. Kimball. Village marshal, John Walsh, Village collector, N. H. Petesch. Supt. waterworks, C. B. Harmsen. Village plumber, H. E. Buch. Fire marshal, Math. A. Thelen. Asst. fire marshal, L. F. Newman. Board of health--Dr. D. G. Wells, Ben Brefeld and Math Heimer. License--Knox, Doherty, Stoffel. ^Finance--Doherty, Krause, Overton. Street and alleys--Knox, Overton^ Kqpuse. ' Sidewalks--Overton, Knox, Krause^ Public property--Cooley, Doherty^ Stoffel. Waterworks--Krause, Stoffel an<F Cooley. Miscellaneous--Stoffel, Cooley and Knox. Ordinance--Stoffel, Doherty* an4 Cooley. * ,A Board of local improvementOn-Oli* son, Knpx and Overton. • Motion by Stoffel, seconded by Cooley, to adjourn. Motion carried. John O. Olson, Pnu W. G. Schreiner, Clerk. Knox, 330 votes; Albert Krause,' 351 votes for trustees and Wm. G Schreiner received 358 votes for vil lage clerk. Motion by Overton, seconded by Cooley, that Peter Doherty, John R Knox, Albert Krause and Wm. G Schreiner having received the high est number of votes be duly elected WEEKLY PEKSOIUL ITEM S : $1963.41 To Total Expenditures * engine repair, batteries, motor oil, etc.,, .......... t .$ 71.09 To gasoline • • 499.79 To lead pipe, meter repairs etc. 66.56 To plumbing, labor on waterworks, etc., 164.00 To Supt. pf waterworks salary 100.00 Total De- 9801.44 Balance . .$1061.97 Annual consumption of water, 6,422,855 gallons. Respectfully . submitted. Chas. B. Harmsen, Supt. Waterworks. Executor's Notice A. H. Pouse, Atty. Estateof Bernard Toijyan, ceased. \ The undersigned having been appointed Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Bernaid Tonyan, de ceased, late of the County of McHenry i and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, %t the Court House in Wood stock, at the June Term, on the first Monday in June next, at which time all persons having claims against said. Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the isame "adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 20th day of April, A. D. 1920. 4 45-St Catherine Tonyan, Executrix. COMERS AND GOERS OF A WHO ( IN OUR BUSY VILLAGE Aa Seen by Plaindealer Reporters aatf Handed Into Our Office by Oar Friends Louis A. Erickson passed * Sariday with relatives at Rockford. Mrs. George H. Johnson was a metropolitan city visitor Saturday. Miss LaNette Covalt spent the week end with her parents at Crystal Lake. Loren Martin passed the week end as the guest of friends at Beloit, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly and children motored to Milwaukee, Wis., Sunday. Jas. Keating and son, Eugene, of Chicago were McHenry visitors last Saturday. .1 Mr. and lira. John Miller werer guests of friends at Elgin over the week end. Miss Lena Hartman passed Saturday and Sunday as the gfiest of home folks at Marengo. Miss Clara Miller passed the week end as the guest of Miss Marion Mc- Omber in Chicago. Joseph Stenger of Cary was entertained in the home of his brother, C. W. Stenger, Sunday. Miss Emily Weber of Elgin passed Sur\day as a guest in the home of her father, Math. Weber. John Boyle apd daughter, Elola, passed Sunday as the guests of relatives at Round Lake. Misses Winifred and Gladys O'Connor of Harvard were week end guests of Miss Mary Bonslett. Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich and Miss Anna Frisby were Crystal Lake visitors Sunday • evening. Mrs. Earl Brown and daughter, Harriet, of Woodstock were week end guests of relatives here. Miss Eva Stenger of Chicago is a guest in the home of her brother, C. W. Stenger, and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Karls and daughter, Evelyn, of Woodstock spent the week end with relatives here. Mrs. Wm. Van Natta of Fountain, Mich., spent several days last week in the home of Mrs. Clara Starritt. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Pich of Chicago were week end guests in the honie of the latter's father, Peter Thelen. Mrs. x Lewis McDonald and three children and Mrs. L. F. Newman visited Woodstock friends Monday. Mrs. Chas. Newman of Rockford J. F. Adams of Algonquin passed" the first of the week in the home o< # his mother, Mrs. Mary K. Adams. ^ '<* f S. J. Frazer of Chicago was enter. tained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Went worth over the week endi Mrs. Louis Eucher of Chicago spent: S the week end as a guest in the home 1 of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jetn 11 Stoffel. » 'is Misses Frances Manning and Zenith IP Ellis of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm, % Doherty. * ^ Miss Ella Newman of Elgin spent ' Friday and Saturday last in the hosM ' ; . j of her parents, Mr. and Mr*. L. F. } W Newman. JS' Misses Maude and Fannie Grange!? passed Sunday as guests in the hom# % of their sister, Mrs. Harry Alexander t at Hebron. ••'*1! Mrs. Sarah Reece and grandson df. West Chicago were week end guests" in the home of her daughter, Mrs. W* ! I J. Donavin. ' ^ Richard B. Walsh of Chicago passed" the week end as a guest in the honw-, ' of his parents, Postmaster and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Heimer Kenosha, Wis., passed the latter part of last week as the guests of McHenry relatives. Miss Emma Pint of Chicago passed the latter part of last week as a guest n the home, of her parents, Mr. sad Mrs. John Pint. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams of" Spring Grove were Sunday guests la the home of the former's mother, Mrs. Mary K. Adams. Mrs. Margaret Bonslett*passed tte latter part of last week as a guest fa the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. G. Frett, at Aurora. Ralph and Glenn Van Natta of Chi»v : cago were entertained in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. I* : Van Natta, Sunday. '"fl'-f Mrs. Si. A. Conway and daugktai* Ml Marion, and Misses Mary and Minnts Conway passed Friday and Saturday with the former's son, Walter K., at Notre Dame, Ind. |-f Mrs. Simon Stoffel and daughtsw» ^ Lena and Clara, and Francis and pail Bonslett drove to Aurora last Sunday, „ where they were guests in the hosM ' of Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Frett „ J Mr. and Mrs. Ed. L. Martin aad daughters, Clarabel and Marion, aad : Mrs. Clara Harrison of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the home at Mr. and Mrs.- E.. E. Bassett. Council Room, April 29, 1920. The village trustees met in annual meeting with Pres. Olson, presiding: Trustees present: Cooley, Doherty, Knox, Krause and Overton. Al>- sent, Stoffel. The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The following bills were approved THE UNIVERSAL CAR * Have-Ford Mechanics Repair ;• s The mechanics in our Shop who will adjust or'repair your Ford car, or g^tord truck, are men who understand the Ford mechanism and who know Jhe Ford way of making repairs and replacements. They are experienced Ford mechanics and because of their familiarity wtyh Ford cars can do your work more intelligently and mpre quickly than can other skilled mechanics pho lack Ford experience. v. /, f The work on your car will be done in a completely equipped shop with i|fme-saving Ford tools and equipment. Whether your car needs an adjustment or a thorough overhauling, we are prepared to give you careful and prompt service. And nothing but the Genuine Ford-made parts and replacements will be used. When the work ia fuaishedr ike charge will be tibe reasonable, standard Ford prices. ^ - *' * * " Our stock of Ford parts is always complete. And our Foi'd gatftge 4tid Ford mechanics are at your service at any time. We are Authorized IPord Dealers and not only repair Fords but also sell them. Drive in or Be fair tp your car and your pocketbook, v. STAR GARAGE J*QHN R. KNOX, Prop. PHONE " : 4 [{fliWuiriilttt v- "ml J|! t "DELCO-LIGHT is the test " Time and Labor Save# on My Farm" That's what many users say. Over * hundred thousand families located in all parts of the world, are enthusiastic about Delco-Light. This is proof of the satisfacfion Delco-Light gives.. It is an indication of the high place Delco-Light holds In ftp hearts of those who use it Clean, safe electric lights make the house, barnp and premises as bright as day. Electric power does the pumping, separating, churning, washing, ironing, sweeping and a score of other tasks. Greater convenience and copfort come to those wbo hav® Delco-Light - Wrkm or eaM fir cmtmlmg, tmd fmrtkmr interesting rflfdl A. F. C. Johnson, Harvard, 111. * A. J. Johnson, Woodstock, 111. DEALERS " STOVER CO., toe. A amplcte iUetrie Bght mnd pwjtrpbmt fir fmrmi and country htmes, ulf-crankini mir ctaled--bail bearing--m belts-- itfy me pka 0 «/--thiek plain--hmg-Uvtd bmOtry-- rum »n kerosene. Vdo+to-Hmad Ahtm. 100,000 Satisfied Users DBLC04JGHT COMPANY, 4M7-1M9 SO. MICHIGAN AVE. CHICAGO, ALL. DISTRIBUTOR There's a •' ' aj*. . 1 i: . .J:/y -.Kit',' ft/ ' si ••M

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