Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Dec 1920, p. 7

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Block and Walter Eilcstedt! guests in the home of the former's iro spent last Saturday a-s parents, Mr. arid Mrs. Henry Block. --COME TO-- iwv'S-'" ijSr, v & A y; S ?• To sfee at first hand our great stock of Holi- \ Hay goods and general merchandise, and to „ make your selections for Christmas, in toys 'or other merchandise, such as scarfs, gloves, uties, handkerchiefs, caps, bath robes and • many other useful gifts. We have a large - Assortment of Christmas candies, nuts and ; Christmas trees. Whether you come to buy, ! pr just to look, in either case your welcome9 w ill be a hearty one. •> * W: kSrMC JOS. J. MILLER McHENRY, ILL. LITM AN ^COMPANY I N C O R P O R A T E D I COMMISSION •** •,> iimtiiiL, HEKCBAMTS "1 2 b W E S T S O U T H WAT € R ST C H I C A G 0 I L L --SPECIALTIES--* ^ \J^iffli^»'-.Veal, Butter &nd ' Pfee Cooling Rooma. WRITE FOR TAGS AND JOHN PETERSON, Mgr. PRICK LISTS v . • COME IN A» SEE US FMt YOUR wn as well as your every day needs. Our goods are priced at the lower levels as often as. market conditions warrants It will be impossible to enunt* erate each item on which this price is reduced. Come early wWesclegtiQfl is large. y> PMacm-R Goods Delivered M. J. WALSH LiNlVFHSAI Gifts 4m.;: IT doesn't require a purse as big as a market basket to buy "Universal" Christmas Gifts. There are ever so many useful high-quality articles at prices well within your means. Nothing is "cheap" In the sense of quality--everything is reasonably low in the sense of price. Call early and have first choice of "Universal" goods. Gift* that make a Merry Ghtjf tmas last the whole year througfe * luwrs ELEcrnc SHOT - M. R.^EVINE. Prop. JUSTEN BLOCK groceries •riekson's for ^he Xmas it Tuesday of at Unti's. Miss Dorcas Foss is visiting friends in Beloit and Harvard. Mrs. F. A. Hitchens was a Chicago passenger last Thursday. Eggs are up; feed is down. Try Red Comb. Wilburs have it.' AH kinds of electrical contracting and wiring. H. R. Levire, McHenry. j S. H. Kelley of Michigan is visiting his brother, Will Kelley, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frye entertained friends from Libertyville last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Smith made* a business trip to Batavia, 111., last Saturday. • / Mr. and* Mrs. Leo Brunswick visited relatives in Genoa Junction last Sunday. Mrs. John-Claxton of McHenry visited her daughter, Mr*. Geo. Shepard, last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Turner of Solon called on their daughter, Mrs. Geo. Nobles, last Friday. ' " Mrs. Clay R&ger spent Thursday of last week with her mother, Mr&. Antcliff of Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Esh of Spring Grove were visitors in the Ed. ffen home Saturday evening. Charley Shales and Ed. Martin of • his wife and daughter at St. An- Mrs. Oo. P. ] itor Saturday. Miss Florence Elgin Saturday. Finest season at unckson's. Mrs. Earl McMillan of this week in Elgin. Russell Allen of Cary -was a-ealler in this vicinity Sunday. Miss Agnes Frisby was a business visitor \n Elgin Saturday. Red Comb scratch feed for your chickens. Get it at Wilbur's. Miss Neva McMillan visited friends in Crystal Lake Monday evening. Mrs. Mary Grant spent Saturday evening with friends at Crystal Lake. Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich of McHenry called at J. M. Phalin's Monday. Mrs. Lee Taylor and Mrq. i^rank McM^lan spent Tuesday afternoon in Elgin. Mrs. John Liddle and daughter, Winifred were Crystal Lake callers Tuesday. High-daas line of electrical fixtures at Harry's electric shop, Justen block, McHenry. Miss Agnes Bertram of Crystal Lake visited at Henry McMillan's Saturday and Sunday. j John M- Phalin spent Friday with ' ! Woodstock were calling on friends in town one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Horace Reading of Solon were pleasant visitors in the Lee Hodge home Sunday. thony's hospital in Chicago. Mrs. M. Knox and daughters, Mabel and Marie, were guests of relatives in Elgin from Friday evening until Sunday. Mrs. Jessie Trow of Hebron is j Miss Frances Knox and Harold and spending a few days vyth her daughter, Mrs. Louis Schroeder. Mesdames Coates, Westlake and Turner of Solon attended the Ladies' Aid dinner last week Thursday. Mrs. Hattie Stevens left Ringwood last Saturday and went to Woodstock, where she expects to spend the winter with her sister, Mrs. Snyder. Mr. and Mrs. Burr Edmunds of Walworth, Wis., are the proud parents of a baby girl. Mrs, Edmunds was formerly Miss Emma Fritz. Miss Frank Ingalls and Mr. and Mrs. Claude Brush of Elgin were Sunday visitors in the Stephenson homes. Mrs. Brush was formerly Miss Edith Ingalls. The Ringwood school invites the public to a Christmas program at the M. W. A. hall Thursday evening, Dec. 23, at 7:30 p. m. There is a very good program being prepared by the school. A Christmas offering will be taken, which will be applied to the purchase* of a piano for room 7. SPRING GROVE Christmas cards and booklets at Petesch's. John Young was a McHenry caller Tuesday. 1 Shoes at greatly reduced prices at Erickson's. George Wieland is the owner of a new Ford coupe. John Schmitt made a trip lb Batavia last Saturday. J. G. Wagner made a trip to Woodstock last week Monday. Nick Weber was a Chicago passenger last Friday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Watts are the happy parents of a baby girl. John Ross is back from Minnesota, having returned last Tuesday morning. John Schumacher visited in the home of Victor Aim at Solon Mills Sunday last. * - ^ . Mr. and Mrs. Ford Jackson are the proud parents of a nine pound boy, born Dec. 6. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Beal of Solon Mills are happy over the arrival of a baby girl, born Dec. 7. Weber and Lay sawed wood Saturday. They didn't get quite thru, but finished Monday morning., William Huff has rented the farm where Charles Haward used to be and expects to go to farming in the very near future. They got thru pumping water into the pond Friday night. It is a good thing that Nick Weber has a real steamer or Wieland would never get enough water in his pond. Nick has the thing that can do it. SOLON MILLS Shoes and hosiery for Xmas at Erickson's. Mrs. E. E. Cropley is nursing in the Price home at Bristol. Wm. Monear of Richmond spent Sunday at E. T. Monear's here. Miss Annabelle Osborne was home from Elgin to spend the week end. Geo. Turner spent last week at Avalon, Wis., doing carpenter work. Geo. Yonke of Williams Bay spent Sunday at the Lee Turner home here. Wm. Geisser was out from Chicago to spend Sunday with his family here. Miss Leona Cropley-.was home from Lil>ertyville to spend Sunday with relatives. Harry Hardy of McHenry spent one day recently at the. home of Clay Hardy here. Chas. Westlake spent last Thursday at Wilmot, doing mason work for James Carey. Messrs. Lee Aylward and Edwin Vogal are attending the Chicago horse sale this week. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Beall are the proud parents of a little daughter, born last Wednesday. Miss Mabel Anderson is home from Elgin to spend a few days with her mother, Mrs. Carl Anderson. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Huff and daughter Katie, of Spring Grove were Friday afternoon callers at the home of Richard Aylward. Messrs. Geo. Vogel and son, Chas., and Jack Pester are attending the horse sale in Chicago this week. Mr. Vogel has three horses at the sale. Robert Knox visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Maloae-MfcElgin Sunday afternoon. ; * VOLO - Aluminum ware at Vycital's. Books for children at Petesch's., Finest display of toys at J. J. Vycital's. Christmas candies in boxes and bulk at Unti's. Dolls, toys end other gift goods at Erickson's store. Mrs. John Walton was over to McHenry Friday laSt. Ray Seymour was a Round Lake caller last Wednesday. Wm. Frost was a McHenry caller Wednesday of last week. Jas. Kirwan has been under the doctor's care during the past week. L. Benwell has been attending to court business in Waukegan the past week. John Walton and son have been doing carpenter work at Round Lake the past week. An elegant display of floor lamps, just the thing for a Christmas gift, at the Everett music store. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Carr and Mrs. M. Smith and son, Robert, were Sunday callers at the home of Miss Ella Moore. Sunday, Dec. 19, at 2:00 p. Bt. there will be special Christmas services and a donation to the Lake Bluff orphanage. Gifts from anyone will be thankfully received. Fancy box candiee for Christmas at Uatft. • • Sign With Hefcnm Henry Miller and Frank Justen of 1his village have again signed up to play with the Hebron "Rascals," a team which last year claimed the basket ball championship of McHenry county. Richter of Twin Lakes has also been signed and, according to reports, an effort is being made to secure the services of "Bevo" Adams of Elgin, who finished the season with Hebron last year. The balance of the team will be made up of Hebron players. Hebron, thru its basket ball team of last year, has won the distinction of being the best basket ball town in McHenry county and with another fast team to represent the municipality this year the fans of the town and surrounding country are sure to see some fast games this winter. The season, according to "last week's Tribune, will not be opened until after the first of the year. Too bad McHenry hasn't -seme sort of a gym. McHenry has the material for a fast team and we believe that same would be given excellent support by the fans here. Farewell Partjr Misses Gladys and Pamela Rietesel entertained a number of their young friends at their hqjne on Fox river last Friday evening in honor of-Miss Agnes Sloey, who left the following day fbr Chicago, where she will reside in the future. Dancing, games and music made up an unusually enjoyable evening and at 10:30 a delicious luncheon was served. Besilfee the hostesses and the guest of honor those who made up the merry gathering were: Leone and Kathleen Givens, Angela Petesch, Eleanor Walsh, Alice Miller, Matilda Freund, Helen Vycital, Mildred Zuelsdorf and Pearl Codding. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Schaefer, ,Who have been residing in Michigan, ere guests in .the home of the former's parents, Mr and Mrs. Nick Bohr. Mr. and Mrs. Otto F. Sohm of Chicago spent the week aid at their cottage on Fox river south of the river bridge. Mrs. Adolph Fischer and daughter, Josephine, of Elgin were Sunday guests in the home of the former's father, Peter TheJen. fc • Te Car Owner* We'are noW ready to store ftiir ear 'for the winter. W® "*11 also store your storage battery. Prices reasonable. Molidor tc Wegener, Vol©, 111. Phone 647-J-2. ' 23-4t Electric Appliances They're certain to satisfy the giver and the receiver as Christmas Presents Many articles to choose from, all distinguished for their artistry of design and finish and their efficiency in action. Finest quality coff< Erickson's store." Fee and teas at 2SS*. Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Nine Days Until CHRISTMAS Don't wait until the very last to do your shopping; buy now while you have your choice of a big selection. We can assist you in shopping as we have a fine selection of gifts. We also have a fine lot of different kinds of nuts. Our candies are fresh made, not the cold • storage kind that are pushed by many a$^;& low price. ; V , V DON'T FORGET YOUR XNASTtEESMITH BROS. McHenry, 111. IT5 WGEIHY WITH A PURPOSE VfES, our pare food bread has a worthy purpose. It brings health and strength and a mealtime satisfaction to the folks who partake of it regularly. One slice calls for a loaf, one loaf forms the habit., m Mat % A Bright and Cheerful Xmas Come to Every Home WE INVITE YOU TO BECOME A MEMBER III OUR CHRISTMAS CLUB When Christmas comes, you will get back in a lumpsum all you have saved, which wilt be Just like finding* so much money. It will be advisable to save this year if you have never saved before, because prices, no doubt, will continue to be high and it will take more money than ever to buy presents and meet other expenses. I - Our Christmas Club solves your CbrlBtiaj* problems. Be one of the merry throng who will be sure to have money to make themselves ant , others happy. Make it a sure thing. Enrol! at once. Every one in your family and your friandl " / will also be welcome as members. ; " i It will be a lot bt tun to belong to this b(| * ^ friendly club. It is a big, helpful plan, which will enable you and others to accumulate money for Christmas by saving small amounts by eaqp * stages. '• • *; You will enjoy being a member and wW » be delighted to see how rapidly your pennies, ^ nickels and dimes grow into dollars. , It's so essy to save that you will never miftl , the small amounts you pay in from time to " time. KEEP UP THE CHRISTMAS SPIRIT FOR THE SAKE OF THE LITTLE FOLKS. KEEP IT ALIVE THAT THE WORLD WILL BE BETTER AND BRIGHTER FOR EVERYBODY ^ Fox River Valley State Banker? '# _ McHenry > Illinois , f Joseph C. Holly Fremont Hoy James B. Perry Cashier President Clarence F. Hoy DIRECTORS; John Carey, O. B. Oberstadt, N. H. Petesch, Wm. J. Welsh* Joseph C. Holly, Clarence F. Hoy, Fremoq^Hoy • Vice Pireaktaiti A. ^ f SUPERS SHOWING'W SATISFACTION AND.SAVING Do your Christm^^ Shopping ^ere Helpful /Suggestions Books Cigars Cameras • Stationery Toilet Sett Pocket Manicure Sets Military Brushes * ^ Ladies' Hand Bag* ^French Ivory Goods Pursa? Candies • Perfumes Cut Glass Box Papers Safety Razors Fountain Pens Plioto Albums Eversharp Pencils Big i Line of Doll% |||| STOCK W NEW AND EVERYTHING IS OF WQftTUY " V QUALITY--IS WORTH GIVING ' s •• us j Nf tt. PETESCH i-t ,y

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