goes considerably farther here than it did a few months ago and when planning that Sunday dinner or any other meal we wish to , remind you that our choice line of groceries and meats are sure to give the best} of satisfaction. Come in and satisfy yourself that prices are really com ing down. WATER STREET MARKET & GROCERY P. J. Hcimer, Prop. It's the inner man whom we serve and so well are we acquainted with the every day needs of life that we have just what you want in the line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Vegetables, Canned Goods and Bakery. Our prompt delivery system is ever at your service. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone M Let us "demonstrate to you as we can most easily do, that if you buy from us you can get what you want at prices which you could not improve elsewhere in equal quality. Come in and see our SPECIALS Every Saturday JOS. J. MILLER "^M^HENRY. ILL. r m The shoe that will stand the hard usage of the liian who needs a good work shoe. The dress •hoe that's made for Comfort, neatness and wear. We ljave the Mayer shoes for the entire family and we will be pleased to show them to you at anytime. TIE STOKE OF SATISFACTION SMITH BROS. McHenry, III. Rubber Goods We have to be careful in the selection of rubber goods and you should be as careful as we arp. Between the highest grade and the wholly bad there is not very much difference in external appearance, but the difference is soon found out if you happen to get hold of an unworthy kind. We carry different grades of which the cheapest are good and the best are the finest to be had. Each kind is sold for just what it is and at just ' the right price. Hot Water Bottles, Syringes, Sick-Room Supplies and Nursery Supplies TWHE ii«.j N. H. PETESCH DIUCGIST 11 f THE WORLD'S BIGGEST JOB-AND ITS SCOPE •wry year the Presidency of the United States grows more important, until now it is recognized as the biggest job in the world. Yet few ptopk realize that th« president is not chose® "by a majority vote and that several of our presidents have not been the most popular choice of all the people. This feet is clearly discussed in the story of the Presidency, one of the series of articles on Our Government, which we are issuing monthly. If you are not receiving this material, drop in and tat oa add your name to the list of those to whom we it .each FOX RIVER VALLEY STATE BANK SfcHENRY, ILLINOIS J JOHKMdJRG Pillsbury's Best floor at Wilbur's. Shoes for all the family at Erickson's. ' Red Comb scratch feed fpr your chickens. Get it at Wilbur's. The dance at Smith's hall last evening was very well attended and all had a fine time. Hubert Mueller of Stacyrille, la., is visiting among relatives and friends in and around Johnsburg. A few from here saw "Uncle Tom's Cabin" at the Empire theatre in McHenry last Saturday evening. • One of the strongest casts ever assembled in McHenry will present "Major Bob." You cannot afford to miss it. Arthur Adams «( Woodstock has been at the home 6f*his pa refits, Mr. and Mrs. ,C. M. Adapts, during the past several days. A number from thi$ vicinity attended the funeral of the late John J. Stilling at McHenry on Monday mom ing of this week Misses Margaret find Frances Httemann left for their home last Monday, after spending several weeks among relatives and friends here and at Spring Grove. Some very exceptional catches of pickerel have been reported by local anglers during the past two weeks Most of the big catches are being made at Pistakee Lake. Lenten services will begin at St. John's church next Wednesday morn ing when services in conformity with the occasion. Ash Wednesday, will take place. The usual week day services will also be conducted during the Len ten season, Peter Freund, who recently took charge <of the automobile paint fehop at the Central garage, has turned out some exceptionally fine work, samples of which may be seen by calling at the place at any time. Now is the time to have this work done and thus insure the delivery of your car before the auto season opens C. M. Bickler, connected with the Central garage here, wishes to make it known that there is absolutely no foundation to the report that he is to leave Johnsburg and go into the automobile business at McHenry. "Cap" is perfectly satisfied here and patrons of the Central garage can rest assured that there will be no change made Mr. and Mrs. John'M. Schmitt de lightfully entertained a company neighbors and friends at cards las" Sunday evening. Five hundred was played and prizes Awarded as follows First, Mrs. Peter Schmitt; second, Mrs, John Schmitt; consolation, Mrs. Jos B. Hettermann. Delicious refresh ments were served at the close of the games. Mrs. Math. Jungen, who resides'near this place, had the misfortune to fall at her home last Friday and break her right arm. The family physician was called into attendance and set the frac tured member and at this writing the patient is resting quite easy. Her numerous friends thruout the entire locality will be sorry to learn of the misfortune which has befallen her. St. John's court, C. O. F., entertained a large - crowd at a dancing party at parish hall on Tuesday evening of last week. Smith's orchestra furnished the music. St. John's court seems to have taken on a new life dur ing the past several months and as a result of this the membership is increasing and social occasions like that of last Tuesday night are becoming more frequent. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen May entertained a com pany of relatives and friends at their home north of this village on Tuesday evening of this week, at which time a few social hours were passed at cards. Five hundred was played with prizes being awarded as follows: First, Mrs. Jos. B. Het1 termann; consolation, Mrs. John A Miller. Very delicious refreshments were served at an appropriate hour A very pleasant surprise was perpetrated upon Miss Hildegard Freund at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John J. Freund, on Monday evening of this week, the chief diversions being games, dancing and refreshments. Those who made up the jolly gathering were: Misses Elizabeth Freund, Ve rona, Lenora and Susie Schmitt, Fran' ces Miller, Katie Oeffliag, Frances Michels, Margaret Freund; Messrs. Charles Michels, George, Joseph and Leo Freund, Joseph and Albert Huff, Anton, Joseph and John Schmitt, Joseph Miller, William Smith and Edward Fieund. A most enjoyable evening was had by all. _____ TERRA COTTA Geo. P. Bay was a business visitor in Chicago Saturday. Mrs. Geo. P. Bay was the guest of friends in Elgin Saturday. Edward Knox of McHenry called on relatives here last Friday. Miss Agnes Frisby was an qpt-oftown visitor last Saturday. Rubber foot wear at greatly reduced prices at Erickson. s. Mrs. Mary Grant was a visitor in Chicago the first of the week.. Mrs. Wm. Coleman was a caller at Crystal Lake Monday evening. Electrical fixtures of all kinds at Harry's Electric Shop, McHenry. Armour's Ful-O'-Pep egg makes the hens lay. Wilburs have It. J. H. Gracy spent several days last week with relatives at Honey Creek, Wis. Merton Gracy of Honey Creek, Wis., called on relatives here the last of the week. Miss Mercedes Boiger of Woodstock spent Sunday evening with Miss Marjorie Phalin. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knox and Miss Florence Knox spent last Wednesday evening at J. M. Phalin's. J. H. Grapy and M. Knox attended elation in Chicago Tuesday. Thomas Phalin returned Sunday from Urbana, where he has been taking a course at the university. Mrs. Wm. Coleman has returned from a three weeks' visit with relatives and friends in Iowa and Missouri. Miss Margaret Grant went to Elgin Sunday evening, where she has secured employment in the watch factory. ; Mrs. M. Knox attended (he Attar and Rosary society meeting at the home of her sister, Mrs. M. J. Walsh, in McHenry last week Tuesday. Geo. W. Phalin of Tuscaloosa, Ala., visited relatives in this vicinity the first of the week, having been called to McHenry by the death of his brother- in-law, John Carey. Mrs. M. Schoenknecht was a visitor in Chicago last Wednesday. She was accompanied home by her daughter, Evelyn, who returned to school this week. She is much improved in health. - > . , RINGWOOD Finest quality in groceries, tlrickson's. Mrs. W. E. Bradley visited friends in Richmond Monday. Unicom dairy ration--a quality feed. Wilbur Lumber Co. Miss Viola Rager has returned to ;chool after a siege of chicken pox. Mrs. Walter Harrison spent several lays last week with relatives in Grays- !ake.t - ^ • Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephenson .isited relatives in Woodstock Tuesday. George J. Donavin passed Sunday as ;he guest' of relatives at West Chicago. ? * Mat Welter and family visited .elatives in Spring Grove one day last .veek. ' Miss Dorcas Foss came home from Beloit Saturday for over Sunday with -elatives. Come in and let us quote you prices an electrical fixtures. Harry's Electric Shop, McHenry. Mrs. Emma Brown is helping care Tor her sister, Mrs. Huldah Ingals, at Zenda, Wis., who is seriously ill. A large number of our townspeople attended the funerals of John Carey ind John ^Stilling at McHenry Monlay morning. The Ladies' Aid society will serve mother dinner on Feb. 10. Dinner rill be served from 11:30 until all are erved. _T.he usual prices will prevail YSV3"all are invited. Among those from Ringwood who attended the auto show this week were Edward Harrison and Charley Frye. Miss Flora Taylor, who has been visiting relatives in Iowa, returned last week. Her sister came with her for a visit. Our community was shocked last Friday to learn of the sudden death of •John Carey. In the evening came word of the death of John Stilling Both men have been residents of this community and were highly respected citizens. Both families have the sym pathy of our people. OSTEND Dry goods and ^notions at Brick son's, r Henry Penn was a recent business caller in Chicago. Eggs are up; feed is down. Try Red Comb. Wilburs have it M iss Anna Cundy of Chiqp^o was recent guest of her sigtrfi Mrs. Joe Paull. Warren Francisco went to Ringwood Monday after a load of ground feed for cows. C. E. Beardsley went to Sandwich, 111., to attend the funeral of his brother's wife. Mrs. Maude Clark and little daughter, Eleanor, were Friday callers at the Hobart home. Mrs. Jennie Sherman is very sick and no hopes of recovery. She has cancer of the stomach. Oscar Prahl sold the last of his hog crop tp F. H. Wattles and son and delivered them Monday. Henry Hobart, wife and son, Roy, ate Sunday dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clark and family. Earl Beardsley has been the guest of his brother, C. E. Beardsley, and family several days the past week. T. A. Abbott motored down from Ringwood and spent Saturday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. C. C. Clark. Will Paull and Henry Cundy of Ridgeway, Wis., visited at Joe Psull's recently and helped get up wood for sawing. Mr. and Mrs. Moyer motored out from Chicago Sunday and visited Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Durkee. When they left Chicago there was seveeal inches of Snow and out about thirty miles it had just commenced to snow. Card of Thanks We take this manner of expressing our sincere and heartfelt thanks to the members of the McHenry council, Knights of Columbus, the Daughters of Isabella and kind neighbors and friends who so kindly extended their aid and sympathy during our recent ad bereavement Also do we wish to thank the doi.ors of the beautiful floral offerings. Mrs. Mary Stilling and Family. CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--Alfalfa and tinu thy rtay. Henry Tonyan, McHenry, 111. Phone 626-R-2. 38-8t FOR SALE--A quantity of choice barley. James Hunter, West McHenry, 111. Phone 617-J-2. 3S-2t FOR SALE--Eight,, room house with four lots in McHenry. Inquire of Jos. W. Freund, McHenry, HI. 82-8t FOR SALE--Blear, 1920, five passenger, six cylinder touring car. This is a real bargain. 8ttlUng'g garage, McHenry, 111. 38-2t FOR RENT--Eighty acre farm at Lake Defiance. J. B. Kelter, 171 W. Lake St., Chicago, III. Phone Franklin 3865. 26-tf FOR SALE--Ten tons of stove wood; also some fine Barred Rock cockerels. Henry M. Ahrens, West McHenry, 111. Phone 53-J. 34-2t* FOR SALE--Two incubators, one 50- egg capacity and the other 120, both in good condition; also a wood stove. Harry Hardy, McHenry, 111. 33-2t FOR SALE--House and two acres or more of ground. All kinds of fruit Reasonable price and terms. L. F. Pouse, West McHenry, 111. 34 HAY FOR SALE--About ten tons of choice timothy and clover mixed. E. J. Fellows, Crystal Springs farm, West McHenry, 111. Phone 622-M-2. SALESMEN WANTED--To solicit orders for lubricating oils, greases end paints. Salary or' commission. Address The Todd Oil ft Paint Co., Cleveland, O. 34-lt of C. W. Stenger at the WMt McHenry State Bank of West McHenry, Illinois. FOR SALE--A Fischer grand upright piano in excellent condition. Paid $450 for it, will sell for $125. Write to Mrs. Lydia Bremer, 4217 No. Ashland Ave., Chicago. 34-lt STRAYED--A heifer came to our farm some time ago and owner may have same by proving property and paying charges. Stilling & Ensign, McHenry, 111. R. F. D. No. 2. S4-2t* FOUND--A muffler hanging on coat rack at Hotel Sherman, Chicago, after Fox River Valley Deep Waterway association meeting on Jan. 11. Owner kindly write C. Kier Davis, 11 S. La- Salle St, Chicago. 34-2t FOR SALE--Three good farms well improved, two in Lake county and the other in McHenry county, 300, 320 and 120 acres respectively. Inquire A UTOMOBILE8 BOUGHT, SOLO OB EXCHANGED--Roy Vogel, Lake Forest. Phone 617. Reverse charges. Today's bargain, Franklin 6 cylinder air cooled, 4 door sedan in perfect condition. Like new. Only $850. New job costs $3850. 29-10t GRADUATE NURSES are receiving $50.00 per week. The Mid West hospital, 1940 Park Ave., Chicago, is offering a two year course. Uniforms, board, room, laundry and expense money furnished. Mid West Hospital, 1940 Park Ave., Chioago. 32~4t BABY CHICKS--White or brown Leghorns, $17.00 per 100; Barred Rocks, $18.00 per 100; White Rocks, Reds, W. Wyandottes, B. Orphingtons, $20.00 per 100. Parcel post paid from the big hatchery of 600,000 chicks for 1921. Catalog free. Farrow-Hirsh Co., Peoria, 111. IS a inestiiij. of the Milk Producers' aaso-j WANTED--Maid for genera}? house work. Good wages. Apply to Mrs. C. W. Stenger, West .McHenry, HL M TO THE PUBLIC Owing to the present abnormal fuel and lfcbor condifhkis we have been obliged to shut down out coke oven plant. Carburetted Water Gas of the same heating value as the ooke oven gas is being distributed now. Carburetted Water Gas is sold in practically all large cities and will give satisfactory service if the gas appliances ore properly adjusted for it. It is heavier than coke oven gas and requires less air for complete combustion; therefore, air shutters on stove and light burners should be adjusted as follows: * Close the shutter and test the flame. If it is yellow there is not enough air being admitted and the shutter should fc* opened farther. If it pops back there is too much air being admitted and the shutter should be closed slightly. ^ Perfect combustion is indicated by a sharp blue green flame. Gas lamps may be adjusted by closing the air porte and then turning on just enough to make the entire mantle a brilliant white. Try to adjust your own appliances, but If satisfactory results are not obtained call our office. ^gjyWesterr»Ur)ited Gas Eiectric Company •£;« f Z •d \ajivuif mm mi £TyOWER and dependability--Buk*k principles--characterize the new Buick Nineteen Twenty One Series as they have distinguished Buick can for two decades. Added to the service value of the new Buick models is a distinctive beauty of body lines and appointments. Among rofessional men, the new Buick Large our Passenger Coupe is especially popular because of its everyday usefulness for business and leisure hours. Reinforcing Buick reliability is Autnor- Buick Service, in extent. ccs of the New Nineteen Twenty Qae Buick Series Twc«tr Ooe-Fun, Four, kn« (MBcagc t wenty Uut- hun7 Five, itc paMta(c< . '[.•IT9S •' Twrui, Onr-P<x«r Six, tear W»l|n oxunj? * 85*1 Mofcl Twenty Ont-Konj Seven, in rnjri aniatt f' \ • 3 MaU I'woty Oar-Fatty Ilfta ' MaM Twotjr Ooa-Fonf MM, Mate! Twe*j Oar-FUty, f O. a fmmn. Nfctt. Muitn FOR SALE BY OVERTON & COWEN WEST McHENRY, ILL. . U;% Jf y • * -v ^, ?.• ^VHEN BETTER. AUTOMOBILES ARE BUILT. BUICK WILL BUILD THEM