Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Oct 1920, p. 4

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•?••:r S' ; t ,<•• v- **•**?- V* :=..,* MMe.'xrJt • ?*»»*#•. First It is sold at a moderate price. You save when you buy it Second: It has more than the ordinary leavening strength, therefore, you use less. Third: There are no failures- it always makes the sweetest, most palatable of foods. Fourth: It is used by millions of housewives--leading domestic science teachers and cooking experts. \Kf. MM i 1 . CALUMET POWDER mony mooting, held in SpftftgMd Saturday night, agreed to forget all differences caused by the bitter fights in the primary and work for the Republican ticket. I feel that this is the thing to do and I am going to forget the primary election and work for the Republican ticket from top to bottom. I take great pride in the wonderful vote which I received in the entire district Where I was known best I won and that is a great satisfaction to me. I carried my own precinct, my own (town and my own county. In the attire district I won by the men's vote by a majority of between three and four thousand. This wonderful showing was only made possible through the unselfish and untiring aid of my friend^ ., In justice to my many friends and supporters I want to say that the wet and dry question was not an issue in this campaign. Not only is one congressman unable to change the eighteenth amendment, but it takes thirty- %ix states to do so. The men were not fooled by this issue being injopted into the fight and I believe that if the Will Be Put risers in 6ecembe»* v *' * "" * •';fe ' Fifih: It is the best Baking Powder that can be produoai Was given highest awards at WofVTs Pore Food Exposition, Chicago;Paris Exposition, Paris, France. Sixth: It contains only audi ingredients as have been officially approved by the United States Food Authorities, The finest quality Baking Powder--at the most economical cost "The Bipgest Bargain That Goes into the Kitchen Today." Pound can of Calumet contains fall 16 oz. Some baking powders comg in 12 oz. instead of 16 ox. cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it UlUMt Nat Cookie .. Roctp* --| cup buttefc V2 cup sugar, S eggs. cup flour, 1 level teaspoon Calumet Baking Powder Jj cup chopped nuts, 1 teaspoon lemon juice. Then mix in the *egular way. EVEKY rnntnAT BY ^ F. 6. SCHREINER Otf i«c U» Bank Ruildlnr Telephone W-W r foreign Advertising Representative ] THE AMERICAN PRESS ASSOCIATION Thursday, October 21, 192S ;• t WE NEED FRANCIS 'IF McHenry county is to be repre- "sented in the next general assembly at Springfield it is up to us to elect Atty. Charles H. Francis of Woodstock on Nov. 2. The McHenry county candidate is only human and therefore has his political enemies, not only in Lake and Boone, but in McHeni'y county as wall, and it is only natural for one to expect these men not to vote for him but also to use the power of influence against him. There should, however, be more than enough voters in McHenry county to put the home candidate over and every men and woman who really has the interest "of the county at heart will give Mr. Francis their undivided support at the comelection. ' As near as we are able to ascertain he is an up-right, square, open-andabove board citizen and so far as his capabilities to represent this great district are concerned that can be no question. Not only has he been successful in his chosen profession, but as a farmer as well, and in view of these facts we believe that Atty. Charles H. Francis of Weodstock will give the citizens of McHenry county splendid service if he is chosen as their representative next month. Statement by Frank A. McCarthy I have been urged by a great many people in this district to file a contest and ask for a recount of the votes in the last primary. The time is so short that if a contest were filed it could not be heard and determined in time for either my opponent or myself to have our names on the ticket in November. I do not feel that it would be fair to the Republicans of this district not to have a Republican candidate for congress and that would be the only outcome of my filing a contest at this late date.' The different factions in the Republican party in Illinois at a har- Herald] Much disapf>OirilBrtrit is expressed over the laet that only tWo McHenry county supervisors, Henry Turner «f Hebron and John Conley of Grafton, attended the road meeting held in Algonquin Monday to discuss the feasibility of extending the Fox river trail thru McHenry -county, v' '1 - .* Invitations had bean, sentout to bankers v and supervisors' dver the county to attend the meeting and discuss with Kane county officials the possibility of completing the river trail thru McHenry county to Fox Lake. In addition to B. C. Getzelman of the Algonquin State bank and the village officials of Algonquin, only the two supervisors mentioned, Assistant State's Attorney Charles T. Allen and one or two other interested citizens were in attendance. ' _ ^ A large body of representatives of the good roads movement in Kane women had had more time to get county, including bankers, members acquainted "with the political situation j of the board of supervisors, members and the false issues raised in political, of the Kane Cpunty Motor club and campaigns that they would not have: others were on hand to talk over the |been misled on that question. I have , proposition. an absolute abiding faith that the! An interesting meeting was held in women of this district are going to be the village hall and the proposition beneficial to the political situation in 1 gone over quite thoroly. the district. I believe that they will ! Kane county representatives exbe for clean, open, fair politics and I plained that the Kane county board of believe that after they have had a j supervisors had levied a tax to comlittle experience in the political world plete the three gaps in the concrete that they will make just as good, if road on the Fox River trail in Kane not better politicians than the men. | county next year, the principal gaps I want to thank the many people between Aurora and the McHenry who aided me in my campaign. I feel! county line being between Elgin and under the "greatest obligations to the 'the McHenry county line south of Alpeople of this district for the wonder- j gonquin, and that they hoped to inful support given me inythe primary. J terest McHenry county citizens and I am not in ftie least discouraged, but officials in completing the trail thru rather am very proud of the record | McHenry county to Fox Lake. The made by mj% friends. I would not proposed route is thru Algonquin to trade the friendship of those who j the cemetery, north on the Algonquinworked for me and assisted me in my Cary road past Silver Lake to Barrelast campaign for the highest office (ville, then on thru Barreville, Mcin the gift of the people. I shall al- Henry, Johnsburg, Spftllfe Grove to ways feel myself greatly obligated to Fox Lake. Ed. Taylor, formcl^MgpMPVn, an well known in this e*etk*b, at his borne at Marengo Cti&Birday, Oct. 12, "oif typhoid fever. The oyster supper, at the, city hall on Friday evening last by the Epworth i league, was well attended and proved 'a financial success. | There is a move on foot to establish a co-operative butter and cheese factory in this village. One or two meetjings were held last week. | The first snow storm of the season in this section occurred on Sunday morning last Enough fell to make it plainly visible on the sidewalks. I Frank Holly, Perry Thompson and John Thompson came from Lake'Geneva Saturday, on .their wheels and ' spent Sunday with W. D. .Wentworth ahd wife. ' | The drama, to be presented at Riverside hall on Friday evening promises to be erne of the best entertainments presented this season. It is being put on under the auspices of the McHenry | brass band. The following is the cast 'of characters: , ' Jed Whitcomb .... Frank C. Going Hon. Reginald Jones. .J. M. Van Slyke [Joe Leonard...;..... .A. G. Eldredge Hon. Claude Lorimer... .Will Noonan Augustus Clearstarch* • .Harry Hanly Mary Belton..... .Miss Mamie Besley Mrs. Torrington. .Mrs. C. T Eldredge Kate Dandrail.. Miss B^rnice Kimball Alice Renshaw. .Miss Clara Schiessle FALL RACES AT PALATINE the people of the district and shall always stand ready to do what I can in their behalf. (Signed) Frank A. McCarthy. Speakers told of the many points of interest along the trail, Moosehart, the center of the Loyal Order of Moose, the Geneva Home for Girls, the St Charles Home for Boys, the Elgin State hospital, the state fish hatch- Crap Shooting Must Stop " I have ordered Officer Walsh to . _ . ^ arrest on sight anyone seen shooting |enes at SP"n& Grove and the <*** craps within the corporate limits of Preserve at Fox Lake, as well the village and he has promised to'as touching upon the increased value fulfill the orders to the letter. Those in the farms a,on« the that would who have been making this a practice . ensue. will do well to take heed of this warn- | *w° supervisors present invited ing lest they find themselves in a bad the Kane county officiaIs and boosters predicament John O. Olson, Mayor. to attend the next meeting of the board of supervisors at Woodstock in December and put the proposition be- Etta Chesnut fore the board. It is estimated that In fended loving remeyabrance of | the improving of the trail thru Mcour dear Etta, who was layed to rest two years ago today: Today recalls sad memories Of- a loved one gone to rest; The ones whose hearts are aching Are those who loved you best. From loving Parents, Sisters, Brothers and Children. M: V-'-' / -try A. Extra W*" ^ OF THE FAMOUS "MA^tlADE" CASSIMERES, WORSTEP9, SERGES "MARX MADE" TROUSERS are not just well made. They are made better than most people deem necessary. Examine any pair of "Marx Made" trousers and you will find A perfect fitting waist due to the "Wunder Waist Band*' patented by the manufacturers Four wide tunnel belt loopa • I v More than a two inch outlet on sffl selitil Re-enforced buttons that will not pull off Re-enforced bar piece pockets which are wearproof and faced with self material Crotch doubly re-enforced with extra piece of lining \ Serged seams preventing all raw edges from raveling ^ No matter to what strain, abuse or wear they are subjected "Marx-Made trousers will meet all requirements. fi |1EN'S CORDUROYS 15.00-$6.50-$7.00 MEN'S HEAVY WT. MOLESKINS $6.35 Henry county would cost from $150,- 000 to $200,000, and a bond issue would be necessary to cover the expense of the improvement. In commenting upon the lack of interest on the part of McHenry county officials, a resident of the southeastern part of the county said: "I suppose that if the proposed improvement affected Woodstock we wouldn't have had a hall large enough to hold the crowd, but because the trail runs thru the eastern part of the county little interest was taken. It's about time that something in the way of road improvement was built somewhere in the county other than leading from the county seat. "Completing of the Fox River trail thru McHenry county would be a splendid improvement and a big asset to McHenry county. Kane county will complete the trail from Aurora to the McHenry county line next year. McHenry county ought to join in the movement and complete the trail to the Lake county line near Fox Lak^," QUARTER OF A CENTURY ;. Itema Clipped From The Plaindeakr Of Twenty-five Tears Ago Champion Horace Entered for Races at Dean Track, Saturday, Oct 23 Collateral, 2:18%, the champion yearling trotter* of 1920, won that title last week at Lexington, Ky.,'and will go an exhibition mile at the fall M. Justen has enclosed his lot in this village with a woven wire fence. There will be Thanksgiving parties at both the Riverside end McHenry House halls. S. McDonald is treating his residence to a coat of paint inside and out. E. B. Perkins is doing the work. Miss Myrtle Slimpin' left on Wednesday of last week for Kankakee, where she will spend the winter. Dr. Auringer and wife rejoice over a nine pound daughter, which arrived at their residence one day last week. fvcrv Me**"., or WHf*T USCO THO»OUCHi.V 1 WAS HCO Wo i V;">;.k-.rfey"1 , •fc *-4 .'•*! i ihw- mm< riWi • - S p r s * --j*". % • BOYS' CORDUROY KNICK&&S $2.35 - (3.M - $3.35 -$3.75 ' • • • . : ' s •. . •• .. ' • I \ &.CnNWjtY McHenry, Illinois r. r-V-fe -X, .-•ft*"* '-rM .ii BEFORE it ever goes into our milling process it is a spotless grain of golden nourishment. When it becomes Sour it unites all of the purity ahd wholesomenew that the best of care and milling knowledge.can. import to flour. Try our. flour--you'U lite it McHENRY Flour Mills WhI McHenrv. HI. The nam* is «n th* pencil;* Always Sharpy K Never > Sharpened A sure point for • v e r y word* Enough lead for a quarter " millioo word*. A pencil of beauty --and a joy forevor. Built with consummate jeweler akiH A mechahical marvel and a writing wonder.' Aquart«rapM^ iahea the lead cham* ber. Leads oom€ln various degress of hsrdnsafk A handy eraser is under the handsome cap. A* built-in clip imuii against loos. Mads for poefcit, (Chain, or handbag Many attract!** styles to choose from. Prices, $1 and up. Come sss the Evershsrp and its famous writing mate the wonderful TanapofcrtPeo. N. H. PETESCH at the C. E. Dean this Saturday, Oct 23, Other horses, prominent w inlets at the larger fairs of Illinois and ^fTiieon- 8>n, have been entered in a r&t program that "will rival any that have ever been given at the Dean track or any of the county fairs of ^northern Illinois. A cash prize of $100 ifou be given in a Ford auto race that will be open to the world; and a cash prize of $50 for a motorcycle race. Vaudeville and other entertainmei^t Music by Palatine band. Good auto roads in all directions. Six mires west of Rand paved road and five miles north of Higgins paved road. Plenty of parking space for autos; large grandstand, seat for all. Admission to track, 25 and SO cants; grandstand seats, 25 cents. John Amann Dead John Amann, aged' seventy-nine years, passed away at his I^te home WW* T VWVR P'WVt i|W ia»VUUU JmO&KV Wednesday morning with interment in the Catholic cemetery at Fremont Centre. # • Physiciaa and Surgeon McHENRY, ILLINOIS Office over Pe^esch's Drug Staljfr ' JOHNSBURG. ILLINOIS ^PHONES: McHenry, 44' Johnsburg, r HOURS--McHENRY • tt:30 a. qi. to 12 noon J t:30 p. m. to 8:30 p. b« •OIIR8--JOHNSBURG . 8:00 a. m. to 0:00 a. m V 31:00 to 1.30 p. m. i:00 p. m. to 7:00 p. m Telephoaa Na. 1M-B SIMON STOFFEL M Insurance agent for all claaaas ofl<4 property in the best eompanies WT5ST McHENRY. IIJ JNOIP ALFORD H. POUSE .. i[ "1* .• .i Time 911 A«laraey-a»-La«.;. *'r.. -1 v t ^ West McHenry. OL We have a splendid 1 stock of Madesto Brand Canned Fruits which our customers tell us cannot be surpassed. These delicacies are put up under most sanitary conditions and are guaranteed to be 100% pure. A trial will convince you of the truthfulness of this statement. WATER STREETMARKET & GROCERY P. J. Heimer, Prop. » The kind that you like are to be found at this $tore in great variety jind our prompt delivery service also assists y£n making this popular if grading center for busy people. Just phone us ^Jyour order and we'll do the rest. It*s service fjjfcat counts these days Wd we wish to have it . known that we are here jtor that particuftu" pur- M. M: Niesen McHenry Phone 40 Druggist Phone 36 Standard Values in Hosiery for Men A busy man has no time to shop around in search of "special" values. When he starts out to replenish his stock of Shirts, Neckwear or Hosiery, he wantstomakehispurcna9es as quickly as possible. By featuring only such dependable lines as Allen A Hosiery we have won the confidence of men who know quality jnerchandise when they see it Our assortments of styles for men include such shades and qualities as are certain to satisfy. Whether a man's preference is for the finest silk, lisle, wool or cotton hose, what he wants or needs is here. L. A. ERICKSON Friday and. Saturday Bargains at prices you can well afford . Dress Ginghams, light or dark colors, per yd..-32c, 28c, 22c Apron Ginghams, small checks, per yd. 21c Dress Percales, 36 in., light or dark colors* per yd. 32e Outing Flannel, heavyweight, per yd 12c American Prints, light or dark colors, per yd._--„ lie Bleached Musrlin, 36 in. wide, per yd. 28c Mercerized Lisle Hose, 90c grade, per pair..7fic Envelope Chemise, $1.75 value* each JOHN STOFFEL -k; WEST McHENRY We have closed a contract for eggs and in the jJnture will pay top market price for your eggs in \ trade, which price will be 65c for this week. Egg market will be posted each day thereafter on our tttarket bulletin. Plenty of sugar at 12c with other items pttr* Chased Friday and Saturday. Compare our meat \ prices and see if we can't save you a dollar by tradtkg with us. Frett's Market & Grocery West McHenry, IH. Phone 3 Oont Ou»m 1M r/' looM in thm fleoA Don't Guess rr is easy to Be wrong when you guess at telephone numbers and the result is annoying to the person called in error. The operator, too, is blamed, whereas she has simply called the number asked for. Always make surt of the number by consulting the telephone directory before calling. Following this custom will improve the entire service* CHICAGO TELEPHONE COMPANY OirmctQry ffflf •tefl /MiltfS&L*. '.ki..' -•* . ~ '• . ,-v. . *,y ' jL '

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