VOLUME XLV MoHKNRT. ILLINOIS. THURSDAY• JUNE lO. 19»a NO. se m H- $>•* £ES80NAL Miss' ftMto ILtoaras* passed Saturday Vfcfterndon at the county seat. ^ Jacob J us ten transacted businem tnatters in the metropolitan city Tuesv-^ ay. - Miss Theresa Knox was the guest of friends at iTioSlitodc 4ast Saturday. : i C. R, Thorne of Antioch passed * Sunday as the guest of McHenry friends. . - 5 Anthony ^Woodstock and Gertrude Oertel of spent Sunday at their ^•^s.fton»e here. ^ * Miss Myrtle Kling^of Chicago spent v " Bunday at the Kljng cottage at Mc- St*.sT -Collum's lake. R. J. Dunne of Chicago spent the week end as the guest of friends at McCollttm's lake. Mr. and Mrs. Wa. Spencer have returned from a very enjoyable trip to New York city. Mrs. Louis Oertel and daughter, Marie, are spending a couple of weeks with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. M cOmber and family of DeKalb called on McHenry friends last Sunday afternoon. Mr. ami Mrs. Prank Cobb and daughter, Hattie, and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Bardush of Chicago passed Sunday afternoon as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman. Misses Nelle Griswold and Winifred BOARD MEETS In Bctriir Monthly Sfiw M--Jay Evening' DR. CARL STRUEH'S ^ . Health f Resort Ideal institution for all natn&lmethods. Diet cures, inclusive of the milk-diet, Baths, Massage, Sun and Air Baths, Systematic Exercises, etc. Special diets for Diabetes, Obesity, Gouty, Intestinal and Rheumatic conditions. Open Air Cottages. Rest Cure for Convalescents and Breakdowns. Telephone 42. Chicago Office, 32„$, State St., (Jof. Washington, St., Room 1200. Telephone Central 650Q. Booklet and information upon request. rmi tfJ'H' • § X)o not be impatient when you * v ^ get the Busy Signal over the telephone. It simply means :1W;'>^r > t-hat someone has gotten the line you wanted to use first. No one is at fault. jh 3^;^- -V Tj^:~ Wait a minute or two and then •;$y& __ * ^repeat your calL There is no way in which to .^get a message through over line that is already in use. «*•> Chicago Telephone Compaq Council Room, June 7, 1920. The Tillage trustees met in regular session with Pres. Olson presiding.. Trustees present: Cooley, Doherty, Knox, Krause acid Overton. Absent: Stoffel. ' 7 • ' - The mmufes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The following bills were approved by the finance committee: _ Meyer it Wen the, dog tags;. .9 2.90 Standard'Oil Co., gasoline r ^3.45 Russell Grader Mfg. Co., scarifier . €87.80 F. G. Schreiner, printing 86.80 Public Service Co., street lights traffic lights and supplies.. 188.39 J. C. Holly, insurance policy.. 14.72 O. G. Treadway, auditing books 3.00 W. F. Vogt, auditing books*-.. 3.00 WmvG, Schreiner, auditing books, postage & telephone.. 5.00 John Walsh, marshal services. 125.00 Geo. Meyers, Ibr on streets..'.. 120.40 Adam Ibsh, gravel 6.00 W. F. Bassett, lbr with teafe., 2.25 Wm. Stoffel, lbr on scarifier.. 10.00 Robt. C. Dalziel, lbr on sts..». 32Q.0G Joseph May, lbr on scarifier.. B.Oo Everett Hunter, Sr., gravet... 3.20 John O. Olson, telephone..... 3.25 McHenry Lumber Co., coal..; 78.02 J»s. B. Clow & Son, load pipe. 49.28 Emil Arnold, services rendered „ on sewerage 100.00 .John Thennes, gasoline & oil.. 31.22 Motion by Overton, seconded by Doherty, that the minutes be accepted as read with the exception of the motion made that Wm. G. Schreiner be paid a salary of $160. a year instead pf the village allowing him his telephone. Motion carried. - Motion by Krause, seconded by Knox, that the treasurer's, collector's and village clerk's reports be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Cooley, that John Walsh be paid a salary of $125 a month, commencing May 1, 1920. Motion carried. . Motion by Knox, seconded by Overton, that the bills be accepted &s O. K.'d by the finance committee. Motion carried. Motion by Krause, seconded by Overton, that the mill raee be cleaned oat. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Ceoley, to adjourn. Mojtion carried. - > . John O. Olson, Pres. Wr-G. Schreiner, Clerk. Messrs. and Mesdames George and Al. Schuenemann of Waukegan called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers one afternoon last week. Miss Mabelle Wheeler returned to Elgin last Sunday evening after a ten days' visit as a guest in the home of her mother, Mrs. E. S. Wheeler. Slater, nurses at St. Luke's hospital in Chicago, spent the latter part of last week as guests in the home of the former's cousin, Mrs. Clara Starritfc v • • 4 v% * - v - ': it. *- * K ;vr, " ' *•<•: : 'At-" ' K* •• • t f - . f~S^£1P.-- vis-" ' •- " '• ' "•f- "i'V SltfiOase&MliilMce} Lew Upkeep 0«t» • .. CWort with TrW** i|)ni OVERLAND SBDAKhM«ntfaedMed|i ^•r •dwntacca but It hat more -- amasin^f* mooomyl In the recent 355 mile Los Anfdeal-^ VlToaesnlte Economy Run, an Overland Sedaijg took first place in Class Two with a gaaoHnf, ^tywage of 27.6 miles per gallon! Such perjp , 4onnanoe cmpfaasisdB Overland's staon^ 1na and low-<XMt of operation. This eoooom^ |cal dosed car keeps you oool on sultry diy^J Shuts out the rain and do# and - gl eater riding comfort. ./-c; I HsM>tcr.$MS; Coupe, $IStS; Seda^flSYS ^ a. Takmtm. rtjitt rh--i tll>w« ndt • OVERT0N ^COWEI^ * P ffiONE4 f 1 WeBSNaVffifc-^, RIDGKFIBLD J. B. Lynch spent Sunday evening in Chieago. „ Mrs. H. Wille was a Crystal Take caller Sunday evening. Mrs. A. G. Levey was shopping at Crystal Lake Saturday. „ Mrs. Nellie Hartman «n| down from Woodstock Sunday. The Wagner sisters were shopping at the county seat Saturday. Mr. Hermansen and son were Woodstock callers Saturday. Geo. "Baker of Crystal Lake was a business caller here Monday. x Mr. .and Mrs. A. Allbee entertained out of town relatives Sunday. Watch for the date of the Sunday school picnic in tile near future. Mr. and Mrs. B. Draper entertained friends from out of town Sunday. Robert Westphaln and R. M. Lynch were Crystal Lake callers Monday. Mrs. S. Mavis and sons visited in Woodstock Thursday and Monday. Miss Etta Levey and Mrs. S. Reed were shopping at the county seat last Friday^ Mrs. H. N. Cooper and children spent the week end with relatives in Chicago. «> Chas. M. Keeler of Elgin spent Sunday in the home of his mother, Mrs. S. Wakefield. Del Dufield was out from Chicago and spent Sunday in the home of Mrs. Belle Dufield. ( Mr. and Mis. F. Pederson and children were Crystal Lake shoppers Saturday evening. Mrs. Pierce of Chicago was an over Sunday visitor in the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. Abbott. Mrs. Lola Bennett and niece, Crystal Conerty, were callers in the H. F, Heinemann home at Huntley Sunday afternoon. Elizabeth, Ruth and Sherman Morse have all been shut ins the past two weeks with bronchitis, but are all improving now. Mr. -and Mrs. W. Abbott and Dorothy and Mrs. Pierce attended the wedding Saturday of a sister of the former at Belvidere. Mrs. Will Abbott, daughter, Dorothy, and her mother, Mrs. Pierce, left Monday morning for a visit with relatives in Michigan. Mr. and Mrs. F>. J. Wilkins and dill dren and James Bennett saw them lay the corner stone of the new Methodist church at Harmony Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. W.' R. Walkup and Messrs. Graham Parker ami Robert Knilans spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Yanke at Greenwood. Mrs. Carrie Johnson, son, Ralph, and daughter, Bessie, also Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnson attended the wedding of Miss Ethel Johnson at Elgin Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Waterman, S. A. Merchant and family, H. Byers and family and S. Reed and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Pomrening at Solon Mills. Mrs. E. M. Stephenson and son, Chauncey, attended the funeral Sunday at Ringwood of a relative, Harry Stephenson, who was a victim of the late war and whose remains arrived in Ringwood the last of tile week from "across the pond." RINGWOOD Harvest hats at Erickson's. Mr. and Mrs. Will Beck of Dundee visited friends in town Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis AlthofF entertained relatives from Johnsburg Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Conway of ^Harvard spent Sunday with friends in town. Frank Lawson of Elgin spent Sunday with relatives and friends in town. Miss Martha Daily, who has been visiting her sister in Chieago, returned Friday evening. C. D. Bacon accompanied Clarence Hoy a business trip--to Darien, Wis., last Monday. Edson Hodge visited his brother, Thomas Hodge, and family at Lake Geneva last Friday. Clay Roger of Richmond is again working in our local milk plant. He began Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. McAssey of Richmond were callers in the A. W. Smith home here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Rowson of iSolon were pleasant callers in the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith flast Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. F. L. McOmber and daughter, Corabel, of DeKalb attended the funeral of Harry Stephenson here ion Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Crawford enterftained the letter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bacon, from Kingston and also her brother and family from Bartlett last Sunday. Mrs. W. E. Bradley and Mrs. G. A. Stevens spent a couple of days last week visiting in Beloit. While there they attended J. "Caesar Play," in 'which Miss Winifred Bradley had a part. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bennett and two daughters of Belvidere attended the jfuneral Sunday and spent a little time 1 feh#king hands with old friends ^and neighbors. Mr. Bennett was formerly C. & N. W. agent and the in town. Mrs. Wm. Merwin and two children of Kenosha spent several days last week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Fay. She. returned to her home Sunday, accompanied by her grandmother, Mrs. Jennie Spaulding, who will spend some time visiting in Kenosha. The remains at Harry Stephenson arrived from overseas on Friday and the funeral was held Sunday. The services were in charge of the Masonic order and the American Legion. It was the largest funeral ever held in Ringwood. Every surrounding town was well represented. Mrs. Winnie Rosenstock and Orville Grey of Woodstock journeyed to Crown Point, Ind.,~last Wednesday and w#re quietly married. They a^e now at home to their friends at Woodstock. Mrs. Grey has lived her entire life in our littli town and has many friends here, who wish her a happy wedded life. Leon Dodge and Miss Genevieve Howard ot Woodstock were married last Saturday morning at eight o'clock by Father Conway of St. Mary's church at Woodstock. After a short wedding trip the happy couple win enjoy tent life on the Dodge farm. Leon has lived all his life in our community and is one of our best young men. Miss Howard comes from a highly respected family of Woodstock and both have a host of friends, who wish them every success in lif!* \ TERRA COTTA . Staple and fancy grocerraf at Erickson's. Arthur Klein called, on relatives here Monday. x,-v." Robert V: Knox wat a *3sttor in Chicago Saturday. "• » Dr. H. D. Hull of Crystal Lake was a caller here Saturday. Harold Phalin spent Monday with his sister, Mrs. Robert Knox. Mrs. John Liddle was a business caller in Crystal Lake Monday. Miss Florence Knox visited the Woodstock public schools Friday. Mrs. John J. Riley was a visitor in Chicago several days last week. Mrs. Mary Grant called on friends at Crystal Lake Saturday evening. Miss Gertrude Klein is spending a few days with her sister, Mrs. Ray McMillan. Mr. and Mrs. A. Gaebe and family of Holcombville called on relatives here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Knox are now occupying their new home a mile south of McHenry! Misses Margaret and Mary ^Gannon and Edward Gannon of Crystal Lake were visitors in the M. Knox home Sunday. Mrs. Foerester has sold her home here and will go to Dixon to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Harry Frazier. Mr. and Mrs. Mearns, son, David, and daughters, Bella and Minnie, of Chicago were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Liddle and family. Mr. and Mrs. Earl McMillan and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ray McMillan and daughter, Alice, spent Sunday afternoon at the Fred Klein home. • X - A * V ~ I*"? ; ' ST** ' J. •>& i YOLO Shoes for all the family at Erickson's store. . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Stadtfeld of Round Lake were callers here Sunday. . Ray Paddock of Wauconda spent Thursday of last week at his farm here. - Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and children were Sunday guests at Lake Zurich. Mr. and Mrs. L. Huson and daughters spent Sunday at the gtiests of Ringwood relatives. Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld and brother, Frank Hanson, motored over to Wau kegan last Saturday. Mrs. G. D. Stroker and children and Miss Edna Werden of Wauconda were visitors here Friday, Mr. and Mrs. John Walton and Mr. Krueger and family of Wauconda motored over to Area Sunday. Mrs. Ben Cushman and daughter, Muriel, of Round Lake spent Saturday at the hone of Mrs. J. Kirwan Miss Ella Moore attended the Ladies' Auxiliary at the home of Mrs. Stroker in Wauconda on Thursday of last week, June 3. Miss Mildred Hogan passed away at her home in Waukegan on Friday after a lingering illness. Burial Monday afternoon in the Volo cemetery. She leaves a mother and one brother. OSTEND Hosiery and underwear* at Erickson's store. Roy Hobart called on relatives at Harvard last Wednesday evening* The children of Mr. Penrk who resides on the Wallis farm, ar} afflicted with whooping cough. Oscar Prahl was unfortunate in selecting his seed copn and had to replant twenty-seveiy acres. Warren Francisco and sister, Miss Ammie, visited their brother, Myron, and family at Wauconda Sunday. Mrs. Ethel Davis and family were Sunday visitor^ at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Adelia H<>ba^t and family. The farm house of Harris brothers is changing appearance. It is covon the outside with lath, ready £ for a finishing touch. Woodstock is certainly dealing out just judgment on atfto thieves. They disposed of four last week. Will this be a warning to others? Miss Sylvia Richardson al Ridgefield is viewing old sighjta. in this neighborhood and visiting at the home of her uncle, C. E. Jecks. We have just received the sad news of the death of Charles H. Snyder, former resident of Bull Valley, but now of Woodstock. He has been in very poor health for some time and Tuesday morning went to the barn and shot himself. SOLONM1LLS Chas. Vogel was a McHenry visitor Monday. Special sale beginning Saturday tt Erickson's. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Turner spent Friday at Harvard. Miss Vera Turner is spending several days at Harvard. P. B. Pinney was a Chicago passenger Sunday morning. Frank Justen of McHenry was a business visitor here Friday. Edwin Vogel spent Saturday evening at Round Lake calling on friends. Chas. Westlake was a business visitor at Avalon, Wis., the first of the week. John McGaw of Richmond was a recent visitor at the home of George Vogel. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley entertained the Linn family from Chicago Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Cornish and daughter, Evelyn, are spending several days in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Duai.e Overton and family spent Sunday with relatives at Antioch. " t Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Bennett of Chicago spent Sunday in the Jack Pester home here. '$$3 hi ; £ :J Gus Aim of Spring Grove spent Sunday here with his brother, Victor, and family. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. deary of McHenry spent last Thursday afternoon at the home of Richard Aylward. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bell and sons and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cropley mo- , to red to DeKalb Sunday and spent the ^ day with Miss Leona Cropley, wko is attending school there. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Welch and Mr. h ' L and Mrs. John McCarthy of McHenry **. ^ and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sommers and * ^ daughter, Bern ice, of Richmond were . Sunday visitors at the home off * ~ Richard Aylward. tKvSV 540 Acre Farm U Ito SELL AT AUCTION "i'-rC- 'Jl,ne 12» f At 3:00 p. m. / _ . ...» On farm 2 miles west of Wauconda ... and 40" miles west of Chicago ^ On Rand Road The last desirable stock and grain < farm with a ^ HM-- Beautiful Lake Frontage , Suitable for a quiet country home. ~ . ^ To be sold at your own price as a whole unit or divided; with or without ? crops. 200 acres alfalfa land partly seeded; 1919 crop netted $100 per acre. 200 acres suitable for corn; needs ; some tiling, outlet in now. Some tim- ^ ber and lake, 2 acres good orchard, - 10 room house, 8 room house, basement " barn 40x120, barn 20x30, other boikiings and good wells. WM. E. BROOKS, - |; Wauconda, 111. Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich and ' -1 daugtifer, Adelle, are spending a couple of weeks as guests of his par- I f* ents at Winnebago, Minn. Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Musser of Elgin * x> •trere Sunday guests in the home of ^ ihe latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. -0 A. Whiting, northwest of town. 0s '47 The kind that yew like ' to be found at this •tore in great variety . tnd our prompt deliv- -"itry service also assists $n making this popular ^tNlrading center for busy feople. Just phone us Jrour order and well do / |be rest. It's service . that counts these days « and we wish to have it known that we are here ( Sor that particular pur pose. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phonelt-W Clean and Sanitary . We pride ourselves on our cleanliness which makes this place a most inviting one in - which to do your meat and grocery buying. Our equipraent is of the very latest jP ,:that money would buy> With ^iour. perfect cooling system . and refrigerator counter we ?-"jire able to display our meats '•\o very good advantage and at the same time keep same : properly cooled and in a sanitary state. Our grocery stock - is also handled in the same ' fcaretaking manner and we . _invite you to call and see how ' .-•'we handle your table delica- •%cies. (^4 --WATER STREET MARKET & GROCERY P. J. Hefmer, Prop. KIMIHL f (• • PIANOS , PLAYER-PIANOS • GRAND PIANOS AND THE KIMBALL . "NATURAL TON# ; PHONOGRAPH 7 ALSO ASK ABOUT THE -AT- $85 $110 $145 $195 ^ _ lues at Slightly Higher Prices «. 7.^ teasy terms • •£»' 'ii-Vv 'Jtjt .£*•.; - PAY AS YOU PLAf Store ti tfc».li»«i McHenry, 111. >"*s :--'4 ^ • i:V;M Phone 1K-R .. J:rvr Ha?."'-.;-