.->*K Calumet as you do of rOU don't use as much yo most other Baking Powders. It has more than ordinary leavening strength. You save about half. You don't pay a big price for Calumet It's sold at a moderate price -- that represents another saving. You don't feel uncertain as to results. Bakings never fail--because Calumet never falls below ti.e proven standard of "Best by Test" iip'tirr J! • ;• ;i i|i\J!lMiiiiUliM. FOR 8 ASS--Two lots on Water street Fox trivtt. Anton Schneideir, lie Henry, III. 43-tf pOR 4SA LE--Clover and timothy hay *fand a quantity of millet seed.. Tony ^Miller, McHenry, m. 44-2t FOR SALE--A quantity of Early vhio seed potatoes. James Hunter, West McHenry. Phone 617-J-2. 44 FOR SALE--A house and four lota on West Side. A bargain for somebody Inquire at The Plaindealer office. 43 FOR SALE--Your choice between a Cleveland 9 touring car and Overland Six touring car. P. W. Frett, West McHenry, 111. 43-tf ., ,, .. ,,.., ijii. TTr^r '• ij!'4 ik r^l LOST--Somewhere in the village of McHenry, a bundle of automobile curtains. Finder kindly notify John B. Lundgren, McHenry, 111. 4^-lt* :W«ir •-'il ISPmII; BEST BY TEST It possesses the highest quality ever put into a Baking Powder. Contains only such ingredients as have been officially endorsed by United States Food Authorities. For weeks, for months, it keeps as fresh and full of strength as the day it left the Calumet Factories, the World's Largest, most Sanitary and Modern Baking Powder plants. Pound can of Calumet contains fall 16 oz. Some baking powders come in 12 oz. instead of 16oz.cans. Be sure you get a pound when vou want it. Gold Cake Recipe Yolks of 8 egg* 1'4 cups of gran* ulated sugar, ?§ cup of water. \\ cup of butter, 2Vi cups pastry flour, 3 level teaspoons Calumet Baking Powder, 1 tablespoon of vanilla. Then mix in the regv lar way. Market your eggs at Erickson's store. Buy your early and late seed potatoes at M. M. Niesen's. Fresh stock of Borden's Eagle jrand malted milk, all sizes of bottles, at C. Unti's. The rain of last evening greatly interferred with t^he attendance at the card party as sponsored by the members of St. Clara court, W. C. O. F., and held at the K. of C. hall. Those who did brave the storm were well repaid for doing so by being shown a very enjoyable time. Card of Thanks In this public manner we wish to extend our sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends who in any way assisted us during the last illness and after the death of our beloved mother, Mrs. Mary Schneider. The Children. i- For Saturday, April 2£ Fork Shoulder Roast, per lb. #ork Shoulder, sliced, j*r Picnic Hams, per lb 1 ^ Bacon Squares, per lb. ...l*. Home Made Pork Sausage Meat, per lb. ,- --22c -25c -17c --17c 15c Monday & Tuesday Special i - •" pound of soup crackers FREE with every VY • order of 2 lbs. or more Plate Beef, per lb..lfc CENTRAL MARKET Phone JW M .Win. Pries, Prop. McHenry, III. FOR SALE--Three fine dwelling lots on Waukegan street. Special jprice if taken at once. Write or apply to W. Stenger, West. McHenry. 44-8t* i'ASTURE--Can pasture cattle and horses on the Smith estate farm at !.ake Deriance on and after May 1. Inquire of or write S. H. Freund, Mcftenry, 111.* 45-lt FOR SAliE AT A BARGAIN--To close estate, a house and four lots in West McHenry. $1450.00. .A. H. -Pouse, West McHenry,"111. - 40-tf FOR SALE--Being too large^for my own use, I hereby offer for sale a Grant Six touring car, in good working order. Frank Freund, McHenry, 111. 44-lt* FOR SALE--Overland fnodel 83, 5 passenger touring. A good buy at the price we ask. Investigate. He bought a Studebaker. Stilling's garage, McHenry, 111. 42-tf LOST--Somewhere between McHenry and .the Martin May farm near Solon or between Peter Diedrich's and depot, a rubber tire for buggy. Finder leave at this office and receive reward. 46-lt* FOR SALE--Six tons alfalfa hay, $20 per ton; Wisconsin No. 7 and Murdock Yellow Dent seed com, 96 to 98 per cent germination, shelled and graded. $3.00 per bushel. Phone 602-W-2, McHenry, 111. 45-tf FOR SALE--LaCrosse 12-24 h. p. tractor and 3-14 tractor plow in good repair and condition. $300.00 takes complete outfit. If interested Address H. B. S., General Delivery, West McHenry, 111. '43-3p* FOR SALE OR TRADE--88 note, Kimball player piano, oak case, rolls and bench, all new. Price, $600.00. Will trade for cottage on river. What have you? Mrs. Tragardh, 221% Benton St., Woodstock. 44-2t* FOR SALE--Three good farms well improved, two in Lake county and the other in McHenry county, ' 300, 32b and 120 acres respectively. Inquire of C, W. Stenger at the West McHenry State Bank of JVest McHenry, Illinois. 17 FOR SALE--Player piano, bargain $410.00. Party who can complete payments of $12.00 a month can secure a big bargain by calling or writing to the P. A. Starck Piano Co., 210 So. Wabash Ave., Chicago, asking for Mr. Turner's player. 42-4t FOR SALE--The old Smith homestead farm of 160 acres located about two miles east of McHenry; the Smith estate farm of 82 acres at Lake Defiance and the house and lot east of the Fox river bridge in McHenry. S. H. Freund, Mclfenry, 111. Phone 643- M-2. , 41-tf BABY CHICKS--Cut prices. $11.00 100 up. Postpaid anywhere. Assorted, white or brown Leghorns, Barred Distinctly . Different OUR mirrors will show you --better than we can tell -- how you. will look in ampus Togs. They give you hat youthful appearance." ft's the smooth shoulder the full. <5hest, the slender waist effect-- real designing backed up by real tailoring -- altogether pleasing. And this excellence of designing and workmanship is too good to be wasted on poor materials. You must see these new fabrics •-- handsome suitings if there Aver were. The new spring line is here -- complete, McGee & Conway McHenry, ill. * •w Clothe* for Younger "Fi :s, White Rocks. Reds, s, Buff Orps. Big hatcli 080 chbc. Get . out* prices first, log free. Farrow-Hirsh Co., Peoi 111. _ . ADDITIONAL LOCAL Dandelions were out in full for the first time this season 0*) nesday morning of this week. A baby boy was born to Mr. and Mr-;. M. E. Smith, who reside south of town, on Tuesday of this week. * Mr. and Mrs. Peter Weingart, Who reside east of this village, welcomed a baby girl into their home on Wed* nesAay of last week. Jos. Michels has entered the employ of Gould's union (neat market on the West Side, starting work th«r^ with the opening of the place last Friday. » Theo. Schiessle underwent an operation at the West Side hospital ift Chicago last Thursday and since then has been making a* v$ry satisfactory recovery. < On account of the storm local workmen employed at the . Terra Cotta factory were forced into idleness on Saturday and Monday, the roads being impassable. The annual meeting of our Tillage council wjll take place next Monday evening, at which time the newly elected members of tjiat body jwjH also be sworn in. Mrsf. Josephine •Fouse and son, Atty. A. H. Pouse, are now nicely settled in their new quarters on the second floor of the . "Spaulding" bylfding on Main street. Trees have been planted in froftt and along the south side of the property recently acquired by St. Mary's parish here and we can see where * place of beauty will fcoon be taad,e out of the site. Last number of the business men's entertainment course at the Empire theatre this (Thursday) evening. The Steven s-Chamberlin company will present a . program consisting of elocution, whistling, singing and crayor work and should prove a highly entertaining number. "Luring Shadows," as shown* at the Empire theatre last evening, under the auspices of St. Mary's church, proved one of the finest pictures of its kind ever shown in McHenry. The rain, naturally, kept .many from attending who otherwise would have been on hand to enjoy the treat. Jos. N. Miller, rural letter carrier on route three from the McHenry postoffice, enjoyed a portion of his fifteen days' vacation last week. His substitute, Georga* Justen, carried the mail on the route during that time. Player rolls, all the latest and popr ular pieces, at the-Everett music store,. McHenry. Alford H. Pouse,, Solicitor h* State of Illinois,) ' ' McHenry County,)ss. ' In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of^ Illinois, May Tenp, A. D. 1921. v Charles L. Page, Complainant, ;% vs. The unknown heirs or devisees of Henry Holmes, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of William Ig. Mowry, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of James Button deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Manley T. Turner, deceased, unknown heirs oy( devisees of Walter Edsop, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Horace S. Potter, deceased, unknown heirs or levisees of Lewery D. Newton, deeased, unknown heirs or devisees of John Gage, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Portia Gage, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Martha. Gage, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Amos D. Whiting, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Lois B. Whiting, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of David McColluih, deceased, tinknown heirs or devisees of Margaret McCollum, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Caroline A. Talbot, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Cornelia M. Matthews, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Frances A. Colby, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Mary A. Matthews, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Carrie W. Long, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Isadore and Josephine Talbot, deceased, unknown owner or owners of the note secured by the mortgage recorded in Book 4 of Mortgages, page 311, McHenry County Records, unknown owner or cfwners of the note or notes secured by the mortgage recorded in Book 4 of Mortgages, page 313, McHenry County Records, Alsena Smith, and the unknown owner or owners of the following described real estate, towit: All that part of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Number Thirty-four (34), Township Number Forty-five (45) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying East of the Easterly lin«L of the Chicago & North westerp Railway company's Right-of-Way, containing nine and twelve one-hundredths (9.12) acres of land, more or less. All that part of the West Half of Lot Number Two (2) of the Northeast quarter and all that part of Lot Number Two (2) of the Northwest quarter of Section Number Three (3), Township Number Forty-four (44) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying East of the Easterly line of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway company's Right-of- Way, containing twenty-nine and seventeen one-hundredths (29.17) acres of land, more or less. All that part of the North Half of the East Half of Lot Number One (1) of the Northwest quarter of Section Nunto ber Three (3), Town^iip Number Forty-four (44)' North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying East of the Him: '-W. con ndredth (3.06) acres of __ less, all of the above ly ing in the Cojinty of McHenry and State of Illinois, Defendants. In Chancery--Bill to Clear Title. iiSS imony whereof I have h#re- -----rr-r -rr^ ,-t--snr..-' hand and affixed the Hill ; T&- issued to the Sheriff of said County [of said Court, at my office in Wood-' returnable to the said Court at its stock this 16th day of April A. D. Court Room in the City of Woodstock, L1921. 45-4t Chas. F. Hayes, Clerk. ji, ¥• 'Vv?' This Double Guarantee Mean* Paint Satisfaction to You. * .sv: v :.?W' A t 3rL ' i- -/H W'1, %*( \ ••mm, m-r-, ' i\ - FIRST, the t>u Pont Label itself is a 100% guarantee that the can on which it appears contains the finest quality paint or varnish that the highest technical skill can produce. 0c * * t -1 - "J ' *•' The Company with its 120 yjears of expe- Ijrience in supplying nothing but Quality products stands firmly back of its goods. , | SECOND, you have our guarantee that Dig f fPont Paints and Varnished are the finest s to be had in this or any other country. That's why we carry them in our store, for - 'v " *. "v J . .. - 1 •..'s;When you want to paint anything, com$, here. Remember-- : *<5 "Sn» the surface and you «ave JPRICES MATERIALLY REDUCED f%NGELNW'SONS: McHRNRY, ILL. ^ ^.» jis »'>. f f ,> '0 V• i s w ,* ; t? vf:' - BIRD'S ROOFS -i • Mr " ,v, .• vw- Jv • if'-iy.' u- l*1.. 'v *> "V-. • •.A. >.: ov i Vf^HAT jrou*^e got hi ytmt poefcertfeoot now buys more building materials of ^ill .kinds and roo(ing$4-a whole lot more* IfYou're glac|i,:\So aire we.I*:1 • 4'" 4 V ^esideilce, garage, barn, bungalow or she<| >oofs that leak or look slu^by should be to*, :r. '> ^roofedjight |\ll we ask is H chance tb prove that fright Bird's Roof is the cheapest in Jbhe long $\in. fair and -squarer - i:: ^ ^ ^ , j:.:; ^Whether you need Bird's Paroid, Bird*! J Art-Craft (tile or shingle design), Bird's Plaii| ; iSlate Surfaced, Bird's American, Bird s Granf |ized, or Bird's Neponset Twin Shingles, wel glad to tell you how little it will cost. A! s Roofs arfe durable, attractive and wil| -fiot cfitch fire from falling sparks aad will save fjjnoney for you. ^ ! •s»,; ,-y ' h- " ; ,.-.".'.,4"' i %• - • : V : J " " . i p- ^ BWD A sat. tec. (E*UM Em* Wdaal% Ifan. ^ IcHENRY LUMBER cot t tx -miMMk