Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Jul 1920, p. 5

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,) L)w. riaid year. W. S. . of^ - iUrt^al. nw% seeA «, 52 a.|2276 Hhk#tin «i Sub Warren L.HtfWuH/tots 1, 2 4 6, , bik 1, sec 24 . *. . 1000 Do., lot 18, blk 1 75 Do., (ex It 26) ind Wte 22 to SI, Mk 1, . 600 Qfc; lots 38, 88, 48 and 48, Wk 1 800 Adotph W, Gaat, n% lot 4, blk 1 100 Gm, A. Sahaoitt, It 5 ft s% of k 4. blk 1 600 llartin A. Howell, Its 8, 9 ft 10, Mk 1 1000 Frederick H, Gelderman, It 7, Wk 1 ,... 400 Do.„ lot HJWk 1 „• 400 Martin A. HoweH, Its 13, 14, 16, 16, 17, 20 ft 21, blk 1 . 400 Martin A and Warren L. HoweH, It 26, blk 1 860 Do., Its S4 & (e* n 82 ft of 88 ft) It 83, blk 1 225 % r a 12, see 25, 180 805 60 180 90 240 999 100 Pat and Louis Hughes, Its 82 ft n 32 ft of 38, b& 1 425 Smith, It 86, blk 1...... 103 Martin A. Howell, Its 37, 38, 40, 47 and 49. blk 1 1376; Robt. Baumgartner, it 46, blk i 350 Martin A. ft Warren L. Howell, (ex 200 ft.\of n 200 ft.) blk 2 Warren L. Howell, e 200 ft of n 200 ft, blk 2 Orchard Beach Plat j Dorothy Marsh, It 55, sec 26.;.. 60' Mathilda Wilkins, Its 56 & 67, sec 25 1420: Owner's Sub Dhr. (Stilling:'*) Stephen H. Freuod, It 1, sec 25 150< Margareth Stilling, It 2, see 26 1599 Otto P. Frase, It 3, sec 25...... 140 Hairy Frase, It 4, sec 26..'.... 130 Max & Bertha Berger, Laadt's sub Its 1, 2, 3 & 4, sec 25.... 410 Emil Lasch, Lasch's sub lots Ind 5 to 12, sec 35...- 400 Woodlawn Park' Anton M. Sodar ft Margaret Tee- Bar, It 2, sec 25, town 45, r 8,' .25 a 266! Gaibraith A Meeker, (Trustees) Its 4 ft 5, sec 2S, ». • ISO State of Illinois, ) S 4 , McHenry County, )ss. Public notice is hereby given, That the following is ir full and complete list of the Assessed Value of Personal'; Property in the Town of Mc- . Henry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, for the year A. D. 1920, as taken 1 from tiie Assessment books of said year. W. S. McConnell, In whose name AssU assessed value - Supervisor of Assessments. Abbott, T. A $3388 Adams, Jacob H.r.... 1101 Adams, C. M.',.. 2771 Adams, Will . ..*•«. *•. Adams, Geo. .. Adams, B. J.. i...."?.;, Allen, H. W... Althoff, Wm. i.«,.... Ahrens, Henry A n d e r s o n , A l « i " . 7 8 6 Anderson, John A*;. H88 A n d e r s o n , F . A . C O Anderson, John ...... 60 Alexander Lumber Co.. 8110 Asmalsky, H. A, ....... 88 Artificial Stone Co.... ,.,.860 BoIgei% Mrs. Ellen.... 82 Bank of Ringwood. .T. 8854 Bassett, W. 100 Bassett, E. E. .. 108 Barbian Bros. .. Barbian, John J. Barhian, N. E. ........ Baron, Harvey *.•.. Bacon, C. D...»..•,•*.. Bacon, Wm. ... *»t.•}».. Blake, William Blake, Frank M. *..... Blake, John ......... Blake, Math. M. Blake, Peter Blake, Mathia* Blake, Jos. ........ ... Blake, John M. .. Blake, Chris .. *.... ... Bauer, Michael..,, .. Bauer, Math. &U,.... Bell, Florence . ,:i.. *.. Bell, Louis E. .... 888 Fret*, Joseph J. Bell, Ed. ... ..„ib. Bell, Jamas Beth, W. J. . iljiv.:. Beatty, S. H...... v. Berner, C. G. 88 Bradley, W. E... 2881 Bradley, K. M;.881 Brown, S. W. . 142? 'Brown, A. 1^. .67 Bonslett, Wm. ......... 888 Bonsriett, Mrs. Margaret 178 860 66 65 65 ISO i 200 65 86 800 760 625 460 825 926 See. 8 ......... Id, It 7, blk 1, sec .25 a Jacob M. DMrich, Its IS, 16, 21 Lotttft/wSde, It 16,' **c' 26, .25 a T. H. ft Catherine B. Alfreds, It 17, sec 25, .26 a .". Andrew' L. Isberg, it IB, sec 25, .25 a Blum, Its 19 ft 20, sec 26, * Fbet Addhiton Woediawn Park Jacob M. Diedrich, Its 1, 2 ft 3, sec 26, .75 a Edw- ft Sophie Koeppe, It 4, see «, 35 a..... Kerf ft Elisabeth Barniehol, It 6 use 26, J26 a Jaeob M. Diedrich, Its 6, 7, 8 ft & 9, sec26,1 a CojClk's Plat of Sy, Sec 26 Wm. Spencer, (C) (ex s44 ft) It 11, mc 26 John L. May, (C) s 44 ft, It 11, sec 26 Newell F. Colby, (ex e 10 a)' It 24, see 27, 14.18 a ft. W. Wright, e 10 a It 24, sec 27. 10 a Fred R. Eppel, e% eH ne% sec 40 a Robert H. Richardson, wV4 eH ne % sec 30; 40 a........... Peter W. Freund wH neft sec 30, 80 a 3960 Frank Schramm, Surmyside, It 7, secs 86 ft 36, .25 a 88 Henry W. Cuhn, Sunnyside, It 8, sees 35 ft 36, .26 a........ 80 Peter M. Freund, s\fc se\4 sec 86, 80 a 8556 Edward R. Sutton, (ex plat) e of river, s% sw% sec 36, 20.70 acres Mineral 8priitgs Park Wells ft BirMenTlts 3, 4, 4%, 5 ft 6, blk 1, sec £6, 5.39 a.... Gustava Thonneson, It 9, blk 1, see 86, .25 a Herman Grimm, It 10, blk 1, sec 56, .25 a R. F. A Jennie M. Clement, Its 18 ft 19, blk 1, sec 36, .50 Frederick P«»gel, Jr., It 20, blk 1, sec 36, .25 a. Weils A Barbian, pc w of ft adj U» 4, Wk 1, sec 86, 780 150 87 8* 66 er» It 1, sec 8% I. i. Sutton, tt 8, Me 86 luwen. H 8, sec 86 4y MC 86.. Do., lots 5 & 6, sec 36.......... Do., Its 7 A 8, sec 36 Do.. Its 9 A 10, sec 36.^...... Do., Its 11 A 12, sec 36....v... Do., Its 13 A 14, sec 36.. Do., Its 15 A 16, sec 36........ Do., It 17, sec 36 Do., It 18, sec 36 Do., Its 19 A 20, sec 88 Do., Its 21 A 22, sec 36...*..,. Do., Its 23 A 24, sec 36... .,. Do., Its 25 A 26, sec 36. .; .>.. Sumtyside Frederick Beller, Its 24 ft 28, sec 36, .44 a Joseph Jlisten, It 26, sec 86, .22 a Ida B. Hanibrook, Its 27, 28 ft 29, sec 86, .66 a Fox River Pearl Fisheries, ind Its 30 to 88, sec 36, 1.98 a 1806 Cristine Belle Miller, as per D. R. 134, 6 842 A se cor It 44, sec 86, 2.06 a Range 9 S Wm. Oeffling, Co. Clk's flat, It 4, sec 8, town 45, r 8, 18 a.... Do., Co. Clk's plat, pt It 6, sec 8, 25.50 a John G. Bontler, Co. Clk's plat, It 5, «s per D. R. 115, p 284 ft D. R. 150, p 504, sec 8, .84 a.. Henry Klapperich, (ex as per D. R. 135, p.445 A D. R. 150, p 501) Co. Clk's plat, It 9, sec 8, 20.75 a Chas. E. Reed, as per D. R. 150, p 501, C. Clk's plat It 9, sec 8, .50 a Wfll|ngton Bowling Club, as per D. R. 154, jp 127 ft 128, pt sir ^ s e c 8 • • > • » • • • • « • « • • • • • Chas. T. Elliott as par D. R. 186, p 445 Co. Clk's plat pt It 9, 'v sec 8, town 45, r 9, 1 a...... 1815 Angelica Holsapfel. Beau Clin, sec 17, town 46, r 9, 2 a County Clerk's Plat Mathias Pitsen, (ex Beau Cliff ft D. R. 154, p 199 A D. R. 153, p 159) It 2, sec 17, 48.30 a Gee S. Homer, as per D. R. 154, p 199, pt It 2, sec 17 Chas. Lindquist, (ex as per D. 108 100 200 200 200 200 200 200 100 600 200 200 200 200 2 186 880 870 660 75 880 60 186 200 880 60 18 t lot 7, 55 66 66 110 55 55 856 750 R. Wm. poof B. R. '154, p seer 17, 1.91 a » 87 Stffltng^s OT Koehler, It , It 5> _ , It 6, a S. ft Anna sec 18 _ 10ajWm.,J. Smith, It 8, sec 18...... 850 10® Jefteph Mtfting, lot 9, see 18.... 100 ft Edw. J. Sckarlaw, It 11, 18 850 Joftph Stilling, It 12, sec 18.... 100 Do„ It 13, sec 18 188 Eiw. H. Mwey, It 14, sec 18.. 180 Joseph Stdling, It 19, sec 18.... 800 Christine Nell, It 20, sec 18.... 100 SknmfMe Beach Sab Oir Geo. W. Tniel, It 1, sec 18. ...*.. Geo. a B^ttinger, it 2, sec 18.. Wm. lJanleteTlts, sec 18 Jacob Sehaefer, Its 5 A 7, sec 18 Bemie ft Sam H. Levee, H 6, see 18 K«4^erina Curtin, It 8, sec 18.. Rose Mn^er, it 9, sec 18 John J. Wagner, n 32.50 a neH sett (ex w 260 a) sec 32, 30 a Gerhard Wegener, pt nV& sett A n% aett sett sec 32, 64.26 a 2200 Do., e 2 rds s% sett sett see 32, .50 a 10 Frank Steinsdoerfer, ( ex se cor A e 2 rds) s% sett sett sec 82, 1G.25 a 660 PUBLICATION OF ASSESSMENT LIST---LOTS State of Illinois) M^lenry County,)ss. Public notice is hereby given, That the following is a full and complete List of the changes in Assessment of Lots and Blocks in the Village of Mc- Heiiry, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the year A. D. 1920, as appears from the Assessment Books of said year. W. S McConnell, Supervisor of Assessments. Names Snb-div. of Lots Ass'd Val. West Side Fox River Barbian Bros. A Fegers, Its 11, 12 A i3, block 2 Louis A Elizabeth Oertel, Its 8 A 4, blk 2 Fred W. Huemasn, It 1, blk 8.. Anna A Katherine Bishop, Its 2, 3 ft 4, blk 8 Lewis C. Bishop, It 6, Wk 8.... John W. Schaffur, wMi Its 10 ft 11, blk 16 1160 John Stilling, sw 58 ft of nw 25 ft. of ett It 11, blk 16.T..,. 800 r. of Lets Ass'd Val. 19 1060 <«x <iW« 150 900 n 63 ft It 4)-0» ® Borden's Fina IMl ntm It>it6 ftsub-lt t^i, n 60 ft e 192 ft C. gJ Berner, n'38 ft of s 87*ft sdb*lt 2, It 10, blk 24 1000 Entma K. Frewid, s 4 ft oaki k 2, It 10, Wk 24 87 Eaat Side Fox River John A. SnriDi, incl Its 1 to 18, * « *^..*,^1600 ^»t^of Mlinois,) 8268 ....1082 844 MM. 220 284 665 222 548 110 900 500 188 811 643 70 Conway, M. 4* • •. • 460 fbonway, R. F 5® Claxton, John F ^2340 €leary, P. J..4406 Cossman, Wm. . 1217 Colby, N. F. .... Cox, Albert ,j.. Churchill, C. X. Cha^e, Eli P. », Cooley, Fred A.. Colby, Geo. W. < Coates, William Ibovalt, Floyd E. tornell, Anna . , Cobb, Frank E. ...... Debrecht Mrs. Half. Degsn, John .... Dettmer, Wnp. ... Delenao, Nic)i ... Diedrich, Fred .. Diedrich, Joseph . Diedrich, Peter.... Diedrich, Jacob M. Dodge, W. A. Dowe, Chrintine B. ,. Doherty, Peter PUBLICATION OF ASSESSMENT PERSONAL PRQPERTT «nry County,)ssl;/ ' Public notice is hereby given, That the following is a full and complete List of the changes in assessment of Lots and Blocks in the Village of West McHenry, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the year A. D. 1920, as appears from the Assessment Books of said year. W. S. McConnell, Supervisor of Assessments. Inside Corporation Ella Welch, stt It 3, blk l.L.«. 1626 HerW Addition* Lona Herbes, (ex s 66 ft w 132 ft) It 8 88 Jobe V. Vasey, s 66 ft of w 132 ft It 8 Out Lots to West McHenry Frank H. Watties, e 60 ft. of n 132 ft. It 1 Henry Kamhols, n 66 ft of w 99 ft !t 1.. Emma D. Miller, s 66 ft of n 182 ft of w 199 ft It 1 Henry Kamhols, s 16 ft of n 148 ft It 1 Frank H. Wattles, s 66 ft. of n 214 ft. of w 199 ft It 1 Math. B. Laures, s 66 ft. of n 280 ft of w 199 ft. It 1 7.. Frank H. Wattles, e 66 ft of i 132 ft. of n 280 ft It 1...... Do., (ex n 280 ft) State of Illinois,) " McHenry County,)ssr Public notice is hereby given, That the following is a full and complete List of the changes in Assessment of Lots and Blocks in the Village of Ringwood, County of McHenry, State of Illinois, for the year A. D. 1920, as appears from the Assessment Books of said year. « ' W. S. McConnell, Supervisor of Assessments. James Conway, n 20 ft It 11.. 12 & J. Hopper, (ex n 20 ft) It U 400 26 649 48 12 48 49 26 160 Oil Co...,./. 1850 V a n N a t t a , I f , 1 , . 8 0 8 Vasey, Job F......... Il5 Yonag, George ....,.688 VMM*, John J 896 War* Oeotgianna ..... U6 Whttlsa, Howard WaHh,. M. J..... Walkh, Thomas j. Wattles, F. H... Wattles, F. W... Walters, Gus ... Wallace, Archie . Walker, Mrs. W. Bi... «54S Waite, Grace AUce;«iv 95 Welter, Math. ....,,n. 188 Wellington Bowling CU> 60 Wegener, Bernard .... 1187 Wegener, Gerhardt9^ 801 Wegener, Heavy J*-%j^^228 Weingait, Jaeob 837 Weingart Nick . .»U; Weinschenker, F. ;79S Wentworth, Wm. D.«,» ^108 Westphal, Qmy Gi^-ifjsn Whiting, W> E.... 832 Whiting, E. E........ 1409 Whiting, D. A 446 Whiting, D. A ' '708 Whiting, C. D S611 Wilbur Lumber Co... .16329 Winkel, T. W 156 Williams, Mrs. E 487 Wmrnm, Peter J 1808 Emm* <86 Wirfs, Geo. . 884 Weber, Katie Weber, Matlriaf, U6tWeber, John p/ 63 MS 881 278 m 812 • « Weber, Hubert]*... Weber, Nick **^4,.... Wells, D. G..w-*V.'... Wheeler, J. E......... 263 Wheeler, Ella M 1642 Welch, Wm. J.I.., Wright Robt Est., Worts, M. L. Wormley, Jesse .. Wolf, Louis A....; Walsh, John ...„ Walsh, Richard B...876 Amer. Tele. A Tele. Co. 4212. Chicago Telephone Co.. 10680 Western Union Tel. Co. C.AN.W.R.R...., fl|8 Farmers' New Era Telephone Co. 818 Public Service Co 10700 Western United Gas ft Electric Co. 3i§6 Chicago A Northwestern Railway Co...... in West McHenry Slate Bank ISSiOO W - .v Mr. and Mrs. Ben Adams of Austin passed the week mid with relatives here. Miss Esther Matson of Chicago was the guest of friends here over the Fourth. Mrs. Nellie Bigge of Chicago spent a few days the first of the week with friends here. George Phalin and Harvey Nye were guests of friends at Notre Dame the first of the week. R. N. Brown of Chicago spent the first of the week in the home of his ..... 861 •Jf;* . #087 ...;. 687 .^;.^886 :i 188 ' '• ' 60 86 88 848 • .•»'170 •***;> I 50 &¥r 966 •.- • ...J1831 900 ^.*51376 .1644 &800 60 181 168 506 881 184 887 74S 1088 884 788 76 1668 1608 116 1888 872 1668 641 182 1686 sDonavin, Walter J.'.Ti. Donavin ft Reihanflperger 2700 Duffy, John ^^8 Degen, Henaf 108 Eicbler, Godfrsd . 75 Eppel, Fred R. .1268 Erickson, C .<«<, . 180 Erickson, Henry y 60 Erickson, Louis A&iiJ',.'p71© Eisner, J<rfm 88 • El am, Percy ..... „ 500 . Engeln, Barbara • A.* 681 Ensign, Nelson Q. ',.^•1660 Ekstrom, John P. .. -i.475 Fay, Harry fi....{>,.';828 Fay, F. E........»..V. 888 Froehlich, A. t........ 816 Flusky, John jf....>»ir. 7i90 Flanders, E. P. 66 Fellows, E. 461 Felts, Fred C .^282 Francisco, Warren % »>. 788 Flodin, C. F 60 Foss, Mrs. RHU.. ...^ €093 FretJt, John M....«.>f>' 329 Fret*, Peter .«»V 265 Frett, Albert 166 266 195 >/S* 148 60 60 218 1007 * J® 188 8788 860 81 Bonslett, J. W....... Brand Ice Co........ Blomgren, J. A Blomgren, Richenl Bickler, J. C........ Biggers, J. B. ...... Brefeld, George .... Birk, Jacob ..... .. Buch, John J. ...... Bach, H. E. .. Buckland, J. V...>>. Busch, E. A. ....... Bohlander, F. A 8281 Bohlander,^nna C..... Bostwick, L. A,-.... v Boyle, John .......... Bohr, Magdaiiiil L... Bohr, Geo. Boley, Mrs. G. F. Boley, G. C. Borden's Farm Produce Co. Bishop A Olson ....... Britz, Peter Esi....... Brunswick, Leo *, .',... Carey, John . Carey, John ..;t; v... Carnon, Anna |l....... 60 Clmmberlia, G 188 Can, C. H 1680 tpbell, John 724 Freund, J. P. Freund, Martin S. 60 76 1011 Freund, Jacob M..^, .* Freund, M. J. ... 286 Freund, Joseph 911 Freund, John V. 821 Freund, Peter F. ;.... .1097 Freund, Peter, Jrt.... 1530 Freund, Nick N. . 1231 Freund, John J... *»-,,." 866 Freund, Frank ».. 100 Freund, A. P. ...i£.. 778 JPr&ind, S. H. 2097 Freund, Peter M.„y>i 1545 Freund, Wm. W.. 617 Freund, John S. . 1407 Freund, Martin fL 295 Freund, John H. 12891 Freund, Ben 1567 Freund, Joseph L. 4 < 696 Freund, John N.. " 982 Freund, Michael . 488 686 480 Freund, Anton H. .;i. 1219 Freund, Peter W. ..... JL197 Freund, Jacob ... »JL142 Freund, John ...^.^O25 Freund, Nick F. . 193 Freund, John E. . 448 Frpund, Joseph 820 Freund, Joseph W..,,,> 168 Freund, Hubert .. Ui..» l480 ifeund, Emma K. 208 Freund, Math. ,650 Freund, John J . ' . . .. ' *6 2 Fevers, Dr. C. E..,... 1862 Gerding, Mrs. Paui|>?i-"f 78 Geier, Mrs. Emil . .*.?•*%i," 102 Granger, Darwin I^t^.5";18T Grosser, Frank .. .^S; .888 Gibbs, F. W. .... -886 Green, Mrs. Mary.;,,; 806 Griswold, Frank .: 884 Gloooop Math. ......j.1125 it** - Goodman, C. M 225 Goodman, Margaret G. 1560 Gorman, Mrs. Jennie.. 200 Guyser, Richard ...... 422 Harrison, C. W. 868 Harrison, Elnor 600 Harrison, C. W. ft>8on. 1941 Harrison, Geo. H 4607 Harrison, Raymond ... 1067 Harrison, Clayton C... 887 • Harrison, Geo. H. 2845 Harrison, Roy C. ...... 979 Harris Bros. 1086v Harris, Gilbert ....... 956 Hall, Chas I860 Haverin, Bfrs. Rosalia.. 148 Hawley, Robert L..... 100 Hallstrom, Carl J...... 914 Harlin, A. J 1189 Harring, J. M. 50 Hall, Lynn D. • . 789 Harrer, Joseph .«;.... 816 Holleobeok, Chas. .... 469 Hollenbeck, Geo. ...... 76 Harmsen,'C. B. 42 Hettermann, Henry W. 61 Hettermann, J. B. .... 66 Hettermanpi Bros, ft Bickler .... 1200 -Huemann, F. W. ...... 962 -Helm, Wm. Jr., 173 Hedges, Mrs. Jaaea... 100 Hermann Bros. ....... 100 Huemann, Jos. S. .... 606 Huemann, Jacob . 3250 Hodge, Ed son 4. 105 Hepburn, W. H.821 Hawley, E. C. 1081 Hauswirth, J. 125 Heimer, Mrs. John .... 106 Heimer, Math 45 Heimer, Wm. .. .j. 726 Heimer, Henry 281 Heurier, P. J. 468 Huemann, N. A.i»..H. 265ft Hopper, Milton * .£»». 100 H e u s w , H e n r y . 2 6 6 * Hobart H«iry 876 Huff, Waltbr . . . 4 . . . . . 668 H u f f , J o h n . . . . . . 7 6 9 Howe, F. 1751 Hopper, E. J...,..;.v. 480 Hepper, C. E. . 408 Hopper, E. J. 218 Hoppe, Herman '•^4 • * • e • 1168 Howard, R. S..i.«»... 248 Howard, C. S............ 60 Holly, J. C. "347 Hitchens, F. A. 806 Huck, Lawrence 160 HiUer, Ben 149 Hoy Banking C#, ..... 6086 Hallstrom, Martin .... 82 Hunter, George A. 100 Hunter, Everett 860 Hunter, E. Boat Co..... 1887 India Tea Co. . 160 Isberg, A. L.. • 50 Immekus, Anton 150 Ibsh, Adolph 2646 Joos, Bernhardt.». 100 Jackson, A. S. ...***?. 186 Jacks, D. T. ...iM..., 60 JensOTi, Lissie .^w,.. 50 Jerack, John G...«..•. 88 Jecks, C. E. ... 1066 Jung, John B. .».1018 Jung, Martin Est..v.... 1118 Jung, Joseph ...'...... 501 Jungen, Math. ........ 1656 Justen, Jaeob . 1824 Justen, Jacob F. T.*.. 1616 Krause, Albert ..... Kamholz, Herman . Kennebeck, John H.^ Kmnebeck, Ben J. . Kennebeck, Ben M..,. 14 Kennebeck, Elisabeth .. Kennebeck, Emma .... Klapperich, Henry J... King, Joseph Kranz, Matilda Krueger, Martha*...... Klink\ Chas u.,_ Krumpen, Anton Kriunpen, Mary A...U 228 60 887 843 860 *8 624 162 & 800 Justen, Ben Justen, Wm. ...«»..i' Justen, John J. ...... Justen, Joseph ...... Justen, Fred ... .. Justen, Peter Mp> . . Justen, Mike Est..... Justen, N. J.....*.... Justen, Michael M.,.. Justen, Mrs. Jos. H... Jepson, C. J Johnson, Otto P^4%. Johnson, Geo. Karls, Hubert . .'v.. & Kattner, Edward . 1220 1427 478 4266 358 1881 2981 181 1648 75 762 676 281 70 1081 829 *184 180 87 4 60 60 Kimball, J. W......;'o>«i Knox, John Est....... 842 Knox, John R. <181 King, John ........... 64 Knox, Mary A Attee... .880 Krohn, Karl Knapp, G. A. Klintworth, Martin ... Klein, John H. Kamholz, Fred J. ..... Krohn, Chas Levftie, Harry 'B. ....! Laures, Math. B. Laures, Elizabeth 82 Ladd, James C. 8186 Lay, Mrs. J. P........1840 Lind, H. J 60 Lau, Robmrt J. *...808 l«cke, Mrs. R W..^.* 40 Leonard, E. E ft*Ida*., "^66 Lawrence, A. •*, ,...... 146 .Lodtz, J. D. .......... 888 Lallinger, Albert ...... 206 fassch, Emil 126 Matthews, Mrs. Delhi.. 168 May, Jacob J .»* . ,... 1010 May, KatherinH .i 2400 May, Stephen ........ 727 May, Nick .........i. 668 May, Mathern N. ... 182 May, John M. Est.... 2087 Martin, Abbie L. 600 Martin Bros. 1007 teay, Jos. .«. > }.*«... r • 888 Miller, Joe. J. 1881 Miller, J. H. 856 Miller, Peter F........ 882 Miller, Gertrude L*,...., 870 Miller, Jos. Miller, John F^. Miller, Tony JtT'....... Miller, Math. 1........ Miller, William ....... Miller, Peter ......... Miller, Jacob j|»....... Miller, Frank ...... Miller, John A. 1482 Miller, Carolina 60 "Miller, Henry Miller, Oscar ft Edw,.# ' 60 Miller, Jacob P. ...& m Mueller, A. F. M. a. . 488 M i c h e l s , J o s e p h I . ( 8 Michels, Hubert ...... 66 Michels, JosejJS 2481 McHenry Pleasure Qab 160 McGee ft Conway 4600 McCarthy, Margaret M 60 McDonald, Lewis 711 McLaughlin, J. F 109 McLaughlin, Tom .... 128 McKay, J. H.^ ' 60 McAnsh, Andrafr ...«. J80 McCannon, W31 ...... 1104 Mc Roberts, Minnie .... 800 Meyers, Theo 88 Meyers, Wm. Jf...185 Meyers, Georg# ...... 886 llertes, Jos. S.... ;.. 1271 Mertes, John 487 Merchant, Elis^ J..... Merchant Ray,.,.,... 1< Merrifield, R. ...... Moody, A. J. Mire, John ...i..„... Nieaen, M. M..«.«.... Niesen, John Niesen, Peter Nell, Mrs.Ghri«ine.... Nett, Math. Newman, Mabel . Newfeld, Rebecca Nelson, Nels Hi . 881 68 868 60 619 186 229 Nye, N. J., M. ©..,... 880 North. 111. Jobbing Co.., 1400 Noonan, Mrs. Mary .. 464 Nordin, fcdward A..,, 450 Noble, George ... 168 Norager, Christ F.,.V*» > 280 *Oberstadt, O. • Olson, John 0. ...' Olson, Chas. .. Oertel, Lo^is Oeffling, Petir .. Oeffling, Wra. Owen, Lydia .... .V..-. Overton A Cowen..'.». 2712 Parks, W. R... 66 Page, Ray 100 Page, Chas. LI ,f%-Vl763 Paulist Fathers .. 4.'. 260 Parson, Jamee A....... 160 Petesch, N. H. ... 1076 Peterson, P. N, .,.v,..1167 Peterson, Eric G. 248 Peterson, Hulda .. 76 Peterson, F. C. 88 Peterson, R. A. .88 Petersen, Caroline :»4,»|1080 Peters, Emma ... f;,; 88 Pearson, Gust ... fc.T... 861 Perry, James B..|*i4£i:,jB87 Peet, Ekiward" ... T., ..*»^283 Peet, Chas. .>*i»;4;iV5^1788 P i n t , J o h n .. . . v . 9 1 8 Pike, Neah 9. ... .Vi> 681 Pitzen, Nick 8. .....'i. 661 Pitzen, Mathias Jx*.\ 'J 380 Pitzen, JtrfTn 7.... 188 Pries, Wm. ... 'Prahl, Oscar ...... 1086 Pufahl, John B.....,«^. 108 Powers, Anna ft Etta. . 2665 Smith, Joseph .. Smith, Fred ... Smith, Peter ... Smith, Barbara Smith, S. W.... Smith, A. W..., Smith, L. L...., • m'M 680 439 1633 ^ 1000 ....... 954 425 M. ;• 1268 Smith, Katharine 101 Smith, W. E....kVv.?^ 5488 Smith, A. W 3816 Smith, J. P ...... 140 Smith, Mrs. AlsenK.... 125 Smith Bros. 5756 Sherman, John 150 Sherburne, Mrs. Sarah. 60 Schiller, A. M 616 Saal, H. G., Pleas Club 205 Sherman, C. E 1824 Schrauth, J. G... 221 Schnabel, Frank 108 Schiessle, Barbari Schoewer, Peter X,.... Schiessle, Theo. ...... Schreiner, Wm. G u.,,, Schreiner, F. G. Schneider, Aaton^vy Schneider, Mary Schneider, Fred ^... Schneider, Jos. ... .j, .. Stilling, Ben H. Powers, Mary .., Powers, Mary S. . Pouse, Josephine Pouse, A. H. .., Ramage, Clarine . Rainy, James .., Regner, John 188 w »87 1865 800 $29 6i) 881 168 756 93 80S 100 50 56 50 858 Stilling, Joseph 1392 Stilling, Henry J|..... 1761 Stilling, Jos. B 1310 Stilling, Henry Jf..... 1275 Stilling, J. E...,*.... 768 Stilling, Josqdl 736 .... 1231 < Stilling, Ben ....v.... 264 Stilling, John J......-.. 218 Stilling, George A..... 1458 Stilling, John ..i.,,.:*.. 60 100 Schroeder, Louis 878 106 Schaid, John J...;.... 631 88 Stock, Jacob Est...... 1183 160 Schumacher, Paul J.... 612 76 Stoffel, William 146 888 Stoffel, John 681 Stoffel, Simon . .iii.;. Stock, T. G Steffes, Math. StefFes, Jacob . Sterblens, John Stuart Ira H.. Silwins Bros. .. Starritt Clara M..7... 2356 Stevens, G. A......... 483 Stenger, Carl W.....i 502 Strueh, Dr. Carl.....^ 211 Stretz, John 379 Stevens, W. W...,,.^ 3600 Sohm, Otto F....... 14 592 Stevens, Hattie A..... 288 Stephenson, C. H... .>. 310 Stephenson. H. M..... 401 Simes, William ....... 128 Spaulding, Jennie F....' 42 Spencer, Wm. 2367 s**m sister, Mrs. J. E. Hauswirth. Miss Mercedes Bolger of Woodstoqjh - was a guest in the John M. Phalia home e few days last week. Mrs. Ben Wegener and children passed a few days this week as thu .» guests of Chicago relatives. Fred Rennwald of Chicago was % / guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. - Louis Oertel over the Fourth. Henry McCabe of Chicago was guest in the home of his parents, Mr.' :f. and Mrs. Patridc McCabe, over tb^ ;>• Fourth. :l* The kiad that you like are to be found at this store ill great variety and our prompt delivery service also assists in making this popular trading center for busy people. Just phone us your order and we'll do the rest. It's service that counts these days and we wish to have it known that we are here for that particular purpose. M. M. Niesen McHenry PHomM-W • » \ "1"88W WMey*er*, *J.- •A '3 12s 661 788 112 840 826 5*18 60 :m 87 • « Rogers, Samuel 8..*,.. 1118 Roach, George . 988 Reebie, Louis .1 60 Revor, James ...66 Reihaneperger, C. #... 888 Sheldon, Mary B. Eat.. 2100 Sheldon, Mary Est.... 1576 Schaefer, Henry B...> 200 Standard Oil Co.... .., 8166 Sayer, Geo. J «... 2375 Sayler, James N.* 281 Sayler, W. A. 881 Schaefer, Maxy K800 Schaefer, Jacob 890 Schaefer, John E..»... jllOO Schaefer, Robert .•..iiV" 680 Schaefer, Jot P. • Pit:#.*.,-' 898 Schaefer, Joseph l|..,. 850 Schaefer, Joseph . 881 Schaefer, Peter 76 Schaefer, John P...... 2652 Schaefer Bros 1269 Schaefer, Mrs. Marg. M. 49 Schaefer, Ben J....... 2348 Schaefer, Math. B..... 164 Schaefer, Peter M ,-fT,. 988 Schaefer, William . 4«..' i 400 Schaefer, Math. J.«. wl. •' 148 S c h a e f e r , J o e A . . 1 1 8 6 Schaefer, John Wi«.v.,£250 Schaefer, Joseph, Sr.'.. 1818 Schumacher A Schaefer 471 Schaffer, John W 1806 Schaffer, Henry J..,,^ 816 Thomas, Alma Schmitt Martin B^^T 218 ~ -- Stehmitt, Stephen W^'oWl Schmitt Math. ....... '817 Schmitt, Margin F618 Scluaitt John M.. }386 Schmitt, Anton M.^>. 1620 Schmitt, Steven Fii'..; 678 Schmitt, John J.......1149 Schmitt Stephen #.....471 Schmitt, Jacob . 200 Schmitt, John N..^#1724 Schmitt, Mat^i. 677 Schmitt Joe fefc.. T70 Smith, Chris.#4....^^ 7201 Smitl^ J. 49 John 1118 • e J > • *'• •* • I 1103 702 756 296 156 578 1093 843 Sloey, M. L. 100 Sutton, Edward B..... 859 Swank Bros. 977 Skogland, August^H... 100 Tayler, H. E..'... , .... 95 Tabor, O. A.....,. . ..881 Themies, Philip M..... 1533 Thennes, John A|t...„ 448 Teach, Wm 42 Thelen, Henry J...... 1406 Thelen, M. A , 505 Thelen, Mary ........ 42 Thelen, Joseph ....... 597 Thompson, Robert A.*. 1100 60 Thomas, JE. E....466 Thorstenson, J. A. ..... 50 Thompson, Edward ... 1273 Thomas, Wm. A Son... 1246 Tonyan, Ben, Jr.,...*,,,, 2614 Tonyan, .Wm. B.V»,*.; 883 Tonyan, Henry ....«^. 1468 Tonyan, Frank 1046 Thiel, Michael ....... 245 Tonnie, Felix ft M«....' 50 Unti, C - 786 Vycital, John J Vogt, Walter' r...>,-4; m Vogt Robert ......;vS 1878 Voett*, Wm, 50 Voelts, Fred; 50 Voelts, August ,M Floor if.'.- Scientifically made ^nd gyaranteed (o be absolutely pure, : ^ i V *v i., 1, . ;V\> mchekry : Flour Mills Welft McHenry, ill. IT'S ME now-a-days and we are here to give our patrons the very best there is in us. This feature together with the sort of meats, groceries, vegetables, fruits and bakery, go to make this a particularly attractive trading center. WATER STREET MARKET & GROCERY P. J. Heimer. Prop. Mi JiYi only coffee on the market without a that sells 35 cents per pound. Another ^shipment oI this famous coffee 1ms just arrived Give it a trial if you are oot already a user. 3 lbs. tor $1.00 JOS 1. MILLER McHENRY, ILL End Your Gate Troubles WilH 'W^'T &4C" CATU No (Safe hpevy, tamhle^onn, sagging wooden (jfates. No more bent and twisted gas-pipe gates, l'utup "Cao't-Sag8" made of an ide^l eqi^ bloat ion of iron end steel bolted securly together--no screwsor nails to ptll! out. When closed and latched, the "Can't- 8sg" gate is securely locked at both ends--stpek can't hresk through to destroy growlngeropa. cwtsac a fmciwn or AN Ml In order to sag even ^quarter of an inch, 45 bolts an^S pteees of angle steel would have to bend. You know that is impossible. Yet, this ideal gAe easts less than the old fashioned kind. Thou, sands are in use 00 large and j- email farms everywhere. Drop in «m| see theee gatee when jrou aref Wttar Luaber Co. WEST MdONftY 'i<" Bathing is now at its • best. We carry a cooplete line of men's, ladies*, girls' and boys' suits, cotton or wool in different colors and styles that will be stive te> please you. "* ' - The June Designer is " out and can be had our pattern counter. , ^ SMITH BROS. M i Heary, BL

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