.> " comjbrs A WBEK jgHHSt of IH OinS*FWLAGl6 r\ WvJ f - ^ A* Item by PfHH^r fftiftitfl ths Tratlr Mil an s|Al \m tlii • ^*w'e^ P**' Ofc# If O^r j home of her grandfather, J. J. Flusky. . •"rlrMl* * • :.•>. Miss Esther Stoffel of Chicago was •%c-'£ Miss m0M:¥itor was a Chicago * week end gnu* in the home of her ,t ; jfaitor Sm Wlma^tjr. ' parents. Mr.' ag* Mrs. Simon Jfcflbl. Rev. X. 3. Meftaay boarded the Chi-! Misses Mayan* Ibsh and Marion train last Friday morning. - i Whiting attended the basket hall Jos. Hoffman of Chicago was thee game at Hebron last Saturday eVen\ fe/^K-^Jjoest of friends here orer tha week!"1?* lots ) tar part week as metropolitan city. Mrs. Chas. Pich ss. t wHP Coaady Court of McHenry i»1lM)Ceuif&> to the Mairh Term, A. D. 11921. . f. returned to her (Village of McHenry, £oanty at) home in Chicago Friday morning altar. McHenry and State of Blhufa.) spending a few days with her father,1 T8. y Peter Thelen, here. ' iFred Beller, J. E. Hauswirth, Mrs. Christina fe*ss has returned Adelia Bonslett, Gertrude K. from a several weeks' visit in the Friund, Mary J. Jackley, John home of her daagkter. Mrs. Chas. i w. Bonslett, Clara Freud, Cole, at Ossian, la. Margaret McCarthy, Katherina Mrs. John Montgomery aad davgh- Bohr, Mary Justen, F. E. Shopter, Beverly, were gueets of relatives en, Frank H. Wattles, Ben J, i^jlid. - ; Miss Marie Zulsdorf of Palatine at Morton Grove and Chicago the lat- Adams, Susan Revor «nd ,.j; Anthony Bonslett passed the latter passed the week end as a guest in the ! ter part of last week. heirs at law of John Carey, fart of last week in the metropolitan home of Mr. and lira. John N. Zim-1 Misses Emma and Helen Pint of ceased, Gerald Carey, Agnes JftjL ;mer- .Chicago spent the latter*part of last Doherty, Florence Caray, Eve- Miss Vera Stoffel passed the wade Miss Bertha Wolff passed Saturday! week in the home of their parents, lyn Carey, Genevieve Carey, fnd as the guest of her sisters in Chi-1 *n<l Sunday as a guest in the home of j Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. ; Walter Carey and Mary Carey] ;5 itake were guests of friends here last ^•'•Jfriday. Mrs. Lester Jer4cks of Elgin passed - c , Ae latter part of last week with rela- '•»« !»«• •<& rr Mr, and Mrs. Frank Meyer spent \p|unday as the guests of relatives at •-W auconda. eago. j her sister, Mrs. Chas. McArthur, at Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bonslett of Chi- and all other persons" having F. E.Covalt attended to business Elgin. * jcago passed the week end as guests or claiming interest in any of Shatters in the metropolitan city last; William Buettner and Ray Severs, jn the home of the former's mother, the premises designated and |Mday. ! of Chicago were week end guests to; Mrs. Margaret Bonslett. , described, "All Whom It May " Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Martin of Round i the home of Mr,; and Mrs. WatWr J. i Mrs ^i|([)ar ^vheelfr ©f West Chi- ' Concern," _ , , _rL. . Icago spent Wednesday of last week* Defendants. Miss Mary Stoffel of Chicago spent, as a (n th« home of her brother,1 In the matter of the Petition of the the week end as-a guest m the home I waiter j j^njivin, and family. ; Village of McHenry, County of Mcof her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Win. Stoffel. . Misses Marie Wallis and Base Laures of^Elgin were Week end guests of the tatter's mother, Mrs. Elizabeth . Allen Noonan spent Qit weak end. Insures. With his wife and sons in the metro-j G«>- Meyers passed the latter part stationed at Des Moines, la., but re- struction fgolitancity. * j of last and the first of this week with cently vitrifiwl tile P** for ^nitary ; • M«. N. H. Petod. pu»d «h. tat- « El*,", Grov. ™ Purp.,.., include .11 n«,^rr »»• ;.|jsr part of last week with relatives in Chicago. ^ ^e metropolitan city. Mrs. John R. 'Knox and \ Mr*, and Mrs. Wm. Bonslett and son, 1 J. Schaffer passed last ^rancis, of Woodstock were guests of j guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Reihansperger ^®nry and State of Illinois, to ascerpasse «i last Thursday and Friday in u'n ^ compensation for private West Chicago, where they attended ProP«rty be taken or damaged for the funeral of the former's uncle. the loea! improvement in the Village Col. Howard R. Itory, W £ "cH / e"7' md State of Illinois, consisting of the conof a connected system of North line. lying westerly of a line that is paralhftf ef a onifiMii Wtttfc wt With and 60.00 feet westerly of the ftfK; "• >||»latives here Sunday. V1 ^ Leo Zimmer of Chicago was a wade 4tid guest in the home of his parents, ^r. and Mrs. John N. Zimmer. Miss Lena Hartman passed 8ator- <|ay and Sunday as the guest of relatives at Rockford and Marengo. Miss Marguerite Friedley of CWea- "H- X.-. I -- brother the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Perry. holes, "Y" branch house junctions, vitrified stoppers, excavation and back The village of Richmond was en- filling, all connected and completely riched to the extent of about $80 thru installed in place, including a sewage at Grayslake. v \ the visit of an Uncle Tom's Cabin the- disposal system, the condemnation of Ralph and Glenn Van Natta of Chi- atrical troupe one evening last week. i*nds, the securing of easements recago passed the week end in the home The show was "put on" in the village quisite therefore, the establishment of of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Van Natta. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Salzmann of Woodstock were week end guests in the home of the letter's parents, Mr. tideofa Ufce I iMM m Mm: Commencing at a point in the edtttar line of Water. Street extended, 4M fept Southerly from the center Una of Sfaa Street; thence S. 36 degrees CWE. 375.00 feet to the West line of Lot S of the County Clerk's Plat of the North Half of Section 36, T. 46 R. 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., for a place of beginning; thence 8. 56*degrees OO' E. 275.00 feet. A strip of land of a uniform width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on each side of line described as follows: Com mencing in the center line of Water Street, extended at a point 420 feet southerly from the center line of Elm Street; thence S. 36 degrees OO' E. to the North line of Lot 28- of the Count/ Clerk's Plat of part of the South half of Section 26, T. 45 N., R. R, E. of the 3rd P. M., for a place of beginning; thence S. 86 degrees OQ' E. to the Southerly line of said Lot 28 A strip of land of a -uniform width of 20 feet, Being 10 feet wide on each side of a line described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center line of Waukegan Road 790.00 feet easterly from the center line of Elgin road; thence N. 73 degrees OO* E. 94.00 feet to the East line of lot 6 of the Coun ty Clerk's Plat of the North half of Section 35, T. 45 N.. R.*8, E. of the 3rd P.M. v A strip of labd of a uniform width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on each side of a line described as follows Commencing at a point in the center line of Waukegan Road 790.00 feet easterly from the center line of Elgin Road; thence North 73 degrees OO' E hall and, working on the percentage a sewer district and providing for the £4.00 feet to the West line of Lot 5 basis, the village's share of the even- making of said improvement, by spring's proceeds were as above stated. cial assessment, and the issuing of Read The Plaindealer and keep special assessment bonds to meet the posted on local happenings. r'V5 & to Farmers (No, IT ':3£-j C LUMBER IS DOWN wmmsM:. .... . L + ^ v . . . . . . - i t , * : . . ' * " t ..,4> fci'i , ^LUMBER IS DOWN-DOWN TO WHERE A FARMER v Can afford to build anything that can be made of lumber, even ill the face of a low market on farm products. tUMBER WAS THE LAST GREAT COMMODITY TO GO UP id the first to come down. Tbday lumber prices are down to where it is hard to see how they can go any lower when costs are Considered. „ 7 YOU FARMERS HAVE REASON TO BE DISAPPOINTED IN the returns from last year's crops, but with lumber selling on the - present basis we don't believe you can afford not to do whatever building or repairing may be necessary before Spring work com- ; fences. ; WHETHER rTS A BARN, OR A SHED, OR JUST SOME| boards for fixing up around the place, the iacts about liAnber will < appeal to any niuu or ^yonxaxi wlao belieyes in thrift aod knows ialuet. "• *.'• ' y •' N GOME IN AND TAtK OVER YOUR PARTICULAR TROB- S' lems. We want to be helpful, and we welcome an opportunity to >v Ihon#| &%' •V* McHenry, IU. Phone 5 f?: ' ' ' " SMK'.."". •-> ~ . 0.3 |T*.vr.;. %s ^ V *' ; v 'M •* • V: r, M f ' 5*. •' 'ftt M'ii m ~y;<r n'.'v •< ".'rJ - S' ^ ' UMtyBRSAL CAS J* .WlVy^ _ V : . _ : The Ford Sedan l} fTp^HB Ford Bedao, one of the most convenient wid comfortable of l> closed cars, offers you the delights of the higher priced cars at tip . •*» lowest first cost and lowest upkeep cost. In Summer or Winter, j sunshine or rain, the Fyrd Sedan provides conveniences in accord your wishes. Only a minute is required to raise or lower the windows. % '" The Ford Sedan is a favorite family car. Beneath the Sedan body, .*; - th# ever reliable Ford Chassis means an economy unknown in other ett^i^; closed ears. A family car of exceptional merits. The ideal car lor th»-.'- r farmer's family: It seats five comfortably and is equipped with deaoount- ^ able rims, tire carrier, electric starting'and lighting system, and instrument board. Orders are fillsd in the same sequence in which they are received.- * t tiAnd ever remember the pure and certain and satisfactory "after-service** ^ r; we give. You know the solid satisfaction that comes in the knowledge1" ' .'that your motor car is good for every day of the year--no mental jrorrie* when you drive a Ford. Let's have your order today. ' '1 Think of it! The Ford Sedan, this handsome enclosed car coata.yon-v j| lege than any ordinary touring car (except the Ford). ' * ~ t 'D' *"-f "• - i ' "i. • ' * 'if.- • I 1- 'St.-. JOHN ft. KNOX. PROiW % . '.;i% £• «CS0i!«$K' V^i " " " PHONE 3| cost thereof and to ascertain what property will be benefitted by said improvement and the amount of said benefit. It appearing in the above entitled cause, from the file* therein and tiie affidavit of ownershipr filed therein, on the 7th day of February, A. D. 1921 that the defendants, Fred Beller and Mary J. Jackley, impleaded with others, above named and made parties defendant in said cause, are non-resi dents of the-State of Illinois; notice is hereby given to said defendants and to the defendants designated as "All Whom It May Concern," and to all other persons and parties named in the report and assessment roll of the Commissioners, filed in the above en titled cause in said Court, against whose property benefits have been assessed therein, to pay the costs of the improvement hereinafter described; that on the 16th day of February, A. D. 1920, said Village of Mc Henry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, filed its petition in said County Court of McHenry County Illinois, praying thut steps "be taken to ascertain the just compensation to be made for private property to be taken or damaged for' the improve ment of the construction of a connected system of vitrified tile pipe sewers for sanitary purposes, including all necessary manholes, "Y" branch house junctions, vitrified stoppers, excava lion and backfilling, all connected and completely installed in place, including a sewage disposal system, the condem nation of lands, the secaring of ease aients requisite therefore, the estab lishment of a sewer district, and providing for the making of said improve •lent by special assessment and the issuing of special assessment bonds to meet* the cost thereof, in said Village ordered and provided for in and by an ordinance of said Village entitled "An Ordinance providing for the making of a local improvement in the Village of McHenry, County of McHenry, and State of Illinois, consisting of the con- ' struction of a connected system of j vitrified tile pipe sewers, for sanitary : purposes, including all necessary man ^ holes, "Y" branch house junctions, vitrified stoppers, excavation and backfilling, all connected and completely installed in place, including a sewage disposal system, the condemnation of lands, the securing of easements requisite therefore, the establishment of a sewer district, and providing for the making of said improvement by .special assessment and the issuing of special assessment bonds to meet the cost thereof, and to ascertain what property will be benefitted by such improvement and the amount of such benefit, and to levy a special assess ment upon all of the property bene i fitted by said improvement, to pay the cost of said improvement, in accord lance with the terms and provisions of said ordinance and in manner provided by law; that the summons in said cause is made returnable on the 14th day of March, A. D. 1921, to said Court, to be held in the Court House in the City of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illi nois, and that the pieces and parcels of property to be taken for said improvement are described as follow*, to-wit: j That part of Lot 3 of the Assessor's ; Plat of the E. M. Owen Estate in the j Northeast quarter of the Northeast 'quarter of Section 36, Township 45 • North, -Range 8, East of the Third principal Meridian, mo e particularly located as follows: Commencing at a ' point in the center line of Water Street, extended, four hundred twenty (420) feet Southerly from the center line of Elm Street; thenfce S. 36 degrees, OO' E. 375.00 feet; thence S. 55 degrees OO' E. 275.00 feet for a place of beginning; thence north 75.00 feet; thence Eaat to the Fox river; and also beginning at the aforesaid place of beginning; thence South 75 feet; thence East to the Fox rijpt; thence Northwesterly along the Fox river to an intersection with the foregoing deof the County Clerk's Plat of the North half of Section 35, T. 45 N., Rr 8, E. of the 3rd P M., for a place of beginning; thence N. 73 degrees 00 E. 506.b0 feet to the East line of said Lot 5. ( A strip of land of a uniform width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on each side of a line described as follows: Commencing at a point in the center line of Water street extended, 420.00 feet southerly from the center line of Elm Street; thence S. 36 degrees 00' E. '280.00 feet to the North line of Lot 5 of the County Clerk's Plat of the North half of Section 35, T. 45 N., R 8, E. of the 3rd P. M., for a place of beginning; thence S. 36 degrees, OO S. 95 feet to the east line of said Lot 6, A strip of land of a uniform width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on &ch side of a line described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the North line of Lot 29 of the County Clerk's Plat of part of the South half of Section 26, T. 46 N., R» 8, E of the 3rd P. M., with the center line of Water Street; thence Southerly along the center line of Water Street, extended, 57.00 feet; thence S. 86 decrees OO'E. to the Southerly line of said Lot 29. A strip of land of a tutiform width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on each side of a line described as follows: The center line of Front Street extendtnl Southerly, commencing at the Southerly end of Baid Street and running to fc point 420.00 feet Southerly from the center fine of Elm streeet. A strip of land of a uniform width of 20 feet, being 10 feet wide on each side of a line described as follows: 420.00 feet southerly from and parallel with the center line of Elm street, commencing at the Westerly line of Lot 31 of the County Clerk's Plat of part of the North Half of Section 26 T. 45 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. M., and running to the center line of Water Street, extended, excepting therefrom the southerly 17.88 feet of said Lot 31 The southerly 17.88 feet of Lot 81 of the County Clerk's Plat of a part of the South half of Section 26, T. 46 N., R. 8, E. of 3rd P. U. The Southerly 10 feet of the North* erly Vi of that part of James Street lying westerly of the westerly line of Elgin Road and easterly of the west^ er^r line of Lot 1 in Block 9 of Wee| McHenry, extended Southerly. The northerly 10 feet of the southerly Vi of that part of James Street lying westerly of the westerly line of Elgin Road and easterly of the west* erly line of Block 14 of West McHen* ry, extended northerly. The southerly 10 feet of the north erly % of that part of James Street lying westerly of the easterly line of Lot £ and easterly of the. westerly lin$ of Lot 11 in Block 9 of West McHenry, extended southerly. The southerly 10 feet of the north* erly % of that part of James Street lying westerly of the easterly line of Lot 10 in Block 9 of West McHenry and easterly of the center line of Fourth Street, extended southerly. The northerly 10 feet of the south erly % of that part of James Street lying westerly of the easterly line1 of Out-lot 18 of West McHenry and easterly of the westerly line ot said Out-lot 13, extended northerly. The southerly 10 feet of the northerly Vt of that part of James Streefc lying westerly of the center line of Fourth Street, extended southerly and easterly of the westerly line of Lot 6 in Block 10 of West McHenry, extended southerly. The southerly 10 feet of the northerly % of that part of James Street lying westerly of the easterly line of J' Lot 5 in Block 10 of West McHenry, extended southerly and easterly of the center line of Third Street, extended outherly..-- The southerly 10 feet of the northerly of that part of Janps Streot lying westerly of the center line of Third Street, extended southerly and easterly of the easterly line of Center Street. The northerly 10 feet of the southerly ft of that part of Jamea Street easterly line of Out-lot 1 of West McHenry and easterly of the easterly line of Center Street. The northerly 10 feet of the southerly % of that part of James Street lying westerly of the easterly line of Out-lot 1 of West McHenry and easterly of a line that is parallel with and 60.00 feet westerly of the easterly line >f said Out-lot 1, all in the Village of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Aqd that the pieces and parcels of property to he damaged by the making of the said improvement are described as follows, to-wit: Lot 3 of j County of the Assessor's Plat of the E, M. Owen j Illinois. Estate in the Northeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of "Section 85, Township 45 North, Range 8, East of the Third Principal Meridian, in the Village of McHenry, County of Mc-, Henry and State of Illinois. That the total cost of said improvement as shown by the estimate and report herein is the sum of $86,571.00; that a special assessment has been made to raise the cost of said improvement, and that the report thereof was filed in the office of the Clerk of said County Court of said McHenry County, Illinois, in the Court House in the said City of Woodstock, County and State aforesaid, on the 7th day of February, A. D. 1921, and that the proceedings therein are now pending. You are further hereby notified that summons in the said cause is made returnable to the March Term,- 1921, of the said County Court to be held in the said Court House in the City of Woodstock, Illinois, on the 14th day of March, A. D. 1921, when and where you may appear arfd defend if you see fit so tic* do.. Date, Woodstock, Illinois, February 7, 1921. G. E. Still, Clerk of the County Court of McHenry County, Illinois. 85-4t laid out and ei feet South of Lakeside to the ; along the North j private road Wi erly to a fence on the line, thence northerly as it now stands (it that the North end ef East of the quarter seetlw til it intersects with the of said Pistakee Lake, thenctf l along the water's edge to th« yiitot of beginning, Section Number twenty (20), Township forty-five (45) North, Range Nine (9), East of the Third Principal Meridian, situated in the McHenry and *8tate of Willard Lindsay and ^Jford H Sol ici tor| County .of McHenry, )s^ y . ^ State of Illinois, ) In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. January Term, A. D. 1921. ' Bill for Partition, General Number 19972. V . Alma Zander, Complainant^ '^|v vs. • -IV Ruth S. E. Chaiser, et al, Defendants. Public Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree of sale made and entered by said court in the above entitled cause on the 21st day of February, A. D. 1921,4, E. H. Waite, Special Master in Chancery of said Court, will, on Saturday, the 12th day of March, A. D. 1921, at the hour of ten o'clock in. the forenoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Woodstock, McHenry County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell at public auction to the highest and best bidder for cash, the following described real estate in said decree mentioned and described, to-wit: A part of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section Number twenty (20), Township forty-five (45) North, Range Nine (9), East of the Third Principal Meridian, and described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Northwest corner of Lakeside, being Henry Kennebeck's subdivision of the fractional Northeast quarter of said Section twenty (20), and recorded in the Book of Plats of said McHenry County, on page thirty-two, with its intersection with the water's edge of Pistakee Lake, running thence South eleven (11) degrees East to a private road TERMS OF SALE Twenty-five (25) per cent at timi purchase price to be paid hi eadl Ml the day of sale, and the hjlaaea at the purchase price to be paid la eash upon the approval of the report of sale"and the delivery of the Special Master's deed. Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, tfcfS' 21st day of February, A. D. 1921. E. H. Waite, Special Master in Chancery of tlw Circuit Court of McHeuy County, Illinois. 17-* Administrator's IMin E. H. Waite, Atty. . Estate of lohn Carey, Dieimt ^ The undersigned having bwi appointed Administratrix of the Atate of John Carey, deceased, 1st*' ef the "ounty of McHenry and State at Illinois, hereby gives notice that she wffi appear before the County Cuait tf McHenry County, at the Court in Woodstock, at the April the first Monday in April next, at which time all persons having ilihw* against said Estate are notiM and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted ta said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this lMl day of February, A. D. lttl. 36-3t Mary Carey, Quaker oats compound F®I-0*-Pep egg mash makes the hens la/. Wilbur Lumber Co. Jitck Nicholhi DITCHING1 AND TILUNl taa-ae vr€: Have your eyes exunised byfDr. Ed Jacob* "Examinations Free.* Appointments at Holel Office or private hoMffc Call McHenry 15 or It for appointments. Josten's Hotel, McHenry, Illinois. i':*v " - ' • • Dr. Jtak BATTERIES •J.'- Have a Right* - to Expect More than tordinary lasting poster Battery. It was the first automobile battery, an H was in central station and other fields losg before automobiles were invented. The Exide for your car is the result of experience gained in every field by the oldest and largest makers of storage batteries la ttot wprld.