Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Aug 1920, p. 7

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DR JOHN DUCEY Veterinary Surgeon Sterility , and Diseases af Teal Mil IMltl 1Mb H Richwand, UL Td^ftfM Ma. ltft-R SIMON STOFPEL butanaea «gaot for «B pruparty te (ha WECT IULWOIP WHITE GOODS SALE V'V^: •Women's Night Gowns, a lot of these garments thatllf ? we shall 6e more than pleased to have you inspect. 1 ft We are sure we can please you and supply your ! wants, some at--. $1.18 ^Envelope Chemises, two popular styles made of nainsook and trimmed with lace, per garment. $lil Muslin Petticoats, a splendid line of garments that * - f women are sure to appreciate, some at $1.45 JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY Ig; IE JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. thje universal car The Ford Model T One Ton Truck with its manganese bronze worm-drive is really a necessity for the farmer because it solves his problem of economic transportation from the farm to the city. And in farm work alone, ic will be found a great money saver as well as a big labor saver. Has all the merits of the Ford car multiplied by greater capacity with greater strength. No extra cost in operation. We'd like to talk it over with every farmer. Bring your Ford car to us for necessary repairs and thus get the genuine Ford garts and reliable Ford workmanship. STAR GARAGl Phone M m Sound and Solid in Every Feature kH E "Bxtoe" made good as the first commer- __ cially successful starting battery and has been making good eyer since. - " Jits reputation has been definitely efitablished by i|» 4ong life, ample power and proved dependability. I • : ^ 1 W. L HOWELL & C* I PHONE M-K RINGWOOD Try the bast coff«a and tou at Erickson's. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rainey spent Sunday with friends in Elgin. Miss Grace Pearson is visiting with friends at River Forest, DI. Mrs. Ed. Peet entertained her brother from Chicago last Sunday. Miss Dorcas Foss spent several days last week with friends in Mc- Hcnry. Misses Grace and Lora Harrison i returned the last of the week from a trip to Missouri. Chas. Hotehkiss of Batavia, 111., , spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs. C. jW. Harrison, and family. | About a dozen from Ring-wood at- , tended the special meeting of the Eastern Star at McHenry Saturday night last Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Flanders and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitng motored to Harvard last Thursday and visited in the J. Conway home. Mr. and Mrs. M&t Welter attended the funeral of a sister-in-law in Chicago last Friday. They remained in | the city until Saturday evening. [ Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon went to Fort Atehinson, Wis., Sunday to visit their daughter, Mrs. John Gould,land family. They returned Tuesday evening. Edward Harrison returned Saturday from a several weeks' sojourn in the west. He went in company with Roy Wolkos of Milwaukee and they spent 'most of their time with Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Whiting at Longmont, Colorado. Mrs. Ellen B. Hotehkiss Grandma Hotehkiss died on Thursday morning of last week at her late home in our little village after only a few days' illness. Miss Ellen Boone was born at Greenwood Oct. 16, 1839, and diedjing the village of McHenry, with the Aug. 5, 1920, making her 80 years,'hope thajt enough money will be 9 months and 20 days old. {collected /to enable the family to go She Was the third daughter of . to housekeeping again. The people of Lewis and Julia Boone and was mar- the community are responding most JOHNSBURG Attend Ericktttf* harvest sale. * C. M. Bickl©*, one of the owners and proprietors of the Central garage here, made a trip into Michigan last week and drove home an automobile. Frank Mathieu left Tuesday for Winnepeg, Can., where he opened a theatrical engagement this (Thursday) evening. Last Saturday night he filled an engagement at Joliet. Quite a large crowd attended the Forester pibnic held at Nell's Colum bia park last Sunday afternoon. Games, sports and amusements of various kinds kept the picnicers in a happy frame of mind thruout tin entire afternoon and evening, The dance, given by the Sit-Tite club of Chicago at Stubby Smith's hall in Johnsburg last Saturday evening, was attended J>y over ninety couples. The music, as furnished by Goetz s orchestra from the Edgewater Beach hotel, Chicago, was reported to be the finest ever heard in this community. Hettermann Bros, * Bickler,Hm local gartige men, have taken over the agency for the Dodge automobile and now have on their display floor one each of the various models that are being turned out They are in a position to make immediate delivery and invite you to call and inspect the beautiful display now in their show room. The sympathy of our people goes out to the family of Joseph Michels, who lost their home and contents by #re early last Sunday morning. A collection was taken up at the ball game on Sunday afternoon, at which time nearly $200 was donated by the charitaffle hearted people. Others have left contributions with the family and solicitors are now making the rounds of the entire locality, includ DR. G. C. SMITH ; v/ . Specializing in 'v PREVENTIVE DENTIST#* :if Oral Prophylaxis V; Surgical Extractions Dental X-Rays '• f PhoBes, 434 and 884 ISclKmwl, :: :: :: tltliiols ried to Geo. W. Hotehkiss on April 14, 1857. The first five years of their married life was spent at Batavia, after which they moved to a farm generously and, according to reports this (Thursday) morning, it looks as if the family will soon be settled •gain. Thanks to the kind hearted this union, Chas. H., now of Batavia; Mrs. C. W. Harrison of this village and Mrs. O. D- Harrison of Woodstock. Besides these she also leaves to mourn her loss one sister, Mrs. east of Greenwood, now owned and' public. occupied by Will Walkington. Here | One of the largest ctowds to attend they lived for fifty years, they mov- j a ball game here this season was ing to Ringwood in 1912. present last Sunday afternoon, when Three children were born to bless Johnsburg and Fox Lake hooked up in their third encounter of the season, the locals grabbing the contest in the ninth inning by a score of 3 to 2. The season's first meeting of these two teams took place here a few weeks ago, when Johnsburg won, then Fox Lake won at Fox Lake a couple of weeks ago and this was the rubber and as both teams felt confident of winning the backers made themselves known early, with the result that no few bets w^re wagered on the outcome long before the contest started. The game was, without doubt, the brat played this season, very few errors being made, while both pitchers kept the hits well scattered and performed their best work in the tight placet. MISS ADELE LEWIS . With "A Dangerous Girl" ENTKE THEATRE, SUNDAY, AUG. 11 Libbi# Roberts, four grandchildren and three great-grandchildren, all of whom reside in this community. Mr. Hotehkiss entered his heavenly home on June 7, 1919. While Mrs. Hotehkiss always stayed close at home, she had made many friends in our little village, who will greatly miss her. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon at the home, conducted by Rev. Grimes of the Universalist church of McHenry, with interment in the West Ringwood cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Holly of McHenry sang several appropriate selection). She is gone, but not forgotten. OSTEND Hosiery and underwear at Erickson's. Mr. Rogers' mother la a guest in the Rogers home here. Mrs. S. S. Rogers visited several days last week with relatives in Chicago. Roy Hobart motored to Harvard Saturday afternoon last and visited relatives. Will Harris ^and wife, accompanied by some friends from Chicago, spent Sunday at Powers Lake. C. E. Jecks has a nephew with him, a son of his eldest brother, Will A. Jecks, whom many will remember. The Ostend school board has secured the services of Miss Genevieve Knox for the coming school year. We have been treated to two bountiful showers of rain within a week and will need two more soon. A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Herdrick Saturday, Aug. S. This is the second child, both girls. No war very soon. Mr. and Mrs. Silliman from south of Woodstock were visitors over Saturday night at the home of their daughter, Mrs. F. R. Eppel. Last Saturday was Mrs. Oscar Prahl's birthday and about eight or ten automobile loads of friends gathered there in the evening to help her celebrate it Threshing is well under way. Grain is reported very good. Oats average all the way from forty to sixty-five bushels per acre, wheat from eight to fourteen. Perhaps stone wheat a little mora, but We havent the report COTTA, • Knox was a Chicago busi- TERRA Harold ness visitor Monday. Mrs. Wm. Mahoney oi Chicago was a caller here last Friday. Philip Andrews of Union was a caller in this vicinity Tuesday. Miss Eleanor Phalin has been spending the past week at Starved Rock. Miss Mary Frisby spent a couple of days with Misses Eva and Neva McMillan. Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby and Miss Nancy Frisby attended a funeral in Chicago Friday. Miss Florence Knox spent the past week with her aunt,, Mrs. Ed. Malone, in Elgin. Melvin Walsh of McHenry spent the latter part of last week with relatives here. Miss Mabel A. Kanka of^Algonquin spent Thursday last as a guest of Miss Frances Knox. Miss Agnes Bertram of Crystal Lake spent several days last week with friends here. Geo. Bryant, Sr., and Wm. H. Cowlin of Crystal Lake were business callers here Monday. Miss Mabel A. Knox spent the latter part of last week with Miss Eleanor Walsh at McHenry. Misses Anita Fruin of Chicago and Dorothy Walsh of McHenry spent last Friday and Saturday at the home of M. Knox. Mrs. Michael Knox spent Thursday and Friday of last week in Chicago and attended the funeral of Mrs. Patrick Murray. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daughters motored to Elgin Sunday and visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Malone. Several other guests were present, the occasion being Mr. Malone's birthday. i SOLON MILLS •• It pays to trade at Erickson's. A. F. Parker of Chicago spent Sunday here. Miss Leona Cropley is entertaining a lady friend from Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rowson were Harvard visitors part of last week. Fred Convene of Round Lake was a Saturday *atlfer at the Vogel home here. * Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Merrill were Sunday visitors at Hebron and Stockton, 111. Mrs. Gm. Turner ia entertaining her brother from Milwaukee, Wis., this week. Miss Vera Turner is spending a few weeks in the E. M. Aylward home at Hebron. Miss Hannah Yonke of Williams Bay has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Chas. Vogel. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sullivan and family of Marengo spent Sunday at Geo. Vagal'*. Physician and Snrgeon McHENRY. ILLINOIS Office over Petesch's Drug Start JOHNSBURG, ILLINOIS PHONES: Zi McHenry, 44 Johnsburg, 625-R-2 HOURS--McHENRY 10:30 a. m. to 12 noon 7:30 p. m. to 8:30 p. HOURS--JOHNSBURCt:"" 8:00 a. m. to 9:00 a. m. 12:00 to 1.30 p. m. » 6:00 p. m. to 7:00 p. a. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley are entertaining the Linn family from Chicago this week. Maude Spaulding was out from Chicago to spend Saturday and Sunday at the Davis home here. Walter Aylward was out from Chicago for a Sunday visit at the home of his father, Richard Aylward. Miss Anna Pester is here from Chicago for a few days' visit at the home of her father, John Pester. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gibbs and daughter, Thelma, and Leonard Anderson spent one day recently at Burlington, Wis. Miss Cecelia Aylward came out from Chicago Monday morning to DR. N. J. NYE Physician aad Surgeon, • I-Ray Treatment and Radiograph Office Hours: 7:00 to 9:00 a. m. , $:00 to 3:00 p. m. * ( . , Jj00 to 9:00 p. m. Thome 62-R McHenry, DL spend a week's vacation in the home of her father and other relatives here. Some of the highest scores were made at the Chapel Hill golf grounds daring last weak by C. M. Half John Dee of CMetgo, who are spending their vacation with their at Peltzer's Hickory Lawn. Sphere Will You Be In Ten Years? •iM This is a period of great earnings. With some it it likewise a period of reckless spending. Others are laying the foundations of future prosperity and comfort ty systematic saving in the owning of a home. '1 1 Where Will You Be? Look in the table below and see what YOttR' RENT MONEY will amount to in ten years--in fifteen years. Rather startling, isn't it? Do you want to come out of the greatest earning period that you may ever know with nothing to show for it? /ftlent With Interact at t% Compounded Aunaallj ht Month It Years' UYm-fa::- » Yrara V <1«.M #1,591.*$ tt, S4.4l4.tS •N". 1.78».Sfc S, 672.41 4, 12.M t,SS1.71 1,2*7.11 1S.M 2.SSCIS it«Sl.t2 1,738.$>4 » 14.M 2,214 1 2,I72.5| S.SI6.33 S.17AJ6 ISJt S.ISM4 S.S2IJS IMS 2.S9M# i,4S8.SS 7,662.82 17.M 2,688.8# V ' 4,748.26 7,St4.t4 18.M 2, »,t27.S7 7,t45.67 IMS 3.MS.2S « ft.SSS.S8 S.S87JS M.M 3,163.8# ft.SSS.lS 8,828.52 HM 0 3.954.2S MSMS^r tl.S3S.65 SMS 4.745.81 ft.S7S.S4 ^" IS.242.7t Let no one tell you that home owning does not pay fiOW AS ALWAYS. We will welcome the opportunity to talk it over, without obligation, of course. OWN YOUR OWN McHENRY LUMBER CO . -T/rV'- QUALITY AND SERVICE FIRST •i; i s: - This is the time of the year when thg fanri&r can commence to realize that ha courage to undertake the putting in of his crops in Spring has been justified througH seeing his crops develop to near maturity r" An all around good crop, with the goo4 •be a booster for , 5. ' $;$• "wM Good Times--by Saving v ' • Commence saving now. These easy times to acquire money and save will not r always exist Deposit savings with 6s-- we pay you interest--thus helping your livings grow. ; HOY BANKING COMPANY McHENRY/ ILLINOIS ONE REGRETS TO THINK THiy^PiU^H OF We have all seen the sign "Tempus Fugit." But you must prepare, and anticipate your needs before inclement weather prevents you from completing your building plans. Tpo many say there is time enough left, which causes a rush at the last moment and leaves many uncompleted jobs for winter. : . $ h v- PREPARE EAtttT. WE AIM TO KEEP WELL ASSORTED ANB AMPLE STOCKS OF BUILDING MATERIAL AT ALL TIMES. WILBUR LUMBER COMPANY ,'i>.

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