Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Jan 1921, p. 6

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IntiX EaeraM Park Mir Thtak. Ifes.- «T Plan 7 .* •' 8£ 11* following letter, written by Miss Marguerite Knox, tekcher of the r.^pf lEmerald Park school, telling of her s>. k $ Experience with hot school lunch, will ' .^.Ije read with interest by many of our readers. The letter appeared in the ^ fur rent issue of The Home Bureau : J views, published quarterly by the Mc- ; jHenry County Home Bureau. The ^/letter: „ Dear Mrs. Dalbey: You see I haven't forgotten that you 1 asked me to write how we conducted ' *ur hot lunches this winter. Last October we had a basket social find made forty-seven dollars. We , bought a two-burner kerosene 6tove, aluminum double-boiler, a small . dish pan, a few dish towels, soap, etc., - a ; 'for the lunches. Then after buying " lleveral dollars worth of school sup- (leM dipped Pra* The PtaMeatar Ftm HKcatk fitatrkt at I. A. A. ;• %TTwenty-§ye Years A0B p j " Aaaaal Meeting & January 22, 1896 1 *H«wry McOough of Mapla Park w»a Miss Lena Smith has been quit* sick •Sf*"1 chosen to represent the eleventh the past few days. congressional district on the executive Miss Julia A. Story has been quite comm'ttee of the I. A. A. at the annual sick the past week. Mrs. Clark Huson passed away at her home in Volo on Tuesday. • The principal and teachers of our public school all attended the teachers' meeting at Nunda on Saturday last. C. T. Eldredge shipped two cars of hogs on Tuesday from this station, making eleven shipped by him so far this month. meeting in Chicago on Jan. 13 and 14. Mr. McGough is one of the eight members to return for another year of work on this governing committee. Seven new members were elected to take the place of retiring committee men. As the committee meets^from one to two days in Chicago every month and the individual Working Itena of Iatereat From Oar Inatlta- • Hm of Learniag Freshman Notes Mildred Zoelsdorf is absent from school. Weston Bacon was absent three days last week on account of sickness. The date has been set and all note books in science must be in Thursday niv,ht and all experiments approved. Are the freshmen prepared for the exams ? They're Counting the days on the calendar before the fatal day arrives. Miss Kenney believes in giving her Latin I class a good education. She Circuit court adjourned on Thursday last after a three days' session. . c„ WI. ,1 * , . . There were no jury trials, but considhad about twenty do,lars for erable chancery business. Mrs. E. H. Walker entertained twenty-two of her lady friends from . ... . . |Lake Geneva, Richmond, Ringwood, 'chased the soups and vegetables, etc., , ' , * ' L ^:!EI*,n and McHenry at an afternoon groceries. The children took turns bringing fcilk for the hot lunches and I pur- • fcith• • th,e money we had left. The of .. ,» , , „ • t , ... •tea at the Riverside hotel on Saturday ^;:<>iwpils also took turns washing dishes,: afternoon ' . kut, as 1 had none above the: fifth »»_,. . .. • ^ •; •••.gradj e, Ii dji-dj mo.<„t o*f .t.hi. e cooik •i ng, a.l-iip _M_ »_ny_ j of j>t. h.e . summ. e, r co, ttage.s at " $Sh.o they *to oki *tu rns hu eil ping a"t recess, i *ox and• _» Pis.t akee .l.a kes have been i, t u * I . broken into during the winter and a ^ , ff fo">ider*ble •-<>«" «f Ifropert, v "I40 *" «"*• sto'en. Among the loser, .re El • ?W"es *of! .1.2":0I?0 *on*e- p„p,^l p assTed vth e p.. No.h Pike, Geo. S. rK.-.,, £ E Wi(tlrtmj|n „d „ w 0y)e* V ' per napkins, while another got thej ^ dishes out. This was while the writ- &g books and ink, etc., were being j' <0Dllected, so we wasted no time. We alwav committees are composed of execu- Jos. Heimer of the McHenry House dve committee members, a great deal j keeps them after school hours to learjj has issued tickets for a grand mas- of s*™" is quired by these repre-1 their lessons querade ball to take place on the even- sentat'veKing of Feb. 17. i Howard Leonard of Woodford county was re-elected as president by ac clamation. Z. M. county was also re-elected as vice president. The two days' session was taken up with business matters, election of officers and speeches by agricultural leaders. McHenry county had a representation of five men. They were E. A. The freshman class in general science has a regular fresh air school every Tuesday arid Thursday, when Holmes of Peoria i they work with the different gases. Sophomore Motes Helen Peet was absent from school Monday. The English II class is having; derivation of words this week. The zoology class will complete their laboratory work this week. Carncross, Woodstock; J. R. Wells, Herman claims that Sense and Harvard; A. J. Gafke, Woodstock; C. Sensibility is a good book to read. W. Gibbs and Chas. L. Page, West McHenry.' The voting delegates were John R. Wells and C. W. Gibbs. »ere always ready to eat right at, te*-elve. By about 12:40 all the dishes were washed and everything again clean in time for even the "dishwasher^" to get a "nooning." The^parents seemed very interested and often surprised us with a dish of Some prepared vegetables or soup. One lady gave us an oven, so we often had August J. Jaster, a farmer residing in the vicinity of Huntley, was the principal in a public demonstration son of John B. Frisby, aged occurring in that village last Satura ut seventeen years, died at the day morning. Alleged disloyalty is home of his parents southeast of this given for the cause of the demonstra- \illage on Tuesday morning. He had tion, in which the farmer was made to been sick for over a year with kidney parade the down town streets and then trouble. His funeral was held from kiss the American flag. The cere- St. Patrick s church on Thursday. monies were in charge of about twen- E. B. Perkins has purchased of the ty-five ex-service men of that village E. M. Owen estate the store building and community. occupied by Huemann & SchneirW, 1 • i jewelers. Consideration, $1450. He - • • • - will put the building in first-class January 19 will be a legal holiday ten years from now. Why? Miss Pryor's birthday. Some of the boys of English II class say they are glad that "As You Like It" is finished. Why? The sophomores are worrying about exams next week. More books are being taken home than usual. The modern history class is having heated^discussions whether the wars of Napoleon were a benefit or a hindrance to civilization. Junior Class Mr. Treadway in modern history: "You're right if you're thinking right." Naturally.. Chief subject of conversation: A surprise party on Mary Pender, but please don't tell her. Howard Phalin passed his birthday book for signatures, so now the girls expect nothing less than a Ave pound box of candy on their birthdays. As it is much quicker falling down the stairs than walking, one of the junior girls tried the former method. Mr. Treadway warns us daily that we had better begin to study for the examinations or dire will be the consequences. Several junior^ took in the free show Monday night. If it had only been Friday night instead one of the girls would have been richer by a pig. Are the girls in algebra II easily shocked or are their imaginations working overtime ? They report that when they touch the blackboard in the recitation room they get an electric shock. " * Senior Notes We all 'wonder if Miss Pfyqr likes Che color green. The American histpry class has now taken up the study of the world war. Grace Pearson was absent from school Monday on account of sickness. Howard Phalin and Francis Frisby motored to Notre Dame last Friday to spend the day. Can anyone tell us why the second period in the afternoon is known as the "Period of gloom and depression?" The chemistry class believe they can produce an odor stronge enough to win any kind of a war. We now know it is true. "Uncle Tom's Cabin" is Coming to town next week. The American history class has been advised to attend the performance. ? ? ? The French I class is planning to carry on a correspondence with student in France who are learning! English thru the bureau of internationaf education Correspondence in connection with the Peabody college for teachers at Nashville, Tenn. The pupils of the French class are planing to exchange snapshots with their correspondents and expect to receive some very interesting letters. ** A senior lad in study sat, Twas on a winter's night; ,* . At least he tried it very hard, " Put up an awful fight. . The text, McPherson's chemistry, Was then his every care; ^ His mind, however, wandered to A girl with golden hair. The chapter "carbon" was his task, Occurrence and its size, ^ But on the pages that he scanned No gem could he surmise, ; ' As quite so nice in any clime^ ' >• As bright, sparkling eyes. Amorphous carbon so 'twas said Was simply C. H..O. «• Or sugar heated without air- It must be sweet I know, But other thoughts were in his mind And still refused to go. \ And so the night wore slowly on, H The lesson styi to learn, _ - ) But after every line he read " His thought to her^would turn. And when he went to school next day, His eyes blood shot and sore, And sat in class at nine o'clock, A sad, sad look he wore. "Now Dick, recite," the teacher said, "On carbon and relate All that you know about its forms," And here Dick met his fate. ) He stood up quickly, but his mind Soon wandered for away, And in one word he told it all By simply saying, "May." ^-Howard Phalin. » Advertise with The Plaindealer. John R. Frgund Free port. 111. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Eddy several days last and this week guests of Elgin relatives. $ YOUR. HONtV.HCRe. Was &0Y A - - VH/\r TO YOUR THR\FT WILL APf gftU f\VK foods will satisfy ^-'the food longings of your purse. We sell the finest food obtainable at prices that make it a matter of real money-saving to buy it of im. You will undejps«aad^the enthusiasm of our patrons after you bought of our eatables. "Vi Wat* for Mr. Happy Party TRETTS: KETKMOaW SttffiSTMdBHKIU. PHONE 3 baked pottto^ .ml beked apples, but J*1? ,°d d*v'de into. jT° 5°"' on« we tried to have the that re- "h'fh ^ by Huemann ft Schneider and the other by himself.! thing: quired milk more than anything else. We served. I believe, thirty-two different things between October and the last of April and all but four or five of these required a quart or more of milk. About the middle of March our - funds were exhausted, so I asked how _JBany of *the children preferred to .diop the hot lunches or to bring a ifime each, a week, and' keep them up . for a while longer. They all wanted to keep on with them, so we kept them up until about the last of April. » I am very much in favor of serving the hot lunches, as I think the pupils do far better school work, and it is so much nicer to have a hot dinner rather than to eat everything cold. We had no table this year, just used the desks, but if I am teaching here next year, we are going to get a , table and a dish drainer. Sincerely yours. Marguerite Knox. ISSI E DOCTORS' WARNING State Board of Health Says They Must Report All Births X An acident, which may prove quite serious, happened to Nicholas Kretchmer near Volo one day last week. Mr. Kretchmer runs a cattle farm and he was, attacked by a fine bull. The anirtal got him uttder his feet and tried to gore him and would have succeeded but for some school boys who were passing on their way from school. Three ribs were broken and his face badly cut. * j January 15, 1896 j Mrs. R. Waite has been quite sick 1 the past week. Mrs. C. E. LamphereCh^s been on . the sick list the past few days, j There is some corn to husk yet and j numerous farmers are pressed for the want of crib room to store the enormous crop. 1 Hanly Bros, have just put in a new I engine at their mill, which was necessitated by the extreme low stage of the water. Milo Howe. Harry Hanly, Miss Jennie Covell and Miss Stella Nordquest commenced attending school at Nunda on Monday last. Mrs. Chas. Gibbs was thrown from _ .... . --: -- - a buggy Tuesday night while on her The Illinois state board of health wav to Genoa and received injuries in has issued a letter to every city clerk the shape of a broken coUar bone m the state, m jyhich is a warning to The principa, and teachers of our physicians and surgeons to file their public school are makin? arrange_ --birth reports as nearly up to date as ments for a grand literary and musical possible, so that the records to the treatf to take place on the eveni Qf first of 1921 will be practically com- pei, 7 : 1. . • . , ! On Wednesday evening of last week Ujs not . infrequent for physicians ^ West McHenry cornet band to file their birth records several learned of the marriaffe of E B Per. months after the births occur and in kins and ffave him a handsome 8ere_ some instances permit them to go un- ^ at hig residence here. recorded for six months, according to Walter Culver son of c N Culver tu'tyw ?\r V u, • - . of this village, was married at Elk- The board of health is making a horn W|s>> Jan j lg96> ^ Migs determined effort to impress upon Taylor Walter is we„ known jn thijJ physicians and midwives to record the where he has regided for gome births promptly and thus lessen the chance of failure to record them at j # Mnfw ha8 ,ately erected 8ev_ 8 ' eral fine granite monuments. One at The Jast few years have forcibly Ivanhoe for w L Converse and one shown the importance of birth regis- at Monaville for Elmer E. Barnstable, . tration, as many persons before who w#8 killed #t Grayslake, 3> being permitted to go to work have the carg -lound this out. j prank Nickols was quite severely Special Assessment Notice jhurt while helping to fill the brewery Notice is hereby given to all per- : ice houses one day last week. He sons interested that the board of trus-1 slipped and fell, striking his back uptees of the Village of McHenry, Coun- ;on an upturned pike pole, which made ty of McHenry and State of Illinois, a severe and painful wound. having ordered that a local improve-' Heimer & Engeln sold last week six ment be made consisting of the con- lots at Maple park on the river bank struction of a connected system of north of the iron bridge, two each to cast iron main water supply pipes Emil Lasch and E. Hunter of Chicago connected with the existing main and two to Mr. Eskilson of Rosedale. water supply system, together with all Consideration, $200 per lot. The necessary valves, valve boxes, fire parties will build substantial cottages hydrants, connections and fittings, all on the same early in the spring, connected and completely installed in The ice harvest, which was interplace, and pioviding for the making of rupted by the late thaw, was resumed said local impio\ement by special as- again on Monday and they are now sessment and the issuing of improve- putting up fine, clear ice twelve and ment bonds to meet the cost thereof, one-half inches thick. Should the said assessment being payable in ten weather hold a large number of houses annual installments bearing interest will be filled during the week according to' law at the rat* of five' 0„ Wednesd cvenj J<m ,t cent per a„n™ the ord,nance (or preci8ely eight 0.cl0ck"' ^ the same being on file in the office of u _ /*» j >. the Village Clerk of said W|°" e o ^ ' .M.. cH„e nry, Illino.i s' h.a.v in„g applS two of a company" "oJf" "s'i"x"ty -'f!iv "e "m "en" "a"nJd the County court of McHenry County . .. " . ' women, members of the camps of for an a»ses™.nt of the costs of ,.,d Modeni Woodme„ of Am<,rt(:> P f improvement according to benefit,, Ri McH .ccomp,nied a, nd a_n a, ssess.m en. t the.r e. fore , , havin8g kby.. their wi%v es and. ne.i g.h b' ors. A. most been made and ret.u.. rned to sa„i d, co"u rt'. delightful1 evening was passed and, M„r . the final hearing thereon will be had <.n/i u iU ® . 7" and Mrs. Harrison were presented a on the 7th day of February, A. D. 8et onff o pieces of- cIh.i. na. 1»21, or as soon thereafter as the business of the court will permit.! Present Priest With 12,252.50 All persons desiring may file object' ^ a farewell reception tendered tions in said court before said day and ®*v' ^ran'1 Keenan at Harvard one may appear in the hearing and make ®ven'n£ 'ast week, the popular pastor their defense. Dated at McHenry, was Presented with a purse of, . Illinois, this 20th day of January, A. 252.50. Rev. Keenan has just been 1 • D. 1921. N. H. Petesch, given * charge at Prophetstown, III.,1 Appointed to make said Assessment. a*ter a service of nearly eight years as assistant priest in St. Joseph's par- "7 ish at Harvard. He is succeeded by Jfcpr. Healy of St. Charles. I Eggs are up; feed is down. Bed Comb. Wilburs have it. WOODSTOCK'S COMBINED million Dollar These Merchants Are in This Mammoth Sale ti. K. AuNtin. Grocer Ki. T. Ferris, .leweler <». .1. Kartelt, Grocer tJus Carlson. flarnesN Evan*' Market. Meats A. V. Austin. Jeweler J. Koblentz. Grocer I>. B. Nichols, ritimber Malte ^cbwabe. Jeweler E. K. Meyer, Feed Store Mead A Charles. Grocers Stone's Shoe Store. Shoes Happier & Deltz. Grocers Roger Bros.. Meat Market A. W. Wagner. Hardware P. H. Maithel. Dry Goods k E. 1>. Davis. Variety Store Al I'. Dunham. Music Store F. W. lH>t.eii At Son. Bakery Gaulke Bros.. Meat Market Conway Bros.. Confectionery Scanlon Hat ShOp. Millinery J. C. Rushton A Co.. Grocer* American Motor Co.. Garage Tliorne atid Son, Men's Clothing The Hoy Pharmacy, Druggist* Weln's Clothing Smie. clothing Schroeder Brothers. Men's i'lothlng J. P. Alt Clothing Company. Clottng Belcher Brothers. Department Store Haley and Hoesly, Federal Bakery Wm. R. Burns. Storage Batteries Herbert B. Medlar. Photographer American National Bank, Bankers Chocolate Shop. Confectionery, Etc. State Bank of Woodstock. Bank-era E. J. Field Hardware Co.,' Hardware Woodstock National Bank. Rankers Slavia. Eastman & Pierce, Furniture Park Garage. Automobiles and Tires » Bartelt ft Forrest. Farm Implement* Wten's Department Store. Dry Goods Merthon Auto Bales Co.. Automobiles " V. D Sherburne. Ford Cars and Tires Woodstock Dry Goods Co.. Dry Goods A. D. Osborn Hardware Co.. Hardware Conway's Clothing Store, Men's Clothing Farmers Exchange State Bank. Rankers Woodstock Tire & Vulcanizing Co.. Tires Wicks ft Con ley. Vlctrolaa ft Confectionery Mcllenry Co. Electrical Co., Electrical Goods SALE - ' THREE BIG DAYS Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday JANIMY m: 16 and 17 JTlOObSTOCK MERCHANTS have combined ;.%%P to inaugurate the greatest three-day merchandising sale ever known in Northern Illinois. Half a million dollars of wares in the stores of this city will be put qo special sale for this occasion. COUPON Woodstock Commercial Club Woodstock, Illinois Please Mend me a free copy of the Half-Million Dollar Day Sale Bulletin, containing detailed Individual advertisements of all the mcrehaiiM *lw will participate In ihe Half-Million Dollar Sal*. Name : • - Address Three big special days have been set apart for this sale. Merchandise of every description will be marked down to more than meet the present day conditions. You should arrange to attend this sale. It will pay you to come any distance. Notice the list of merchants who will combine for these three days in " making this Half-Million Dollar Sale a notable event in the merchandising history of McHenry county. A sixteen-page bulletin giving advance lists of bargains is being distributed throughout McHenry County. If you don't receive one, fill out the inclosed coupon, mail it at once, and you will be promptly supplied. .7r t - During the war* Woodstock merchants were slow at advancing prices. JPatronage came for miles and miles, because prices hadn't "gone up" there, like they did in the larger cities. Now, they • have been the first in this section of the country to make decided reductions from the prices that prevailed last year. And thus Woodstock's business continues to grow. Jn hundreds of instances, the concessions in prices to be made at this HALF MILLION DOLLAR SALE are at a much greater rate of reduction than have been made by the manufacturer (and wholesaler. In some lines, price concessions will be made simply because the retailers EXPECT the wholesaler to reduce prices. Merchandise will be sold in greater volume during this HALF MILLION DOLLAR SALE than Woodstock has ever witnessed before. Those who do Hot come to this sale will be disappointed. Woodstock will make good. Come! *AI1 Stores Will Be Closed Monday Afternoon and Evening 24th to Arrange and Mark Goods for this Sale 3ES j

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