r;w«jsgr;; -.arf .; , in 1 «ai and of Mr. -wmr_A« %••»!* few w ji*^ lsi^^«ra) home of her. daughter, Mi*. Ensign, near this village. "Wn I ii 'iii ii i I ^ egg* at*.fi|PpBi'8. ••; 1 'T**.. .. Thomas ofSwnond! Mrs. C- "m* Ifricwi #ae anElgin days last week' hi tne' shopper last Friday. ^ 'IPREVENTIVE DENTISTRY ££ **'*. Oral Prophylaxis ' , -lurilwJ Extraction^ is/ |J " Dental X-Rays fe * RwMI, 434 and 334 Kidiwwd, - :: " a i: Illinois - DR. N. J. JfTB JPhysician and |"9MUy Treatment and Radiograph , Ofice Hours: ' 7:°0 to 9:00 *• ®»,V ... , s- ih V 1:00 to 3:00 p. •tr#.: •-Cdsf'V.V- 7:00 to 9KN> p. jiL£&'": 'Phone 62-R :: :: KcHeary. DL ARNOLD'S Smoked Medts Have you ever tried Arnold's smoked meats? If not, come in today andfgive them a trial as we are certain of their quality. _ Our line of canned goods, bakery and vegetables i$"^ always complete and our minute-service goes with * each and every order. Buy your table needs here and go home satisfied. " ' 1 1 1- WATER STREET-- MARKET & GROCERY P. J. Heimer, Prop. filt the inner man whom we serve and so well are we acquainted with the every day needs of life that we, have just what you want In the line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Vegetables, Canned Goods and B a k e r y . Our prompt delivery system is ever at jour service. M. M. Niesen MoH.nry Phone 4* PHILIP JAEGER lOENERAL. COflMISSION MERCHANT •M tFMIAL ATTENTION OIVKN TO THZ SAUK OP .k ' OreMtd Beef, rtutton, Hoes, V«al, PMltrft ' Hides, Etc., Butter and Egft This ia the oldest house oa the straot. Tags aad prtoe Hats furnished on application. <MLO STOttAUe FREE •tail i a *. MIN M cmcAQo, ILLINOIS: WilhMli Market EVERY ITEM A BARGAIN The stock is limited, so come early to supply your wants Bungalow Aprons, extra large ..$1J5 Petticoats, cotton taffetta, in floral and plain patterns..$1.25 Outsize Hose, fine mercerized lisle 55c Muslin Petticoats with embroidery --$1.19 Night Gowns, slipover style Women's Athletic Union Suits, lace trimmed nainsoak $1.45 Bath Towels, good quality and large size...' 15c Shaker Flannel, good quality, per yd * 17e JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY v.-: •,*&>• ••• " 'Z&y P. & zffW. 1 •MB If you have any painting, staining or varnishing to do, please call and let us show you up to date, simple aqd practical methods. We will show you how to make an old soft wood floor look like hard wood. Try the various paints and varnishes yourself. -- INVESTrc/kTE BEFORE WVEi^^l? TIME IIW N. H. PETESCH DRUGGIST ^'It*"- -v- '"v.;. ii. ,»v «nfertahi gWfeetitJgs <*. j^any social occasion, including parties, weddings, .;M church affairs or any other occasion Where cream 'l is used in the amount of five gallons or more, we will supply at wholesale prices.,. t . • SPECIAL FOR NEXT SATURDAY AND W ' 'e* MAY 21ST AND 22NI> . • • * '< It*".'*'-. • f Cream, Tutti Fruitti Ice CreaVft and Strawberry Ice Cream -- McHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY e. IJNTI, PROP. tA- A dfg\ "x* Charles! Hosiery and underwear {W a$l ef th^family at Erickson's. Don't forget the school picnic on Friday in Chase's woods. Thos. Kane and Miss Ingram were guests of friends in Dundee Saturday. Luman Hewes of' Walworth, Wis., was a Sunday guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith. Epworth league nej(t Sunday night will be at the home ef A. W. Smith. All are invited. Quaker oats compound Ful-O'-Pep egg mash ma&ee the hens lay. Wilbur Lumber Co. ' FOR SALE--Lumber, brick and different sizes of timber. M. A. Thelen, West McHenry, 111. Miss Grace Harrison, who ia working in the watch factory at Elgin, was home over Sunday. Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, Mrs. F A. Hitchens and son, Byron spent the week end in Chicago. , Mrs. Wm. Antcliff of Richmond* spent Friday with her daughter, Mrs. Clay Rager, and family. , Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clark and children of Odtend spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Abbott. Fcr the month of May only, Deering standard twine at $7.26 per bale. Math. Freand, McHenry, 111. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hewes of Hebron spent several days last week in the homes of S. W. and A. W. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. -Arthur Merrill of Solon called on the latter's sister, Mrs. Louis Schroeder, and family one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Goodknecht of Harvard visited Sunday school Sunday. Mrs. Goodknecht is secretary of the County Sunday School association. ' , Edward Thompson, who was seriously injured Sunday with a ball bat at the home of E. E. Whiting, is resting comfortably. He was moved to his home Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Luis Schroeder are living in a tent at the Hoy summer resort south of McHenry, because Louis has taken a contract to do several weeks' work at the Hoy resort. The school exhibit Tuesday was Well worth your time of going to see. It is wonderful what the little folks are able to do in school these days. If you did not go, you missed a treat. Last week Friday was a gala day for all the little folks at school, as all the children in the district that expect to start to school next September were invited to come to school that day. , SPRING GROVfi Men--get your work and dress shoes at Erickson's. Mr. Dixon and son, Arvin, motored to Chicago Monday. Miss ^Grace Hamilton of Richmond spent the week end here. • Mrs. Mike Rauen and son, Leo, were out of town visitors Tuesday. Roy Cole attended £o matters of a business natdfo 'in McHenry one day last week. Phonograph records for all makes of machines at the Everett music store, McHenry. * FOR SALE--Lumber, brick and different sizes of timber. M. A. Thelen, West McHenry 111. Miss Kate Frett of Johnsburg spent Monday as a guest in the 4tome of her sister, Mrs. Ford Jackson. Mrs. George Rauen parsed Monday as a guest in the home of her father, Math. Glossen, at McHenry. For the month of May only, Peering standard twine at |7.25 per bale. Math. Freund, McHenry, 111. Marin Dixon of Richmond 'spent several days last week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dixon. Mr. and Mrs. William Rauen and daughter, Madeline, of Kenosha spent Monday as the guesta of relatives here. ^ Mrs. George Johnson and. children of Kenosha, Wis., spent several days last week at the home of her sister, Mrs. John Clark. Mrs. Anna Smith, and son, Elmer, of Kenosha spent the week end as guests^in the home of her mother, Mrs. Nick Blake. Mrs. Andrew Huff and daughter, Marion, after spending the past several months at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Clark, returned to Kenosha Sunday evening, where they will make their future homfe. OSTEND ' V ^ Finest quality of coff#e and iiif at Erickson's. The school children are looking forward to vacation. The Ostend school will close May 20. No school last Friday. Tfce teacher and some of the pupils were attending the examinations at Woodstock. Warren Francisco and sister, Miss Ammie, motored to Wauconda Sunday and spent the day with their brother. Many of the farmers have the ground plowed for ' corn, buta cannot fit it properly until they get some rain. Work is progressing nicely on the Snider hill. There are many more days' work to be done before it will be passable. Mr. Hoppe had a man at his place last Wednesday spraying fruit trees. It may have kept "the frosts from doing damage. Henry Hobart, wife and son, Roy, spent Sunday with the former's daughn ter, Mrs. Nina Sherman, reminding her of her birthday. Is there any hope for fruit now after the frosts Saturday and Sunday nights? There was enough of it po make roofs quite white. Sylvia Richardson came over from Ridgefield and spent last week here at her old home with Mrs. Fred Eppel 'and at ifca heme ef bar --C1% & E. Jecke. % .. - . - - „ ' ' 'i. For sale cheap. Central All in first-class con- Garage, Johnsburg, ,46-tf WANTED--'Board and room or room with housekeeping privileges, June 15 V'lii COTTA • FOR S A LE--Overland model 83, 5 Pillsbury'f Bait flour at Wilbur's. passenger touring. A good buy at the Ladies' oxfords and law, shoes at price we ask. Investigate. He Erickson's. J bought a Studebaker. Stilling's ga- Wm. Gruenwald of Woodstock wastage, McHenry, 111. 42-tf a recent business caller here. (HEMSTITCHING"AND PICOTING-- Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family Have just installed a new machine for called at the J. J. Doherty home Sun- |such work and all mail orderg win ^ *«_ . M j promptly filled. Mrs. G. A. Barker, Mr. and lbs. John Flanagan spent 118 s Jefferson St., Woodstock, 111. 46 Sunday evening at the home «f *.l--- Knox. . I FOR SALE--Seven passenger Stude- Mrs. Wm. Coleman ahd little Betsey !bak®r' 5 passenger Overland, Maxwell Bay were callers at Crystal Lake Mon^I ^urinK -c»r» * ton Republic truck, d a y e v e n i n g . s « . . . Miss Neva McMillan spent Tuesday ^'^ion. evening with Miss Agnes Bertram at,fll- Crystal Lake. j Sheet music, all the latest and most' popular numbers, at the Everett music! store, McHenry. I The pupils of the Barreville and. Terra Cotta schools enjoyed a holiday last Friday. FOR SALE--Lumber, brick and different sizes of timber. M. A. Thelen, West McHenry, 111. , For the month of May only, Deering standard twine at $7.26 per hale.' Math. Freund, McHenry, HI. | S. B. Leisner went to Chicago last Wednesday morning, where he will visit his daughters for several weeks. Miss Mabel Knox spent Friday visiting at the Lowe school near Algonquin with her sister, Miss Frances Knox. j Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bergman r$-' turned to their home in Chicago lkst Wednesday after an extended visit at, the home of S. B. Leisner. j - Misses Eleanor Phalin, Florence; and Fiances Knox attended an initia-' tion of the Daughters of Isabella of Carroll court, Chicago, at the Parkway hotel in that city last Sunday. Sixteen members of Joyce Kilmer court, McHenry, were present. Misses Apnes Frisby and Florence Knox spent Friday at Crystal Lake with their pupils who were taking the final eighth grade examinations. Those from the Terra Cotta school were Marjorie Phalin, Elizabeth and William Liddle, and Edwin Wright and Clarence Knaack were from, Barreville school. JOHNSBinte Cigars and tobacco at Erickson's. Rev. Wm. Weber was a Chicago visitor Wednesday. Mis Kate Rieber spent Tuesday with Mrs. Jacob Huemann. Unicorn dairy ration--a quality feed. Wilbur" Lumber Co. For the month of May only, Deering standard twine at $7.25 per bale. Math. Freund, McHenry, 111. Mrs. Wm. Althoff, Mrs. John T. Schaefer and Mrs. Jojm iTnelen visited Mrs. Richard Guyser Wednesday afternoon. The ladies and young ladies of this village are cleaning the church today in) preparation for the big event to take (dace here next Tuesday. The floor will be scrubbed and oiled.. Executor's Notice Alford H. Pouse, Atty. Estate of Delbert A. Whiting, -deceased. The undersigned having been appointed Executrix of the last Will and Testament of Delbert A, Whiting, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives notice that she will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at die -Court House in Woodstock, at the July Term, on the first Monday in July next, at which time all persofts having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 5th day of May, A. D. 1921. 47-St Ellen Whiting, Executrix. to Sept. 15. Adult and 8-year-old child. Near river preferred. Address N., care of The Plaiariealer, McHenry, m. 48 FOU SALE--'A 6-room house and barn topether with eight large lots. House is equipped with gas, electricity and has furnace heat. House and lots will be sold together or separately. J. G. Schrauth, McHenry, M. 48-tf FOR SALE--The old Smith homestead farm 6f 160 acres located about two miles east of McHenry; the Smith estate farm of 82 acres at Lake Defiance and the house and lot east of the Fox river bridge in McHenry. S. H. Freund, McHenry, 111. Phone 643- M-2. 41-tf BABY CHKXSh-Cut prices. 100 up. Pqptpaid anywhere. ed, white or brown Leghorns, Rocks, White Rocks, Reds, W. dottes, Buff Orps. Big hatchery, 609, 000 chix. Get our prices first. Cata»% log free. Farrow-Hirsh Co., Peoria, i«- i FOR SALB--A few real good usei car values at very low prices. A Studebaker four passenger coupe; a Studebaker three passenger landaa roadster; an Overland model 83 touring car; k Republic one ton truck. If you are in the market for a used caa^f pr truck you cannot afford to pasa these up. Come in and look theor over. Stilling's garage. 49 tomes in the winter, if at all. All summer long he is hard at vvbrk, knowing little about eight hour days and being deaf to the quitting whistle. Farmers are the Mbacktk>ne of America/' The friendliness of our farmer patrons is a Source of pleasure to us. We endeavor to repay them by courteous servic^ f r - • • **f~: t ' r'r * " r You Are Always Next Door to Us Our Banking-by-Mail plan puts the facilities el this institution in your home. ; v;r If you have money to daposit, de iftot lea^'ll flifound home--mail it ( , You are assured of a service as personal as if jft>u palled at the bank. :u\i <n-": . Fox River Valley State Bank i j Vice Presidents &»eph c. Holly Gsstuer McHenry, Fremont Hoy linois James B. Perry Clarence F. Hoy CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT FOR SALE--Sow and ten pigs. Peter Weingart, McHenry, 111. Phone 605- W-2. 49 FOB RENT--Cottage Springs park. Inquire Worts, McHenry, 111. FOR SALEr--A house and four lots on West Side. A bargain for somebody. Inquire at The Plaindealer office, 43 PASTURED--For from 26 to 20 head of cattle. Good pasture and fences N. F. Colby, West McHenry, 111, 49-2t .WANTED--House girl. Good pay for right kind. Mrs. Jehn Whttworth, 327 Jefferson St., Woodstock, 111. 40-tf ry.-.fe'f FOR RENT--Pasture for young stock. John R. Smith, McHenry, 111. Near Emerald Park. Phone 634-R- 2. 40-lt* LOST--A foutain pen between Peteseh's drug store and the Fox river bridge. Finder leave at Plaindealer office. 1 49-lt* WANTED---Twelve Plymouth Rock pullets and one-year-old rooster. State price. Address The Plaindealer, McHenry, 111. 49-lt FOR SALE--The best of land near McHenry. Good fishing and hunting. Ten, twenty, thirty or forty acres, Inquire at this office. 49-St FOR SALE OR TRADE--A beautiful large size phonograph. Will sell at A big bargain or will trade for a piano. Address E. F. N., care this paper. 48-2 FOR SALE--Being too large for my own use, I hereby offer for sale a Grant Six touring car, In good working order.. Frank Freund, McHenry, ni. 44-it* FOR SALE--Three fine dwelling lots on Waukegan street, Herbes addition. Special price if taken St opce.' See or write Carl W. Stenger, West McHenry 8tate hank. 4Mt* .'W- •/ • Z ' * -'j! " mi -iW. "i. ^ ; - .1#- 1 roof should be handsome, durable, fire-resisting, and economical. All these qualities are combined in the famous Nepon* set Twin Shingle --the goofing development of the 20th century. •; Neponset Twin Shingles are fire-safe. Easily: and quickly handled. Save ofte-thiid th$ labor over ordinary shingles and require third less nails. They are the only twixpl 'shingles--two shingles in one and self-spac* ing. Slate-surfaced. Two colon--red Neponset Twin Shingles are just what you need for your home. Come in and let us tell you more about this shingle. It is the most economical artistic shingle, considering fink cost, ease of laying, and years of service. BIRD A SON, he. (EaUbUMd 17S5) Em* Walpab, Maw. MCHENRY LUMBER ca ^ OUALTIY AND RRAV1CK HUT v ' -W-; • V*- ' . if' ' -yJ .'4'^ OUALTI Y SEAV1CS FUST m r* < f A