Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Feb 1921, p. 9

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R^GSLLCTWF?S*F:4^*IR"1^^§MAFEW^L:G-I • •" . . - '•' *'^.;'\,V '*: .-'^^ - <?••' V^/V- :Mr.«sf $ <& ^^v, 'Hr:^:-^yr; :f'.^:"^,f"T,"5 r v'* l * * * - 'r " - \\ '> / " * " ' \ ,> / ' ;J f . *t.\ , * ; ••-••• FHE MCBENRY mswrnm W^JMxmvr. " 7 n Xi3'4 f*'\\ J"* •5.'«-T •wp • • ' • * ; " . ' " . * ~ • , . ' . , • ( \ ; , . ' . ' • ' ,, r. .r • f .•'.a*. , •: • • ?;^%iwW-:7iW y - l•icomltguVinPrl«' iiii<« --7 BTHMAM ...;...I..*».'«•••«. AIM Stevenson Kettnedy-Todd group. ... B»K« estate Blair eatate „.«.. Rhinelanders wt...ij,.... ' 60,000 Rogera .•»,»•>." W.OOO.OO# Armour* Swift ,...5 » i«,i A. C. James family «O.O0O,OW Cleveland Dodge eo.000.000 Archbold estate 60.000,011 Mills' estate ...................... 60.000.0M Daniel Reld estate 50.000,0M Plant estate 60,000,(M Morris 60,000,010 Pullman estate 60.000.008 Searlea estate ..x 60.000.QOI - There are many families Mr. Klein mentioned In the $40,000,000 class, and this includes Mrs. William Leeds, now Princess Christopher of Greece^ and Alexander Smith Cochrane, until recently America's "richest bachelor" and now the husband of Mme. Qanna Walska, opera singer. Mr. Klein's list, which is several paces long, does not go below the $10,- 000,000 class. For Nervous Women Byringfleld, 111.--"For ran-down, Mrvtws women, I know of nothing that will equal Dr. Pierce's Favorite P r escriptiom. I have taken ft When in A weak, nervous condition and always found It to be very bene- V fldal. I woo Id never hesitate to recommend Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription to all women who are VD| and nervous."--MRS. MAHHI. POWBLU 1000 S. 15th St Sold by all druggists in liquid or tablets (NO alcohol or narcotic). Bend 10 oents to Dr. Pierce's IArallda' Hotel in Buffalo, N. Y„ for a trial package and write tor {RTW confidential medical tdvlca VT"1 Hw fancy, larft, dressed Herriac, S« pevad. nmtt with order or MM IS* etimplete list before baying dsewbere. CONSOHERS FISH CO.. firm Btf, Wb. OtAfiS CLOTH 4 Trufparesl, W«t*rprool raoric; efficient as glass for hotteds. Catalog FrM. Turner Bros.. Boy «, Bls<S*-n, Neb. Y< !r B|g Wealth in . . • Hands of Few Fifty Families in United State* Control More Than $100,- L 000,000 Each. ROCKEFELLER AT HEM OF UST 8he Meant Welt. The orchestra in the grillroom was playing classical music daring the lunch hour. A woman was listening with what she probably regarded as the proper attitude to assume when good music is played. After each number she applauded, and murmured to her companion, "I do SO adore good music!" She beckoned to a waiter and asked him if the orchestra played any music by request. She was informed that it did. "Will you please tell them to play the sextette from 'Russia' for me7" SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS Tfcere (i only one medicine tfcwt malfy stands out pre-eminent as a medicine for curable ailments of tbe kidneys, liver and bladder. Dr. Kilmer's Swawp-Roat stands the highest for the reason that it has proven to be just the remedy needed in -thousands upon thousands of distressing cases. Swamp-Root makes friends quiokly because its mild and immediate effect is soon realwed w> i»o*t cases, it is * <gentle, healing vegetable compound. Start treatment at onoe. 13dld at all drug stores in bottles of faro -sixes, medians and large. However, if yon wish first to test this peat preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y., for a •ample bottle. When writing 'be sun and this paper.--Adv. Concerning Chicken*. JFAH Atlanta man asked HN Old darky what tweed ef chickens he considered tbe best. "All kinds has dere merits," replied Caesar, after a moment's consideration. **L>e while ones is de easiest to find, but de black ones le de easiest to hide aftaih yo' gits 'em."--Harper'* Magazine. ' GarfieM Tea, taken Tegn tarty, will OC*- MET toth liver and kidney disorders.--tAdv. Swat the Big Figures. # Kriicker--"A scientist culcdlates the EARTH will last a trillion years." •" 'Congressman--•" WELL, WL -out the •estimate." If it te a "rare treat" it ehows a limited descriptive vocabulary. '0- Do you lenow why it's toasted To •••! in ih# delicious BuHey tobaoco flavor. LUCKY STRIKE CIGARETTE Bel ler ThcUiP.ils for l.ivei ills You can't but what will make feel Oil King's Estate Is Now Estimated at Between Three and Five Billion-- Veritable Dynasty in Every ' Important industry. Ifar York.--Fifty families in the United States cgntroi over $100,000,000 each, 100 families control over $50.- 000,000 each, and 500 families control over $10,000,000 each, 4 John D Rockefeller's estate Is now up to $3,000,000,000. Five billion dollars of wealth in the United States has been handed down to heirs, many of whom were incompetents, in the last fifteen years. Two hundred persons in the United States control $15,000,000,000; In France the same amount is controlled by 480 times that number of people, or 96,000. / Dynasties to For*. Industrially the United States Is becoming dynastic--there Is a veritable dynasty In each important industrial structure, some of which are: Sixty per cent of the,tobacco trust wealth is in the bands of ten families. Twelve families, with the Rockefeller family away in the lead, control 50 per cent of the oil industry. The railroads of the country are controlled by LS per cent of £he stockholders. One and five-tenths per cent of the stockholders in the steel trust possess 51 per cent of the stock. Two families control 51 per cent of tile stock in the harvester interests. These startling figures on the conceatratioia of wealth in the United States were obtained from Henry H. KleLa, deputy commissioner of accounts of New York city and a deep student of economic affairs. He has spent ten years collecting concrete facts ON the pyramiding of American wealth. Mr. Klein's attention was called to the recent statement of George P. Hampton, managing director of the KMWMM 75.000.00C 6G.OOO.OOC 60,000,061 100,000.0 Farmers' National council, that SS Individuals own 2 per cent of the entire American wealth. He estimated •his 2 per cent at about $4,837,000,- 000. Mr. Hampton gave no names, but the following list of individuals and estates and their vast holdings, checked up to a recent date, w&s given by Mr. .Klein : ' Estates or Individuate-- . Amount John D. and William Rockefeller, $S,000,000,000 to |6,0(l0,000.000 Pratt family «0.000.(M) Harkneas #0,000.000 Carnegto #0,000,000 Weyerhaeuser eptato #0,000,(>00 Vanderbilts #0,000.000 Astors #0,OOO.I!OQ Payne Whitney family #0.000,000 trick estate t............. 160,000,000 Goelets 100.00(1000 J. J. Hill estate #0.000,<W» Hetty Qreen estate #0.000.000 Field estate #0.000.000 Harrlman #(.>,000,000 Morgans, I15G.OOO.COO to .......... #0.01\00<) Flagler estate #0,000.000 Anthony Brady estate il>0.9iK>.000 Gould estate #0,000,000 Wldener 80.000,000 Oeorgo Farr Bakers ............ SO.OOO.OOO MODERN RAFFLES DOES NOT STEAL Haunts New York Restaurant! and Tips Off Victims to * K ||e Gang. Getting It Over With Quickly. Columbia City, Ind.--Claude Zolmnh was divorced from Maud Zolman on the third floor of the courthouse. He went immediately to Jthe second floor for a marriage license and was married on the first floor to Sarah Jones, all within an hour and without leaving the building. Historic Tract Being Reclaimed Famous "Qampagn? Romana" Is ^•eing Cultivated and ^ Yielding Big Crops. OTS m FOR MM xm 8lnee the Fall of the Roman Empire This Once Fruitful Tract Has Been Uncultivated--To Reclaim Many Thousand Acroa. \ Ostia, Italy.--Efforts are being made to reclaim and plant parts of the vast tract of land which stretches for several miles around Rome and goes by the name of the "Campagna Romana." It has been allowed to remain idle and uncultivated ever since the fall of the Roman empire. Dublin Bicycle Shop a Bomb Arsenal British auxiliary police recently uncovered a veritable Sinn Fein bomb Jiioenal In this bicycle shop on Parnell street, Dublin. They are shown inspecting a case of tbe bombs. Before that time it was a sort of terrestrial paradise; villas and gardens were dotted all over it as far as the eye could see, it was luxuriant with fruits and flowers, it supplied food and work for thousands upon thousands of men, it was one of the most beautiful and intensely cultivated spots in the world. When Rome, however, was obliged to resign her position as "the mistress of the world," the "campagna" was abandoned and gradually became a marshy, malaria-infected desfcrt, inhabited only by a few hardy shepherds. Now Law Having Effect. Now, however, the law which was recently passed, decreeing that anyone who does not cultivate his land to tbe utmost of Its capacity. I» liable to have the land confiscated, is beginning to have its effects. Prince Aldohrnndinl has engaged ~ company to recluira a huge estate of several thousands of acres, which ha awns In the "campagna." The work already has begun and an experimental station ha* been set up at Ostia. The land was first of all drained and then arrangements were made to obtain water from the Tiber for Irrigation. Electric tractors to drawf the plows were then bought and various kinds of fruit, vegetables and cereals were cultivated in order to find out how fertile the land Is and what kind of crop It is most adapted, for. •: > Yields Plentiful Crops,- . The results were beyond the wildest hopes of any of the promoters ot the company. The land, after lying Idle for centuries, seems to have stored up its fertility throughout all that time and NAW yields crop upon crop with unstinting hand. An attempt has even been made to grow cotton here and the experiment has been successful, but how succesa* fill it has been Impossible to deter* mine, as the cottonseed used was of the worst quality obtainable. This year, however. It Is proposed to plant American or Egyptian cotton. So hap» py have the results at the experimental station been, that It Is hoped that soon work may be begun for the total reclaiming of the whole of the "cam' pagna." MOON AFFECTS RADIO American Fleet Officers Make Interesting Discovery. efficiency of Air for Transmitting Radio Communications Affectsd by Changea of Moon. Paris.--Tbe changes of~~the moon have beeo found by the radio officers of the small American fleet }N the Adriatic sea to have a striking effect upon the efficiency of the atmosphere for transmitting radio communicationa. The officers have succeeded In drawing curves and other diagrams, based upon months of observation, which, they assert, reliably serve to indicate what atmospheric and celestial conditions affecting radio service will be met at any particular date in the future. The discovery apparently has ape- >cial application to the vicinity of the Adriatic, for there the changes In the atmospheric conditions caused by the change in the world's relation to the moon are much more marked than anywhere else in the world so for as yet discovered. The Adriatic fleet under Admiral Andrews depends almost entirely for Its communications upon radio service, and having only receiving and sending apparatus of moderate efficiency it has specially benefited from the discoveries. The powerful land wireless stations, such as the new Lafayette station near Bordeaux, manage to overcome unfavorable conditions by using great power and so are not concerned about which way the nfbon Woman Brands*. - Bloomlngton, lnd.--When she failed to give food to a tramp who called ut her home near Kirksviile, Mrs. John Carmlehael, forty-five years old, a farmer's wife, was attacked and branded In many places with a flatiron she had been using. Her screams attracted persons passing by and • posse was organized to search for her assailant. Bloodhounds followed the trail of the Dixie Highway, nine miles south of here, where they lost It. French Baby Has Heart in Pouch Outside Body Paris.--Paris medical authorities were called to Soissons to examine an Infant born to a working family with heart and Intestines contained In a pouch on the outside of the child's body. The case was said to be the first of its kind on record. There is every indication that the child will live, as all the organs are functioning perfectly despite their displacement "'J Grace Hotel ---- CHICAGO ---- jMkaoo Bird, ud Clark St. uBiodo m(*1 with detsehed btdi fl.H .00 mt d»y: with private bath SX.00 «ad pi. MM -- *«•» il nwliw arf 14 SAt occlke arani,d"*c oemar*f odritraecbtl et,o n deowolry. decorated kotaL A (at* place for four wife, mother or dmt KILL THAT COLD take a hot cupful of * Bulgarian Blood Tea Mise the blood circulation, flush the ktdneya, stimulate the liver, ward oft flu, grippe and pneumonia. Sold by druggists •ad grocers everywhere. W. N. U, CHICAGO, NO. *-1021. $100,000 Book, 700 Yrs. Old, Is Brought to U. S. Philadelphia.--A book, 700 years old, valued, at $100,000, was placed in the University of Pennsylvania for translation by Dr. William R. Newbold. It Is said to have been written by Roger Bacon, some time between 1216 and 1262, and is an exposition of the laws governing life. The volume is the property of Dr. Wlllfred M. de Voynioh, exile from Poland. To Teach Hondurana to Fly. Tegucigalpa, Honduras.--Two American aviators buve arrived in Honduras with American-built flying machines bought for the war department. They are engaged for a certain period to teach flying and how to care for the airplanes. It is expected that In peace times tbe machines will be used to carry malls over the country wfew* railroad* jm; aaarcn. : Black Cat i Sight War Veteran Sees Dimly After Fright --Ducking in River Does the Rest. » * r --Charles Appleby. went to France In the Royal air force in 1914, was severely wounded in the Ypres sallen^.* He lay unconscious In Havre hospital for ten months with A fractured skull, and when he recovered, was blind. He was sent to St Dunstan'S hospital. While there, a black cat Jumped on Appleby's head. The shock had the effect of enabling him to see just a glimmer of daylight with his left. eye. He left the hospital find returned to Kingston, being able TJO go about with a dog to lead him. He wandered into the river a few weeks ago, but was rescued. It Was then found that the shock of the immersion had partly restored the eight of the right eye. WFW CTOAA AOVANU powerful ATOCtrie shocks, and now, after having been blind for four years, he has fully recovered his sight. r Called Fire Department to Quench Flames Inside Him Seeing a man rush up to a fire alarm box and turn In an alarm. Patrolman Winner of the New York city police department. inquired where the flre was. "Inside me," gasped Joseph Marone of Wooster, O. "I drank booze and waDt the firemen to run a hose down my throat and extinguish the flames." The patrolman told the lire* men where the lire was, but took Marooe to tbe polico station. . . ..... T ^ ...., r ^. t IS COLLEGE GRADUAtE 8cout for Lower East 81 de Gang la Man of Education and Refinement Just Qeta the N«M and Passea It On. New York.--Probablr the-thief was a llaf. Most thieves are. But he said that the scout for his lower Bast side gang is a college graduate. "He comes from a grand family, too," said he. "That's how be can talk to dese dames. If I was to try to make 'em I'd go down for the count" This Kont'I Job Is to spend his spare hours--and all of his hours are spare--In the flash uptown restaurants and night clubs. He spends his money freely, is an excellent dancer, can sing a good song well and talks easily. He marks down foolish women who wear too many Jewels or spend too much money. Then he gets acquainted with them. "He never turns a trick himself," said the thief. "Always he has a perfect alibi. He just gets the news AND passes it on to us." No Hint of Clow. Not long ago there was a'Jewel rot*- bery which occupied for a few days a prominent place on New York's first pages. A woman had been held up on her return to her home late at night and her jewels taken from her. The police haven't a hint of a clew as yet though it is said the men who turned the trick are well known. Sometimes the scout for the thieves Is a sort of an underbred Raffles. The original Raffles of fiction did not rob his friends and was courageous enough to do the robbing in person. The contemptible Raffles of today hangs on the other edge of Broadway's night society and Is paid a commission on the fence valne of the loot procured through his connivance. TJie Gets Acquainted With TMM* • , S ' -• thief said that most scouts of this kind have some sort of an occupation which accounts for their time during the day and a working understanding with some gang of thieves. He prefers to work with men of this sort he said. They do not turn up as many jobs as do the restaurant scouts, but their Jobs are safer and more lucrative. They know their way about the hotlbes to be robbed and usually are familiar with the habits of the person to be robbed. "I know graftere that could live eapy for life on the money they have mnde in the past year," said the \LEF. MAN ATTACKED BY WILD DOG Nine Pups Are Captured by a Posse That Afterward Visited the Plaoe. Connellsvllle, Pa.--Running wild for two years, after being lost In the wilds of the Indian Creek Valley by a Pittsburgh hunter, an Airedale dog attacked and Injured James C. Munson, a well-known Connellsvllle man, who was hunting In that section of the country. It was with, difficulty that Munson beat off tbe dog, which tore his clothitsr and flesh in several places. Only the whine of pups near by prevented Munson from killing the canine. Nine pups about six weeks old were taken by members of a posse which went into the mountains when the attack was reported by Munson. The mother dog was not seen, but hunters who have encountered the animal say she Is as savage as any wolf they ever saw. Lynched Gangsters Who KHIed Sheriff Santa Rosa, Cal.--AT/midnight a mob of citizens stormed the Sonoma county Jail, removed /the three gangsters who shot and killed the sheriff and two San Francisco) detectives, and lynched them by hanging. Thieves Stole Pursuing Offloer*« Coat. Pittsburgh.--While assisting a patrolman in searching a building for burglars. Police Commissioner Shriver Stewart, laid his overcoat aside. When Stewart returned (pr the coat ha found the thieves had taken it. Ten Years in Jail for Kidnaping Son. Tacoma, Wash.--George T. Siagg, pleaded guilty to having kidnaped his son, Robert Stagg. September 14. He was sentenced to the state penitentiary for a term of not less thaa ten years. HOW WOMEN AVOID ' SURGICAL OPERATIONS SomeAn Extremely Necessary, OtbersMay Not fia Every Woman Should Give LydJa E. PinkhaftfV Vegetable Compound a Trial First Chicago,I1L--"I was fe» bed with a female trouble and ' inflammation and had fonr doctors but none of them did me any good. They all said I would have to have an operation. A druggist's wife told me to take Lydia E. Pink ham's Compound and I took 22 bottles, never missing a dose and at the end . of that time I was perfectly well. I have never nad occasion to take it again ss 1 have been so well* I have a six room flat and do a!) my work. My two sisters ar» taking the Compound upon my recommendation and joe may publish my letter It i» the gospel truth and I will write to any one who want* a personal letter."--Mrs.lL H. HAYDOCK, 6824 St Lawrence Ave., Chicago, I1L A Vermont woman adds her testimony to the long line of tboM fortunate women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, after it had been decided an operation was necessary : Burlington, Vt--"I suffered with female trouble, and had a number of doctors who Baid that I would never be any better until I had an operation. I was so bad I could hardly walk across the floor and could not do a thing. My. •ister-in-law induced me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound ana it certainly has helped me wonderfully, 1 keep house and do my work and have a small child. I have recommended Vegetable Compound to a number of my friends and you may publish my testimonial."--Mrs. H.R. SHARON* Apple Tree Point Farm, Burlington, Vt. In hospitals are many women who are there for surgical operations, and there ) Is nothing a woman dreads more than the thought of an operation, and tbe long weary months of recovery and restoration to strength if it is successful. It is very true that female troubles may through neglect reach a stag*- where an operation is the only resource, but most of the commoner ailments of women are not the surgical ones • they are not caused by serious displace 'i:1 tumors or growths, although the symptoms may appear the isturbing ailments first appear take Lydia E. Pinkham's Ve< ments, When disturbing same, getablo Compound to relieve the present distress.and prevent more serious troubles^ In fact, many letters have been received from women who htfve been restored to health by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound after operations hav* been advised by attending physicians. Lydia B. Pinkham's Private Text-Book upon MAI1 ments Pecn* liar to Women" will be sent to you free npon request. Write to The Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Ckk, Lynn* Massachi This book contains valuable information. Kill That Cold With CASCARA^QDININB AMD Colds, Cotghs La Gripft Neglected Colda are Dangerous TMM no ftunrw. Keep this standard remedy handy for tbe tot SBMW Breaks up a cold in 24 hours -- Relieves Grippe in 3 days--Excellent for Headache Qalalne la tikis form does not affect tbe heed--Cascara is best TtMlp Laxative--No Opiate in Hill's. '.y"; ALL DRUGGISTS SELL It Many School Children are Sickly and take cold easily, are feverish and constipated, bat* headaches, stomach or bowel trouble. MOTHER GRAY'S SWEET POWDERS FOR CHILDREN \Used by Blathers for over 30 years ARC pleasant to take and a certain relief. They tend to break up a cold in 24 hours, act on the Stomach, Liver and Bowels and tend to correct intestinal disorders and destroy worms. 10,000 testimonials like the following from mothers and friends * of children telling of relief. Originals are on file in our offices: "We h»TB n»ed MOTHKKGRA1 •SSWRW •' ivv 4'-. HABS i .... *1 think MOTH BR GHAT'S 8W EET POWDKK8 FOK CHILDREN are grand. They wen recommended to my (later bjr * doctor. I an giving them to my little three jrear old 0ri who waa very puny, and the U pirUm op WOBdarfully " POWDEK3 I-OR CHILDREN at different time* for peat nine yean, and always fond them a perfect children's aad VHa satisfactory la every case." Get a package from your druggist for use when needed.' »S Net Accept Any Sabsfitate fsr M0THE1 GIAVS SWEET NWKK. Some people must GET awfnl ot listening to their own talk. Be careful; that's thing to being good. the next beat Brothers cannot see much that is romantic in each other. Speaking of skin games--what's matter with the beauty doctor} You must say "Bayer1 Warning! Unless you see the name "Bayer" on tablet^ you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for 21 years and proved safe by millions. Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains proper directions for Colds, Headache, Pain, Toothache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Neuritis, Lumbago. &aody taa bases at IS tablets cost but a few eeate--Larger packages. IMAIMMTTMUIMRILL V A " V" m mm ilL/,. - m . m. aim

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