•• m i'-i •i' •••J. Ms ' s v 1 , 1 V Men's All /Wool &it» I llfiaS.OO to • &.od&W:W, [-.W'V" rv •.;'••;. ::2- "••"'. "v\ Boys' Knee Pant Suits C" ; k } *" I-5;!* $12.00 to *15.00 V' ",;'4v\a ie, lite oldest -boyj :, the second boy, wishes to be a poe girl, admi •MMf; 5SS* JOS. W. FREUND WEST McHENRY, ILL. |Kt., 'ft* % • r •• % • • fev ' f -' qui best be kept happy by purchasing the furniture here., We unite a specialty of furnishing the hornet of o#wlyweds and our assurance of satisfaction to Ae purchaser goes with each and every sale. Our stock is kirge and therefore offers the best selection poMitale. Should we nothave in stock just the style of furniture you should like, don't hesitate* hut cowarn just the same. We can make arrange* ' nests whereby we can supply you direct from our Chicago house and we know this manner of selecting the things for your new home will meet with f jfour approval. We have satisfied others and kaop ;^CM«|ti8fyyop. JACOB JUSTENMcHENRY, ILL. '$2 f- -V- -r -k> K-1 • ' • , ' ft? is coming and calls for new gowns, shoes, etc. Our line of shoes is large, with all the popular styles to select from, in black, brown and white. We bought them early and can save you money in high boots or oxfords. , w 'ii&gaasmmtmem- Dress Goods Fopftlar shades in voiles, organdies, silks, all woofrani wofstad fabrics. You can make up your own gowns tft much less than the ready to wear garments this season. Men's Suite and Top Coats" Our new spring samples now ready.- Have your suit made for you by the International Tailoring Co. We guarantee PIMM 11*41 Goods Delivered STRAW BATS i / 'ir. Fresfrppre groceries always on hand. M. J. WALSH w and- Joy, twin' brother aia^| v sister, the babies and pets of th»^* .; family * .. .Chas. Dowe, Gwendolyn Overttwffp}^ Specialties. After scene one, •firtr* sons by twelve gtrte. After jplie two, patrtetic medley, rooms IV M V. The junior recepti^ to the senievft will take place at the eehoel audifo#* torn on Wednesday evening, June 2, at 8:90 o'clock. Admission by card. Senior class day exercises will "be held at the school auditornufe on Thursday evening, June 3,'at 8:00 o'clock, at Which time the ^folieiving |* program will be rendered: Program ClaWj Song. .Written by Elide Vycital Class of 1920 History of class ot' '20.Rosemary Nye jbtass Poem Robert Weber Class Prophesy... .KfctMfcen O'Reilly Solcf- .1....Blanche Meyers "The Foxe". .Mary Smith "Over the IK# Willi Lots of Pep".. , Frank Doherty Class Will Jennie Mae Cooley The PStetaqg of the Old ! William Brunswick The Coming of -the'New ... George Barbifm Charge to Juniors.. .Clarence Niesen Response Adelia Heimer President of Junior Class farewell Address....... Harvey Nye The class officers: President, Harvey Nye; secretary, Rosemarjr Nye; treasurer, Jennie Mae Cooley. To this exercise the public Is cor- <Hally invited. y The eighth grade promotional ex- .erCises will take place at the school j5*? auditorium on Friday affcernoon, June c 4, at 2:00 o'clock. Ll^ ^ Program Song .... Class Salutatory Address. .'Pamela Bietesel Class History "..Gladys Rietesel Pantomime--The , Star Spangled Banner The Girls Valedictory Essay Helen Powers Presentation of certificates. .*> *~i9'v *' Mr. Tread way T r i o . i . . A n g e l a P e t - esch, Pamela and Gladys .Rietesel Playlet--"No Girls Admitted"--8 acts Characters . 8dio<H Boys Robert .Weston Bacon HaTold Anthony Bonglett tEverett I,..William Kennebeck Maurice ...............George Bohr S&ool Girls Doretl^ Margaret. Stenger Christine . Gladys Rietesel L o u i s e . . . . • . . E l e a n o r W a l s h Grace .....*.> •.Emilie StoflFel Class C9lors: Blue -and gold. Class motto: Ever onward and upward. Class Roll Florence Antholtz, Genevieve Brefeld, Pearl Feltz, Ruth Krumpen, Helen Powers, Pamela Rietesel, Margaret Stenger, Helen Vycital, Evelyn Mead, Weston Bacon, Anthony Bonslett, Alvera Heimer, Joseph May, Pauline Pufahl, Florence Rothermel, Emilie Stoffel, Eleanor Walsh, Geo. Bohr, Leone Givens, William Kennebeck, Julia May, Gladys Rietesel, Agnes Sloey, Leo Thelen and Mildred Zuelsdorf. At 8:15 rtdock on Friday evening, June 4, the twenty-sixth annual commencement exercises will be held at the Empire theatre. Program Class Mitch.«Miss Dora C. Kenney Amaryllis Bancroft t Girls' Glee Club Salutatory Address.. .Rosenjary Nye Solo--A Rose In Heaven....Trotere Blanche Meyers Valedictory Address Mary Smith When Twilight Weaves.. .Beethoven Girls' Glee Club . Commencement Address.......... ..... ."America as a World Power" Dr. J. P. Goode, University of Chicago Presentation of Diplomas Mr. Tteadway Admission, 36 and 60 cent*. •THURSDAY; MAY 27 -AND- mm mm Fri. and Sat., Ma; 28 & 29 --WITK- 11 Real Live Acting People 5 Acts of Greater Vaudeville. Special Scenery SUNDAY, MAY 30 MME PETROVA IN PATHE REVIEW MONDAY, MAY 31 AT 2 P.M. "tiA f ] K%'. - MENS,t AD1ES' AND :--0- :f%ww " , , ,5"; y ». y t, • > • ' f i t , J \ » « i ' > ' ' • r' ^ ' r : t ' * t , " JdcHENRY, ILLINOIS1 V^mM Born Out Qcmt* , ^ The burning out of a grate on tKe" big tractor, which has been working on our streets during the past week, put the machine out of commission on Friday of last week.. However, the damage has since then been repaired and it i the hope of the village board that the work of completing the balance of our streets will be done without further interruption, so that the oil may be applied. Thus far the, work as done by the new scscrifter has proven very satisfactory. I; Rivei ikwg Shower a Member After the regular meeting of the Riverview camp, R. N. A., at their hall jin this village on Tuesday evening of this week, a shower was tendered Miss ' Alta Wentworth, who is to become an 'early June bride. The guest of honor was presented with a cut glass sandiwich plate and a cut glass candy bowl Five hundred was played, after which a luncheon waa served. Everyone present enjoyed the occasion immensely. Miller's Ligkthouar Dowa Miller's lighthouse at Pistakee has found a resting place in the bottom of the lake. Last winter's heavy >i«e, qp doubt, rocked aame from |foundation. The to*er has fceitsfi Will be held at . The Empire Theatse -- MONDAY iVENIN)0 "THE SENIOR CLASS WILL PRESENT THE POPULAR COMEOlr *1* '"#W; TUESDAY^ JUNE.f, 1 A tease, dramatic, well-told story. Vigorous, absorbing, with gleams • o§ - ••»v4; " m • ^ x I ' ' in .1 I III " v. •: Wfaii im an' omviac*] tm ImouW ot -r^ * y its own, th& hiitittttion Should ^ : ; r^' your account, don't let distance make a -Vl'.': •k. --send Uncle Sam! • v.- ' ' 5 '^ doors calls lor your time, "don't let banking business interfere--send UndeSan^:*'^^"^ f *' •. - *', b "v i , a * •* V • *' r ** When there is something you must or had p ratter do than come to the bank, d^ Jt, ^ tQ do v a r 4 ' your banking--send Uncle Sai^l Ask about our banking-by-mail service.! si* i i"-*!* ft-N i: t'v .*•.'T- fA< tI •-y-t . ^ % - v ' v ;i-p> •Jk'V': :•%#5i* • t' _ ^$-4 ^ (v.'A • , r , *, ' *1%"* V W~? -* \ 1 \c t^v< • ^ Teceived; a splendid new fine *ol: gecw^^, ;«*£*? gette and embroidered voile waists embodying^' the very latest styles and best workmanship ^ ~fjft Make your selection early' while the line ife • </:' •• 4 - * ' A y.'d ',4 t'X f'*1 '{i'iv* •«' ^ yA.'* , • 1 , - '.*<£ -?• X ' 1 " 1 ^ % i $ V-V-M g <»mplete : ' ,• ^ We ha#f " : ^ i.Ki*-.rv' :Ski' I t' ^V -v fe". Xl V itoif of ladies' house dresses and bungalow v - ' <• -;f. •" f aprons. |ttst the thing for warm weatherJ u . V1-'. * «' • 4-- We would also take this opportunity to ^ r V % V ^ announce that our store will be clo$£d #U day j Monday, May 30, Memorial day. 4 j $ '* \ '<•* ' r" .. "v » • "c«.' ,v * » 1-/*. XV '>'5 ,*V %•> ' .'4 * . r 'm+ -^1 GfNERAL MHt€»ANDI» ii.'* McMKNRY :My Yit J®* .• W L^; m % i&.'i <•> ;y . u •M ,rf%m K AT > *" i, • . x£~>, «• \ -.Jf -.V ' TUB UNivaaaAL car fiilt and RwnHinaQW t" •>»-'"* ' _, Qn stock room is foil of Genuine Ford Parts. We have an aseortmeoljl < r>4®f parte that woald enable m to b»Ud either a Ford passenger ear or »> ? W' Ford One Ton Truck from the ground up. Then too, those parts are Torf . /^made-each according to its use-so that they are exact duplicates©* th*;; ^ 1V ^original parte now in your car, and will give the same constant, hard wear^ ^ - £ Our shop is equipped with up-to-the-minute tools aqd machinery, spe<f '• 5: ^ 4ally designed, so that we can properly and promptly take care of your r^ - pair work-from a minor adjustment to a complete overhaul. Ajjdtfcj^ # ^ mechanics who wil^do the work for you are men who undera*and Uie Iflw^^ m ; mechanism and who know the Ford way to do the work. , . We are Authorized Ford Dealers; we not only give Ford service fe^ ^rt ^ and Ford One Ton Truck* aa well. So, it is easy to u^^ , «derstand that we have more than a passing interest in your car. * t Drive to our gaaftge for Ford Parts, Ford Service or Ford 0WN^Q||; € ^ . . --. Mfa aide of denendaWe wk« -*• •y«& : % 'Mft': i, >. , > " sMi .%'JOHN STAR >x»rtop. • t» •-*r **, - .*:*• m: 1 *i i