Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 23 Sep 1920, p. 4

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OFFICIAL VOTE OF UNTY mm FOR RENT--Five rod*#, FOR UNITED STATES SENATOHK- Butts Ctrniit On st. Am abeth Smith, McHenry, 111 FOE REP. SALE--Two good Shro Call phone 98-M, MqH ...3499 ; 8593 .1311 FOR rams. f f:* **, te at Large) FOR SALE OR RENT ....2584 Inquire at Plaindealer officii farm. j/*. •*?& i." number of big boars. Ran FOR SALE--A Poland China Ringwood, 111. FOR SALE--Round stove. Inquire of West McHenry, 111. Jacob McKinley Smith .. Chiperfiel<| FOR GOVERNOR^ Woodnff Carlatrom ....... Oglesby ......... Small . 4 FOR LIEUTENANT GOVKRHORSterling Miller „ ..... .8021 FOR SECRETARY Of STATE-- R»id 2612 Emmerson . v . 4987 FOR AUDITOR PUR. ACCOUNTS-- Russell .. 4130 Johnson 80K FOR STATE TREASURER-- Miller 4 .3262 Keys FOR ATTORNEY Brundage ... .3525 Barr .3853 FOR CLERK SUPRI^iE CDPRT Schneider • t.. y.... f .*,"•*• • • .2711 Vail .. • * '8328 •<?& tutS r* fPOMI CXPEftiCNcr that thf quality of the flour used in baking must be the best or else biscuits, pies and pastries will not measure up to hfch baking standards. In tho manufacture of our pure, flawless flour we constantly'endeavor to uritke it meet the top-notch requisites of baking standards. Try ow flow--yaa'll like it McHENRY Flour Mills Wert McHenry. 11L Yates Brown D a y . . » § * . * . • e 1 3 0 4 Mason . . . . . . . . . . . \ 3308 FOR CLERK APPELLATE COURT-- Johnson * 4190 Snow . ,..^1442 FOR REP. IN CONGRESS-- JM (11th District) Ira Copley ....... .4644 McCarthy «• .4062 FOR STATE SENATOR-- Runyard .Sfe92. Swift rw • •• • .-4760 FOR REPRESENTATIVES-- Vickers t86S Pierce ......•.4683 Walsh .,%% »....... •». • • *240 1 Francis • -7170% Weiss j'i., »..«*•»•«• *«:&» • .2084% Graham 282 Hayes .- .VfT «"»» • • /if .. 1098 ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Henry Miller passed Monday in the metropolitan city. John Long of Woodstock passed last week as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Doherty. Miss Ellen Spencer left Wednesday for Beloit, Wis., where she will resume her studies at the college there. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Wrede, sons, Joseph and Arthur, and daughter^ Anna, of Chicago were McHenry visitors Sunday. Miss Marie Zelsdorf and Lea Zimmer of Palatine spent Sunday as guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Zimmer. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Kimball of Chicago were guests ia the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Smith, Sunday. Miss Frances Beriier returned to her home in Chicago Tuesday after spending a few days' vacation in the H. J. Schaffer home. Mrs. John R. Knox, Misses Sarah Geary and Frances Benier and Mrs. H. J. Schaffer and son, Stanley; were Fox Lake visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Knox had as their guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Henry Geary and son, Jack, of Griswold Lake; Miss Frances Benier of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman of Wauconda. •;"Y.. y-m arengo, 1st •Marengo, 2nd Dunham . . . . . Chemung, 1st Chemung, 2ii Chemung, 3 r d . . . . . . . . f. Alden HartlajMl Seneca ,.. Coral . . i . Grafton .. Dorr, 1st . Dorr, 2nd . Dorr, 3rd Dorr, 4th , Greenwood Hebron .. Richmond. • •. Burton. McHenry, 1st..... McHenry, 2ndv.. McHenry, 3rd .. «;.y Nunda, 1st Nunda, 2nd V '*• Nunda, 3rd . Algonquin, 1st Algonquin, 2nd «"i . *"» • <• £ . •< . r.\' ^ «'» • «»>.'» » » »• V » V » ' » • » « • » j . . •..'»» . » . « if* »4 . . ii . %»** »i,. « « . « *S».« V. • • • | »,'• * • • • I * •;> • • i »*§: < • V • V * m W » * « . & . 31 • >5 . 14 . 21 . 39 . > 4 . 19 . 19 . 33 . 25 . 28 .134 . 99 .139 . 5 . 38 > 19 . 34 . 18 . 24 , 24 . 25 18 23 . 87 37. 84 I 81 233 255 96 416 301 58 157 105 132 174 124 463 450 386 60 130 259 280 49 118 180 184 110 101 161 96 244 188 99 61 29 18 12 23 67 65 167 175 134 17 38 125 102 28 95 88 14 22 6d 90 54 102 55 184 18& 140 290 192 f «* 128 81 92 106 132 406 357 342 44 139 222 206 42 179 81 63 48 76 193' 166 209 389 46 91 152 97 228 332 203 35 65 185 232 66 61 .m >166 101 101 97 61 144 35 It 248 226 106 164 159 40 69 32 67 159 221 85 131 105 29 40 124 192 35 98 67 36 65 94 134 118 143 115 53 139 150 76 354 220 51 109 93 129 121 26 655 602 540 51 143 293 230 49 127 171 179 76 91 143 90 186 160 •> • • r f 1031 6486 1996 4822 3769 8186 5307 VOTE ON SENATOR AND REPRESENTATIVES FOR STATE SENATOR-- . Lake Runyard ...;»•..6802 Swift \ .^U..5021 FOR REPRESENTATIVES-- ? IfcHenrjr W 2892 -V •4760 tSoone 1367 1404 Total 11,061 11,185 Vickers Pierce . Walsh . Francis Weiss . Graham Hayes . .»»*».^»i»..4708 .4...:..V.V»..47395i .2667^4 .6358 13920 .....1.. 1352% 301 7863 4683 4141 7170 2084 282 1090% 1389% 6599% % 297 #528% U 771 1090% 35% 13,960 16,021 7,105 15,056 16,775 1,682 1,427 ^ALFORD H. POUSE ^5- Tmt Me^ry. ffi. ¥ r DR. N. J. NYE Physician and Snrgeoat eatment and Office Hours: 7:00 to 9:00 a. QL JU00 to 8:00 p. m. T;00 to 9:00 p. m. «24t :: :: MeHrtfipyUL Tflepboae No. 108-R SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent for all classes of property in the best companies WEST McHENRY. - ILLINOIS DR. G. C. SMITH ' Specializing in PREVENTIVE DENTISTRY Oral Prophylaxis J?g) Surgical Extractioni l)en Rtdimand, tal X-Rays l*hones,'434 and 83#.' lfttlKOil New Fort Prices I take pleasure in announcing the new prices on Ford cars and Fordson tractors, effective immediately as followa. v ^ War - ^ Prices Stripped chassis........$525 Runabouts 560 Runabout with starter.. 625 Touring car 576 Touring car with starter. 650 Truck chassis including demountable rims and pneumatic tires 640 Coupe, including starting system and demountable rims Sedan, including starting • system and demountable rims 976 Fordson tractor ........ 850 The above prices are f. o. b. Detroit, Mich. John R. Knox, Distributor. New Prices $360 395 466 440 510 646 860 . ?«$ 796 790 Canning sugar at Erickson's Card of Thanks Nothing in the primary election of September 15 gave me greater pleasure than the sterling support of the people in the smaller cities and the farming communities. I surely and deeply appreciate the splendid efforts made in my behalf by the interested men and women voters of the eleventh district. My every eff6H in congress has been to vote for the greatest good to the greatest number of my constituents. My future shall be to render service anew to the people who have honored me with their representation in congress. I. C. Copley. LOST--Rosary near th6 Johnaburg bridge. Finder return to'this-.oA and receive reward. 15-lt FOR SALE--New milkers and springers; also ten head of horses. Inquire of Ira Steuart, West McHenry. 13 FOR SALE--Fourteen sheep, one ram; 2 tons of clover hay; also son&e grapes. Call phone 607-M-l. 13-tf WANTED--House girl. Good pay for right kind. Mrs. John Whitworth, 827 Jefferson St., Woodstock. 11-tf FOR SALE--Second hand heating store in good condition. Inquire of Jos. J. Miller, McHenry, III. 14-tf LOST--Two row boats on Fox ^iver. Reward to finder. Return to Dr. Carl Strueh's health resort, McHenry. 14 HEMSTITCHING--12c per yard. Mail orders returned the day received. G. E. Dillon, 17 E. Chestnut, Chicago, 111. 15-3t* FOR SALE--Choice river front lots In $jair Oaks sub-division. Edward R. Sutton, McHenry, 111. Phone 634- J-2. ' 6-tf FOR SALE--Automatic fly shuttle loom. First-class condition. Inquire of Mrs. Wm. Voeltz, West McHenry, 111. 13-3t FOR SALE--Cabbage and tomatoes; also 100 burr oak fence posts. Henry Ahrens, West McHenry, 111. Phone 53-J. 14 FOR SALE VERY CHEAP--An organ. Apply to or write Mf-s. Frank Zuelsdorf dealer. or -The McHenry Plain- 15-2t FOR SALE--Four full blood large Poland China pigs. One yearling, balance March pigs. Ben Jus ten, Ringwood, 111. 14-3t FOR SALE--About three acres of German millet, ready to cut for hay. Inquire of Wilbur Lumber Co., West McHenry, 111. 15-lt , FOR SALE--One track lumber wagon earnest endeavor in the nearly new. 3% inch tires with bolster springs. Inquire of J. H. Miller & Son, McHenry, 111. 15-2t Auction Sale < The household goods of the late Michael and Katherina Justen will be sold at public auction at their late home on Elm street, McHenry, next Tuesday afternoon, Sept. 28, starting at 12:00 o'clock noon. Geo. Vogel, auctioneer. FOR RENT--Two five room flats, gas and electric lights, in West McHenry. Possession given Oct 1. Jas. Revor, West McHenry, 111. Phone 83- J. 15-2t* FOR SALE--Ten horse portable I. H. C. gasoline engine; also nine horse portable Witte gas or gasoline engine. These can be bought at a bargain. F. E. Howe, Ringwood, III. / IS ut FOR SALE--Two story, six room house. Full basement, one" acre of ground. Just out of city 'limits! Price, $3,000. Inquire of Ben Stilling Son or Mrs. Henry Justen, McHenry, 111. 9-tf m FOR SALE--Buick, model H-45, five passenger, run 3500 miles, 4 cord Looks good and A %Jb. 1 shape.mechanically. Will sell for cash or time payments. W. L. Howell, McHenry, 111. Phone 101-R. 12-tf U-- •M cA NAME and BRAND toTRUST THE NAME ol Goodrich, branded v on automobile tires, is itself a certification of the very utmost in tire v satisfaction, v Stamped upon millions of tires, it has stood and today stands responsible for their superior quality and % service# ' 8000 Miles, for Silvertown Cords, 6000 Miles for Fabric Tires, is an adjustment basis maintained .only _ by virtue of persistent high quality reflected in the big mileage which Goodrich Tires deliver, f K FOR SALE--One double action force pump, one double - action hand or power force puihp, one square 100 gallon galvanized iron water tank. Wm. Koeppe, No. 51 Orchard Beach, McHenry, 111. Phone 75-R. 14-tf X FOR SALE--Span of brood mares, 12 years old each, weight about 1400 each. A first-class team for all around purposes. Will be sold right if ta^en now. Inquire of Wm. J Welch, West McHenry, 111. Phone -M. 13-tf LOST--A bill book containing two $10 and two single dollar bills. The book was one given out by F. A. Cooley & Son and contaihed the firm's name. Finder will kindly leave With D. P Woodburn, West MeHenry, III., arid receive reward. 16-lt* FOR SALE--Largo shady lots in Lakewood sub on the southeast shore of McCollum's lake. Sandy beach safe for children. The place for ar ideal summer home. Apply at Lake' side farm, McHenry, or of Fred T, Colby, Burlingame, Calif. 8-mo. FARM FOR RENT ON SHARES-- Two miles north of Wauconda, 111 280 acres, with fine, modem buildings equipped for dairying. Half of stock furnished. Good nine room house Deled lights. Possession can be given this fall if dqsired. Inquire of owner. J. Wf Farnsworth, Wauconda, 111 Phone 46-W-l. 14-3t m: y, ••Mai* • v,; V# " •j't' Best in the Long Run? ?vv> .k ?>.'<«• n .>'? * i KcAdjustmeHt 'Basis: Silvertown Corda, 8000 Miles 5 "'l ' Fabric Tires, 6000 Miles 'iH* :Mv I'tVj e- "" *! Sc®d and Recommended bf~: STHJUNG'S GARAGE * . . , JENRJ' ILL^NOIS > H*, i i ' 4 - 1 ^ ^ - "0 •? / » ,;-i *. • "). , •£. -- •* ' vi."" *, y . v "t t-k'-fJ.* .4, Card of Thanks To the voters of McHenry county, Who took part in the recent primaries I wish to extend my sincere thanks for the magnificent, voluntary ex pression of approval of the service rendered by me during my present term in the office of state's attorney The vote giveTi me without solicitation reaching the number of 4998 I con gider a splendid tribute of apprecia tion, for which I feel truly grateful and assure the citizens of this county if re-electeH I shall strive to so con duct the affairs of the office of state1 attorney so as to continue to merit confidence and esteem of my fellow citizens. V. S. Lumley. Aluminum ware and kitchen at« lils at Erickson's. the We bavd splendid stock of Madesto ftrsnd Canned Fruits which our custotners tell us cannot be surpassed. These delicacies are put up under most sanitary conditions and are guaranteed to be 100% pure. A trial will convince you of the truthfulness of this statement. WATER STREET MARKET & P. J. Maimer, Prop. The kind that yea like are to be found at fhil store in great vi and our prompt ery service also diaiill in making this popttter tradiqg center for bttty people. Just phone oa your order and we*!! do ^the rest. It's service that coufts these days , and we wish to have it known that we are here for that particular pur- , poie. ' • •' - • • - 1 fey.i«Wi.v,i)ii.i,,t. M. M. Niesen McHvntr WwtlhW • 1 r • WOOL NAP We havlereceivfedai line lot of Wool nap^ blankets which ar# ^ sure to go fast and-. will give the purchaser entire sati% • J faction. Now is the time for you to got your pick of this loit : while we still havft < t h i s large supply5 on hand. 1 SMITH BROSI McHenry, III. Si* It Fttt ' v V^-4. f" 1..;^ V" Betty Butta bought some butter, but, she said: "This butter's bitter, but a bit of better butter would make my batter better." So Betty bought a bit of butter, better than the bitter butter nnd it made her batter better. So it was better Betty bought a bit jot better butter, which of course was Holland Creamery butter, always fresh,and Sweet, at>;vv-,:>*vV *Mik f JOS. J. MILLER McHENRY, ILL. .Girls' and Boys* Shoes.. " ' special line $f double sole shoes for girls and y 4oys who need extra heavy footwear. These |hoes contain real merchandise value even ., |hough we have priced them very low. We Bring them $ / AS have them to fit your boy or giri In to be fitted. JOHN STOFFEL \ WEST McHENRY PHILIP JAEQER OENERAL COI1M1SSION WERCH4^T y-fct ,'«• tPXGLAL ATTENTION GIV*N TO TH* tAUl OF , Drcaaed Beef, ftutton. Hogs, Veal, PMlt^, ^ .Vt, Hides, Etc., Butter and Bggs - - :f This Is the oldest hoase on the street. ^ IMs fnmishsil Noe applioation. «BM) STORAQB PRBB Stan 1 a j, PaltMl pt. \ CHICAQO, ILLINOIS. PUBPip \ ': -•/ •' For ' *V " * . * * - ^ ""H U', . Jf " u .'>• " •fi .V You have ambitkMis for your children • -.^everyone has. Ambition thrives only ii/- 'i#1 real home 1Me» ^ 'rJk'iq, mands a home of your own« •< - ^ t During the present period of unmitural I * " v J** •' > •<< earning and reckless spending, young people are bound to form habits and standards of living which will either make or mar their future happiness and usefulness. A home that is all yours and all theirs will become to them an inspiration for the prestot and for the futuii 1 . . •'<*' 'JSiiffi Is YOUR home an asset or a liability? shall be glad to talk over your prob- - , |tm with you, without obligation, of course. OWN YOUR OWN . of i."1 J ~<u ?• /' * MCHENRY LUMBER CO. QUALITY AND SERVICE FIRST •TKT-: ;j; r • -fails .1 ii-iWltTffifflrr'f--" , k jit 1-yyt.k: .mw;

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