•V<w!yifl?gy*?-'tf^.<1 Afford H. Pouse, Solicitor iry County,) ss. of Illinois,) the Circuit Court of McHenry ity. State of Illinois, May Term, 1921. Thoma« J. Walsh and Lola D. Walsh, C. •mplainants, vs. m i i n " ' i' 1 ft Hi i .1 ij i"i i HH,11* " ""'Hi. Hi The unknown heirs or devisees of Abram Reynolds, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Edwin M. Owen, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Daniel Owen, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Jane Owen, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Herman N. Owen, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Dorothy Owen, ueveaseu, unKnuwn neirs or aevisees ui Merritt Sateilee, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of William P. Melitidy, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of MaVy M. Melindy, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Harvey C. Owen, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Horace B. Claflin, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of WHY / Most Young Couples Buy Their Home Outfits at LEATH'S Every young couple about to furnish a home needs and appreciates the advice of those whp have had many years of experience in helping young couples obtain the most in beauty and quality for the least money. That's why I^eath's stores are so popular with young folks. * Immense Selections--Greate* Varieties andRock Bottom Prices ; V There's great satisfaction in being able to choose from all the newest: designs and choicest creations in furniture that appeals to the modern young couple. Leath's stores are known for the immense stocks they show at all times. And because Leath's buy for eleven big stores, all together, they naturally get rock-bottom prices, which enables us to undersell. 4 Rooms Completely Furnished with Beautiful Furniture For The superb quality and beauty of the furniture included in this outfit will surprise and delight you--the kind of furniture the young bride will be proud to show her friends. Choice of these elegant pieces in walnut or mahogany--sitting room, dining room, bed room and kitchen--a wonderful home outfit--all for $515 There's a LEATH ELGIN 70-74 Grove Avenue FREEPORT 5-7 Galena Street WATERLOO 312-314 K. 4th Street OSHKOSH 11-13 Main Street AURORA 31-33 Island Avenue JOLIET 215-217 Jefferson Street - JANESVILLE , 2«2*M4 W. Milwaukee Street Store Near Your Home ROCK FORD Opposite Court House DUBUQUE 876-584 Main Street BELOIT (17-621 Fourth Street EAU CLAIRE Masonic Temple Free Delivery Anywhere in Our Big Auto Trucks t* luiam uaggew, aeceasea, unknown r;otice is hereby given that the heirs or devisees of George C. Cook, | above is the title of the Court and the deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of names of the parties to a suit which is Frederick Fisher, deceased, unknown now pending in sai^ Court and that heirs or devisees of Samuel Faulkner, process for said defendants has been deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of issued to the Sheriff of said County re- George Gage, deceased, unknown heirs turnable to the said Court at its Court or devisees of David B. Jewett, de- |Rodm in the City of Woodstock, Counceased, unknown heirs or devisees of (ty of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Lydia M. Jewett, deceased, unknown Monday, the 23rd day of May, A. D. heirs or devisees of George K. Clark,j 1921. deceased, unknown heirs or devisees j In testimony whereof I have hereof Isabelle H. Clark, deceased, un- unto set my hand and affixed the seal known heirs or devisees of Leonard Gage, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Alsena Gage, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Martha Gage, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Augustus Granger, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Sarah C. Granger, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of fravel K. Granger, deceased, unknown heii^ or devisees of Frank Granger, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Samuel H. Walker, deceased, and the unknown owners or owner of the following described real estate, to-wit: Part of Lots Number five (5), six (6), fourteen (14) and fifteen' (15) in Block Number Three (3) of the original Plat of the Village of West McHenry, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of said lot fourteen '(14) south seventy-four and one-fourth (741i) degrees East one foot from the southwesterly corner of said Lot Number Fourteen (14), thence South seventy-four and onefourth (74'4) degrees East along the Southerly lines 'of said lots number fourteen (14) and fifteen (15), fiftyfix o (. r»r>) feet, thence North fifteen and three-fourths (15%) degrees, East parallel with the easterly line of ^aid lots number fifteen (15) and five (5), two hundred and sixty-five (265) feet to the Northerly line of said Lot Number five (5), thence North seventy- four and one-fourth (74 ) degrees West along the northerly lines of said Lots Number five (5) and six (6) lifty-five (55) feet, thence South fifteen and three-fourths (15%) degrees West two hundred and sixty-five (265) feet to the place of beginning, said Block Number three (3) lying and being on that part of the Southwest quarter of section number twenty-six ,(26) in' Township Number forty-five of said court, at my office in Woodstock, this 18th day of April, A. D. 1921. Chas. F. Hayes, Clerk. Alford H. Pousf, Solicitor State of Illinois,) McHenry County,)si.y In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, State of Illinois, May Term, A. D. 1921.. Charts L. Page, Complainant, vs- Tlie unknown heirs or devisees of Henry Holmes, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of William H. Mowry, deceased, unknown heirs or levisees of James Button deceased, unknown heirs or devised of Manley T. Turner, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Walter Edson, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Horace S. Potter, deceased, unknown heirs or levisees of Lewery D. Newton, de- •eased, unknown heirs or devisees of John Gage, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Portia Gage, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Martha P. Gage, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Amos D. Whiting, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Lois B. Whiting, deceased, unknown heirs or devisejes of David McCollum, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Margaret McCollum, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Caroline A. Talbot, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Cornelia M. Matthews, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Frances A. Colby, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Mary A. Mathews. deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Carrie W. Long, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Isadore and Josephine Talbot, deceased, unknown owner or owners of the note secured by the mortgage recorded in Book 4 of Mortgages, page 311, Mc- (45) North, of Range Number eight j^enry County Records, unknown own- (8) East of the Third Principal Merid-|er or ^w'ners °f no^e or notes seian, which lies South of the center of icure<' *-he mortgage recorded in the highway leading from McHenry tol®00^ ^ Mortgages, page 313, Mc Queen Ann Prairie, said highway be-jI,enry County Recon|s, Alsena Smith, ing now known as the Waukegan ^ unknown owner or owners of Road, Defendants. ber eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, and West of a piece of land deeded by John Frett to Mathi&s Waggoner, and North of the Highway running East and West through Johnsburg; beginning at a post which stands eight (8) chains and sixty-two (62) links North of the quarter post on the East side of said Section Thirteen (13), and South seventy-sight and one-half (78%) degrees West one (1) chain and eighty-eight (88) links; thence South seventy-eight and onehalf (78%) degrees West on the North line of the highway one (1) chain and eighty-three (83) links to a post; thence North two (2) degrees East eleven (11) chains and twenty-one (21) links to a post on the South side of a lane leading to the church; thence East on the South side of said lane one (1) chain and seventy-nine (79) links to a post; thence South two (2) degrees West eleven (11) chains and one (1) link to the plate of beginning, containing two (2) acres, more or less, situated in the Village of Johnsburg, Township of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois. Terms of Sale: One-fourth (M) of the price bid to l>e paid on the day of said sale and the balance to be paid upon approval »f the report of sale and the delivery of Master's Deed. . Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 21st day of April, A. D. 1921. E. H. Waiie, Special Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. 46-2t REPORT OF WORK Of Soil Improvement Assn. Submitted to Board of Supervisors In Chancery--Bill to Clear Title. Now for Your House^- Nothing but the best wifl do Naturally, we'll recommend DU PONT PAINTS AND VARNISHES UttlMflifc H|0i ikinii PEOPLE who know realize that the Dti Pont name on a can of paint means that it is the finest that scientific knowledge and advanced technical skill can produce or the name wouldn't be on the label We know it--have known it for years--and that's why we recommend Du Pont Prepared Paint for the finest residences. But--ke ?p this in mind--the prices are no higher than many brands that~4o not approach them in quality. If you are going to paint this spring--right now is a mighty good time--tell your painter that you want Du Pont Paint and nothing else. . Drop in here anytime and we will gladly stow you attractive color combinations. Glad to serve you in any way. [93 . *11*«« REPUBLIC MiNTs^ANp varnTSHESI the following described real estate, tojwit: All that part of the Southwest 'quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Number Thirty-four (34), Township Number Forty-five (45) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying East of the Easterly line of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway company's Right-of-Way, containing nine and twelve one-hundredths (9.12) acres of land, more or less. All/that part of the West Half of Lot Number Two (2) of the Northeast quarter and <H1 that part of Lot Number Two (2) of the Northwest quarter of Section Number Three (3), Township Number Forty-four (44) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying East of the Basterly line of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway company's Right-of- Way, containing twenty-nine and seventeen one-hundredths (29.17) acres of land, more or less. All that part of the North Half of the East Half of Lot Number One (1) of the Northwest quarter of Section Number Three (3), Township Number Forty-four (44) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the Third Pi 'inripal Meridian, lying East of the Easterly ljne of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway company's Right-of- Way, containing three and <fiix onehundredth (3.06) acres of land, more or less, all of the above lying and being in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, Defendants. In Chancery--Bill to Clear Title. Notice is hereby given that the above is the title of the Court and the iiames of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County | returnable to the said Court at its Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illi nois, on Monday, the 23rd day of May, A. D. 1921. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 18th day of April A. D. 1921. 45-4t Chas. F. Hayes, Clerk. ! Alford H. Pouse, Solicitor for the Complainants. ' State of Illinois, ) County of McHenry,Jssi In the Circuit Court of McHenry County, January Term, A. I). 1921. I Bill for Partition, General Number 19837. v i Peter Freund, et •!., Complainants, j - vs. I Jacob M. Freund, et al„ Defendants. I Public notice is hereby given that in pursuance of a decree of sale made and entered by said court in the above ; entitled cause on the 21st day of | April, A. D. 1921, I, E. H. Waite, Special Master in Chancery of said ;#i)urt, will on Monday, the 16th day of May, A. D. 1921, at the hour of ten ROCK BOTTOM PRICES M< ENGELN & SON McHENRY, ILL. \ . > L' 'o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at ithe front door of the court house in ttihe city of Woodstock, McHenry counj- tjT, Illinois, bffer for sale at public ' suction to the highest and best bidder, for cash, the following described real .estate in said decree mentioned and . described, to-wit: j A piece of land lying on the East 4sWe of the Southeast quarter of the jNortheast quarter of Section Number Thirteen (13), in Township Number ^Forty-five (45) North, of Range Num- The McHenry, County Soil Improvement association submitted a detailed report of the work of the association and of the receipts and expenditures to the county board of supervisors at their special session held at Woodstock on Monday, April 25. The work and financial statement submitted was approved by t<he executive committee and directors. The board of supervisors each year appoints two of its members to represent them on the executive committee of the Soil Improvement association. Supervisor H. M. Turner of Hebron and Supervisor Ed. F. Kuecker of Seneca served on the executive committee for the past three years. The receipts, including the balance on hand March 1, 1920, are as follows Bal. on hand March 1, 1920. .$4,159.7! County appropriation 2,216.70 State appropriation 1,132.08 Smith-Lever funds 976.00 Material for members 150.61 Property income ........... 1,312.71 Sale of old car 200.00 Loan 200.00 Miscellaneous 136.20 Mem. dues, including I. A. A. 9,214.10 Total. $19,691.11 The expense of th? association was as follows: County advisor, salary..... .$3,158.27 Office secretary, salary 1,250.00 Assistant advisor, salary.... 2,358.38 Stenographer '.*.... 413.93 Meetings 301.70 Auto expense, advisor.. . 459.53 Auto expense, assistant,.... 654.80 Personal expense, assistant. . 118.60 Postage 245.16 Printing 142.33 Telephone 169.19. Office supplies 163.12 Railroad fare 74.38 Miscellaneous 411.02 Collections 206.20 Interest Total $10,727.78 Paid on loan • •$ 200.00 Paid for material for mem.. 144.59 Paid Ills. Agri. Assn. dues.. 2,640.00 Invested in property 5,585.75 Invested in equipment 421.14 Balance on hsnd 4.85 follows: '18,969.35 Total...... $19,697.11 The report shows that the actual cost of running the association fo£,thc year was $10,727.-78, of which sun1 $2,216.70 was money appropriated b; the county. The association paid the Illinois Agricultural association the amount due and 'invested .the balance as per report .in real estate and equipment. Summary of work was Different farms yisited.,. « ... Total farm visits Office consultations Days in office Personal letters written Articles written for publication Circular letters written ...... Total copies circulars mailed.;27,887 Farmers' institute meetings.... 5 Attendance 375 Total number meetings in Co... 68 Total attendance 3»047 Meetings outside of county attended by advisor .......... Tons limestone ordered thru Assn Tone rock phosphate ordered... Farm Loan Assn. in county...- Wood pool in county... ...... • • Pounds wool in pool Livestock Shipping Assn No. of cars shipped Holstein Assns. in county Co-operative Assn. in county... Pure bred seed obtained thru the association: j Seed corn u' i Wheat I.;..... 850 J"1 • Barley • • 300 | Rosen rye . 200 bu oats bm) bu: Potatoes bu" Red.clover ....15.S00 lbs.' Alsike 10,500 lbs.: Alfalfa 10,835 lbs. Mammoth ciover 2,100 lbs. | Sweet clover 2,002 lbs.' Timothy 18,700 Ihh Canfcda field peas 1,200 lbs. Soy beans 600 lbs. The McHenry County Sod Improvement association is continually ^looking after the interests of agriculture and the farmer. H. F. Echternach^ Marengo farmer; F. M. Barber, Greenwood farmer, and Fred Beier, Dorr farmer, have been sent to Springfield*, as representatives of the McHenry County Soil Improvement association, which is co-operating with ninety farm bureaus in the state to secure the passage of senate bill No. 283--a bill for an act to define, license and regulate public exchanges--and senate bill No. 284--a bill for an act to regulate sales of grain for future delivery. This will be a test of the strength of the farmers' organizations compared with the board of trade. Farmers, are you going to get behind your own organizations, working for yoor interest, or are you going to get behind the board of trade and work for their interests? The U. S. Grain Growers, Inc., have recently been organized. W. G. Eekhardt, formerly of DeKalb county,* has been elected treasurer of the above named corporation. 5 Mr. Eckhardt recently sent a telegram to the McHenry County Soil - Improvement association office stating that he had been authorized to borrow one million ($1,000,000) dollars to finance the U. S. Grain Growers, Inc., until same could be financed from memberships. Mr. Eckhardt asked McHenry county for a loan of from five (5) to ten (10) thousand dollars. At a meeting of the officers, executive committee, directors of the Soil Improvement association and members of the McHenry County Holstein Breeders' association, the U. S. Grain Growers, Inc., was indorsed and a resolution passed stating that the above mentioned parties would personally indorse the U. S. Grain Growers, Inc., note so as to enable such organization to borrow money. The success of this corporation rests upon you, Mr. Farmer. Are you going to get behind same and boost? A chance to obtain a fully equipftd Ford touring car for a dollar and at the same time assist the McHenry post of the American Legion in starting their building fund. Any of the members will be pleased to explain the plan to you. ALFORD H. POUSE AtMmy>il>U# Phone 26 Wert McHenry. IN. =fce Telephone No. 1M-B SIMON STOFFEL Insurance agent fur all clsase* of property in the best costpauie^ WENT McHKNBY. ILI.lMjfe* ADAM S. JUNG PIANO TUNER Prompt and Satisfactory Service Highest References Phone No. 12 WOODSTOCK, ILL. Jack Nicholls DITCHING AND TILING Phone 122-M. McHenry, 10 , '600 400 1 1 5,237 v 6 ?S2 1 ' 1 The Best Value for the Money That** one of the cudinal ptiaeiples in every departm eat of our business. And that's why we recommend ARMOR PLATE Hosiery (for the whole family) aa good looking aiul comfortable as they are serviceable. Knit to shape and exactly --and dyed with "Harms-not Dye"-- warranted by the manufacturers not to rot, Iwn or weaken the yarn. A full line--in cotton, and silk -- for men, wonie*, children and infants-- "(Refect in weave, wear and wash." Why not buy some to-day and learn the meaning of genuies ioot-couJort? Smith Bros. | * & Mi Henrv, III ' 'i. • j--*". m. -.i