vWted relatives McHenry llor Monday George H Johnson of McHenry was •yssisk „mV , , f-»vy- * T - V- •• •^, i N-. ; **S* S$^ " v >^v'. V f 'm *% tmk M-w N. H. PETESCH DRUMIST is: * ( r , yf'W "* *?•*"•«' . ^ v:n- •• >'^ j^;:" X3-t HP# $HMA .V'%••• ' ^#®i>:,':', •>;- r.#:^?; fSfcs '*!&.'; ;T.;*^/' •--• jgivesatisfactory wear. They are, ^nacte of wear resisting leather fthruout. They have the right ^vvidth to be comfortable and the L*|>rice is reasonable. Black or tan. ' Try a pair, at only ; • K•< « '•:~ '• .y*'.* ^% r'; '• A/ i'"'**••-•' &Aifv« 6 ""V4 ~ :tr». ':¥0$ $5.50 # A- * **•>,,.<•» jr-^4 ^ x>i •*,. .• }£&"• -'"'--I V~d$; v f%rvy<C , *£i>& » j;4r *, ' " * ' * '•*>* . H, X* ' V&vv~" >:, >p & •<' s\ Ik"**'. ^6^; " STOFFEL -;V * 'Z&CM •jrvocj w »#• YOU WILL LIKE IP It it pretty generally accepted vnow that firm power is best generated by kerosene and other low-grade, low-priced fuels. A tractor that operates successfully on these fuels, insuring dependable power at drawbar and belt* is the tractor that will stay because it will pay. We have a good tractor Investment from every viewpoint. It is hteraatiwal 8-16 Kerosene Tractor This economy tractor has established its reputation for satisfactory performance in the school of ex peri eace. It has passed successfully through long and rigid tests undef actual field conditions in all sections of the country. It insures, good, quick work, consistently, year in and year out Belt work on the average farm 4s becoming more IMd more important. The use of small threshers, ensilage cutters, huskers and shredders, etc., combined with a suitable tractor is making the farmer moc£ and more independent. v , All of this emphasizes your need for aq International 8 -16 tractor that is designed to do tip-top belt work as well as taking care of field and road jobs. ' We believe in the International 8-16 and thousands' of farmers using i| now are thoroughly satisfied they V are well equipped. Let us show you why an Interna ttonal 8-16 will handle your work economically and^ well all the year'round. Step in and look the tractor over. Also have everything in the line of farm ma-^ 'diinery on hand at all times. • Math ^IcHENR^ 1U£ pp was a the faaaily; priced right at Erickson'« store. • Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Schroeder entertained relative? fron Hebron Skinday. Mrs. J. C Ladd and Miss Agnes Bigelow w«t* Chicago shoppers Tuesday. i Prof. Cf. G. Treadway of McHenry visited the Ringwood sdMels last Thursday. Mrs. Harry Turner of Woodstock visited in the home of George Nobles last week. Mrs. Jacob Adams and family of Elgin spent the week end in the Geo. Adams home. Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Bradley and Mrs. W. E. Bradley motored to Chicago Tuesday. Miss Mary Smitfi entertained five of her school chums from McHenry last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Flanders entertained relatives from Elgin last Sonday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Frey and son, Charles, visited with relatives in Woodstock Sunday. Miss Katherine Johnson of Richmond is assisting Mrs. Ed. Whiting with household duties. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hatch and nicica, Ellen Baktr, and Miss Ctartrude Williams of Spring Grove were in town Sunday.. Mrs. Happy HaT! returned Saturday night from her trig to Seattle and Portland. She left her mothei very much improved in health. Hie McHenry township school exercises will be Weld in Johnsburg this year, on Tuesday evening, May 11. A good program is being prepared and all are Invited and will be made welcome. Mrs. Hattie Stevens, who has' spent the winter at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. W. Sanborn, near Spring Grove, has returned to her own home here. Her many - friends are very glad to see her and know that her health is improving. Forty-three guests were entertained in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Krohn last Sunday, the occasion being Mr. Krohn's seventieth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Kfohn are the parents of twelve children, all of whem, together With their families, were present except one son, Will, who lives in Montana. There were seventeen grandchildren present. It was a happy family gathering and each left wishing father many happy returns of the day. The annual exhibition of the Ringwood school will be held Thursday and Friday, May IS find 14, in the school building. In connection with the exhibition there will be a program held Thursday evening in the high school room. The exhibition will consist of art work, such as drawings, paintings, construction work, fancy work and sewing, in all grades. A child's pieced quilt, made by the girls of the first three grades, will be put up for s.41*. School will be in session as usuaton both of these days. All parents and friends will be welcome at any time. The program will begin at 7:30 Thursday evening. A silver offering will be taken up after the program. The high school orchestra will make its first appearance and will furnish music for the evening. The program will be as follows: Music ........High School Orchestra Welcome Olive Jepson Song--"Grown Up Land"... % ...Girls of Room One A Neighborly Cafl" . .Frances Young, Julia McLaughlin Recitation Harold Jepson Song--"The Ragman"..Boys Room 1 A Mistake" Alice Peet Dialogue--"The Sewing Society".. Room Two When Pa BegiAs t' Shave" Kirk Schroeder Songs^-A Dream--Foreign Tongues Room One The Trials of a School Mistress" Room One "Keeping School in Play". .Edna Peet Recitation Kenneth Roach Instrumental Solo Pauline Freund "Friday Afternoon Compositions".. Room Two A Fishing Party".4 Boys, Room One Recitation Ardis Whiting Animals in the Circus". .Room Two Helping Mamma".4 Girls, Room One "Good Night" Edmund Whiting aft*/ Hp Frank Nimsgern of Greve attended the Hess sale here Saturday. Misses Mamie and Katherine Althoff of Elgin were Sunday guests of their parents here. Mr. ancl Mrs. Stephen Heimer of Kenosha visited relatives and friends here a few days last week. Frank and Joe Nell and sister, Mrs. Fox, of Woodstock passed Sunday as guests of their mother here. Anton Muellenbach writes from Adams, Minn., that they are experiencing a very late, cold spring. Jacob R. Justen of Cando writes about the same and adds that he expects to get in his wheat this week. Word from Frank Mathieo, whd is now making an eastern theatrical circuit, writes from Worcester, Mass that he expects to he back home about the middle of June. Before his return home he is scheduled to make the following cities: Schenectady, N. Y., Elmira, N. Y., Binghamton, N. Y., Ithaca, N. Y., Buffalo, N. Y., Toron to, Can., and Pittsburg, Pa. Everything is fine with him, he writes, except the H. C. L. "They see you before you get off the train," la his comment . . v "• ~ VOLO ^ Ahrin Case was in Grayhlake Sunday! ' V- \ Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fisher spent Saturday at Round Lake. Mrs. Sabel and Mrs. Ves Wagner were recent Wauconda shoppers. - Mrs. W. S. Farnsworth and family were callers here Thursday evening last. Miss Agnes Meyers of Ringwood spent Saturday and Sunday at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. L. fienwell and daughter, Yvonne, were McHenry visitor last Thursday. Mr» and Mrs. Geo. Walton and children of Area spent Sunday at the home if John Walton. Lorena Jepson of Ringwood spent Saturday and Sunday with her cousins, May and Ruth Huson. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Lenzen and M. Rosdeutscher were over to McHenry Wednesday evening of last week. TERRA COTTA Miss Frances Knox was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Henry Shales of Crystal Lake was * Sunday visitor here. Get the famous "Black Cat Brand" jf hosiery at Erickson's store. Frank Gans of McHenry visited friends in this vicinity Sunday. Miss Clara Frisby of Dundee was a week end visitor at her home here. Paul and Neill Doherty of Hol- ^ombville were business callers here Monday. Mrs. Marion McMillan spent Saturday at the home of her son, Earl, snd family. Miss Frances "Knox spent Friday evening with the Misses_ Gannon at Crystal Lake. . Mrs. Mildred Hoffman of Sloeum's Lake spent Monday evening with Mrs. Frank ^cMiflan. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Knox spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Malone at Elgin. B^r. land Mrs. Willard Darrell and daughter, Myrtle, of Slocum's Lake were callers Monday evening in the Frank McMillan hom^ here. America Musie.... .Led by 4 Pupils Room 1 ..High School Orchestra Market store. Jos. H. visitor in JOHNSBURG your eggs at Erickson's busitw 1)11 JOHN DUCEY Veterinary Surgeon Sterility and Diseases «f Teat and Udder 'Phone 16 Richmond, 111. flfelicitor la the Cimdt Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, May Term, A. D 1920. Nelson Ensign v** vs. '"t •••• , Unknown heirs or (^WflMeta of Horace Long, deceased, unknown heirs or ,devisees of Lodema Long, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Carlisle Hastings, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Dolphus S. Potter, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Eliab Going, deceased, and the unknown owners of the following described property, to-wit: A stripe of land Ninety-seven feet wide off from the East end of Lot Number Six, in Block Number Seven in the Village of West McHenry, said described stripe of land being the entire length of said Lot Number Six from North to South, situated, lying and being in the Northeast quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section Number Thirty-five, Township Number Forty-five North, of Range Number Eight, l?ast of the Third Principal Meridian, in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Bill to Clear Title. Notice is hereby given that the abov« is tike title of the~Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, Coufity of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 24th day of May, A. D. 1920. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my . office in Woodstock this 12th day of April, 192Q. 44-4t Theo. Hamer, Clerk. Dr. N. J. Nye was a professional visitor in the metropolitan city last Thursday. WsZti-H eavy wide tire wagon. Irtqtrfre at Wilbur, Lumber Co., West McHenry, 111. 47-lt FOR SALE---Lots in'Bdgewater subdivision to McHenry. J. C. Holly, Hoy bank, McHenry, 111., 40-tf FOR SALE--My modern six. room residence and garage on Green street. Mrs. C. Warner, McHenry, 111. 46 FOR SALE--Five passenger Overland touring car in good running order. Mrs. Peter Britz, McHenry, 111. 47* FOR SALE--Studebaker 5-passenger touring car. Good condition. Real bargain. Inquire at Stilling's garage, McHenry, 111. 47-lt FOR SALE--Baby chicks, pure bred White Leghorns. Hatch off May 21. These will make fall layers. Mrs. F. S. Rogers, West McHenry, 111. 47 FOR SALE--Five room cottage, partly modern. Electric light and gas, cement basement. Inquire of Fred Karges, 771 lffarket St., Kenosha, Wis. 45-31 FOR RENT--Flat of 6 rooms, water, gas and electric lights. Schnorr building. $10.00 per month. See N. J. Justen & Son, furniture store, West McHenry, III. 43-tf FOR SALE--Model 90 Overland roadster, run about 7000 miles. Good condition, tires good and new Exide battery. For further particulars address Ray Page, West McHenry, 111. 44-tf FOR JSALE^--Eight room house together with two lots. All modern conveniences, including hot water, heat, electric lights and gas. Inquire of Frank J. Freund or J. C. Holly, McHenry, 111. 48-tf BUSINESS FOR SALE--Auto Tii% Repairing, Retreading, Accessory Co. Established business. Must sell as I am leaving city. Guarantee Tire aii Tube Co., 505 Broad St., Lake Geneva, Wis. Phone 13-W. 47-lt FOR SALE--Beautiful McHenry home. Large brick house, fine condition, nice sightly location, l«rge grounds, fruit and shade. Also excellent business building in McHenry, ideal location lor auto accessorise, tire repairs, bakery, restaurant or. most any general line. Will accept* liberty bonds or exchange for Dakoth or Nebraska land. Address F. J. Schnorr, 618 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. 35-tf A. D. 1920. V .V? . 'y f; John P. Weber, Complainant^ . -'<* V *| vs. « Fox River Pearl Fisheries, a eerv> poration, H. F. Albers and EL <j8,~V Jewett, Defendants. - j . < Bill to Foreclose Mechanic's LM^> '. Notice is hereby given that tie ^ above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 24th day of May, A. D. 1920. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office hi Woodstock this 12th day of April, X D. 1920. 44-4t Theo. Hamer, Clerk.- > Mrs. Susan Wegener of Libertyville passed several days this week in McHenry. ^ 'lyMm H Dlt N. J. NYE Physician and Surgeon X-Ray Treatment and Radiograph Office Hours: 5 7:00 to 9:00 a. m. * ^ 1:00 to 3:00 p. m. 7:00 to 9:00 p. m. 'Phone 62-R McHenry, DL !• • f ' '"S-; . BUSY PEOPLE WRITE OR TELEPHONE When it isn't convenient for customers to come to the bank t^wflrson to transact their business--a letter or phone conversation giving us instructions is given our personal attention promptly and jcarefully. • > Every individual banking here is assured all the advantages of a helpful, accommodating service combined with soun<l banking methods and capable management. Your account invited. WOMEN DEPOSITORS ; jteceive every aid and courtesy in their transactions with us niK|> o * *ve welcome their deposits, taking pleasure in furnishing inform^ J,:;.tion and advice for their guidance. ' ^1$*' Deposits received subject to check and liberal interest paid v A 3 ' V $i®e deposits. , ' • / " ^ SIGNS TfrE is the woman who knows how reliable, trust-worthy and obliging t^|he management of ttTe Hoy Banking Company is. We loan _ -- money on good security and we buy and sell United States Bonds, and are always ready and willing to oblige depositors. k > < * When you want your relations to be perfectly satisfactory in your banking accounts, try doing business with the ^ " - *-f"t Huemann was Chicago ftonday. Mrs. Fred Diethorn of Spring Grove was a visitor here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klapperich were McHenry callers Tuesday. N J. Justen of McHenry was a business caller here one day this week. Quite a few from here attended the K. C. initiation at McHenry Sunday ' Mr. and Mrs. Mike Freund of Sprii Grove were visitors here Saturday Arthur Adams of Woodstock vis ited with his parents here Tuesday Peter H^s^ and daughter, Katherim-, of Wauconda were visitors here Saturday. Mrs. Lydia Leickem of McHenry is doing papering for Mrs. Geo. Nell this week. * Joseph G. Huemann and Peter Smitft were McHenry visitors last Sunday. JVir. and Mm Wm. Tonyan are getting ready to move into, the Mary Hess place. Mrs. Jos. Freund and daughter, Helen, of McHenry callers here. BANKING McHENRY, ILLINOIS S-O-MS Goodies! EQRDSON ---the kind that m-e-l-t in your mouth light, fluffy,tender cakes, biscuits and doughnuts that just keep you hanging 'round the pastry all made with CALUMET UUOM mnu the safest, purest, most economical kind. Try it--drive «way bske-dajr failures." Yoa save when you bur k. You save when you use it. Calumet contains only such mcredwots as have been ed officially by the tuTFood Authorities. HIGHEST SuSS STAR JOHN BL KNQX^ Pmn w&mM McHENRY. M l- .1 Saturday