^ Pasture. Inquire of jj^eD M. Kennebeck, McHenry. Hi. 48* tOK RENT--Private garage. Inof P. K. Covalt, West McHenry. .48-lt* |t)R SALE--Yellow Dent seed corn, ^qtdre of Mrs. Henry Kennebeck, McHenry, IU- , 4^'2tL "FOR SALE--Lots in Edgewater subdivision to McHenry. J. C. Jftoy bank, McHenry, 111. Holly, 40-tf ifOR SALE--My modern six room Residence and garage on Green street. '»|(rs. C. Warner, McHenry, 111. 46 RENT--The Hoyt cottage and T iro lots. Rent, $12.00 per month. Atty. A. H. Pouse, West McHenry, 111. )R SALE--Property with river w.vdtage, close to McHenry. Koeppe's froat Line, McHenry, IM. Phone 75-R. PLANTED--Gas. launch 12 to 16 ft. State lowest cash price, location and f^ondition. Durant, 4856 Lake Park jjlve., Chicago. 48-lt ffoR SALE--Quantity of White Cap Yellow Dent seed corn. Inquire of Peter M. Preuad, McHenry, 111. Phone 680-M-2. - 48-lt* FOR SALE--Two oows.ojje new milker, the other a close springer; also a sow with pigs. Jacob Weingart, Mc- Henry, 111. Phone 687-M-2. 48-lt FOR SALE--Team of horses, coming five and six years old. Also double and single harness, light and heavy. Chas. Paul, McHenry, 111. Phone 630-W-l. 45-tf irgSr.tes Aiee, FOR RENT--Furnished summer cottages on Fox river. Running water, electric lights and gas for cooking. Koeppe's Boat Line, McHenry, 111. Phone 75-R. 48-tf FOR SALE OR FOR RENT--House north of Pistakee Yacht club on Pistakee bay. Nine rooms. Large lot, 101 ft on the lake. Tennis court. C. S. Owen, 930 Argyle St., Chicago. 48-4 FOR RENT--Flat of 6 rooms, water, gas and electric lights. Schnorr building. $10.00 per month. See N. J. Justen A Son, furniture store, West McHenry, 111. ' 48-tf FOR SALE--Eight room house together with two lots. All con«fl*ttfnces, taalaiing hot r heat, electric lights and gas. Inqilb* of Frank J. Frtfond or J. C. Holly, McHenry, III. 48-tf FOR SALE--Beautiful lleHenry home. Large brifck house, fine condition, nice sightly location, large grounds, fruit and shade. Also excellent business building in McHenry, ideal location for auto accessories, tire repairs, bakery, restaurant or most any general line. Will accept liberty bonds or exchange for Dakota or Nebraska land. Address F. J. Schnorr, 618 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la. 85-tf Notice of Application to Change Rates To Patrons of Public Service Company of Northern Illinois: The Public Service company of Northern Illinois hereby gives notice to the public that it has filed with the Public Utilities Commission of Illinois schedules which will change the rates for electric service in McHenry and Johnsburg, county of McHenry, and that the said change of rates involves an increase in the for afi A copy of leg may be ins,.-- any inter--ted party at the ottseof this company in Crystal Lake, 111. All parties interested in this proceeding may obtain information as to time and place of hearing upon this matter by addressing the Secretary of the Public Utilities Commission at Springfield, Illinois. Public' Service Company of Northern Illinois. %l3eorge R. Jones, Secretary. Fuller Pension Bill Passed The Fuller pension bill, in which all of our old vets as well as the widows of veterans are very much interested, has been signed by President Wilson and is now a law. Under the provisions of the bill Civil war soldiers are granted a pension of $50 per month, which is increased to $72 per month when they require personal care and attention. Civil war widows are increased from $25 to $30 per month. Soldiers of the Mexican war as well as the widows of soldiers who served at that time are included in the above increases. ncumaiiMt (GEORGE WASMNGTON. MT. VERNON 17M.) AMERICA'S INTMUtST IN IRELAND. n of AaHp^ofen Ignore the onligkteried maakM? Not so. Ireland** deteris unalterable, Iretftl&S elate Is unassailable, Ireland's «lti» Plan now to par^;v; to ba given by tto 'jNM ilK club At. Stool's hall Saturday evenkig, Mjg^l 15. Johnny Hand's orchestra. m I A 9 \ Vk H i Well Dressed Men Demand Style and Quality HEY make their clothes investment pay by choosing garments that are well tailored froitl the best of fabrics. This season there is a pro? fusion of snappy new styles and patterns ia young men's clothes. r/gr* Clothes for Younger Men are smartly made and rightly priced. Our wide variety of models offer you real value in style. The all-wool quality assures long wear. MP Gee McHENRY, ILLINOIS '0!- .. y * - : "10. - •' ' ' y, •- V; r'it • Whenever we hear of an American defending England in her infamous misrule of Ireland we may be sure that something is wrong, eith«r with the head or the heart of such a person. Whenever we read the attempts of British statesmen to "bamboosle" America regarding Irish affairs we know that this* is the chief business of these gentlemen. We would, however, caution them in the words of Lincoln, "You may fool all of the p«o pie some of the time and some of the people all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time." Some timid and ill-informed who belong to the second classification of the great Lincoln's piously take as "gospel truth" everything that is given to the world by that wily Welshman George or Sir Awkward Ambassador Geddes or other of the consummate liars of the British Empire speaking of Ireland. We have never read anything more palpably stupid than to speak of Ireland as trying to "secede" from the British Empire, for to secede means to withdraw from union with, and even Lloyd George himself in a lucid moment says there is no union with Ireland except the union of the grappling hook. Yet "honest to goodness Americans" grasp at the silly comparison apd highly paid editorial writers re-echo the same stupidity as though they never heard of the declaration of independence proclaiming the rights of all peoples to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. We have yet to hear an argument in England's favor based on simple justice. Selfish interest is the only thing urged in Englands' favor. Unless then selfish interest is to be given precedence to justice, unless might is to continue to make right, Ireland will be free. Great Britain it is said will never allow it, it cares nothing for the action of the congress of the United States, it ignores the action of the federation of labor, it ridicules the tour of Eammonn De Valera; and what are we going to do about it? Are we ready to fight for Ireland's rights? Replying to the last question we might say that if we insist on our own rights the rights of Ireland would take care of themselves. England owes us interest on the billions we loaned her, why not make her pay it? She will want more help to put her on her feet, refuse to give it to her. The money she is using to keep troops in Ireland is our money. The money she is using to capture the trade of the world is our money. Her air fleet, her navy is being enlarged on our | money. Only a spineless hybrid masking under the name American would hesitate to act against this monster of iniquity, whose crimes of deceit have won her the title of perfidious Albion, and whose murders of the innocent have branded her with the mark of Cain. Let America insist on her own rights we repeat and England will no longer be in a position to trample the rights of Ireland. Ireland, however, is. no longer alone in her struggle, she has the support of the enlightened opinion of the World. Even Englishmen themselves like the writer in "The New Statesman," a reputable non-partisan London periodical, declared that "The final decision as to whether Ireland is or is not to remain a part of the British Empire rests, in fact, whether we like it or not, with the Irish peo pie, and the sooner we discard the illusion that it rests with us, the more likely we will be to avert what most of us regard as a catastrophe. If Ireland's desire fqr rejttiWican independence is sufficiently deep and per sistent, then beyond all question she will get it. She needs only to con tinue the present tactics a sufficiently long time and she will force a withdrawal of British power over her. And in the official organ of the independents of the British labor party quoted in the Irish News Letter, we read: "When a nation has made up its mind to attain its freedom there no power on earth, no not even Great Britain, which can stand in her way." A Canadian paper, "Le Devoir," under the caption "The Wind that Blows from Mountjoy," says: "None can read without emotion the recital of what is passing in Dubtin. This prison, where a hundred Irishmen are on the verge of death from hunger, and which is surrounded by barbed wire, armored cars, tanks and air planes of the British army; this multitude, hushed in the almost funereal silence of a city paralyxed by & general strike, and the loudest man jfestation of whose presence is in the (prayers for the dying, these j^re tacles such as the world has rarely tteen. To what point must thi: ave come when such scenes are possi ble. From Mountjoy today there blows across the world a wind which 'may shake the British Empire to its foundations. Mountjoy, with its hundred prisoners facing death, is the symbol of the bufferings, the aspirations of pathetic determination the ;Irish race. And as long as these sufferings have not ended, fcs long as these aspirations are not satisfied an ^influence--always gaining--will go on, the world over, undermining the power and prestige of England. One .must be blind not to see that the Irish ,^crisis is preparing a coalition of hostilities against the British power which will be manifested on every continent and in every domain." ** faint hearted Asisr PHILIP JAEGER QBNERAL COHMISSION MERCHANT fes'-.r SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SALE OF m f||(>rMs«d Be*f, riuttoB, Hogs, VmI, Poultry^ "" hide*, Etc., Butter and Bffi This Is the oldest house on the street. Tags application. st«n i a j. st, WMmsIi Market. pries ttrts faiirtslM «k COLO STOftAOB FftBB eti iCAdft, tCLriSiOR. a ELECTRICITY FOR EVERY FARM Wi T; V* / 'ft " By installing Deleo-Light you have yoor own power plant--dependable electric service. Electric lights will make your home cheery and bright. Electric power will pump the wfter and in other ways save you time and labor every day. Write for Catalog McHENRY LUMBER COMPAUT / DELCO-LIGHT DEALERS 8 r > West McHenry, I*T IT RUNS ON* "KEROSENE > We will be here tomorrow as we are today to sell you a Gas Range and look after its operation. Leading Makes. ' * Improved design. Greatest Economy el&as cofistimpton. . Durability with lowest up keep cos prices the lowest consistent with g< #aiit^r^ loii Have Your Own Ite as to plans, the number of rooms and their arrangement; but when it comes to the selection of styles of doors and windows, kinds of interior wood work and cupboards for the kitchen, we may be able to give suggestions. Call on us, and we will be pleased to discuss your .building plans. LUKBIX LAT1 SHINGLES SAST DOORS MOULDINGS OQAL FLOW FEED POSTS LHE CERENT BUCK SEWEKFK V ***' Wilbur Lumber Ccs. " McHenry, Illinois Special Ladies* kid one strap slippers at $2.99. These shoes, (and others) were bought a long time ago which enables us to sell them at such a remarkable f i g u r e . Come e a r l y while we have your JOS. J. MILLER McHENRY. ILL. Scientifically made ^Iknd guaranteed to be absolutely pure. McHENRY Flour Mills Wcrft McHsaty, DL Hi-" * - -