Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 7 Oct 1920, p. 7

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S)?!' mm Phone Goods Delivered < -%v-' - Ti- r-tru *r^-f*V^' ;• U,,/ V 'V ?v,VV"* ' '1" 'N»£ to." •••. Vfl! i«*£g? -^;:x' 1**^$ is ready for your in- ^J^spection. It is the most complete line of all wool fabrics we have evershowp. Our prices. are low compared with M present cost of production. We will positively save you money • on any suit or overcoat and give you the latest style or die staple - model. "fM * : J. WALSH •W, 'vi'J t t To Purchase Your Gas peatet v * " » , T D & A Hot Spot Heater drives out the chill ^ . tlafflpness of early fall, saves time and labor, a| 4 ' ^well as your coal; and, at the same time, brings > , a cheerful glow of warmth into your home, f% f PM.; Owing to the coal shortage it is quit# *3 necessary to conserve your coal supply for th{| severe days of winter. n ~ A Hot Spot is oderless, ashless and smokeless. ^Place your order now as our supply is limited /jjyWestern United Gas VSSy ^•aod Electric Company x45t* :.v tern M'I'W&I IS- flUituiui Sahhii, (tN MOATT IIMMCM04M»Pa0aRAATTffOo)) GROCLRIt-S & MEATS West McHenry, Illinois If you are not one of our meat customers /f It will pay you to give us a trial. We are ^ "^cutting only the best of meats and have a ^ yariety at all times. If you live in town \ i call up and give us your meat orders for |this week, we will convince you that we |can save you considerable on your meat |bill. All orders in by 10:00 a. m. delivered ^before noon and by 3 p. m. delivered by 15:00. You will get the best values by giving us your meat order, as quality is exceptionally good and prices are low*.' y\ -kjfr. *mr. , mS.y-A &1&- ff V * «Vi THE UNIVERSAL CAR ' The Ford One Ton Truck b a profitable ..•'beast of burden" and surely has the * right of in every line of business activity. For all ; * '%Tacking purposes in the city and for all heavy Ifrork on the farm, the Ford One Ton Truck Vith* its manganese bronze, worm-drive and : ogvery other Ford merit of simplicity in design, ^strength in construction, economy ih operation, |uw purchase price, stands head and shoulders above any other truck on the market. Drop in ' «nd let's talkitover and leave your order for one. W y h i ; 'M'. * '-II.*-^"V ^*3$ H STAR GARAGE J*ia R. Km, fto«. PIMHM M ; W? 7?-v 1: ,V; ..Mi Miss IIW end with friends in Elgin. Miss May SWEET of Rockforti spent several days last week with the Misses Hodge. Mrs. Will Cristy of Joplin, Mo., b visiting rrittivta and friends in Ass vicinity. « Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Speaker of Richmond were calling on friends in town Monday. Mrs. Louis Sefaroeder spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. Jessie Trow, at HE&ron. 5) Mr|. A, W. Smith spent the WE^K end in the home of he..* uncle, Henry RUJRSR, at Rockford. ' Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sanborn of Spring Grove visited relatives in town last Thursday. Miss Susan Speaker of.Richmond entered the employ of S. W. Brown in the drug store last Monday. Henry Burger and August Walters of Woodstock were calling on friends in town one day last week. Miss Agnes Bigelow, who has been visiting her parents at Sun Prairie, Wis., returned to Ringwood Monday. -Mr. and Mrs. John Gould and Mr. and Mrs. J as. Conway of Harvard spent Sunday in the C. D. Bacon home. The many friends of Mrs. J. E. Cristy will be sorry to learn that she is critically ill at her home in Waupaca, Wis. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McCannon spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis MCCANNON, at Greenwood. Mrs. Irving Merchant want to Woodstock Tuesday for a two weeks' stay in the home of her daughter, Mrs. Palsl Webster. / ' Mr. and Mrs. Harolcl Kelley have moved to Richmond and the rooms vacated by them will be occupied by Ollie Lawrence and family. Mr. and Mrs. W- Antcliff of Richmond, accompanied by their son, Elmer, and daughter, Mrs. D. Speaker, spent Sunday in the Clay Rager home. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shales of Woodstock, accompanied by Mrs. Lucinda Francisco of Woodstock and Walter Waterman and sister, Miss Anna, of Caldwell, Idaho, were calling in town last week. The Ladies' Aid society will serve dinner in the M. W. A. hall on Thursday, Oct. 14, from eleven thirty until all are served. Thirty-five and fifty cents will be the prices charged for dinner. All are invited. The Ringwood W. C. T. U. will meet with Mrs. H. W. Allen at Wood stock on Saturday, Oct. 9. Mrs. Allen is very anxious that all the Ringwood ladies come, so go if you possibly can. Lunch will be served about twelve o'clock and the meeting will ^CGLLED to order directly after lunch||L, TERRACOTTA I Kitchen hardware at Eriekson's. | Mrs. John Liddle was a caller at. Crystal Lake Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. P. Bay enter-1 tained several guests Sunday. D. J. Ryan of Chicago was a recent visitor at the home of John Liddle. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Peek of Chicago were recent guests of relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Taylor spent Sunday with the tatter's mother in Woodstock. Mrs. Stella Peck of Elgin spent A few days this week at Henry McMillan's. Miss Jennie Thompson of Elgin was the guest of Mrs. Frank McMillan Sunday. Mrs. Mildred Hoffman of Wauconda spent Tuesday evening at Frank McMillan's. Harry Harvey of Chicago visited at the home of John Pieraon a t&w days last week. .' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mason and family spent Sunday afternoon at Ralph Wingate's. Mrs. Will Powers and son, Hugh Richard, called at the home of Mrs. Robert Knox Friday. Mrs. M. H. Fitzsimmona and Mrs. P. Hanrahan were recent callers at the J. M. Phalin home. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox spent Sunday afternoon with relatives, in Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chicago came out Friday to spend a few days with Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisaer and daughter. Misses Mary and Stacia Gannon of Crystal Lake spent Saturday evening and Sunday with the Misses Florence and Frances Knox. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox, daughters and son spent Thursday evening of last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Knox, in McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. William Mearns, son David, and daughters, Bella and Minnie, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Liddle and family recently.' SOLON MILLS - Get year school shoes at Eriekson's. Geo. Vogel transacted business in Chicago Monday. Miss Mee Aylward was a Chicago passenger Monday moaning. Wayne Foss of Ringwood was a Saturday visitor at the Coates home. Lee Turner is here from Janesville to spend several days with telatives. Miss Maude Spaulding of Chicago spent Satu*«day and Sunday at the Davis home here. Mrs. Fannie Overton, and daughter, Mrs. Wm. Cowen, of McHenry were Sunday visitors in town. Mrs. Reuben Turner spent last Thursday at St. Luke's hospital in Chicago with her aunt, Mrs. Mary Walker. Mrs. E. E. Cropley, Mrs. A. F. Welman and Mrs. C. W. Oropley .and daughter, LEONA, Elgin visitors Satnn|ay. V. ; • *F» TUN§|PM Sunday with rela Mr. SuiX!J)|b. K. S. Craine and DAUGI|I^|FT^II^^ Mr. wad Mrs. Walter jBvan* OF Itenosha wera Sunday vismts ftt the Geo. Vogel home. Mr. and Mrs. WM. WIRE, Mr. and Mrs. L M. Imeson, Mr. and MTS. E. M. Aylward and Grant Randall of Hebron attended the Monear and Jackson sale held here last Saturday. Lee Aylward, inMunpany with Wm. Lichty of WOODS^^L left last Saturday morning for^Rington, Ky., to attend the horse races and fair held there this week. Thejtrip was made via auto. Miss bene Pester and Chester Noertker of English Prairie were united in marriage last Thursday evening by Rev. O'Brien oi Richmond at the home of Mr. and MNL B. E. Cropley. Congratulations. OSTEND Mrs. Eppel is over from the eooifCy seat visiting her son, Fred, and family. ' ^ A complete line of notions at Eriekson's. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Hoppe motored to Chicago Sunday to attend the funeral of a relative. C. B. Durkee motafod down near Elgin on a recent day and took his ccosin, Miss Ingalls, home. Frank Kaiser and wife were Sunday callers at the home of Mrs. Kaiser's brother, Joe Harrer. The threshing machine company held a meeting Monday evening to settle accounts. Four of the members were absent. Little Joe Harrer tried his skill at climbing last Saturday and succeeded in GETTING A PART of the way up the adder leading from the feed bin of the silo and fell, striking on a little cousin and thence to the floor of THE feed bin, which luckily was covered with silo feed. To all appearances he IS uninjured, with the exception of a lame Nek S-4'- J"," •*' • •" . VOU* Coffee and teas of quality at Eriekson's. Mr. and Mrs. Ves Wagner were McHenry callers Sunday. John Davis of Crystal Lake was seen on our streets Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fisher were over to Wauconda Saturday. Henry Maiman and sons of Wauconda were callers in town last Sunday. mTs8 Wilma Farnsworth of Wau tonda was here on Thursday of last A ili'iil ill-- -team - far aft around purposes. Will be aeld" right f taken pow. Inquire of Wm. J. Welch, West McHenry, 111. Phone 93-M. ' 13-tf FOR SALE--Three good farma well improved, two in Lake COUNTY the other in McHenry county, SOO, 320 and 120 acres respectively. Inquire of C. W. Stenger at the West McHenry State Bank of West MeHenry, Illinois. IF FOR SALE--Big type Poland China boars. A number of big, growthy boars weighing from 150 to 250 lbs., of the right type and best of breeding t $60 and up. This price is special for October as we need the room. Sayer farm, McHenry, 111. Cart Madson, herd manager. Phone 609-M-2. FOR SALE--At a bargain, one 30 ft. launch, 7% beam, 2 cylinder 4 cycle marine engine, Milwaukee reverse gear, 2 blade 18 in. weedless propellor. Cushions, life preservers and all equipment in first-class shape. Boat will carry from twenty-five to thirty people. Will store for winter if sold at WW*irCfcefr infonaafisvlnlt* W&& in i '" pyiii'i1 -,Q '"il'iUfil'i if I mr m i i(: y & u -FOR-* and Patent -- _ r . . . t A ' a \ - -1 * I*'- ,,/^v • • 'v5V?^ : ..wm- _ T - i/ v v , i. j8' S '* • v »• „ 'PB0NE 36 N. H. PETESCH DRUCGIST k \ I-0 Mr. and Mrs. Joe Vasey and -chil- Iren of McHenry passed Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Fisher. Miss Josephine Krapf and John Wagner were untied in marriage at St Peter's Catholic church on Wednesday of last week, Sept. 29. A wedding dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents and seventy guests were present Long life and prosperity is the wish of their many friends. .* ADAM S. JUNG . PIANO TUNER Prompt and Satisfactory Ssrriee Highest References Phone No. 12 WOODSTOCK, ILL. CLASSIFIED DEnUrTMENT FOR SALE OR RENT--Eighty acre farm. Inquire at Plaindealer office. FOR SALE--Order your cabbage now from Henry Ahrens, West McHenry, 111. Phone 63-J. 17-2t FOR SALE--Apples and pears, $1.00 per bushel. Call at Geo. J. Sayer farm, Pistakee Bay. 16-2t FOR SALE--Nine room house, all mo<l§rn conveniences Fine location. M. M. Niesen, McHenry, 111. 17-tf FOR SALE--Second hand heating stove in good condition. Inquire of os. J. Miller, McHenry, 111. 14-tf FOR SALE--Five tons millet hay. $12.00 per ton. Inquire of McHenry Lumber Co., West McHenry, 111. 17 HEMSTITCHING--12c per yard. Mail orders returned the day received. G. E. Dillon, 17 E. Chestnut, Chicago, 111. 15-3t* <"OR SALE--Choice river front lots n Fair Oaks sub-division. Edward R. Sutton, McHenry, 111. Phone 634- J-2. 6-tf /OR SALE--Five-year-old Shetland pony. Broken to saddle and harness. Earl R. Walsh, West McHenry, 111. Phone 613-J-l. 1612t FOR SALE--Ten cows, hew milkers and springers. Choice of twenty. Gerhard Wegener, McHenry, 111. Phone 614-W-2. 17-2t FOR SALE--One truck lumber wagon early new. 3% inch tires with bolter springs. Inquire of J. H. Miller % Son, McHenry, 111. x 15-2t LOST--Wood fore-arm for double barrel Parker shot gun, either at Wm. Freund's farn^ near Lake Defiance or along road to McHenry. Finder will kindly notify this office. Reward. 17* FOR SALE--Two story, six house. Full basement, one acre of ground. Just out of city limits. Price, $3,000. Inquire of Ben Stilling ft Son or Mrs. Henry Justen, McHenry, HI. 9-tf FOR^SALE--One double action force pump, one double action hand or power force pump, one square 100 gallon galvanized iron water tank. Wm. Koeppe, No. 61 Orchard Beach, McHenryV UL Phone ry s ; r-S.yi Winter will soon be upon us! ---•• ' vi>."4-v• • j ••i*- \0*: ***** sN N-, '*i» M il-i. • •• ••• ^ •.-.N.-iM,•'*,'AP-€ JIV. '"'i GLU-V v. SF. • • It is the custom of PRUDENT people to lay aside tor th» , - > WINTER as well as "FOR THE RAINY DAY." * • "4, <R: •: Our Bank affords the convenient medium for you to do s&>. ~ by depositing as much as you can spare Hi order that wintejr * .flSd; «M«t find you UNPREPARED \ V .: We invite you to use the EASY WAY provided by us. ^ McHENRY, ILLINOIS m. . j w i m n i m m / i r i i/ •i * • W - V | * UiCK power, stamina and service value, with eveiv fuller measure of grace, beauty and those re- ^nements which add comfort to utility characterize -- distinctive Buick qualities of the new Nineteen Twenty ne Series. dominant idea guiding the buikleit of Buick „ ever to maintain the Buick standard--a standard of $ % Roundness, saneness and serviceability in automobile ^ W.•*<#*%, ' Construction. The reputation Buick cvcrywh«e enjoys , , .r-v: |tttests the public approval of this Buick policy the new Buick Three Passenger Roadster, complete appointments, beautiful snd roomy is an ideal car ;'vft " ifor speedy transportation ip all seasons. And back of > v * V- C this model, is a nation-wide authorized Buick Service, reinforcing Buick dependability PHoea of the New Nineteen Twenty On* Buick Scrips Sim ^ » - . mi >: SSSf odrl Twrair Oor-.%ay Foar, urn paucatef ca* odd Twruly Ooc-Korty Fire, fin (aaco(cr eat u<lcl Twenty OorForty Sii, laur puKufcr coaH, udrl Twenty Out Furty Scirca, Itc ?u*eii(CT Mil' vdcl T»cniy Onc-Kurty KifbC, lour udrl Twenty One-Korty Nine, letm oJcl Twenty One-Fifty, «e>-ea /""Si " FOR SALE OVERTON & WEST McHENRY, ILL.- iWHEN BETTER ^AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT, BUICK WILL BUILD i ^ i * * < | ? * * * £ . ik&Jiuw Air j&sA_SfcLairlilftsSt'--; fey*-. ^ J -

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