Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 16 Jun 1921, p. 1

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VOLUME XL.VII MoHKNRY, ILLINOIS. THURSDAY. JUNE 16. 1921 ST. MAST'S ENTERTAINMENT T/MfrKN frUHM Tll« VOiMUNt* OUK EXCHANGES KI|ttlii«(oai Assortment af New* jiema lii CoaiMMMi f «• ftr Khj steeple y the op* a muob for bass fishing in Walworth county. Wis., began yester- 4»r- Harvard now has a fully organized rifla dub and the opening shoot will be held there soon. The employes at the Hunt, Helm, Ferris A Co. factory at Harvard art now working on a four-day $ week schedule, ' A Ford touring car was stolen at Algonquin last Saturday night while the driver was attending a dance in that village. According to . an ordinance passed by the city council of Woodstock last week the city's budget few the year will require $205,160. A five day chautauqua, entertainments far which were furnished by the Mutual Chautauqua company, wa$ hekl at Crystal Lake last week, closing last Sunday. Jury trials in the Lake county circuit court began at Waukegan on Monday morning. A glance at the court docket for the June term shows seventy-five divorce cases. M. P. Covnot, a graduate of the Chicago School of Pharmacy, and John P. Blanck, publisher of the Wauconda Leader, will open a drug store at Wauconda in the very near future. George Spitaer, an escaped patient from the Elgin state hospital, was captured at Woodstock last Saturday evening. He was returned to the institution the first of the week. Graduating Exercises to Be Held at Empire Tonight Graduating exercises of St. Mary's parochial school will be held at the Empire theatre here this (Thursday) evening, June 16, at which time the following carefully prepared program will be rendered* Welcome Seng Salutatoc^ ...,W. Nye Address....'. ...Rev. Fattier Kftderry Distribution of Diplomas. .Rev. Pastor Valedictory „• . .R. Powers Action Song .• .1 and 2 Grades the Bravest Boy at Bunker HOI--Flay Characters Arthut- Mansfield, the bravest boy at Bunker Hill W. Nye Abram, the hired help....A. Stilling Pike, an American spy. .J. Schneider British Soldiers-- William Howe . .E. Wolf Martin Howe A. Weingart Mrs. Mansfield, Arthur's mother... C. Frett Dorothy, bis «isterii|j*. .M. Freund British Soldier.... f*... W. Stdffel British Soldier.- B. Blake Action Song---King Laughter >.6 and 6 Grades Drill--Dance of the Dunces Boys of 3 and 4 Grades Turning til* Tables--2 act play Characters Miss Merwyn, a maiden lady who lives on a farm... A ..... A. Young Bridget, her hired giri....R. Powers Marion, her niece...T..... B. Freund Marion's chums:-- •> y ; D o r o t h y . . B r e f e l d Elizabeth .*4^.i. ,P. Kennebeck Beatrice ...»v.;,«.».•,.«,.F. Freund T w i n s w i t h a l i s p -- ; Sally Simpson. May Susie Simpson...... IN CONNECTION WITH OUR SCHOOLS BEING HELD Baccalaureate Address Last flandij Evening--Class Play Monday and Claae Day Exerdaea Tuesday This week marks the closing of a most successful school year in our community high as well as the grade schools. Exercises and program, which began with the baccalaureate address on Sunday evening, are being continued thruout the week and will come to a close with the commencement exercises at the Empire theatre tomorrow (Friday) evening. The baccalaureate address awl propi* am took place at the sc-hool auditorium lest Sunday evening and brought out a very nice attendance. The stage was prettily decorated for the occasion with a profusion of palms and flowers and with the formed a beautiful picture. The program, as published in last week's issue of The Plaindealer, was carried out in full with the exception of the invocation, which was tendered by Rev. Ross of Greenwood, who appeared in . place of Rev. H. G. Burroughs, the latter finding it impossible to be present. The program opened with a march, the class marching to and taking their places on the stage while this was being played by Mrs. F. J. Aicher. A quartet, composed of Mrs. J. C. Holly, Mrs. F. J. Aicher, O. G. Treadway and J. C. Holly, then sang "Spring Time Praises" m a beautiful manner. Following this came the invocation by Rev. Ross of Greenwood. „ jji - then another selection, "June Time . .H. May Roses," by the quartet. ighbor's j Next in order came the baccalaur- *^'?'«B1^keieate address by Rev. A. B. McCor- AN AUTO COLLISION Passengers Escape Injury When Twe Cars Come Together Sunday The daily output of watches at the Elgin national factory for the year Katrinka Oppenheimer, a neighbor's ending May 1 averaged about 2,900. daughter The factory officials are now planning Ribbon Drill..Girls Of 3 and 4 Grades mick of HunUey, who gave one of the en a larger output with smaller o----'-J n profits. The gross receipts of the American The Star Spangled Banner . A Pleasant Family Reunion . Legion street . carnival held at Harvard two weeks ago were $4,700. The local post of American Legion, which sponsored the -event, is likely to clear about $2,700. The MeHenry county field meet was held at Marengo this year. Only two schools were entered, Marengo and Harvard. Very little interest in the meet was displayed by other schools of the county this year. Harrington is planning on a monster Fourth of July celebration and an elaborate program, consisting of pamost pleasing orations of the kind ever listened to by a MeHenry One of the most pleasant and en- audience. During the course of his joyable family reunions to take place be save the class much good adin our midst in a long time was held, v'c® and food for thought. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A. J the quartet then rendered another Sutton at Emerald Park last Sunday very pleasing selection, "The Lord Is afternoon, at which time the children (My Shepherd," after which the beneof the late Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sut- diction was given, closing an occasion ton, with but one exception, John, proved highly enjoyable to the who is in South Dakota, were gath- members of the class as. well as the ered. Invitations had also been ex-j audience that had gathered for the tended to a large number of par- event. ishioners of St. Patrick's Catholic church of this village, to which many responded, including Rev. M. J. Mc- Tbe Claae Play Before an audience that taxed the capacity of the spacious Empire airnlane Ev°y and Mr and Mrs- John McEvoy. theatre the senior class on Monday rade, sports and ^^; airP4a i n_e Those of the Sutton family who were!evening app^ed in their ^ay. enthrills, trap shooting and free vaudeville, has been arranged. The home of Dr. and Mrs. L. W. Viall of Crystal Lake was entered during the Memorial day holidays, the intruder getting away with considerable clothing and $8.00 in money. The doctor and his wife were out of town at the time. The Baarington school last week was presented with $60 by the evening appeared in tnetr may, en present were: Mr. and Mrs. Robt! titled "Mary's Millions," a Comedy in E. Sutton and children of Chicago; Mr. three acts. and Mrs. Geo. Hoelscher and son, I Never before has such an audience Robert, of Wheaton; Mr. and Mrs. as that greeted a* high school class Jos. J. Sutton of Elmhurst; Miss ami that the efforts of the cast were Alice Sutton of Spokane, Wash.; appreciated was evidenced by the Sister Mary Robertas of DesMoines,' hearty applause tendered them dur- Ia.; Sister Mary St Bride of Lyons, ing the action of the play. la.; Mrs. Ed. Larkin and daughters, I Each and every character carried Beulah, Eleanor, Marion and Lucile, his or her respective roll in a pleas- The | of Elgin; Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Sutton ing manner and, while the crowded and children and the host and hostess condition of the theatre did not add Woman's club of that village. ~ ~ T ~~T--I money is to be applied toward pay- and children and the host and hostess, ment of the stereopticon set which has and their this is the first to the comfort of the audience, every been installed in the school and which Itim® ^ family hM ,one seemed satisfied as was manifest the students have found so useful. |*ether in * number of years. It was in the happy smiles they bore as they That State's Attorney Smith of .Robertu»' oat of the building at the elo» Waukegan mean, to dean up tk. Fox ^ 7'"whHe S.stor of the perfonn.n«. T -1. CltBwlC* 18 86WI 1U rCCvB* aBMdlViv . I M• ary> S«t ~ Bride's last vsiaswi.t wa.s• made I « T.o Miss Blanch.e , P.r yo.r, a_ m_ em«b er• ... . lfw.l-labout four years ago. The gathering of the community high school faculty, "tv Raids thruout the district are!™*8 p'anned in honor of the latter goes the credit and honor of having SLmad. with such n.arkri««ul^-ltW0 "<i netd'.eM to T everyone; supervised the play. it, that even the oldest of the K«.rt J™* »' »•""« «M After th. performance the member, kmpers are beginning to fear taking «' . gr«t...g | of the cla... together with then- ropera chance The Crystal Lake city council last week passed an ordinance whereby taxi-cab drivers are obliged to pay an fmiimi license fee, as follows: For the sisters as well as the ether bers of the Sutton family. visor, Supt. O. G. Treadway and the latter's sister, Mrs. Gray, gathered at Niesen's cafe, where a sum^uous banquet was enjoyed. Seaier Claaa Day Fwrt--I The senior class day exercise! ^rere Home Entered By Sarprteera A complete surprise was "sprung" jon Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway at ears with a seating capacity of not .the i r c o m f o r t a b l e ' h o m e e a s t o f t h e . . . . . . m more *>r" three persons, $15.00; six river here last Thursday afternoon ,he!d at the sch®01 auditorium on Tuespersons, $25.00; twenty persons, when a company of. MeHenry and El- |day evening of this week, when the $85.00. The council voted down the gin friends called unexpectedly to re- Pr°£r*m as published in last weeks of permitting Sunday shows. mind them of their thirtieth wedding jis8ue was capably rendered before a James H. Vickers, formerly of Har- anniversary. The dining room, in large audience. vaml, and one time one of the state which a dainty six o'clock dinner was). The Plamdealer mil start pubhshrentesentataves from MeHenry coun- served by the daughters, was banked ^e more important numbers o ty has been released as one of the de- with pink and white roses and peonies. |this program with this week s issue fendanta of the defunct Moore Motor It was indeed a most enjoyable afTair, *nd will continue same until all have Vehicle company of Danville, 111., which came to a close by all wishing, appeared. Look for the tot msta - charged with using the mails to de-1 Mr. and Mrs. Conway just such an, ™ent, to be found elsewhere in this fraud. Sentence was passed on four j anniversary each year for years to is8Ue fffHripl" of the company in the federal court at East St. Louis last Thursday. Junior Reception to Senior Class The junior reception to the senior Dundee AK Stan Next Sander cla_s s will be held in the form of a George L. Moore, former president of The Dundee All Stars will appear in junior prom at the Amercian Legion • . . - > - **-- "" junior Drom uw Aionwiwi u«k«v« the eoayany, is to^senre three ywrs. McHenry for their second encounter hldl ma (Thursday) evening. Adin the Leevennworth, Kansas, prison 0£ season with the McHenry team 1 ^ > j njv and pay $S00 for each of the nine|next Sunday afternoon. The Aj| ®u»lon *>y e®™ 0I"ycounts of using the mails to defraud. appeared in McHenry as the J. W. Patt received three years and a 0peninjr attraction of the season, at fine of $2j500. A. L. Leonard re- whjcj| time they were defeated by a Commencement Exerctsea' The commencement exercises, which will be the twenty-seventh for the ceived two years and a fine of 1 McHenry school, but the first since $2,500. score of 9 g Both teams, since , - , .. .. . Henry Wetlauer, aged eighty-six. encounter, have greatly improved t ® advent o e commumy lK at Harvard passed away at the Cot- and the fans should be treated to some' ^hool» wlU take place at th p a tage hoapital in that city late last Sat- real baseball next Sunday. Game Itheatre 00 f"daJ evenmg ofUiis urdayaSiernoon an hoar after he had called at 2:30 p. m. Usual iweek» at a been struck by an autMnebile driven by Mrs. Radd Glover of Harvard. Mrs. Glover was driving her car in a funeral precession when suddenly a ill bey attempted to drive a team prices, of admission. J Linen Shower A Jinen shower in honar of Miss Julia Freund, a coming June bride, program will be rendered: Program Class March... I .Miss Dorothy Knox Land of Mine McDermid The Imperial Quartet of horses thru the procession of auto- was S'ven by Misses Elisabeth Neiss Salutatory Address... .Rosiaa Freund mobiles, in order to avoid a col-!and M«fdal«e Wegener at thelMatter's THpoB ....Rogers lision with the boy and horses Mrs.lhome on Pearl street last Thursday Glover hurriedly turned the car «nd' «v€nin*- Bunco just about this time the victim, who chief diversion, while refrsshmesrts had also attempted to cross the street at the same time, was seen to fall. He was picked up in an unconscious condition and hurried to the hospital, were served at a late hour. Edgwwater Lota Are easy of access to the river and within walking distance to the village. liver Beaky Gs/ (The Hymae of the Old Chawh Choir Sweet and Low , ...J|Barnby • Quartet . W Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes Old English The Wind in the Chimney Parks Quartet Where the Caravan has Rested. .Lohr Fortunately no one was injured in a bad smash-up which occurred on Main street on the West Side about 4:30 o'clock last Sunday afternoon when two machines came together. The Plaindealer isn't going to say who is to blame, if. either of the two drivers, but will relate tha accident just as it was given to us. A touring car, owned and driven by Dr. D. N. Brown of Chicago, had rounded the corner at the Martin B. Schmitt barber shop on Main street and was proceeding west towards the railroad tracks. It was the intention of the driver and his party to stop at Vogt's drug store. At a point near the West McHenry State bank the driver started to make the turn and just as he had his machine about half way around he noticed an approaching car. Seeing his danger and in a frantic effort to avoid a collision the doctor started to straighten his car, but it was too late. The second car, owned by J. C. Bickler of the McHenry House and driven by his son, William, was also traveling west on Main street and, according to the driver, he was about to pass the other car when same suddenly and unexpectedly started to make the turn. In the collision which resulted the Chicago car was thrown against the gasoline pump in front of the M. A. Thelen harness shop with sufficient force as to ruin the pump. This car was damaged but little. In the car with Dr. Brown at the time of the accident were his son-in-law, J. E. Hauswirth of this village, and the latter's daughter and two nephews. The Bickler car, in the smash-up landed against an electric light pQSt and received considerable damage, but fortunately the driver escaped with but a slight injury to his leg. Will Leave McHenry. Anton Schneider and faiiiHy, Who have made this village their home for many years past, expect to leave between now and July 1 for Eagle River, Wis., where they will take charge of the "Rest Farm," owned by Chas. A. Comiskey, owner of the Chicago White Sox bueball team. Mr. and Mrs. Comiskey were out from Chicago last Thursday, at which time a decision was reacheu by the McHenry family to go to Wisconsin. Mr, Comiskey has been after Mr. Schneider for a long time to take the position'and now he has finally consented to do so. Their many McHenry friends will be sorry to learn that they are to leave, but all join in wishing them the best of luck in their new home and surroundings. Cemeteries Looking Beautiful A trip thru the various cemeteries here reveals their well kept condition, something in which each and every one of us should feel a particular pride. Those who have, thru neglect or otherwise, lost sight of these memorial spots should make it a point to visit these, the last resting places of our beloved ones, and we are sure that by so doing their annual contribution in support of the up-keep of our burial grounds will come without solicitation. Joseph Kehler Dead ' Joseph Kohler, father of Mrs. Ferdinand Frett, passed away in Chicago last Wednesday, June 8. The funeral took place from St. James' church at 9:30 o'clock last Saturday morning, with interment in St. Boniface cemetery. The deceased was well and favorably known to a number of our readers as he had been a frequent visitor in the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Frett here during the past few seasons. Milk Producers, Attention A meeting of the local union of the Milk Producers' association will take place at the Woodman hall in this village on Friday evening of this week, June 17, at 7:30 o'clock. The last spread of the association will be up for a thoro discussion and every member is urgently requested to attend. W. J. Walsh, Pres. w, e C. L. Page, Sec'y. MBYKK nCHC JURE 25 WILL TAKE PLACE IN CONWAT8 GROVE HERE Goad Speakers Secured--B^agfc Me> Henry Band Far Maeir Ball Game, Sports, Racaa Arrangements for the holding of the annual picnic as sponsored by the milk producers of MeHenry county are now well under way and, according to those who have the event in hand, this year's affair wffl be a hummer. The picnic is to he held in M. A. Conway's woods near this village, east of the river, on Saturday, June 25. Three good speakers have already been secured, which gives assurance that this part of the day's program will be worth while. W. J. Kittle of Crystal Lake will have a rousing talk for the farmers, Mrs. Joanna Downs of Chicago, president of the Woman's Auxiliary to the Milk Producers' association, will tell what her organization Kas done and is doing, while Prof. Larsgn of the Illinois state university will talk on agriculture in the interest of the IHinois Agricultural association. Each of the various units of the county milk producers is expected to contribute towards the entertainment for the day and in this manner it is the hope of the workers to have a program that will be' varied and most entertaining for the big crowd that is sure to attend. The music for the occasion will be furnished by the McHenry brass band, while the various concessions will be in charge of the McHenry post of the American Legion. Invitations to attend the picnic have been extended to not only every local •TO McHenry county, but to locals of neighboring counties as well, and this invitation also goes out to the public in general, which means that all those who wish to do so may join the dairymen and their friends on this one big occasion. One of the big attractions in the line of sports will be a baseball game between the McHenry club and some outside nine. The opposing teeun for McHenry has hot as yet been selected, altho the committee hopes to have this matter disposed of within the course of the next few days. TO EXPLORE LOWER FOX ITERS Of Carlton Prouty end Son Left Teeterday on Water Trip to Ottawa. Carlton Prouty, one of our reeorters and whose cottage is located on the east shore of Fox river in the vicinity of the dam, left yesterday accompanied by his son, Richard, on a water trip to Ottawa, 111. The battered old "Water Gypsy" had been hauled across country to Winnetka, 111., and her honorable scars, received in the trip to the headwaters of the Fox, have been concealed by a lavish coat of paint the craft was launched in the Chcago drainage canal at Wilmette and is now proceeding by "way of that waterway, the Chicago river, the Illinois and Michigan canal and the Illinois river to the city of Ottawa, where the "Fox river empties into the Illinois. On reaching this point the craft will turn north up the Fox and follow it to Mr. Prouty's summer home. The Gypsy" will doubtless be the smallest craft to navigate the Chicago river since the days of the Indian canoes, but her s'hiall sire and feather weight will be just the thing when it comes to Lutheran portaging the fifteen dams which are morning. in operation between Ottawa and Mc- | Mr and Mrs c H GupUa H . Henry. The two explorers will camp.haw ken op ^ abode ^ on the river bank at night and will at j. Vasey bungalew on ^ corner ^ the same time be their own cooks and Green Pearl 8treets the y laundresses. The entire trip will con-'family^aving. returned to Chicago sume two weeks and the distance j ^ new score boar(i erected at ^ covered will be W> miles. | baseball park last week, was used for the first time last Sunday. The f board was painted at the Star garage Dairymen Everywhere Are Much Ws- and is a neat acquisition to the park, pleased Over 50c Cat-in Jacob Freund, whose farm is located 'on the McHenry-Ringwoodroad, a The announcement as made last short distance north of week by the Milk Producers' Co-oper-1 outsorts, has the foundat ative Marketing company that a 50c new home to be erected spread had been decided on brought this summer. AS PICKED UP BY REPORTERS DURING WEEK What People Are Doing in This Vfe; )age and the Immediate Vi Other Short Paragraphs Chicken feed at M. M. Niesen's. Give him an eversharft. At esch's. For satisfaction and durability try , Henderson corsets at Blake Sstear/ Lots in Edgewater can be purchased at moderate price and on easy payment plan. Fox River Realty Co. - Anyone having bills against me or anyone owing me will please settle before the 25th of June. Anton Schneider, McHenry, 111. Mr. and Mrs. George Worts have; rented the Anton Schneider house on Riverside Drive and will move into same in the near future. Who wants our large garden, including five lots of vegetables and a large grape vine? Must be disposed of at once. Anton Schneider, McHenry. A large congregation witnessed tha confirmation exercises and took part in the services at the Zion Evangelical church here last Sunday SPREAD CAUSES EXCITEMENT Fred J. Nickels, night watchman at the Borden bottling plant here, has great consternation into the ranks of the membership __ Arguments, pro and con, may be'moved his family ^ Matthewe heard on the streets at almost any .house on John street to the home «f time, while bitterness between mem- Mr and Mrs Herman Kamholz wee* bers and officers of the organization1 0f the railroad tracks. at times reached a great pitch. How- J Premature Fourth of July celebraever, as we go to press the situation tion8 are qaite the ^ has modified greatly and it now begins youngsters about the village. Small to look as if an amiable settlement of crackers as well as cap pistols are the whole affair will be reached in proving good noise maken. In many due course of time. 'cities and towns this is not allowed. The officials and workers of the as-1 We are told that work on ^ sociation declare that the trouble has grandstand at the baseball park Hint; been brought about thru a misunder- been started and those who have hnjli „ .. t, . ,. .. .standing of the whole situation and instrumental in soliciting and collet Besides the ball game there will ^ whe„ once ^ ^ ^ ^ for to ^ given to the members B0 further jj. Kajy j( not by next Sunday, thsa, trouble is anticipated. | the following week. It is indeed unfortunate to havei John p. Weber and his gang Of such a circumstance arice at this time carpenters this week completed th* and the friends of the dairymen as j worjj 0£ buflding a new top on tha well as the officials of the marketijjfe atore building in Centerville occupied company sincerely hope that an>m-' by ^ general store of Smith Brofc iable settlement of the whole' affair -j>he change adds very materially In may be reached at an early date. also be a program of games and sports for young and old and which, no doubt, will furnish plenty of entertainment along this line. Fill up your old picnic basket and join the crowd. • • '-f *... Johnson Quarte#|';j. Hie Little Red Drum CMhson The Organ Quartet Valedictory Address Wayne Foss Presentation of Diplomas Dr. A. I. Froehlich President of Board of Education Perfect Day Bond = Quartet;-*^ The class is compos&ft of tha following graduates: Blanche Lelah Bacon, Emily Leah Beatty, Teresa Annabel Conway, Wayne Emery Foss, Rosina Marie Freund, Francis John Frisby, Andrew Hawley, Adele Agnes Heimer, Mabel Etta Krumpen, Elmer Franklin Olsen, Marguerite Frances Overton, Grace Mildred Pearson, Howard Vincent Phalin and Bernice Maria Smith. The concert will be given hf the Imperial quartet of Chicago. \ ; Renamed Summer Resort Prepjrty Summer resort property adjacent to the village of McHenry has just been rechristened and henceforth the stretch on the east shore of Fox river south of the bridge and up to Emerald Park will be known as South Edgewater, while the north stretch on the same side of Che river up to Howell's Villa will be referred to as North Edgewater. fhe renaming of these two sections & generally approved hf owners of lots and cottages. The Social Wheel The Social ?Whecl met with Mrs. James B. Perry last Thursday afternoon, June 9. Twenty-eight ladios were present and the time was spent in games and guessing contests. Mrs. C. W. Goodell assisted Mrs. Perry in entertaining. Delicious refreshments were served at the close of the afternoon's activities. The next meeting will take place with Mrs. L. P. Bostwick at her home on Fox river south of this village. Will Demonstrate Electric Ii A public demonstration of the Thor electric ironer will take place at the Jacob Justen furniture store in this village next Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 23, 24 and. 25. Ladies of the community are invited to stop in and see the demonstration, as a lady will be present to show just what the ironer will do and how to handle it. New Baaiaeas Enterprise The Auto & Farm Light Supply Cdif**1 is the name of a new concern which last week opened for business in .the Brewery Service Station building in this village. Messrs. C. H. Guptail and F. J. Feely, two young men from Elgin, are in. charge and handle Willy's lighting systems, Philadelphia batteries, Knight tires and auto accessories Cleared About $1,000 As near can be ascertained at this time, $1,000 was cleared at the picnic held at Volo last Sunday afternoon and evening. The fete, which has become an annual event with the pastor and parishioners of St. Peter's parish of that place, was well attended and much enjoyed by all. i Fourth of July Program ' The Fox River and Lakes Improvement association has worked out an excellent Fourth of July program, which is to be held in this summer resort district on July 2, 3 and 4. The program will be published in full in our next issue. Watch for same. the appearance of the building. Arthur Patzke acted as traffic "cofjF; re- at the intersection of Elm and Green streets on Saturday and Sunday. A!» Mrs. Richard Thompson Mrs. Richard Thompson, who aided on the Crystal Lake road short distance south of this village, the "Art" had. to stand for considerpassed away quite suddenly at the, able good natured kidding, he was on family home at 8:00 p'clock on Wed-1 the job every minute and saw to jfc nesday morning of this week. Altho that every auto driver respected our the deceased had not been in the best traffic rules. of health for a number of years, she| Miss Dorothy J. Spencer, daughter was however, able to be up and of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spencer of this around and performed her usual village, was a member of the gradualhousehold duties on Tuesday, there- (ing class of the Crystal Lake commit fore the suddenness of her death came nity high school this year. Tha exeras a distinct shock to her relatives and rises took place in the latter friends thruout this entire community, city last Friday evening and a She was seventy years of age. The ber from this village were in funeral will take place from her lata ance. home tomorrow (Friday) at 2:00) Frank Hughes is making . d. m.. with burial in the Ringwood noticeable improvements on nis :-15r :=ii cemetery. Obituary next week. on the east shore of Fox river, a short distance south of the bridge, j. W. Smith, whose home is also located near there, has also made sqme not#* In Honor of Mrs. Curley Mrs. Jack Walsh, assisted by Mrs. H. M. Jensen of Woodstock, enter-, improvements on his property, tained about thirty tofnds j at ; which include a kellastone finish on and ornamental stone alumni reunion, banspent in a most social manner, wniiei am! danee take place next a delicious luncheon wai served at five eveninfr> The banquet Witt be served at 4 us ten's hotel at 6:3^, from which place the banqueters wiU I which his garage posts. The annual Main street home laat Thursday aft ernoon in honor of Mrs. Daniel Curley of Tea, S. D. The afternoon was most social manner, while o'clock. The out-of-town guests were Mrs. Margaret Kelley of Chicago; Miss Alice Sutton of Spokane, Wash^; ^ ^ ^ American hall Mrs. Wm. Dewey of Jersey City, «. , nflWr< nf th* asso. J., and Mrs.' Frank Galdfce of. Woodptock. A delightful time was had by Outing In .Granger Cottage Misses Dorothy and Genevieve Knox and Margaret and Catherine McCabe, chaperoned by Mrs. Walter J. Walsh, for the dance. Officers of the asso* ciation are: Miss Lenore PreuM^ president; Loren Martin, vice prea^ dent; Miss Elsie Wolff, secretary, and -. Miss BUen Walsh, treasurer. ' The "Riverside Truck farm" is the name of the place which is being conducted by R. G. Chamberlin and FlojII passed last week at the Granger cot- E Thompson south of town. Several tage on Fox river. Their stay came j mgn are now employed on tha phaee toi a pleasant close last Saturday night when they entertained a company of young friends at a lawn party. Forestera Loot to Greenwood while an auto truck is making deliveries of fruit and vegaQftea thruout this summer resort district. While most of their supply ts nowf ThV*Forester baseball team of this ; being shipped in, the gardeners hope to village journeyed to Greenwood last be able to supply the trade with Sunday afternoon, where they dropped | home grown ataff in tha very a contest to the local outfit by a score future. of 20 to 16. The game was featured j The scarifier, rece&tty ordered 1Sir by plenty of hitting and numerous jjcHenry township, has been delivered errors. "Lefty" Smith occupied the | an(j wjn be put to work at once. Tha bill for the home team. ^ s! machine is one of the very latest im- ' proved of its kind and should pruve very valuable in keeping the roads of in first-class repair in , . . . . . . . , , , . the future. One-of the fijst stretches Peter's school, Volo, will take place at ^ ^ to ^ scapifiw, Wlll W thathe- Vl AcT i tween McHenry and Pistakee and Jnst Veto Graduation Exerdas#.* The annual grmduwtion exercise and entertainment by the pupils of St.! sM the Empire theatre in this next Tuesday evening, June 21. mission, 50 cents. 'WLi •>". - ... The latest in sport and Fine bax paper aft Petesdlfc, Blake 8iste«fc. i; and tohacco at Erfcksen m-^.4 ufi! :iJk Km:?*. {as soon as that job is completed* laitali iima! I road boosters hope to have sufficient • funds collected to defray the exponao let ettia* this stretch. .I#/

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