Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 May 1921, p. 7

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Boss of ier parilire Waite left for Elfin Iy7 where she will make h£r the coming, summer with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Howard. Mr. and Mrs. Otto TY>hle find children and Mr. and Mrs, Joe Merrill of Chicago were Sunday1 guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pries. Geneva. =#= DR. N. J. KYB Physician and Sargewi : X-ttaj Treatment and Radiograph jipw- Ofire Hours: ; 7:00 to 9:00 a. I ,;iC£ i:oo to 3;oo p. m- 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. 'Phone 62-R McHenry, 111. ARNOLD'S Have yoii ever fried Arnold's smoked meats? II not, come in today and give them a trial ps we are certain of their quality. Our line* of canned goods, bakery and vegetables is always complete and our minute-service goes with each and nevery order. Buy your table needs here and go home satisfied. • WATER STREET MARKET & GROCERY P. J. Heimer, Prop. I s It's the inner man whom we serve and so well are we acquainted with the every day needs of life that we have just what you want in the line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Vegetables, Canned Goods and Bakery. Our prompt delivery system || ever at your service. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone 40 PHILIP f JAEGER lENERAL COftMISSION MBKCI1AI#C i^»P«CIAL ATTENTION OIVIN TO TBS SALE Or-.*; : ;%,•*%=' SfcPrtV '• ' v ' , lis*' "4 0lMMd BmI, /lutUn, Hogs, Veal, Poultry* Hides, Htc., Butter and G|p seViS- v TUa la the oldest hnnee on the atreeT. T*ga and prtoe lilt* famished >« applioelio* # I'JS • L r'* _ STOKAUK Pltfet (tall • tt 3, PnttM*lt CMICAOO? rtui#rS. WknltMli Mark.t WALIBPAPER sI'k ' S' Spring house cleaning suggests wall paper tjfc, decorate this or that room and give it that different from fast year appearance. Vfe carrjjf| a fair assortment of wall paper in stock, paf»€£~ suitable for any room in the house. Now is thp lime to make your selection. JOHN STOFFEL If you have any painting, staining E s. or varnishing tg do, please call and tet us show you up to date, simple , and practical methods. We will •how you how to make an old soft, ^yood floor look, like hard wood. Try the various paints and varnishes :* grour&elf. . «; ^ r-.vT^ , ; " - -v.- - v':"' INVESTIGATE BEFORE INVESTING YMNE IIS-J N. H. PETESGH DRUGGIST For those expecting to entertain gatherings on any social occasion, including parties, weddings, church affairs or any other occasion where cr^am is used in the amount of five gallons or akir* we will supply at wholesale prices. MAY 7TH AND 8TH % Brick Ice Cream in two flavors only ^St*mwbef*ir and ViniMi C ' !<&• , l\t. •%*$ MM cream factory ^;ifl'#tjNTi, PRO!, irWi/r B. P. S. Tw|_j|Tfl||ter plays "by the Flora De-' Voss edtspany. Star pianos at the Everett music store, McHenry. Mrs. F. A. Hkchens%ra* /a Chicago shopper Monday. Miss Nina Lawrence has been quite ill for several days. •* Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Stephenson were Chicago shoppers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clark of Ostend spent Sunday with Grandpa Abbott. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen of Woodstock were calling' on friends in town Saturday. Mrs. Chas. Stephenson spent. Friday with her friend, Mrs. George Vogel, at Solon. Let me give you my figures on that ightning rod job. Wm. Simes, McHenry, 111. . % Mr. and Mrs. Will Dillon apd family of Volo were Sunday guests in the Jepson home. - • Mrs. John Coulman of Richmond spent Tuesday with hej- niece, Mrs. George Frye. Miss Mary Smith came home from Rockford college for the week end with relatives. Mrs. Ray Bartholf and daughter, Beulah, spent the week end in the C. D. Bacon home. Quaker oats compound Fnl-O'-Pep egg mash makes the hens lay. Wilbur Lumber Co. Mrs. Mildred Munshaw of Eau Claire, Wis., was calling on friends in town last Thursday. Miss Maude Harrison of Crystal Lake was the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. C. Ladd, last Friday. The W. C. T. U. will meet Saturday, May 7, at the home of Mrs. Edson Hodge. All are invited. Eat more butter--use the "Producer's Brand" if you want the best. Get it at Erickson's store. W. P. Stevens and daughter, "Mrs. Gus Ehrke of Richmond, were calling on friends in town Sunday. For the month of May only, Deering standard twine * at |7.25 per bale. Math. Freund, McHenry, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hawley of Chicago were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hawley. J. F. Claxton and family of McHenry were Sunday guests of his daughter, Mrs. George Shepard, and family. The Epworth league next Sunday night will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Hopper. Everybody is welcome. Miss Winifred Bradley, accompanied by her gentleman friend, Mr. Kaxelka of Beloit, spent the week end in the f W. E. Bradley home. Who's going to get that ring to be given the most popular young fady during the big American Legion carnival to take place here soon? Don't forget that next Sunday is Mother's day and there will* be an appropriate service it the M. E. church at 2:30 p. m. There will be special music. The Ringwood school boys are some basebkjl players. They have played two games with McHenry and one with -Greenwood and won all three. They will play Greenwood next Saturday at Greenwood. The, talk, given by Miss Jennie SmitA 'from Gonda, India, Sunday at the M. E. church, was highly appreciated by a hundred people. There were people from Volo, McHenry, Woodstock and Richmond. The collection given Miss Jennie amounted to $26.35, for which she is very grateful. The following is the program of the township school exercises to be held in the M. W. A. hall May 10, to which all are invited: ' Song Johnsburg Recitation .Hardscrabble Dialogue ....i> Ostend Song Primary, Ringwood Action So"§ i Dialogue . .«• ! Recitation * ! Recitation !Song .... j Recitation ] Recitation Song .... "t Executor's Notice Alford H. Pouse, Atty. Estate of Delbert A. Whititig, deceased. The undersigned having been ap- Georgia Brantingham, of. Chies- bers, of St. Clara court on the splendid go spent Saturday and SOftday with pr«gf*|is that is being made and the relatives here. * " | exceptions 1 interest that is being tak- Dr. and Mrs, Hirai* H, Bay and sn In the work by the membership. daughters, Margaret and Marion, &t Miss Walsh also praised the McHenry Chicago attended the recital at S. B. court and especially the drill team, pointed Executrix of the last Will and Leisner's Saturday evening and Vis- which she pronounced one of the best Testament of Delbert A. Whiting, deited relatives here Sunday. . in the state. j ceased, late of the County of Mc- A very enjoyable evening was spent A cafeteria luncheon was served the Henry and State of Illinois, hereby at the home' of Mr. and Mrs. S, B.' members and visiting sisters at the L«i8iter last Saturday evening, when!close of the afteriioon work. the pupils of Miss Alice Leisner en- In the evening a public card >party tertained their parents and friends at • enjoyed and prizes awarded as a recital. Little Marion Bay and follows^ Cinch--First prize, Mrs. Georgia Brantingham of Chicago also Fred Schneider; second, Mrs. Stephen participated and all of the little folks Smith. Five hundaed--First, Miss showed splendid training-, in music.,Theresa. Freund; second, Mrs. Fred Several guests were present from out Justen. Dominoes--First, Mrs. Jacob of town. Ostend .. Johnsburg Hud scrabble Ostend . . . Ringwood Hardscrabble .. JohnBburg Primary, Ringwood Spelling contest Address .Co. Supt. She!ton ^Admission, 16 and 20 cen6. TERRA COTTA J. II. Gracy was a business visitor in Chicago Saturday. . Twelve real live actors with the Flora DeVoss company. Edward J. Knox of McHenry spent Sunday at his home here. W. F. Burke spent Friday evening with M. Knox and family. James P. Green of Woodstock spept Sunday with friends here. Hosiery and underwear for a)! the family at Erickson's store. Unicorn dairy ration--a quality feed. Wilbur Lumber Co. Mrs. J. M. Phalin and daughter, Eleanor, were visitors in Chicago Saturday. I Phonograph records for all makes 'of machines at the Everett music store, McHenry. j Mrs. Fred Bergman of Chicago is | spending a few weeks with her par- 'ents and sister here. ! Mrs. Heiple of Chicago is spending ' a couple of weeks with her daughter, I Mrs. M. Schoenknecht. # For the month of May only, Deering standard twine at $7.25 per hale. Math. Freund, McHenry, 111. Mrs. Clara Miller of Chicago visited Saturday and Sunday at the S. B. Leisner and G. P. Bay homes. Mrs. C. Buss of McHenry is spending a few weeks at the home of her daughter; Mrs. Philip Hoffman. Mrs. Ed. Knox, daughters, Marguerite and Dorothy, and Miss Mary Conway spent Sunday afternoon at MKnox's, Mn. ; «»d granddaughter, OSTEND Hb* Flora DeVoss company next Monday and Tuesday. Ladies' and girls' oxfords did low! shoes at Erickson's store. j Henry Hobart and son, Roy, were' brief callers at the county seat Satur-1 day. , Henry Lambkee, wife- and little' sons were Sunday visitors at the; Hobart home. Ed. RohlofF, the Monarch- medicine vender, made his regular visit thru here last week. Sheet music, all the latest and most popular numbers, at the Everett music store, McHenry. Warren Francisco and sister. Miss Ammie, spent Sunday afternoon with friends near Woodstock. Mrs. Hoppe had'the pleasure of entertaining her sister and children from Chicago over the week end. For the month of May only, Deering standard twine at $7.25 per h&le- Math. Freund, McHenry, 111. Apple, cherry and plum trees are in blossom. WiH sofne one who knows tell us if we can get fruit after such a freeie^ I can equip your house and barn vith lightning rods and do it at a price that will be satisfactory. Wm. Simes, McHenry, 111. A number ,of fanner* are sowing barley this week. The ground was prepared before the snow storm, but has been too wet ever since. Mrs. John Pierce of Greenwood celebrated her ninety-second birthday anniversary April 27. Let us hear from other aged people if there are any in the nineties. What is known as the Snyder hill in Bull Valley is being straightened. A whole gang of men are at work there, using dynamite, teams , plows and scrapers, something that has needed to be done for years, SOLON MILLS Gold Medal flour at Wilbur's. Mrs. Mary Aubert spent last week in Chicago. Lee Aylward a Sunday caller at Round Lake. Abe Miller spent the flrst^of the week in Chicago. Men's quality work and dress shoes at Erickson's store. Miss Nelle Vanderkarr of Hebron was a Friday caller here. Donald Smart of Antioch was a Saturday visitor at Geo. Vogel's. Wm. Sullivan of Marengo attended the cattle sale at Geo. Vogel's Saturday. Mr. Geisser and sons were out from Chicago Sunday visiting relatives here. Messrs. Lee Aylward and Edwin Vogel spent Saturday evening at Pistakee Bay. Wm. Kelley and son, Thomas, drove out from Chicago and spent Ills week end at Geo. Vogel's. Mr. and Mrs. Reuban Turner spent last Friday evening at the James Cary home at Wilmot. Miss Leona Cropley was home from Libertyville to spend Saturday and Sunday at her home hel-e. For the month of May only, Deering standard twine at $7.25 per bale. Math. Freund, McHenry, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vogel entertained the letter's sisters and brothers at their home here last Sunday. Mrs. Dannie Johonnott arrived home from Chicago and Harvard last Friday, where she had been spending the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Welch, Mrs. John McCarthy and Misses Anna and Etta Powers of McHenry and Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Aylward and family of Hebron spent Sunday at Richard Aylward's. _____ ST. CLARA COUBT INSTALLS Newly Elected Officers Installed By ,Wm Anna Walsh ; f Justen; Meyers. second, Mrs. Katherine ^ives notice that she will appear be fore the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the July Term, on the first Monday in July next, at whick time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 5th day of A. D. 1921. ' -p 47-ftt" Ellen Whiting. Ewedtrfaf.^1 Capt. Miller Under Knife Capt. Geo. R. Miller, of the 131 infantry, recently underwent an opeiS*- atidn for appendicitis at the Suburban hospital in Chicago, where he is now making a satisfactory recovery. *I1m captain is a brother to Mrs. Jack Nicholfs, who resides on the river road.,, sooth Qf this village. First Univeraalist Next Sunday is Mother's day and the service at 11:00 o'clock will reflect the spirit of the day. The subject the sermon will be "Mother." Eveiqjfc one is most cordially invited. John M. Grimes, Minister*, Owing to the illness and dw&i of her father, Mrs. Anton Schneider was unable to report for publication the recent installation of officers of St. Clara court, W. C. O. F., until this week. The installation took place at the K. of C. hall in this village on the afternoon of April 20, at which time Miss Anna Walsh, deputy high chief ranger of Chicago, did the work. Miss Walsh was very ably assisted by St. Clara's drill team, headed by their captain, Mrs. J. C. Bickler. The hall was very prettily decorated for the special occasion in sweet peas and the papal cofctai of purple and white. ' | At the conclusion of the installation work, which was witnessed by a large number of the local members of the society as well as twenty-seven visiting sisters of St. Agatha court, Johnsburg, Mrs. Adolph Fischer of St. Josephine court, Elgin, and one sister from St. Patricia court of this village, splendid addresses were rendered by Rev. Edw. Berthold, pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church of this village, and the installing officer, Miss Anna Walsh. During his address the former speaker complimented fcbe " • 1 v - Is'- Vj v> " 1%^ i ^ » Reports from various parts oF the country indicate that the dollar is staging a come-back, with fc promise of gradual return to its old-time piurchaspower. ..1 -t :*.• . 4L,,r ; *1^ fdr aft o y ,:X This is; welcome .Jteen wrestling with the cost-of-living problem. wejcome news ^ the many people in this community who are saving wisely against the time when the doUar will buy a full ijQliar's •-Worth again. , V ,f 'n cA |• 'V- . , , ' " ' i t '^Ceep on saving" is our advige. The old dol-1 Hr is coming back. s I ^ 4 t &f, i » ^ , 1 fV., , 4 ' y, JMi < Fox River Valley State Bank FOS C. HOLLY, CADI. McHenry, Illinois FREMONT HOY, Pres. • t TILE DESIGN »*, to j •Mf i * • - *. • »••» * : . Kc» "•jf % GET out the old hammer and saw. Pricefi^;M.v^ on building materials are down--way dov^* ^ ^ We're glad. So are you. Come on in. Let us surprise you with our for your requirements and especially on Bird*s Ai# Craft Roof, red or green slate surface, tile design. Art-Craft is probably the best buy on the market today. It's durable, fire-safe and mighty attractive^ SAVES money on first cost, the cost of laying#. and the cost of labor. The ideal roofing, right over the old wooden shingles or on new buildings. We know Art-Craft and w^^ the limit* Let's do business together** ' A" \ ' 'i» ' no A SON. fac. (EataUaM tltS) Eut Walpob. MCHENRY LUMBER CO. ^-V QUAUTTJMW SUVICK MSR ^ :.V,. •'spiiiir'i a

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