Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Feb 1921, p. 4

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4; I i '•/.<* ~nx * $ it*-./.- VOU don't use as much X of Calumet as you do of most other Baking Powders. It has more than ordinary leavening strength. You save about half. You don't pay a big price for Calumet. It's sold at a moderate price -- that represents another saving. You don't feel uncertain as to results. Bakings never fail--because Calumet never falls below ti*e proven standard of "Best bjr Teat" • '•? Av " *V - y. ' ' " '-»»Vh \V .*» «Jr i ' \ "• •«- State of Illinois ) {scribed North Kne. lying westerly of a line that is paral- County cf McHenry) ss. I A strip of !an<! of a uniform width 'el with and 60.00 feet westerly of the In the County Court of lfcHenry 0f 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on each easterly line of Out-lot 1 of JVest Mc- Oounty, to the Match Term, M D. 'side "of a line described as follows: Henry and easterly of the easterly if'.:» mi. Village of McHenry, Coonty McHenry and Stat* of Illinois,! i i i i . q j p . i l 1V BEST BYTES f -$• Jilt possesses the highest quality ever put into a Baking Powder. Contains only such ingredients as have been officially endorsed by United Staff Food Authorities. For weeks, for months, it keeps as fresh and full of strength aa the day it left the Calumet Factories, the World's Largest, most Sanitary aad Maim Baking Powder plaala. Pound^ can of Calumet oootaiaafaB 16 oz. Some baking powder-scone in 12 oz. instead of 16 o/ cans. Bf sure you get a pound when you want it. CJmM Gold Cake Recipe Yolks of 8 egg% l^cupsof granulated sugar. cup of water, i, cup of butter, 2>i cups pastry floor. 3 level teaspoons Calumet Bakmg Ponder, 1 tablespoon of vanilla. Then mix in the icga iar w*y. X. "ONCE TO EVERY WOMAN" Dorothy Phillipa Star* la Awbitiwu • FiUa . ' ' %" V S-t f J. W. HILLE IN TOWN la Cooaected With the Frigidaire Corporation of Chicago'. Angora Meredith was tile pet of tiw family. Her good looks and sweet troice singled her out as a little better than the rest of the household and she accepted the sacrifices of her parent* and sisters as a matter of course. At the graduation exercises her voice attracted the attention of a visitor from the big city, who offered to send her abroad to study for grand opera. Her selfish little soul delighted at the opportunity and she left home without regret. How she finally achieved her greatest desire, won fame and admiration and suitors waited upon her pleasure, and how she found all this worldly success to be dross and vanity compared to her mother's love and the devotion of her girlhood sweetheart, are told in the latest Universal-Jewel production, "Once to Every Woman," starring Dorothy FWllips and directed by Allen Holubar. which will be shown at the Empire theatre on Friday and Saturday evenings, Feb. 11 and 12. The combination of Dorothy Phillips and Allen Holubar, which gave the screen such masterpieces as "Paid In Advance," "The Heart of Humanity" and "The Right to Happiness," has again resulted in what the critics have declared to be a photodramatic masterpiece. Dorothy Phillips, from all accounts, appears at her best in the role of the haughty country school girl who becomes a famous prima donna with the world's celebrities at her feet. She is supported by a brilliant cast, including Robert Andersen, William Ellingford, Rudolph Valentino, Frank Elliott, Mrs. Margaret Mann, Emily Chiches- |OC, £linor Field and many others. Surprise "Brace" Nickel* - * A company of his young friends tendered "Bruce" Nickels a very pleasant surprise at the home of his par-* ents on John street last Friday evening. Games and contests- of various kinds made, the occasion a pleasant •y. one for those in attendance, while re- * frej-hments, served just before the ar- John- W. Hille, son of Mr. ltrs. J. J.^Hille, former residents of this village, where the young man's father conducted a photo studio for a number of years, made this village and community a business call the first of the week in the interest of the Frigidaire Corporation of Chicago, of which he is assistant manager. The corporation makes up a combination ice box and cooling system, which is about the most complete of its kind on the market today, and, judging from a conversation a Plaindealer reporter had with Mr. Hille, a number of these wonderful machines have already been installed thruout this summer resort region, and in every instance are giving the very best of satisfaction. Mr. Hille has already established agencies in a number of the Irtger cities and towns of the state and may also establish one in this village. Hundreds of Chicago homes and apartment buildings are now equipped with this refrigerator system, which does away with the handling of ice. It is clean, sanitary and compact, works automatically and gives little or no trouble when once installed. The corporation is now working on a larger model, suitable for meat markets and groceries, ice cream'parlors, etc., which will be ready for the market this year. .- Mr. Hille's many friends in McHenry will, no doubt, be pleased to learn of the success he has attained in the business world and especially with the corporation with which he is now connected. The family now resides at Maywood, where the father of J. W. Conduct* a photo studio. ; W1LLARD EVERETT COLBY Passed Away at Waukegan Last Saturday, Feb. 5 vs. ) " Fred Bailor, J. E. Hauswirth, ) Adelia Bonslett, Gertrude K. !§.* Freund, Mary J. Jackley, John f W. Bonslett, Clara Freund, ) Margaret McCarthy, Katherina .jfc • Bohr, Mary J us ten. F. E. Shop- };. on, Frank H. Wattles, Ben J. 1.*," Adams, Susan ReVor and the 1*. • heirs at law of John Carey, de- ^ ceased, Gerald Carey, Agnes | ! • Doherty, Florence Carey, Eva- $ J<: lyn Carey, Genevieve Carey, ' Walter Carey and Mary Carey, I and all other persons having | ' or claiming interest in any of } the premises designated and | described, "All Whom It May. : V Concern," )' • Defendants. J - In the matter of the Petition of the Village of McHenry, County of Mc- . ' Commencing at a pfcint in the center "ne Center Street. t) '4 line of Water Street extended, 420 The northerly 10 feet of the soutlt- ! feet Southerly from the center liife of erly % of that part of James Street Elm Street; thence S. 36 degrees OO'E. ly»«* westerly of the easterly line of 370.00 feet to the West line of Lot & Out-lot 1 of West McHenry and east- 'of the County Clerk's Plat of the erly of a line that is parallel with and ! North Half of Section 35, T. 45 N., R. 60.00 feet westerly of»the easterly line '<j 8, K. of the 3rd P. M., for a place of || beginning; thence S? 55 degrees OO' 1E. 270.00 feet. •„ ' . • A strip of land of a. uniform width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on each side of line described as follows: Commencing in the center line of Water . scribed as follows, to-wi.t: Lot S of of said Out-lot 1, all in the Village of McHenry, County of McHenry and Stfete of Illinois. And that the pieces and parcels of property to be damaged by the making of the said improvement are^ de Street, ( extended at a point 420 feet southerly from the center line of Elm Street; thence S. 36 degrees OO' E. to the North line of Lot 28 of the County Clerk's Plat of part of the South half of Section 26, T. 45 N., R, the Assessor's Plat of the E. M. Owen Estate in the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 35, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in the Village of McHehry, County of Mc- 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., for a place of Henry and State of Illinois. That the total cost of said improvement as shown by the estimate and report hereinais the sum of $86,571.00; that a special assessment . has been made to raise the cost of said imstruction of a connected system of vitrified tile pipe sewers, for sanitary purposes, including all necessary manholes, "Y" branch house junctions, I proceedings therein are now pending. : You are further hereby notified that | summons in the said cause is made I returnable to the March TernT, 1921, beginning; thence S. 36 degrees OO' E. to the Southerly line of said Lot 28. A strip of land of a uniform width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on eaeh Henry and State of Illinois, to ascer- side of a line described as follows: Betsin the compensation tor private »ginning at a point in the center line of provement, and that the report thereproperty to be taken or damaged for Waukegan Road 790.00 feet easterly was fi'ed *n the office of the Clerk the local improvement in the Village from the center line of Elgin road; sa'd County Court of said McHenry of McHenry, County of McHenry, and thence N. 73 degrees OO' E. 94.00 feet County, Illinois, in the Court House in State of Illinois, consisting of the con- to the East line of lot 6 of the Coun-! the said City of Woodstock, County ty Clerk's Plat of the North half *f and State aforesaid, on the 7th day Section 35, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of the 3rd of February, A. D. 1921, and that the P.M. A strip of land of ft uniform width vitrified stoppers, excavation and back 1 Gf 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on each filling, all connected and completely sjde of a line described as follows: installed in place, including a sewage jCommencing at a point in the center'of the said County Court to be held disposal system,- the condemnation of. ];ne Df Waukegan Road 790.00 feet in the said Court House in the City lands, the securing of easements re- | easterly from th4 center line of Elgin i of Woodstock, Illinois, on the 14th day quisite therefore, the establishment of Roac|; thence North 73 degrees OO' E. of March, A. D. 1921, when and where a sewer district and providing for the j 94 00 feet to the West line of Lot 5 ' y°u may appear and defend if you see making of said improvement by ape- 1 of the County Clerk's Plat of the j fit so to do. ,, cial * assessment, and the issuing of North half of Section 35, T. 45 N., R. j Date, Woodstock, Illinois, February special assessment bonds to meet the 'g^ e. 0f the 3rd P M., for a place of 7,-1921. G. E. Still, cost thereof and to ascertain what jjgginning; thence N. 73 degrees OO'j Clerk of the County Court of Mcproperty will be benefitted by said ; E 506.OO feet to the East line of said Henry County, Illinois. 35-4t improvement and the amount of said ; Lot r,. j ghoe3 for ^ ^ family at Erick. benefit. A strip of land of a uniform width 8on»s, It appearing hi the above entitled of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on each j j_ Walsh attended to business cause, from the flies therein and the!side of a line described as follows: matters in Chicago Monday. affidavit of ownership, filed therein, on j Commencing at a point in the center j jjrs Frank Meyer passed a day the 7th day of February, A. D. 1921, j line of Water street extended, 420.00 ]^gt week as the guest of relatives at that the defendants, Fred Beller and | feet southerly from the center line of iWauconda. ' ~ ' rival of the homte-going hour, were thoroly enjoyed. Prizes were awarded to Misses Elsie Wolff, Marion Whitr ing, Margaret Miller and Dorothy Buss; Messrs. George StofFel, Bruce Nickels, Percy Lodtz and Clifford Buss. Those who made up the happy gathering were: Misses Marion Whiting, Margaret Miller, Elsie Wolff, Dorothy Buss, Varina Went worth, Mayme Ibsh, Lora Smith; Messrs. Frank Justen, George Stoiffel, Percy Lodtz, Michael Degen, Clifford Buss, Henry Miller and Bruce Nickels. Commissioners, filed in the above entitled cause in said Court, against whose property benefits have been assessed therein, to pay the costs of the ' improvement hereinafter described; that on th^ 16th day of February, A. D. 1921, said Village of McHenry, County of McHenry and State the center line of Water Street, extended, 57.00 feet; thence S. 36 degrees OO'E. to the Southerly line of Illinois), filed its petition in said County Court of McHenry County, Illinois, praying that steps be taken I said Lot 29. to ascertain the just compensation | a strip of land of a uniform width to be made for private property to be j of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on each taken or damaged for the improve-1 side of a line described as follows: ment of the construction of a connect- ;The center line of Front Street exed system of vitrified tile pipe sewers, | tended Southerly, commencing at the for sanitary purposes, including all J Southerly end of said Street and runnecessary manholes, "Y" branch Kouse • ning to a point 420.00 feet Southerly junctions, vitrified stoppers, excava- (from the center line of Elm streeet. tion and backfilling, all connected land j a strip of land of a uniform width completely installed in place, including 1 0f 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on each sewage disposal system, the condem- jside of a line described as follows: nation of lands, the securing of ease- j 420.00 feet southerly from and parments requisite therefore, the estab- I allel with the center line of Elm street, lishment of a sewer district, and pro- commencing at the Westerly line of iding for the making of said improve-! Lot 31 of the County Clerk's Plat of ment by special assessment and the part of the North Half of Section 26, Surprised A number of his friends planned and executed a surprise on Joe Schaid at the home of his parents at Griswold lake last Sunday evening. The time was passed at music and dancing, while delicious refreshments were, sdrved at the midnight hour. Those present were: Mesdames Frank Blake and Nick Kennebeck; Misses Gertrude Weber, Katie Kunz, Lillian Freund, Lillian Schaid; Messrs. Frank Rosing, Hubert Schoewer, Marks Hertel, Geo. Schaid, Edwin Freund, Albert Kunz, Frank Blake and. Nick Kennebeck. Everyone present reports a fine time. Entertained Variety Club Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Jus ten entertained the members of the Variety club at their home on Waukegan street at five hundred on "Tuesday evening of this week. High honors were awarded to Mrs. George A. Stilling and Walter J[. Donavjn, while the consolations went to Mrs. Walter J. Donavin and S fi. Rogers. Delicious refreshments were served. Willard Everett Colby, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Colby, passed away at the home of his parents at Waukegan last Saturday, Feb. 5. He was born in this village on August 29, 1876, and was 45 years, 5 months and 7 days of age at the time of his death. In infancy he was stricken with infantile paralysis, which left him par tially crippled. He was able to walk with the aid of crutches and canes, which enabled him to attend the McHenry public QW&ool and later the Creek school near Spring Grove. He bore his affliction very patiently, was always cheerful' and never com plained of his inability to join in the pleasures of others. Besides his parents he is survived by four brothers The funeral services took place at Waukegan Monday, after which the body was brought to this village, where it was tenderly laid at rest in the family lot in Woodland cemetery. McHenry friends extend to the bereaved ones their heartfelt sympathy The Jolly Sixteen The Jolly Sixteen met at the home of Mrs. William Bishop on Water street on Tuesday afternoon, at which time several games of five hundred were played, with prizes being award ed as^ follows: First, Mrs. John Engeln; second, Mrs. Anton Schneider third, Mrs. M. M. Niesen. Qalirinni refreshments were served. Rod Comb scratch feed for your Get it at Wttbnrfr ¥M • * > f e Daacing Party i The members of McHenry chapter O. E. S„ \ogether with a few invitOd friends, enjoyed an old time dancing party at Masonic hall last Saturday evening. Messrs. J. E. Hauswirth and B. Thonneson furnished the music and a most delightful evening was passed by those p-yaat. Elm Street; thence S. 36 degrees 00' j Henry Miller aMt Frank Jus ten of E. 280.00 feet to the North line of Lot this village accompanied a number of 5 of the County Clerk's Plat of the Hebron basket ball j fans to Belot, North half of Section 35, T. 45 N., R. , yjjs^ one evening last week, where 8, E. of the 3rd 1'. M., for a place they saw the- famous Beloit Fairies beginning; thence S. 36 degrees, OO' trim Louisville, Ky„ by a score of 39 S. 95 feet to the east line of said Lot 5., ^ jg A strip of land of a uniform width Mary J. Jackley, impleaded with others, above named and made parties defendant in said cause, are non-residents of the State of Illinois; notice is hereby given to said defendants and to the defendants designated as "All Whom It May Concern," and to all other persons and parties named in the report and assessment roll of the4of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on eacn The Plaindealer for news. side of a line described as follows: Be ginning at the intersection of the North line of Lot 29 of the County Clerk's Plat of part of the South half of Section 26, T. 45 N., R. 8, E of the 3rd P. M., with the cente% line of Water Street; thence Southerly along Mr. and lira. Merle Foss and daughter of Woodstock war* c^Uofs at the home of Mr. and Mr*. Jas. ^f. Perkins Sunday. Miss Louise Eugelaof'Chicago, hj the week end as the pue»t<" 6f mother, Mrs. Barbara KngelnL Plaindealer ads bring results ALFORD H. POUSE VhMo Jl . 'Wort Hcllwy, BL DJt* G. C. SMITH Specializing in , / EVENTIVE DENTISTtT Oral Prophylaxis Surgiekl Extractions {>r.?4 Dental X-Rays Phonos, 4S4 and 394 Richmond, :: l7 :: Illinois Telephone No. ltt-R SIMON STOFFEL | Insurance ageot for all clashes o|§? property in the best aosapanlej WEST McHRNltT. - ILUN<fi* DR. N. J. NYE > Physician and Surgeon ^ X*Ray Treatment and Radiagra Office Hours: ;i. to M&MUhOO to 3:00 jp. m. 7:00 to 9:00fpvjn. •2-R , McHenry,-St. .v- .t't* v > , ' * * /"f-ssfe-s; <• Colossal A. heath At_£o;' Stdli|i, Wirin, 71-74 Ave. •• RocMcrtl, Opposite Court Hodpi^; « .. „ \ ,, Dubuque, W4-5M Main St. Folks call our February Sale ooloSi~-XAurora, 3i-.« lateiwl Av«, ^ Vj , sal because we are offei Ing more Report, ifMM c«fe|M-f|». than a million $ worth of Fine Furniture at nearly !!. Ibfe, w. war prices. Come. M: "W ^0 OUR nterloo, 312-314 E. 4th Beloit, 617-til 4th St. Joliet, 215-217 fefferaon St. Jane*vill'-. 2NiW, Milwaukee 9t»;' Bau Claire. Masonic Temple. * - ^0-thkoah, 11-13 Main. ^PhicaKO, 312 N. MichiffMt A**. •^itt Auto Delivery Leath Furniture Each Day r- -Take your----: tO HARRY isk" Tt y He can solve them in a jiffy an^ ^ y say, when ife does a job you can bet it's right, for every thing he does Is guaranteed to be right. Just call 83-M on the phone and have him come and see ychi ^ ' V HARRY'S ELECTRIC SHOP McllIiNRY, ILLINOIS ' issuing of special assessment bonds to meet the #cost thereof, in said Village ordered and provided for in and by an ordinance of said Village entitled "An Ordinance providing for the making of a local improvement in the Village of McHenry, County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, consisting of the construction of a connected system of vitrified tile pipe sewers, for sanitary purposes, including all necessary manholes, "Y" branch house junctions, vitrified stoppers, excavation and backfilling, all connected and completely installed in place, including a sewage disposal system, the condemnation of lands, the* securing of easements requisite therefore, the establishment of a sewer district, and providing for the making of said improvement by special assessment and the issuing of pecial assessment bonds to meet the cost thereof, and to ascertain what property will be benefitted by such improvement and the amount of such benefit, and to levy a special assessment upon all of the property benefitted by said improvement, to pay the cost of said improvement, in accord- T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M., and running to the center line of Water Street, extended, excepting therefrom the southerly 17.88 feet of said Lot 81. The southerly 17.88 feet of Lot 81 of the County Clerk's Plat of a part of the South half of Section 26, T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M. The Southerly 10 feet of the Northerly V4 of that part of James Street lying westerly of the westerly line of Elgin Road and easterly of the westerly line of Lot 1 in Block 9 of West McHenry, extended Southerly. The northerly 10 feet of the southerly M of that part of James Street lying westerly of the westerly line of Elgin Road and easterly of the westerly line of Block 14 of West McHenry, extended northerly. The southerly 10 feet of the northerly V4 of that part of James Street lying westerly-of the easterly line of Lot 2 and easterly of the westerly line of Lot 11 in Block 9 of West McHenry, extended southerly. The southerly 10 feet of the northerly bk of that part of James Street lying westerly of the easterly line of Lot 10 in Block 9 of West McHenry of ance with the terms and provisions of aid ordinance and in manner provided jand easterly of the center line by law; that the summons in said cause 1 Fourth Street, extended southerly. made returnable on the 14th day of { The northerly 10 feet of the south- March, A. D. 1921, to said Court, to'eriy 14 0f that part of James Street be held in the Court House in the City iyjng westerly of the easterly line of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illi- 0f Out-lot 18" of West McHenry and nois, and that the pieces and parcels easterly of the westerly line of said" of property to_be taken for said im- Out-lot 13, extended northerly, provement are described as follows, The southerly 10 feet of the northto- wit: erly % of that part of Jamed Street That part of Lot 8 of the Assessor's lying westerly of the center line of Plat of the E. M. Owen Estate in the Fourth Street, extended southerly and Northeast quarter of the Northeast easterly of the westerly line of Lot quarter of Section 35, Township 45 6 in Block 10 of West McHenry, ex- North, Range 8, East of the Third tended southerly. principal Meridian, more particularly The southerly 10 feet pf the northlocated as follows: Commencing at a erly % of that part of Jathes Street point in the center line of Water lying westerly of the easterly line of Street, extended, four hundred twen- Lot 5 in Block 10 of West McHenry, ty (420) feet Southerly from the cen- extended southerly and easterly of the ter line of Elm Street; thence S. 86 de- center line of Third Street, extended grees, OO' E. 375.00 feet; thence S. southerly. 55 degrees OO' E. 275.00 feet for a The southerly 10 feet of the northplace of beginning; thenec north 75.00 erly % of that part of James Street feet; thence East to the Fox river; and lying westerly o^ the center line of also beginning at the aforesaid place Third Street, extended southerly and of beginning; thence South 75 feet; easterly of the easterly lino of Center thence East to the Fox river; thence Street. Northwesterly along the Fox river to The northerly 10 foot of the southan intersection with the foregoing do- etiy H ed that port of Jameo Street OUR ANNUAL OPENS SATURDAY, FEB. 5TH And Cootinnes For Oae Week Including Saturday, February 12th If you have not already taken advantage of the bargains offered below you still have a couple of days left in which to do 90* Yotl will be saving considerable by buyip; during this $ale. Potatoes, per bti. $1.10, delivered 5 lb. of Choice Blend Coff# $1.00 Below prewar prices 10 lb. of Granulated Sugar 75 cents With order of $2.00, butter, eggs aid flournotincluded1 CANNED GOODS • Tomato Soup, 3 cans for:__._ He Sweet Corn, rqg. 20c grade, 3 qans 4Sc Canned Milk, reg. 15c grade, 3 Wins SSc Pork & Beans, reg. 15c grade, 1 can tic Karo Syrup, light, per can tic Kitchen Klenzer, reg. 7c, 3 cans for tic Canned Pineapples, large can, reg. 45c grade, 3 cans for I1J9 Canned Blackberries, 3 cans for $1.M TEAS & COFFEES U ncolored J apan Tea, per lb... _ |8c Orange Pekoe, '2 lb. pkg. lie 5 lbs. Handy Can Coffee -- $1.75' This can is useful to'you in many ways Our reg. 50c Coffee is now selling at 19c A sure winner te lie $3c tfe ' SO^P Palmolive Soap, 5 bars for Galvanic Soap, 10 bars for Soap Chips, large pkg. Batavia Toilet Soap, 3 bars for ..15c "Washing Powder, 5c size, 6 pkg& lor 23c ORDERS RECEIVED AFTER 1«:M A. M. WILL NOf Wfe^itLlVi ERED UNTIL THE FOLLOWING DAV- * 4 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES JFancy Head Rice, 3 lb. for-.,... .. 29c Yellow Corn Meal, 5 lb. for.^.l---" lie Corn Flakes, fresh and crispi, l pkg. 12c grooms, reg. $1.00 value S9c Prunes, large size, small stone, 3 lbs. 49c Catsup, large bottle, reg. 30c, 3 for 78c Matches, Saginaw Tip, the best on A the market, 6 boxes for._• SSc. 'Navy Beans, hand picked, 5 lb, for. JMc < S a u r K r a u t , h o m e m a d e ; p e r q t . J - 8 c \)ur butter is known as the best in" 2, > town, try it, per lb. _ fiffe We are selling that wonderful iWz Malt Svmp, per can lie furitan Malt Syrup, per can $l.t§ w Makes 6 gal. of lawful home drink MEATS Round Steak, per lb..*..... Surloin Steak, per lb. Pot Roast, per lb.. " Plate Beef for boiling.- -1... JPork Shoulders, butts, per IM Lard, home rendered, in 5 lb. lots, lb. 17c ^Picnic Hams, per lb. .......... 29c Bacon by the slab '....He ' F * > . , |5c .wDtfc 19c & 18c 13c & 15c 22c WM. PRIES, PROP. PHONE OM "'ife

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