"V i J,- t'\ »/&* nf *'&*&»#•& - «!*&&*•< 'f^iW^PFW^ Ill • - ** K9 •fat ^V^'ir *'* 'wxwflwfo .; VTWi<»;&*nm\;rtirztr tv •i||f^\""';- *v, f*;^,r ffi^7^ "*i H* -*4. ^ «^*.v,. - ' - v'*e<«i Vj \ -a^'" - ,-w^ # v*"* if V»*f <*«»* ^ .•<^v >* if"** •**»'* "<1f^*- •'•Hff. .*-•«* ***** •• V«. ALKOLD H. POUSE Ttkphaw <fffc 108-R SIMON STOFFEL ,.^ 'i *i.?< i. ^h*«* fi •lent (or all in the a McHenry. IN. , I WK8T MfeHRNKT. ILLINOIS I>lt. G. C. SM1TII ,v. Specializing in PREVENTIVE l»ENTIStRf A. Oral Prophylaxis ' ?%H. Surgical Extracti<fctt • -? Dental X-Rays • i _ Phones, 4S4 and 884 BMmofld, • Y . - " ** V M;' if* Illinois DR. N. j. NYE ' Ph)>iei*n and Surgeon X-Ray tVealment and Radiograph OS. « Hoima ,i.>s.;« *». «««!•». <v* t:00 to 9:oo a. a. , > , IsflQ to p. jfc, _ ¥$9 to H X) ]i, at. 'Phone :: :: McHenry, IIL M Jfcr the Country Town Telephone Exchanges 1 Del co-Li glit has already proven • Satisfactory in the telephone industry for country towns. For a common battery • exchange, Delco-Light will dlifirjje the storage battery for both rtn^'ing and talking. U will furnish electric light for all parts of the ex- ^^auges., _ • - ^.,..:~ V . • Write for Catalog^*,-;/. - ttcHENRY LUMBER COSfPANf V DELCO-LIGHT DEALERS ".V; West McHenry, III. Finishes Current for Ringing and Talking X. «NEW YEAR 5.. ' ••• HONE iwj N. H. PETESCH druggist COME IN AND SEE US TOR YOUR mm mmm .11-'u ' 'well as your every day needs. Our goods are priced at the lower levels as often ai market conditions warrant. It will be impossible to enumerate each item on which the price is reduced. Come early, while selection is large. 'M Phone 117-R. Goods Delivered M. J. WALSH U,Jf V T H l . UNIVERSAL CAR 5 * *• The Ford Runabout it a Runabout,^in feality--a regular busin«S messenger, solving the question of economical and quick transportation. The Contractor, Builder, Traveling j ' ^Salesman, Collector, Solicitor, all find the Ford ~5 Runabout the most convenient as well as the • most economical among motor cars. Durable in service, and useful every day in the year. We solicit your ordt r for one or more. We ask your patronage in tlie repair of your car, assur- > ing you of genuine Ford Parts, skilled workmen, reasonable prices. STAR i R. Km. £ / . T \ . ' ' ** '* *** Mk. f- % R1NGWOOD . Staple and fancy groceries at L. A. Erickson's. Adam Jackson moved to his new farm at Solon Monday. Mrs. Jas. Rainey visited relatives in McHenry last Friday. Unicorn dairy ration--a quality feed. Wilbur Lumber Co. George J. Donavin passed Saturday and Sunday with relatives and friends in McHenry. Miss Jennie Mae Cooley of McHenry visited friends in town the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Huson and daughter of Elgin spent Christmas day with C. J. Jepson and family. Mr. and Mrs. Chauncey Harrison nre the proud parents of a baby boy, born on Monday, Dec. 27. Wm. Merwin and Frankie Fay of Kenosha are visiting with relatives and friends here this week. Mrs. Mary Smith and son, Clifford, of McHenry spent the week aid in the home of Mrs. Emma Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Hodge and daughter of Sandwich, 111., spent Christmas with relatives in town. Mr. and Mrs. Antcliff of Richmond ate Christmas dinner with their daughter, Mrs. Clay Rager, and family. Mrs. Happy Hall, who has been TERRA COTTA M. Knox and son, Vernon, weri^visitors in Chicago Tuesday. Teas and. raffia* to suit the most fastidious taste at Erickson's. Mrs. Myrtle Klein of Chicago Sunday with Mrs. Ray McMillan. Armour's Ful-O'-Pep egg Paul Fagan of Chicago is spending a few days in the home of Mrs. Nellie Bacon. Claude Freund of. Norwood Park spent Monday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Fretmd. Miss Vera Bolger of Woodstock passed several days this week with makes the hens lay. Wilburs haw it. i relatives in and near McHenry. Henry Shales of Crystal Lake vis ited relatives and friends here Christmas day. The pupils of the Terra Cotta school enjoyed a Christmas tree last Thursday afternoon. Henry McMillan spent Tuesday and Wednesday of this week with relatives in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and daughters spent Sunday afternoon at the J. J. Doherty home. Sheriff Roy Stewart and son of Woodstock were business callers in this vicinity Monday. Miss Agnes Bertram of -Crystal Lake was the guest of friends here Monday and Tuesday. Miss Ellen Doherty of McHenry called at the home of her sister, Mrs. M. Knox, Christmas day. James Burke of Chicago and Miss Mary Burke of McHenry called on relatives here Christmas day. Edward Pauly of Elgin and Edward Knox of McHenry were guests Christ- Shoes at greatly reduced prices at! Eggs are up; feed is down. Try Erickson's. Red Comb. Wilburs have it. nursing in the Charles Vogel home at, mas day at the latter's home here Solon Mills, returned home Friday) Mrs. M. J. Walsh, daughter, Mary, f evening. land sons, James and Joseph, of Mc- Mrs. E. C. Hawiey is in very poor .Henry were calling on relatives here he~al"t"hv at present writing, Lb"u*t 1h er Christmas day many friends hope she will soon be in her usual good health again. Miss Gene Ingram is spending her vacation at her home in Geneseo, 111., and Miss Martha Dailey is spending her vacation with her sister ^n Chicago. * The Misses Winifred Bradley, Mary Harrison, Mary Smith, Agnes and Sarah Dodge are al} home from their respective schools spending i Wry pleasant vacation. The Christmas tree and program, given by the school last week, were very well attended and thoroly enjoyed by all. The children showed training and were a credit to themselves as well as their teachers. VOLO Finest quality of winter underwear at Erickson's. Mrs. Peter Stadtfeld was over to McHenry Tuesday. Save coal. Put on storm sash. Wilbur Lumber Co. Frank Hanson of Madison, Wis., is visiting his sister here. Mr. and Mrs. L. Benwell and daughter autoed over to Round Lake Sunday. Wilford Grover and family moved from the Grover farm to a place near old sag. Mrs. A. Vasey had a family gathering at her home east of town Christ* mas day. Ray Paddock , and sons, Robert and James, of Wauconda were Sunday callers here. Mr. and Mrs.^eo Brewer of East Fremont were Sunday visitors at the T. Henkle home. Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Smith of Roseville spent Sunday afternoon at the home of Miss Ella Moore. Dr. D. G. Wells of McHenry was a professional callers at the home of Miss Ella Moore Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. O. Paddock and daughter of Wauconda were .callers at the home of Albert Paddock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Croaker of Libertyville spent Saturday and Sun^iy In the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson. Mrs. Rose Dunnill entertained Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bohne of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. W. Hironimus and son of Round Lake Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hironimus and family had as their Christmas day guests Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Nicholls of Chicago and George of Belvidere. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krueger welcome a baby boy into their home at Wauconda on Thursday, Dec. 23. Mrs. Krueger was formerly Elsie Walton. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Rosing entertained Mr. and Mrs. N. Molidor and children and Mr. and Mrs. O. Molidor and son of Libertyville Christmas day. TERRA COTTA [Last week's delayed letter]. Miss Frances Knox was a visitor in Elgin Saturday. Shoes and hosiery for the whole family at Erickson's. Clyde Wingate called on friends here one day last week. , Miss Nellie Doherty was a business caller in Elgin Monday. Miss Florence Knox spent Saturday with relatives in McHenry. Mrs. John Liddle was a business caller in Crystal Lake Monday. Frank Peck of Chicago spent Sunday at the home of Henry McMillan. Mrs. Stella Peck spent a few days the past week with her daughters in Elgin. Miss Agnes Frisby was the guest of Chicago relatives Saturday and Sunday. Wm. Gruenwald of Woodstock was a business caller in this vicinity last Thursday. Dr. and Mrs. A. I. Froehlich of McHenry were callers at the home of J. M. Phalin Sunday. Mrs. Mary Grant, daughter, Margaret, and son, William, were visitors in Chicago Monday. Miss Marion Shales was the guest of Miss Agnes Bertram at Crystal Lake Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Davis of Algonquin were guests of the former's sister, Mrs. Stella Peck, one day last week. Mrs. J. M. Phalin and daughter, Eleanor, returned Saturday evening from Chicago, where the latter underwent an operation at St. Anthony's hospital. She is recovering nicely. Mr. and Mrs. 'Nels Person of Chicago were guests of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Leisner, Saturday and Sunday. John Brefeld of Kenosha is spending the holidays in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Prof. A. E. Nye of Coal City, 111., passed a few days this week in the home of his brother, Dr. N. J. Nye. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heuser and son of Chicago passed Christinas d^y and Sunday in the home of the her father, Mathias Weber. Mr. and Mrs. George Dowe of Waukegan passed several days this week in the home of the latter's sister, Mrs. J. W. Bonslett. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Brown and daughter, Harriet, of Woodstock spent several days this week as the guests of relatives here. Richard B. Walsh of Chicago is spending the week as a guest in the home of his parents, Postmaster and Mrs. T. J. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. F. Cowen of Harvard passed the latter part of last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. I. Overton. Miss Florence Kamholz of Woodstock is spending the week as a guest in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamhols. Misses Martha and Irene May of Woodstock are spending the week in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Martin N. May. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward art ADAM S. JUNG PIANO TUNER Prompt and Satisfactory Sen ice Highest Reference* Phono Now IS WOODSTOCK. ILL. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bergman and ^on, Carl, and Miss Alice Bergman of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday at the home of S. B. Leisner. Miss Gertrude Klein of Crystal Lake has been spending several days '.iere with her sister, Mrs. Ray McMillan, who has been quite sick. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL M. A. Conway spent Sunday in the -.netropolitan city. Miss Elola Boyle was the guest of relatives in Elgin Sunday. Misses Mary and Bern ice Bonslett jrere Chicago visitors Tuesday. Ernest Kamholz passed Sunday as the guest of relatives at Marengo. Edward J. Buss was a business visitor at the county seat last Saturday. Miss Elsie Wolff passed Christmas day as the guest of relatives in Elgin. A. M. Schiller and Carl Mead were metropolitan city visitors last Wednesday. Eberhard Diets of Chicago was a week end guest in the home of Mrs. C. Brefeld. / Mrs. Wm. J. Weldi and daughter, Mildred, passed Monday in the metropolitan city. M iss Rose Laures of Elgin passed Christmas with her mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Laures. E. R. McGee passed Christmas day and Sunday as the guest of relatives at Woodstock. Earl Boyle, Ed. Meyers and Math. B. Laures were Round Lake Visitors last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kercher were the guests of friends at Belvidere Saturday and Sunday. Francis and Paul Bonslett of Woodstock passed the first of the week with their sisters hefre. Miss Kathryn Blake is spending a few days with her sisCer, Margaret, in Milwaukee, Wis. Miss Louise Engeln of Chicago ' 'spent Christmas day with her mother, Mrs. Barbara Engeln. Miss Ella Ibsh of Chicago passed Saturday and Sunday in the hoHie of her father, Adam Ibsh. John Zens of Waukegan was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Bonslett over Christmas. Supt. J. E. Pufahl, of the Borden plant, attended to business matters in the metropolitan city Tuesday. Thos. Knox of Chicago is spending several days as a guest in the home of his mother, Mrs. John Knox. Mrs. Mary Ferguson is spending an indefinite time as a guest in the home of her daughter at Burlington, la. Miss Margaret Bonslett of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Bonslett. Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Steilen of Chicago spent Saturday and Sunday as guests in the homes of their sons here. Miss Verena Brefeld of Chicago passed Saturday and Sunday in the home of her mother, Mrs. C. Brefeld. Mrs. Margaret Bonslett returned home Tuesday from a month's visit with relatives in Chicago and Aurora. Leo Zimmer of Chicago passed Saturday and Sunday in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmer. Miss^ Marie Zelsdorf of Palatine was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Zimmer -the latter part of last week. Miss Edna Meyers of Chicago spent Christmas day and Sunday as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Jus ten. Harvey Nye of Kansas City, Kan., is spending the holiday vacation in the home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs. N. J. Nye. Mrs. F. E. Cobb, daughter, Lenore, and son, Stanley, passed a few days this week as the guests of relatives in Chicago. Mrs. Agnes Dixon of Silverlake, Wis., passed a few days this week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Tesch. Messrs. Wesley Guffey and Ralph Stupfel of Woodstock spent the week end in the homo of Mr. and Mrs. Martin George Phalin of Notre Dame Uni- sP«ndine the> holidays as guests in tho versity is spending the holidays with *,ome their daughter, Mrs. Arthur Rasmussen, in Chicago. Alfred Bonslett of the Great Lakes Naval Training station passed Christmas in the home of his parents, Mr and Mrs. <1. W. Bonslett. Mr. and Mrs. Otis C. Murray and children of Geneva, 111., spent Saturday and Sunday as guests in the McLaughlin home east of the river. Mrs. Rose McGee and son, Eugene of Chicago were guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sutton at Emerald Park Christmas day and Sunday. Miss Margaret McCabe of the West Side hospital, Chicago, passed a few days this week jn the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McCabe. Lisle Dowies and sister, Eleanor, of Harvard passed several days this week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. R. Sutton at Emerald Park Mr. and Mrs. George F. Lindsay and Wm. Simes passed Saturday and Sunday as guests in the home of the latter's daughter, Mrs. Robert Sutton, at Richmond. Jacob Buss of Belvidere, Charles Buss of Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. John Buss of Spring Lake, Mich., are here to attend the funeral of their mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Buss. Mr. and Mrs. John McHugh and two sons of Chicago and Mrs. Robt. Boyd of Janesville, Wis., were guests in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. John McEvoy, Christmas day and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Karls and daughter, Evelyn, and Misses Elizabeth, Theresa, Laura and Christine Karls of Woodstock were Christmas day guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. " Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Musser of Elgin and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dunn of Lake Geneva, Wis., passed Christmas day and Sunday as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Whiting, northwest of town. A uappy Ntw Vcm* • " tr coMt truc A NEW YEAR'S happiness will never be achieved if your baking problems are continually hanging in uncertain balance. To be sure of results you must be sure that, your flour is absolutely the best and purest. Satisfy .yourself in this regard, by buying our quality flour Try our flour- you'll like It McHENRY Flour Mills West McHenrv. IIL Tut MEbSACie TrtAT we 5tNO To ALL. - 1$ PAV THIS STORE * NEW VCAR. S CAUL. DE it hereby resolved " that you will eat the finest foods that your purse can furnish during the New Year. Because it has been discovered by Mr. Happy Party and his friends that real economy abolishes waste by buying foods of the highest character. Youcaa buy them here. Watch for Mr. Happy facty .. FRETTS! I MARKET % GROCERY Thru the Coining Year JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY N. Um. . ' Licensed to Wed Tuesday's Elgin Courief: A license to wed was issued in Chicago late yesterday afternoon to Miss May Gorman and Rollin Babcock, both of Elgin. A OxTx AV PA PMr Vx McHENRY ELECTRIC SHOP J. E. Behlke, Prop. Phone H-R WE WISH EVERY ONE IN THIS COMMUNITY A HAPPY NEW YEAR -ANDABUNDANT PROSPERITY IT WILL BE THE AIM OF THlS BANK TO ASSIST, AS FAR AS IS REASONABLE, IN YOUR FINANCIAL PROBLEMS, THEREBY ASSURING SUCCESS TO SUCH AS ARE, OR MAY BECOME, OUR CUSTOMERS. Fox River Valley St^|<e Bank Vice Presidents McHenry, Illinois Joseph C. Holly Fremont Hoy James B. Perry | Cashier * President . Clarence F. Hoy \ DIRECTORS: John Carey, O. B. Oberstadt, N. H. Petesch, Wm. J. Webb* ^ Joseph C. Holly, Clarence F. Hoy, Fremont Hoy f9Pf991 • , > I... . ' CJ.'. • .• , , k-* - ' :