Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 21 Apr 1921, p. 7

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rW ^RfiVI ..4 "i , Rich CM Surfieal Dental X-Rays Phones. 434 and **£• DR. N. J. NYE Physician and Surgeon , Treatment and Radiograph Office Honrs: 7:00 10 9:00 *' .. <J.' ' 1:00 to 3:00 p. m. ' * 7:00 to 9:00 p. S^" .: Illinois |Thone 62-R :: :: McHenry, 1IL YourDolar goes considerably farther here than it did a few months qgo and when planning thai Sunday dinner or any other meal we wish to - remind, you that our choice line of groceries and meats are sure to give the best of satisfaction. Cojfie in and sat ijsfy yourself, that prices are really coming down. 1 1 1 '• •,ur *1, WATER STREET-r-u. ' MARKET & GROCERY P. J. Heimer, Prop. If» the ioBtr man whom we serve and so well are we acquainted with the every day needs of life that we have just what you wanf in the line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Vegetables, Canned Goods and Bakery. Our prompt delivery system is ever at your service. M. M. Niesen McHenry Thone M PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COriMISSiON MERCHANT *Y'vV. SPECIAL. ATTENTION QIV^ TO THE SALE OF DfMMd Beat, riutton, hogs, Vaal, Poiiltl^, s Hide*, Etc., Butter and Egg* ; * This ia the oldest hoaao oil the atrffefr' Iffcgs and prioelist* furnished as application. stan 1 a «. PaitM •» Wlwlmli Market GOLD 8TOKAOH HKHfi CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. AllTO AND CUMAtf PAINTER AM YOUR MAN. Do you want your motor » car or carriage repainted but don't know where;-- t to take it to get a perfect job at a reasonable price?s f I guarantee to use the best and highest priced var- ' llishes made, Valentine's Varnishes, and to give a ; r? Jiandsome, durable joix " v PETER R. CENTRAL OARAGE JOHNSBDRG, ILL. B. P. S. . If you have any painting, staining or varnishing to do, please call and let us show you up to date, simple and practical methods. We will show you how to make an old soft wood floor look like hard wood. Try thavarious paints and varnishes yourself,: , ; ;r>r --r A. INVESTIG tMVtSTItMtS THONE NW N. H. PETESGH DRUGGIST ICE CREAM •PM* FRESH DAILY • SPECIAL . FOR SATURDAY AND SUNDAY \ APRIL 23 AND 34 FRUTTI ICE CREAM IN BRICKS ICE CREAM IN BRICKS !Pf» McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY m , . . vc. unti, prop. ; r :r> Gold Mwlal 'W ai Wflbur-^ Summer underwear at Ericks&V " Peter Freund. Jr., made a badness trip to McHenry Tuesday. Let me give you my figures on tiiat iphtninjf rod job. Wm. Simes, McHenry, ni. A complete line of paints, white lead, oil and tarpentipe at Kamholz's hardware store. Mrs. Emma K. Freund ef McHenry passed the latter part of last and the first of this week with relatives here. A number of our people, in spite of the bad condition of the roads, attended the funeral of Mrs. Mary Schneider at McHenry last Sunday afternoon. If you are iif fee market for a new piece of farm machinery this spring lot me know about it Maybe I can save you some money. Math. Freund, the International dealer, McHenry, II]. Why would it not be a good idea for tho business men as wfell as residents of our main thorofare to ffet together and order a sufficient quantity of ell for our streets this summer? Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Schmitt and daughter, Agnes, and Mr. and Mrs. Jacob F. Schmitt and daughter, Agatha, left Wednesday for O'Karche, Okla., where they will be the guests of relatives during the nfext few weeks to come. Besides others they will visit Fred H. Schmitt and family. On account of the storm the election, held here last Saturday evening for the purpose of naming a trustee to serve this, the 12th school district, was not largely, attended. There were present, however, a sufficient number of voters to make t^p election legal and in accordance to law. Jacob H. Adams was elected, who will succeed John A. Miller. Mr. Adams has served in this capacity before so the duties connected with the office are already quite familiar to him. The class initiation and group meeting of the Catholic Order of Foresters, which were to have taken place at parish hall here last Sunday afternoon and evening, were postponed on account of the storm and will take place here this (Thursday) evening, at which time the local Foresters expect to entertain a record breaking crowd. Adolph Fischer of Elgin will be present as well as Mr. Ryan of Chicago, whose ability as a speaker is already well known to local members of the fraternity. The members of the Johnsburg team as well as their enthusiastic followers will be pleased to learn that thru the efforts of Richard B. Walsh of McHenry a sufficient number of uniforms to fit up the team has been secured from the Chicago National League team. These suits were worn by the Chicago Cubs last year and are still in very good condition and the team should be able to get at least two years' wear out of them. The team is looking forward to equally as successful a season as was enjoyed last summer and the boys are all anxious to get into the harness for the opening game, which the fans hope will b« soon. RINGWOOD Shoes and hosiery at Eriekson's store. Hygienic kalsomint, a sanitary wall finish, at Kamholz's. Full line of farm machinery at Math. Freund's, McHenry. Red Comb scratch feed for your chickens. Get It at Wilbur's. Mr. and Mrs. Ebert of Spring Grove were in town Monday. Mrs. Harold Whiting spent Wednesday with friends in Richmond. C. H. Stephenson is having two ef his houses wired for electricity. Phonograph records for all makes of machines at the Everett musk store, McHenry. Mrs. K. M. Bradley spent Monday with her^mrents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heimer, at McHenry. Miss Elynor Dodge anil lady friend of Antioch spent the week did with Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dodge. . J. V. Buckland, accompanied -by the Misses Taylor, was calling on friends in Greenwood last Wednesday Lewis Hawley, John Tyrrell, Lyle Brunswick and George Kane were all Chicago passengers Tuesday morning. Misses Edith and Jennie Gould of McHenry spent the week end with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon. Mrs. Jarnee Bell went to Spring Grove Sunday to spend a couple of days with her mother, Mrs. Rauen, who is ill. The home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W Harrison was the scene of merriment Sunday, as it was C. .W.'s birthday, and of course there was a big dinner for all .the family. TERRA COTTA Regular work shoes for men at Eriekson's. Varnishes, stains and brushes at Kamhols's hardware store. J. H. Gracy was a business visitor in Chicago last Thursday. Claude Colby of Crystal Lake was business caller here Tuesday. Arthur Sewell was a caller in Crystal Lake last Thursday evening. Miss Nellie Doherty is spending this week with relatives and friends in Chicago. Mrs. Mary Grant and daughter, Margaret, were visitors in Chicago Monday. Sheet music, all the latest and most popular numbers, at the Everett music store, McHenry. Miss Margaret Biggie of Chicago spent the past week with Mrs. W. F. Doherty west of here. Mrs. Gus Lindahl and daughter of Crystal Lake spent a few days last week at J. M. Phalin's. I can equip your V; '•$' v • Hps lightning rods and do it at a price tkafc will be satisfactory. Wm. Simes, McHenry, HI. Mrs. Edward Sand and daughter, ADDITIONAL HXCHANGE From last week's Grayslake Times it is quite evident that the scramble for milk in that locality is now on in Darlene. returned to their home in' real earnest. Both the Marketing com Elgin Monday evening after a week's 1 pany and the Nestle people axe bidvisit at the home of Henry McMillan, ding for the local supply. SPRING GROVE Pillsbury's Best flour at Wilbur's. Mrs. Reed Caxr was a Chicago senger Monday. Star pianos at the Everett music store, McHenry. Joseph Rauen was a Chicago passenger one $ay last week. You will be well pleased with the quality of groceries that you buy at Eriekson's store. Mr. and Mrs. George Rauen and Mrs. Mike Rauen were McHenry visitors Thursday of last week. Miss Agnes Weber and Mrs. Ford Jackson called on Mrs. Howard Christen son Wednesday evening. Quite a number of our folks attended the dance at Solon on Friday night in spite of bad weather. Mrs. Math. Smith and son of Johns- Card of Thanks We take this public manner of expressing our thanks to our ktad neighbors and friends for the assistance extended us during the recent illness and after the death of oar beloved mother. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Diedrich. April 22, 1896 Fred KamhoU's West Side barber shop has been hewly papered and painted. Wm. Davis is4 reported as being quite sick at his home west of the railroad tracks. Walter Besley, who has been attending dental college in Chicago, is home for the summer vacation. R. A. Howard, of the • West Side market, came, out this week with a . . . , . . . 1 b r a n d n e w t o p c a r r i a g e a n d a n e w d e - burg spent several days with her par- i:verv wa„on ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Kattner. A complete line of International repairs constantly on hand. Our prompt service goes with each a*le.i Math. Freund, McHenry, J. R. McBride of Chicago, who has a summer home at Loon Lake, Lake county, was arrested there last Friday morning for shooting out of season. He paid^a fine of $25 and costs. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL Miss Inez Bacon passed Monday in the metropolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. I .indue j Chicago visitors Monday. Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Cobb were guests of relatives in Chicago the first of the week. Francis Bonslet# «t Woodstock spent Sunday as ttte guest of McHenry relatives. Glean Ramsey of Caledonia spenljf •' last Thursday as the guest of his ai*^ ter, Mrs. L. A. Erickson, and faarity.;- Mrs. Henriette Ramsey of Caledonia and Mrs. Wm. Klaas of Belvider* were guests in the home of Mr. an£ Mrs. L. A. Erickson the latter part of last week. Unicorn dairy rati--on----a quality*I-* feed. Wilbur Lumber Co. --Seasonable Bargains- 5 lbs. Rolled Oats 2k Peaches, in syrup, large ean He None Such'Corn, per *«•} ISc Baking Molasses, \ gt4,„ tSe 4 cans Kitchen Klenzer..,..^ tie 3 lbs. Head Rloe...1....„^ii Me Aprloota, in heavy »y rup..l SSc 6 lbs. Navy Beans vU. l. m JOHN STOFFB1, Women's fine ribbed Union Vv Suits lie Men's Alhletic Union Suits.$IJ9 Women's fine ribbed Vests ISc Men's Ribbed Union Suits..IMS Red Seal Dress Ginghams.. SSc Attn. Mercerized Damask.. Mc Women's Oifords, black or brown, per pr. ttli Child's Kid Leather Shoes 91JI WEST McHENRY OATrtfY'" CONSISTENT. attention to the business of preparing flour has made it possible for us to render the satisfactory results that our customers attribute to the use of our flour. It represents the acme of flour standards. Try ^ it. , ^ Try. toor Woer yeWlTifcm McHENRV Flour Mills West McHenrv. 111. STOP! A:.: • O n l y t w o m o r e days left of our big : Dollar Sale. If you did not visit our store this week, it :-Will pay you to do So yet, as there are still some wonder- " bargains left. ' JOS. J. MILLER McHENRV, ILL. About the time the Ground Hog was poking his ^jiead out of the hole to renew the ancient controversy ibout his prophetic ability--close observers of business Conditions received an infinitely more trustworthy fore- Cast of good business weather ahead. The size of one of the largest nationally circulated* publications was increased from 115 to 148 pages to Accommodate national advertisers who offer the public y articles of every day need. . ' '1 * k This indicates retdming confluence, and prbves that business men are going after business with re---- Hewed energy. . - ^ Our patrons among local business men hare always > . * > J |iad confidence in this Institution toco-operate with ; /J |fhem in their efforts to hasten the return of good busi- / liess weather. ~ . i * * * 1 "-t* * n>r. if* Fox River Valley State Bank McHenry, Illinois Jbseph G. Holly • Fremont Hoy • , James B. Perry Cashier ' President Clarence F. Hoy DIRECTORS:. O. & Oberotadt, N. H. Petesch, Wm. J. Welsh, Joseph, C. Holly, 1 C l a r e n c e F. Hoy, Fremont Hoy. , . ' . ; v - v , w - . r e - ^ jvtck President* V; lis "f! .v'J/fv •W*i3 0 *SE two telegrams, one fiorti the far East, the otfter from the iar West, are typical of the many telegrams which are being received from every section of the country asking for immediate shipment of Buick cars and for *n increqpi in dealers allotments. MR-HAPPV PARTY CUtPID DWELLS 1 IN WCUrFtD L.KND - VirtERE PORE MEATS ARE IN MHANtt m jjaVB- out at sad • fo* nearly anything except an empty stomach or Improp e r f o o d . G l a d n e n y o u r dining table with onr superior meats and $ou will please your palate and satisfy, your appetiffe at the same time. Watch (or Mr. Happy Party •FRETTS: 1MARKET £ GROCERY sr.msnucmr.iLi PHONE 3 aai barn \jk9-v. TELEGRAM •Her 0e Mat Ms* mm mi t m s et* Ik «•* MBdtag Mfl«U H«t of for tMpwmt to iaalat1* m*i Vc Wmf Tork wwrlm 736 airtoaoUlM. or th»*e ordara 02S •r, UrWt ahlp--wta to dwlirt and 111 ir* (btoluUly raqidrad In wm Tork to Ukt eara of ordara in our fllai, dallrary at •tdoh la alroady praaalag w. Flaaao don't got tha ldao tkait thaa* 111 oara for >o« York *111 add ta our atook hara. Wa will atiartasa of oar a on all Mcsla within tha next throa ioh. Oar Mar oh roquir«»ata vlll taka all tha oara that «o aro I'SwIt Tip* out our varohouao rtook aa Mil. Tom «rtlll ova ua 61 nodal* on our Fabruary aahodula for dlroot aMjaaos. to mm Tork. Tliaaa aro raqulrod to taka aapa oT ardara IS aMtUon to Moroh aahadulo. *a ootlaato oar roqiAf--ita (tm f; ifril will to tynrdi of 1000 onra. * . They prove in a mdet con< manner the demand for Buick cars --a demand which is particularly gratifying now when motor car values are being scrutinized as never before and when final sales are consummated upon the basis of greater relative values and actual demonstrated : Worth. Active buying, too, j$- stimulated by a reali* zation of the periodical shortage of Buick and the desire to in*/- sure Spring deliverkp^; by the immediate piao*../ ing of order* f- *fs *' " ' ' > , \y, - '?' c •mL 'k>, laMuv )Ma •an fnaiilm faMr aafcl Mr tan Mr I forty twnty laid teitf itfkU ft«a aadat nftlaa MM U|«lai flrtf ao4«l Party faura mm totli*4 «>• Mlty ftw mM (trtj ftH| thirty flrt aedat forty >m» titlrtv ft** and*! fprtjr «t(NU fl*« --Oil nftlM Saa Kaftel Callfarnla 1 aedal forty tw tmr mo4ml r«rty OaaU Falla dr^aa aaa aadal farty iw tmr aaOal hrV naao total hiartrill aad farty tin Try ta nA Ma IMaa akoa all ty IMHlUa tiit tthgrmm demonstrate*- Bmuk popularity on tht Pacific Cmtt FOR SALE BY OVERTON & COWEN - , , WEST McHENRY, ILL. HARVARD, ILL* BETTER AUTOMOBILES BUILT. BUICK WILL BUILD THEM dgmd atduumn if tktdtmafJ Jkr Buickmtk* Atlantic

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