iCES* WHh ConsUm* Talmadge at the Em pire Fridayand Saturday Gift • . Constance TWiftadfr* m Marshall Vincent Coleman 'lllfe*. Stearns Ned Parks ^ Miss Caroline Marshall Wr lis- Mi/.V V' pi: • i¥~:£ p."*--' ; "• - ; , C-"*" |P,s' t\l.* t 4* V; S!;;' * SM Our attention hat been called to the sudden drop Of prices in certain meat commodities the past few days. Our answer is, the bottom has not dropped out of either the pork nor the beef market and the advent of any new market' does not effect the price schedule of our place &» our goods are priced < on an honest to God 16 ox, to the pound and delivery service that you will admit above par if ever you have given us a chance to serve you. We feature no "Free with other goods'* bargains. Remember we have to buy what we would that way give you free and we are right here to tell you there isn't any first class business man in business for his health. Look out for these live saving out for the benefit of the public, or these Free with other goods merchants thJfc usually have an object and it seldom is for the benefit of the public. Remember our slogan not how cheap but how good and just hang this up where you can see it txxasionally to remind you that if ever good meats and groceries can be sold for less money you'll find them at FRETTS: MARKET £ GROCERY Sr.WESTMdfMRf.llLi Nellie Parker NeU Norcross..,..., Kid Whaley.......Matthew The Bishop . Aralitf^ The Landlady ...Dorothy Walters Mary Wayne, until recently the daughter and secretary of an industrious novelist, but one whose books never sold, finds herself in the shab^ biest kind of a boarding house with five dollars between her and the cruel cold world. Mary tries to stall the landlady on the board bill, bat a little cooker, on which she had been doing some forbidden cooking, and which had been thrust under the bed at tile approach of the enemy, sets fire to the counterpane, making it doubly incumbent on the old lady to give Mary the air and call the fire engines. In answer to an ad placed by "The Brain Workers' " employment agency, Mary applies for a position, but being without reference the agency refuses to even consider hter. As Mary is leaving the office, she meets NelJ^ Norcross, who has just obtained a position, but celebrates her good fortune by becoming very ill. There is nothing for Mary to do but swap personalities and take the position, which is in the home of Miss Caroline Marshall, an old maid and a religious enthusiast. Bill, her nephew, has just returned from college, bringing with him an old pal, Pete, whom he smuggles into the house as his valet. Pete makes a very good valet until Mary arrives at the mansion. To get even with his "master" for placing him in such a lowly position vfith such glorious prospects in sight, Pete suggests to Bill's aunt that she introduce Bill to society. via the religious route, and hold a big reception for the bishop. Bill displays no enthusiasm for this plan and leaves the house for the evening, announcing that he is going to a very exclusive affair.- Bill has his own conception of society. The affair is exclusive until the police arrive, making it necessary for Mary to come to court and bail out Bill and his prize fighter friend, "Kid Whaley." But having the goods on him, Mary makes Bill attend a very swell affair given by his aunt, but Bill scandalizes his aunt's social position by bringing scrappy Kid, Whaley to the dinner. One day while swimming in Larchmont bay, with the valet, Mary is deserted by the yachting party to which she belongs, who under orders from Bill, the jealous thing, orders the yacht to put about. ' In a bathing suit miles frofh New York, floundering in Long Island sound--watch 'em get back to the big town. % To be shown at the Empire theatre on Friday and Saturday evenings of this week, April • 15 and 16. HEBRON RASCALS TAKE OPENER First of jinn* will watch the final outcome with interest never before manifested the game here. The teams, on paper at least,-are very evenly niatched. Both have made excellent records during the playing season now coming to a close and the members of both teams are in the best of condition for the series, which will decide the championship of McHenry county. While the greatest interest in the series is shared by the follower* of the two teams residing at Hebron and Woodstock, McHenry is also displaying keen concern, brought aboqft thru the fact that two of our young men, Henry Miller and Frank Jus ten, are members of the Hebron quintet and as such their work with that team has gone a long ways toward bringing basket ball fame to Hebron in a measure very seldom equalled by towns many times its size.. While Hebron's victory of last Saturday night brought great rejoicing to the hearts of the victors as well as their loyal following, it has not embued the team with an over confidence, as each and every member fully appreiatea Woodstock's strength and therego into the second to be held at the armory at Woodstock this (Thursday) evening, full of fight and with a determination to play their hardest to win. Altho the weather was anything but favorable for such a trip, several from here drove to Hebron last Saturday evening and it is expected that McHenry will send a big delegation over to the county seat tonight. Trim Woodstock Team In Three Game Series PHONE 3 Pi ' The first of a three-game aeries between the Hebron Rascals and Purple Meteors of Woodstock was staged at Hebron before a "packed" house last Saturday evening, at which time the former team was returned the winner by a score of 27 to 14. Probably never before in the history of basket ball in McHenry county has items ef tsflHKPIB Owr Iwittin* i. Senior Notes <hi^ tt!n $wriu more of The Engii||£ class is i tragedy of fJapWet." All* of us spent the week FOj str : Schneider, Fox m McHenry, 'ID. 43-tf I FOR SALE--Clover and timothy hay . and a quantity of, millet seed. Mrs. reading the jj. Jus ten; McHenry, 111. 44-2t FOR SALE--A quantity of Early cupcrating--third quarter exams last Ohio seed potatoes. J«u«e» -Hunter, Thursday and Friday. West McHenry.; Phone 617^-2. 44 Miss Pry or: "Andrew, you'd make a fine undertaker. You have a typical undertaker's gait." The physics class has started the „ „ A_ study of the speed and nature of SALEr- On sound. They know all about speed hut not so much about nature. junior Class FOR SALE--A house .and four lots on West Side. A bargain for somebody. Inquire at The Plaindealer office. 43 halves, eggs for hatching, best blood In th^ U. S. A. A. S. Parks, West McHenry, 111. Phone 83-J. 43-2tv Work on the junior class plky It to FOR SALE--Your choice between a begin in the near future. Cleveland 9 touring car and Overland All except two taking French have Six touring car; & W, Frett, West heard from their French correspon-' McHenry, 111. 43-tf dents. That awful announcement of book eports was received by junior class Tuesday. Why tfc anxiety over Friday? M. H. S. vs. C. L. H. C. at Crystal Lake. \ FOR SALE--Being too large for my Baseball! j Gladys' presence fore Hebron will game, which is ILLINOIS AGRICULTURAL ASSN. Nothing in the way of recent agricultural news concerns McHenry county farmers more directly, declares A. J. Gafke, county advisor, than the ratification of the committee of seventeen grain marketing plan at Chicago on Wednesday and Thursday. McHenry county, according to the latest available reports, raises 23,839 bushels of winter wheat and 3,396,773 bushels of corn yearly. 'This grain,". declares William G. Eckhardt, grain marketing director of' the Illinois Agricultural association and treasurer of the -committee of seventeen, "can now he marketed by the farmers themselves, where before it has too often been in the hands of -peculators. The plan provides for the farmers marketing their own grain with their own elevators and their own national sales .agency; in co-operation rather than competition with grain dealers and bankers. It aims to stabilize the market and work for the good of the consumer as well as the grower." Great enthusiasm and desire for co-operation was shown at the ratification conference, according to reports. 107 delegates from twentythree states attended. Fourteen of these were Illinois delegates, the largest representation allowed any one state. U: S. Secretary of Agriculture Henry C. Wallace and President J. R Howard, of the American Farm Bureau Federation, gave addressed. no chauffeur. Just what attracts the girls at the poR SALE--Cyphers 60-egg incubabaseball park; their interest in ath- tor, Mann bone cutter, oat strouter ietics or Ford rides? ' jand brooder. N. F. Steilen, McHenry, Lillian Doherty received 100 in two m, Phone 111-R. 43-2t exams this quarter, solid geometry ------- . . - - . „ and Virgil. Oh, leave it to . junior. F0R SALE-A MoCormick 8-ft. h.y It seems that Mar, Frtaby has "**" °Lf I ^ sworn on_ g si.n ce she had, Will be sold reasonably. Schaefer ,h er seat, c.h anged so near Miss PTrfy-o,,r., ,s. ,Bros.', McHenry, 111. Phone 106-W. 42 il i_ . desk. {FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN--To Mr. Treadway showed the modern close estate, a house and four lots in history class his collection of foreign!West McHenry. f1450.00. A. H. coins recently. He claims he wasn't Pouse, West McHenry, 111. :• . 4 0-tf in England long enough to get a FQR sALE--Overland model 83, 6 crown. ^ 'passenger touring. A good buy at the There was no attempt on . e prjce we Investigate^ He teachers' parts to; ^ten^tiie 1>OURht a Studebaker. Selling's garage, McHenry, 111. 42-tf no attempt on the ghten 11 ments,for this week, altho we went thru mental agony Thursday and Friday during exams. Heard before exams:-- "Do you-think she'll ask this?" , "J bet he'll give us a hard exam." "Oh, I know I won't pass." ' "Not tonight, I gotta study.*" "Got your outline up-to-datif** "I found two gray hairs this morning." Sophomore Notes Are we glad the exams are over? Why so many history note books carried home Friday night? Report cards aijs out this week. Wonder where all the smiles are?" The sophomores are going to read the "Sir Roger de Coverly Papers." The other classes must have been! . . . . . . * ' i •Sport Models VERYWHERE -- in the office -- on the street -- on the golf courses sport clothes are correct for spring. A model like this with an extra pair of knickers" nyil^i an combination. E Clothes for Younger Men We are also showing other styles in the new materials--small checks and fancy sil stripes -- ail wool -- topmost values at rices. Call soon -- while you have an un| line from which to M c G t e e v S d n w a y McHenry; 4 W-' tA':: CHA& FOR SALE--Three fine dwelling lots on Waukeg^n street. Special price if taken at once. Write or apply to C. W. Stenger, West McHenry. 44-3t* own use, I hereby offer for sale a is really appre- Grant Six touring car, in good workiated when"the girls have a Ford and ing order. Frank Freond, McHenry, 111. 44-lf1• FOR SALE--LaCrosse 12-24 h. p. tractor and 3-14 tractor , plow in good repair and condition. $300.00 takes complete outfit. If interested address H. B. S., General Delivery, West Mci Henry, 111. ^ 48-3t« | FOR SALE OR TRADE--88 note, i Kimball player piano, oak case, rolls | and bench, all new. Price, $600.00. Will trade for cottage on river. What have you? Mrs. Tragardh, 221% Benton St., Woodstock. 44-2t* So. Wabash Mr. Turner's fl|pPALE-!H»e itti^larm of 160 two Miles east of (>Rt*t« farm of'82 »t Lake Defiance and the house and lot'east of the Fox river,bridge hi McHenry. S.< H. Freund, McHenry, III. Phone 648- M-2. . _____ 41-tfW BABY CHICKS--Cut prices. $11.00 j 100 up. Postpaid anywhere. Assort- j ed, white or brown Leghorns, Barred • Rocks, White Rocks, Reds, W. WyandotteS, Buff Orps. Big hatchery, 600,- 000 chix. Get pur prices first. Catalog free; Farrow-Hirsh Co., Peoria, running trustees of the village *n _» .. We, tibe president and board of McHenry, 111., submit to the that we are for improving our at the proper time. If the s of our village are in favor of aame> iire, humbly beg your fftf, . V* ' V-'?: John Olson. . Frank Wattlfes. >3 A. r Richard I. 0verton@|; 'Louis A. Erickson. t OUT in the 6elds (Jot1, and nature shower gener* ifcus care upon the ^oldeo ar he at. Tn the grinding mills where wheat becomes flour, man are responsible for its. final condition. In our mill we assume this responsibility and as a result we offer you the besjU _ Trr ofr tlow yos'H h " McHENRY* $Tour Mills Weit McHenrv. UK Electricr Appliances Tftef lig^ttefilsfbor They lengthen hours of leisure vf, *. They increased and convenience 'fihe family of them It a very large one and a versatile one. You know many--washing , machines, irons, vacuum cleaner#, toasters, grills, coffee percolators, fans, ornamental tops. u sett them ^ Monthly Payntients Pobfic Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS -Seasonable Bargains-- FOR SALE--Three good farms well improved, two in Lake county and the (other in McHenry county, 300, 320 and , 120 acres respectively. Inquire jof C. W. Stenger at the West Mcrne ouiercu,^ | Henry State Bank of West'McHenry, sfudying hard last week because only L... J 17 ophomor^ school notes appeared in j the paper. FOR SALE--Player piano, bargain The English II class were informed Monday that as yet there were no themes from the sophomores for the year book. The high school baseball team will play Crystal Lake at Crystal Lake Friday. The team has been handicapped by, pupils not making their grades. The sophomore arent ^ry smart, And they' Ijave been slow from thi start; :/x But they aar# gaining'very fa«V And hope to be the best at Freshman Notes f:. Frances Garbujt is abBent.|\ *!N .: We all agree that Pearl is, some poetess. Viola Leach visited school Tuesday afternoon. Monday morning we started* our last quarter of school. Cecil Harrison has returned after very severe (?) case of mumps. Miss Pryor told us a secret concerning our trip to Chicago. We'll never tell. Miss Pryor has promised to take her ancient history class (that's us) to the art intitute some day soon. We are trying 'to get something worth while in the year book. Miss Peterson suggested themes of- course. Every freshman felt much better Friday night. Reason: No more exams for ten long weeks. Three certain freshman girls will turn out to be real chorus girls some day. Their first effort wilh be seen in the coming minstrel show. Tracing the family tree of the English king seems like advertising toy balloons or drawing pictures of soap bubbles to some of the ancient history class. Helen Powers, a freshman girl, a^id the brightest pupil in M. C. H. S., has made a very high record by getting three one hundreds in the exams of the last quarter. The freshmen are all proud of her. Three cheers for Helen. Having finished taking all their exams Fric^ty morning the freshmen were wondering how they could pass the long hours of the afternoon away, when Miss Pryor came to the rescui and reminded them that their history note books would be due Monday. Plenty of work When ya^dfrn't want it. The Freahawa IP is for faithful, ^ The freshmen are that. 'i v •R ig for rashness, ' ' That's one thing they la^L / E is for everlasting, ' :. . They'll always be haret^^;r^: 8 is for sunshine 7\ ^* ' They bring when they're naa>» ; B is for home-loving. , They study at night 1?}*^ j\ , ' "Il is for manners, ' * ' < They always do right. ^ A is for algebra, J " V - Which they call junk. 4^' - is for 'nopffh • -M Of this kind of bunk. Mildred Zualsder|» ' 5 • • 5.lbs. Boiled Oats ... ttc Peaches, in syrup, large can J4e fJone Such Corn, per can. • tie Baking Molasses, 4 •i&i- • I*6 4 cans Kitchen Klensejr!^ . . SSc 3 l b s . H e a d B i c e . . M c Apricot®, in heavy syrupl.- 2Se 5 lbs. Navy Deans ..ISf JOHN STOFFEL Romeo's tine 'ribbed Uniop - . Suits 75c Men's Athletic Union Suits.$1.#0 Women's fine ribbed Vests lie Men's Ribbed Union Suitfc. $1.25 'Ifrd Seal Dre^s Ginghams.. SSc U4 in Mercerized Damask. 95c Women's Oxfards, black or brown, per pr 94.U Child's Kid Leather Shoes tl.S5 ^ WEST McHENRY 'J it"/-' it v •'/: yj-i a W- > GET ABOARD ! PRICES ARE DOWN ' -4 , * T* ' i . V - * ' \ V: # Kx V/\/<5tl fellows wKo Kave off "w-- •;mv£ s ry^.; ows who have been putting xm repair work and new building because -rp'i j ^prices have been high can climb ji : v<t'£^this minute and BUILD NOW € « ' :' We've bought right to our prices are right * " "Jhe right Bird's Roof, will cost,a whole'|af 9 •'j.M't-;- • ' 'r £ ,.r- • *:k. :"€. less than you thinly v:' . •i© vy. . Whether you ifteed Bird's Paroid, Bird|| 1 Art-Craft (tile or shingle design), Bird's Plain Slate Surfaced, Bird's Granitized or Bird's •^^ Twin Shingles, we will be glad to tell you how little it will cost. Bird's Roofs will V- JKf not catch fire from falling sparks^ ^ f' & "$*4 r^*V! •m '•Sr. iV-- •4f - ^ «(• • •« "Neponset Black" is die building paper which protects against dampness land drafts, because Neponset is Waterproof. ®IRD A SON, inc. (Established 1798) EartWalpol*, Muf McH1|^^umber pq