Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 May 1921, p. 7

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AJford H. Potue, Solicitor State of Illtaots,) McHenry Coontjr,)sa. In the Circuit Court of Mdlenry County, Stat* of Illinois, May Term, A. D. 1921. Charles* L. Pace, Complainant, vs. The uii'.tumn heirs or devisees of Henry Holmes, dec-eased, unknown heirs at devisees of William H. Mowry, deceased, unknown heirs or levisee'i of James Button deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Manley r. Turner, deceased, unknown heirs pr levisees of Walter Edson, deceased, inknown heirs or devisees of Horace /5. Potter, deceased, unknown heirs or ie visees of Lewery D. Newton, debased, unknown heirs or devisees of John Gage, deceased, unknown heirs * devisee* of Portia Gage, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Martha P. Gaffe, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Amos D. Whiting, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Lois B. Whiting, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of David McCollum, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Margaret McCollum, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Caroline A. Talbot, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Cornelia M. Matthews, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Frances A. Colby, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Mary A. Mat .hews, deceased, unknown heirs or levisees of Carrie W. Long, deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of Isadore and Josephine Talbot, deceased, unknown owner or owners of the note secured by the mortgage recorded in 'RVICE 'FIRST Business Is Waiting for You Somewhere, some place in this country is some business waiting for you. You should know where it is. If not, use your long-distance telephone.- The result will be gratifying. The Bell System lines are adequate to handle your calls. There is no unnecessary delay. With improved methods of transmitting long-distance messages, you get the same good service as tdephoning io a person a block itaray. Get acquainted with the money time saving *'station to station" service. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Book 4 of Mortgages, page 811, McHenry -County Records, unknown owner or owners of the note or notes secured by the mortgage recorded in Book 4 of Mortgages, page 313, McHenry County Records, Alsena Smith, and the unknown owner or owners of the following described real estate, towit: All that part of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section Number Thirty-four (84), Township Number Forty-five (46) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying East of the Easterly line of the Chicago A Northwestern Railway company's Right-of-Way, containing nine and twelve one-hundredths (9.12) acres of land, more or less. All that part of the West Half of Lot Number Two (2) of the Northeast quarter and all that part of Lot Number Two (2) of the Northwest quarter of Section Number Three (3), Township Number Forty-four (44) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying East of the Easterly line of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway company's Right-of- Way, containing twenty-nine and seventeen one-hundredths (29.17) acres of land, more or less. All that part of the North Half of the East Half of Lot Number One (1) of the Northwest quarter of Section Number Three (3), Township Number Forty-four (44) North, of Range Number Eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, lying East of the WOODMEN COUNTY PICNIC M. W. A. MS B. N. A. Will Bafay Day at Fair Grounds at Woodstock fourteen (14) and fifteen (15), fiftyftve (66) feet, thence North fifteen and three-fourths (1594) degrees, East parallel with the easterly line of » . _ , said lots number fifteen (15) and five Three thousand Modern Woodmen (5), two hundred and sixty-five (265) and Royal Neighbors of MeHenry feet to the Northerly line of said Lot county will hold a mammoth pfcnic at Number five (5), thence North seventhe fair grounds in Woodstock on ty-four and one-fourth (74 VI) degrees Thursday, July 21, of this year. Plans West along the northerly lines of said for this event were set in motion at a Lots Number five (5) and six (6) meeting held at the Commercial club fifty-five (56) feet, thence South fifrooms in Woodstock last Saturday, at teen and three-fourths (15*) degrees which delegates were present repre- West two hundred and sixty-five (265) senting twelve of the nineteen camps feet to the place of beginning, said mJ^e coun^r- Block Number three (3) lying and be- These delegates organized as a pic- ing on that part of the Southwest nic committee to include a member quarter of section number twenty-six from every camp in McHenry county. (26) in Township Number forty-five versity at Urbana The bond of Walter Conway, newly elected city treasurer at Woodstock, has been fixed at <125,000. DesPlaines is experiencing the biggest building boom witnessed there in, many years. Forty new homes are now in the course of construction. Those present were as follows: Algonquin--J. F. Houdek. j Chemung--J. J. Kennedy . Greenwood--H. D. Thompson. J Huntley--Henry Williams. Harvard--W. A. Dilley. ! Hebron--G. L. Housholder. Marengo-r-A. D. Ellison and Dr. j Eshbaugh. Ringwood--E. J. Hopper. ' Richmond--W. P. Stevens. Ridgefield--Robert Knilans. - McHenry--W. D. Wentworth. Woodstock-j-E. A. Wales, Ed Martin and C. F. Renich. (46) North, of Range Number eight (8) East of the Third Principal Meridian, which lies South of the center of the highway leading from McHenry to Queen Ann Prairie, said highway being now known as the Waukegan Road, Defendants. In Chancery--Bill to Clear Title, j Notice is hereby given that the . above is the title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been L. issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its Court E. A. Wales of Woodstock was Room in the City of Woodstock, Counfelected permanent chairman of the ty of McHenry and State of Illinois, on picnic committee and W. A. Dilley of Monday, the 28rd day of May, A. D. Harvard, secretary. A discussion. of 1921. the time and place for holding the ( In testimony whereof I have here- Easterly Hne of the Chicago & North- event then followed and it was de- unto set my hand and affixed the -rnl western Railway company's ~R ight-of cided as already stated. Way, containing three and six one hundredth (8.06) acres of land, more or less, all of the above lying and being in the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, Defendants. In Chancery--Bill to Clear Title, Notice is hereby given that the above is tiie title of the Court and the names of the parties to a suit which is now pending in said Court and that process for said defendants has been issued to the Sheriff of said County returnable to the said Court at its "Court Room in the City of Woodstock, County of McHenry and State of Illinois, on Monday, the 23rd day of May, A. D. 1921. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at my office in Woodstock this 18th day of April A. D. 1021. 45-4t Chas. F. Hayes, Clerk, Unicorn dairy rationfeed. Wilbur Lumber Co. quality 4 Do yoo drive aa Ox Cart? Then why do you use a Grindstone These machines grind 25 times faster without drawing the temper See for Yourself! Bring in one article and get it sharpened FREE of charge by an expert from the Prairie Du Chien Tool Go. who will be May 9 to 14 inclusive at J. J. McHENR QUARTER OF A CENTURY Items Clipped From The Plaindealer of Twenty-five Tears Ago | of said court, at my office in Wood- A committee, consisting of E. A. stock, this 18th day of April, A. D. Wales, W. A. Dilley, A. D. Ellison, H. j 1921. Chas. F. Hayes, Clerk* D. Thompson, E. A. Hopper and J. F.' Houdek, was appointed to visit each Woodman and Royal Neighbor camp in the county to secure financial and other co-operation in the success of the undertaking. Wm. Phalen has sold his residence Other committees appointed were and four acres of land on the Elgin as follows: road to Michael Cleary for $1,300 and Sports--H. E. Morris, Woodstock, has purchased three lots in Hanly's chairman; Amos Rogers, Woodstock; addition, where he proposes to put up Ira Burdick, Ridgefield. (Two mem- a new residence as soon as the weather bers of R. N. A. to be named later), will permit. Publicity--C, F. Renich, Woodstock, J. D. Lodtx beat the record in duck chairman; A. D. Ellison, Marengo; G. hunting on Thursday last. He went L. Housholder, Hebron; E. J. Hopper, to McCollum's lake in the morning Ringwood; George Bryant, Crystal and in two and one-half hours killed Lake. thirty-seven ducks. He had only fifty Entertainment--W. P. Stevens, shells with him and was obliged to Richmond, chairman; Dr. E. A. Mead, come home when the sport was at its Hebron; E. E. Bassett, McHenry. height. Concessions--J. F. Houdek, Algon- The annual town meeting in this quin, chairman. (Balance of com- village on Tuesday was a very quiet mittee to be appointed). affair. The following is the ticket: Dance--E. L. Martin, Woodstock, Town clerk, W. D. Wentworth; asseschairman. • sor, John Huemann; collector, M. J. Reception--The consul of each Freund.; commissioner of highways, E. camp. H. Thompson; justioe of the peace to A letter from S. S. Tanner, Illinois fill vacancy, W. A. Cristy. director for the M. W. A., was read, John J. Barbian had the misforwherein Mr. Tanner promises to be tune to lose his fine young "George present. He will probably deliver the O." pacer one day last week. He was principal address on that date. at McCollum's lake hunting and un- In discussing the question of loca- hitehed colt-from the buggy and tion for holding the picnic various *ed him to a tree When he returned cities in the county were discussed, in- he found that the colt had wound eluding Algonquin, Huntley, Crystal Lake, McHenry and Twin Lakes. An invitation to come to Woodstock was extended by C. F. Renich, who assured the committee the co-operation of the Commercial club, which he believed would make every effort to add to the success of the affair. himself up close to the tree and then thrown himself and when found was choked to death. < April 16, 1896 i We are having fine spring weather and the farmers are busy, i C. T. Eldredge shipped two cars of hogs from this station on Tuesday. | Ben Buss, Jr., and Ed. Wirfs were .viewing the sights in Chicago Thursday. j Miss Loretto Walsh entertained YOUR ATTENTION FARMERS! AS OTHER FARM PRODUCTS HAVE GONE DOWN IN PRICE--THE PiUGfiS OF PICKLES REMAIN THE SAME. ^ 1921 PRICES No. I, Wi to 4 inches, per bushel ....,,.$1.25 No. 2,4 to 5 inches, per bushel 65c Nubbins, per bushel.. THINK IT OVER L MAY PICKLE CO. WEST McHpp&Y Alford H. Pouse, Solicitor McHenry County,)ss. State of Illinois,) In the Circuit. Court of McHenry * number of friends from Cary Sun- County, State of Illinois, May Term, day. A. D. 1921. j Our public school will observe arbor Thomas J. Walsh Mid. Lola D. day on Friday afternoon of this week, Walsh, Complainants, April 17. vs. ! Miss Nellie Sutton of Elgin has The unknown heirs or devisees of been visiting her parents here the Abram Reynolds, deceased, unknown past week. heirs or devisees of Edwin M. Owen, Mrs. R. A. Howard has been quite deceased, unknown heirs or devisees 8ick with muscular rheumatism the of Daniel Owen, deceased, unknown p*8t two weeks. heirs or devisees of Jane Owen, de-1 T. J. Walsh bought a fine family ceased, unknown heirs or devisees of carriage horse for his own use in Chi- Herman N. Owen, deceased, unknown Cago Thursday last. heirs or devisees of Dorothy Owen, | Donald Simpson, on the Howe farm deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of east of this village, shipped a car of Merritt Sateilee, deceased, unknown f»t cattle from this station Tuesday, heirs or devisees of William P. Me- j During the storm on Friday last lindy, deceased, unknown heirs or de- lightning struck the Johnsburg church, visees of Mary M. Melindy, deceased, damaging it to the amount of about unknown heirs or devisees of Harvey |25. C. Owen, deceased, unknown heirs or j Miss Joanna Frisby, who has been devisees of Horace B. Claflin, de- at her home near heie on a vacation, ceased, unknown heirs or devisees of commenced her school' at Monaville William Daggett, deceased, unknown Monday. heirs or devisees of George C. Cook, j At the election on Saturday last for deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of one township school trustee, E. H. Frederick Fisher, deceased, unknown Thompson was unanimously elected heirs or devisees of Samuel Faulkner, his own successor. deceased, unknown heirs or devisees of. Sunday a township Sunday George Gage, deceased, unknown heirs 8chooj convention was held in the M. or devisees of David B. Jewett, de- £ church. Mr. Miller, the county ceased, unknown heirs or devisees of superintendent, was present. Lydia M. Jewett, deceased, unknown^ There will be an election for one heirs or devisees of George K. Clark, pre8ident and two members of the deceased, unknown heirs or devisees board of education of this district at of Isabelle H. Clark, deceased, un- ^ city hall Saturday afternoon, known heirs or devisees of Leonard i Henry Madden and daughters, who Gage, deceased, unknown heirs or de- have resided at Grayslake for the visees of Alsena Gage, deceased, un- past two years, moved back to this known heirs or devisees of Martha vinage and now occupy their resi- Gage, deceased, unknown heirs or de- dence on Park avenue. visees of Augustui Granger, deceased, j Murphy & Phillips have just reunknown heirs or devisees of Sarah C. cejVed a new delivery wagon from the Granger, deceased, unknown heirs or Romford bakery, which they will use devisees of Flavel K. Granger, de- in delivering goods in this village and ceased, unknown heirs or devisees of at ^ lakes. Ifr'is a neat and tasty Frank Granger, deceased, unknown ttmiout. heirs or devisees of Samuel H. Walker, , Bish 8on of jaCob Bishop deceased and the unknown owners or o£ ^ ^ who wag ,t work in a owner of the following described real f# &t Elrin> was caught in estate, to-wit: Part of Lots Number five (5), six (6), fourteen (14) and fifteen (15) in Block Number Three (3) of the original Plat of the Village of West McHenry, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point on the Southerly line of said lot fourteen (14) south seventy-four and one-fourth (74)4) degrees East one foot from the southwesterly corner of said Lot Number Fourteen (14), thence South seventy-four and onefourth (7414) degrees East along the Southerly lines of said lot the belting of the machinery oneway last week and quite severely injured, altho no bones were broken. Miss Lillian Wheeler had a birthday party at the residence of her parents on the Wheeler farm on Saturday last, it being her birthday anniversary. A number of her little friends -were present and had a right royal good time. ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE McHenry county now has thirty-. fear pupils altered at the State Uni-1 Prices Are Way Down Money has talked In furniture factions lately. Great Buying Power has produced before the war prices on good furniture in Leath Stores. Young folks are saving on these Home Outfits. Come in. A. Leath At Co. Stores Elgin, JI-74 Grove Ave. Rock ford. Opposite Court Dubuque. Vfe-VM Main St. Aurora, il-.U Ave. Import, HU |#S Gxlena St. Waterloo, JU 314 L. 4th St. A Mo Mhwy Beloit. *17-421 4th St. v. Joliet. J1S-2I7 Jefferaoa St. Jaaesville. 2S2-JM. MUwm|n ife Em Claire. Masonic Tetapla. Oahkoah. 11-13 Main. Chicago, 3*1 N. Michigan Ave. BeiiitlfuITurnilure "Sav* th« Surfac* mnd you wtoe all." : Proven Goods Our First Consideration OUR constant aim has been to 0 supply our customers at all with the best that the market afford*-- to offer nothing but proven goods on which we can bank our own reputation. • • • We made a careful investigation of the ' numerous paint lines and finally decided to Mock Du Pont Paints and Varnishes bccause we firmly believe that they are the finest made. • • • The history of the Du Pont Company covers over dne hundred years spent in the successful making and selling of highest grade products. "" * • • When you see the Du Font Label oa a can of Paint, Varnish, Enamel, or Stain, you know it's the finest to be had. • • • We will be very glad to show color cards or to demonstra te any of the finishes we carry in our stock--and our stock is complete. • • * flat us about your paint pcobkSNk M. ENGELN & SON DM NEW PRICES CHE following prices on Oakland six-cylinder motor cars were effective Monday, May 9, 1921. OLD PRICK NEW MUCK Oakland Touring $1395 $1145 Oakland Roadster.. $1395 $1145 Oakland Coupe. $2065 $1815 Oakland Sedan ..$2061 $1815 (AU pricaa f. o. b. PosMac, Mich.) At its new low price the sixcylinder Oakland offers a combination of high efficiency and low cost not equalled by any other motor car. Arrange for your demonstration now. OAKLAND MOTORCAR CO., Pontiac, Mich. Oakland JOSEPH RAUEN Spring Grove, 111.

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