Wt 'ft.**. J§ ti l»tt. I-laf ftwii nl and Radiograph , lleurs: to 9;J0 ft. «. • I ^ rOO to 8:00 p. m. " ?:00 to 8:00 p. m. " - :H*m 62-II McHenry. III. W<mt Mc-flear*. * i&fc n. DR. G. C "flaw iiliilin M| PREVENTIVE DMmS*RT~~~ ^ ^ Ofat Prophylaxkr Surgical Extraction* *>, - , 1 S U Dental X-Rays V, Phones, 434 and 334 Richauiad, , ;; Illinois ARNOLD'S Siwked Nuts Have you ever tried -Arnold's smoked meats? If not, come in today and in ve them a trial as we arc certain of their quality. Our line*of canoed Roods* bakery and vegetables is always complete and our minute-service goes with each and every order. Buy your table needs here and go home satisfied. WATER STREET---I MARKET & GROCERY P. J. Hefner, Prop. s '$V* the Ift&it man whom we serve and so well are we acquainted with the every day needs of life that we have just what you want in the line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Vegetables, Canned Goods and Bakery. Our prompt delivery system is ever at your service. M. M. Niesen McHenry Phone M PHILIP JAEGER •GENERAL COrMISSION MERCHANT- )v tPHIAL ATflHTION GIVEN TO m SALE OF , Otms«4 Beef, nutten, tlogs, Veal, Pevltrjr, i ^ HMe», Blc., Butter aad Efgs This is ths oldest hoass oa the stnM- Tag* sad pries lists tarnished on application. C0U> tTOUAOH FREE . ^Tt'r* ftn1Titu * CM ICAOO. ILLINOIS. SKOALS FOR FRIDAY & SATURDAY House Brooms, each Barn Brooms, each.. Corset Covers - Children's Muslin Shaker Flannel, 10 to 20 yd. 1110^611, g&yilfLLSlic ^ urkish Towels, 19x39 - JOHN STOFFE^ ;|VEST McHENRY To doM the estate of E. J. Countryman I w»)l «ell at i (PUBLIC AUCTION m ACRE FARM 3| TUESDAY, JULY 12TH, J*& }:3t p. m. ob the premises > keui Heorj and 5 miles west of Round Lake, Illinois, on the» << \WVco odstoek- Waukegan c e m e n t r o a d . : > • This farm is well improved and in ft high state oTtsultivation. Inspection is invited*. A beautiful plaee to liveand a good investment. CHARLES R. LEAKE, Trustee ' ' DIXON, ILLINOIS / i VI X} TMT MY W Ml MYS, XJfi the wedding day mctiH m viaH It by im to the home or church . to take our celebrated wedding!;] picture*. THE LOVELY BRIDE makes a very nice panel pic-' rture. Our artistic work bring* oul THE BOBB STUDia West McHenry, III. ICE CREAM ate Svammm i* Fresh Daily' r * ' ' •> ' '<•. W^SmtQf Hi s~ 'MU Special Ice Cream made at out - ^ factory under the most sanitary ^ conditions and in strict accoi%-\.* vdance to state laws. Our fao ^ tory is clean and sanitary anc your inspection is at *all time| invitAil -'Mm. %i'v_ :Vfa 1 - <v~ " - l^5 MctlENRY KE CREAM FACTORY ' y.,^ SM-; .g;|NTI, PROP, b», child. Near river preferred. A4 I*?., care of The Plaindeal«, Mc hi. tor aB tbir-- Ibaitl ui--ie store^ A itiaibei of our people attended ^Mji^urch pidUe at Volo last Sunday afaCftoon arsfetwin^ The fans were treated to some real baseball at the local field last SoftiS afternoon when the locals drop** ft close and exciting game to the Dundee All Stars 4 to 3. Warakk, a Ghieagb lad, was given a chanee tt» demolufaraie just what he could do on the firing line and should have won his game as he allowed the enemy hut four hits. Schumacher, who did the flinging for the visitors, also pitched a fine game. Next Sunday the team plays the Social Circle dub of Chicago, who are said to be a real baseball outfit The game will be called at the usual time and the customary prices will prevail. SL Mb the Baptist Church Note At 9:00 o'clock the beautiful chimes of the big church bells will announce the beginning of the solemn procession of the communicants from tfie school hall to the church. Slowly in the sanctuary and around the high altar with lighted candles, they will renew their baptismal vows. Following are the names of the first communicants: Class 1919--Leo Diftdrich, Edwin HufT, Alferd Smith, Leo J. Smith, Leo F. Smith, Leo Michels, Joseph Hiller, Marie Mertes, Josephine Freund, Genevieve Adams, Angelina Miller, Helen Smith, Frances Smith, Rosina Sehaefer, Emma Schaefer, Caroline Bauer. Next Sunday, June 19, is again the greatest and happiest day for the parish, since seventy children will celebrate their solemn reception of their firsf holy communion. For this reason the order of the masses will be changed for next Sunday. First mass at 7:30, being a low mass; high mass at 9:00 o'clock, in which the children receive solemnly their first holy communion. The indulgences gained on this day are the following: For the first communicants, their parents and relatives up to the fourth degree a plenary indulgence. For all the other faithful friends, etc., to partial indulgence of seven year and seven quadyear. The reception of the sacraments can be made by all in their respective churches. Class 1920--Hubert Smith, Charles Smith, Michael Schaefer, Ralph Justen, Irwin May, Edward Schmitt, Fred Huenriann, Raymond Schaefer, Emil Schmitt, Fred Mueller, Lyman Mueller[ Albert Miller, Edward Adams, Arnold Regner, Elizabeth Nett, Leon a Schaefer, Helen Schaefer, Catherine Baer, Martha Hettermann, Marie Miller, Martha Miller, Lauretta Stilling, Marie Tonyan, Rose Tonyan. Class 1921--Frank Sompel, Arthur Miller," Joseph Sompel, Vincent Adams, Clemens4 freund, Leo King, Arnold Michels, Raymond Smith, Elmer Smith, Arthur Stilling, John Weingart, Regina^-Klein, Esther May, Mary gchmitt; Isabelle Schmitt, Frances Adams, Elizabeth Baer, Bertha Died rich, Agnes Fox, Herlinda Freund, Josephine Guyser, Rose Jung, Mabel King, Evelyn Meyers, Margaret Schaefer, Laura Schaefer, Anita Schaefer, * Rosina Smith, Florence Smith, Marie Weingart , TERRA COTTA Finest quality of coffee and tea ftt Erickson's. '• Miss Agnes Frisby spent Monday in Chicago on business. Unicorn dairy ration--ft QUftlity feed. Wilbifr Lumber (So. James Green of Woodstock was recent caller in this vicinity. Miss Frances Knox was a Woodstock visitor last Wednesday. The McMillan families enjoyed a picnic at Crystal Lake Sunday. Miss Marion Shales is visiting with friends at Wauconda this week, Mrs. F. Davoll of Holcombville called on Mrs. Frank McMillan Saturday., Miss Florence Knox spent the first of the week with relatives in McHenry. . Mr. and. Mrs. John Flanagan and family called on the M. Knox fam ily Sunday. Sheet music, all the latest and most popular numbers, at the Everett music storeu McHenry. Paul Modabach and daughter, Dorothy, of Chicago called at Frank McMillan's Saturday. Miss Mercedes Bolger of Woodstock spent the week end in the home of her uncle, J. M. Phalin. Mr. and Mrs. Merton Gracy and family of Hdney Creek, Wis., sp®nt Sunday with relatives here. Several from this vicinity attended the junior-senior-alumni dance at. Crystal Lake Saturday evening. George Phalin of Notre Dame, Ind., is spending his summer vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Phalin. Misses Margaret Stenger and Eleanore Walsh of McHenry were visitors in the M. Knox home Saturday evening. Misses Mary Gannon Lake, Vera and Nellie Holcombville called at home Sunday. , Misses Elizabeth Miller and Mary Burke of McHenry spent Sunday afternoon and evening with Misses Florence and Frances Knox. ^ Demonstration of the H*or electric ironer at Jacob Justen's furniture store, McHenry, Thursday, Friday jnyi Saturday, June 23, 24 and 25. The Place! Edgewator, for combination summer and winter homes. Low taxee, outside corporation. ^5-f^.iifftr mm#*- sfvmi _ m.4« "Bradley transacted business ' Bn>* *7^' pleasant barn together 'with eight large lots, in Chicago Tuesday. j home an^ experience not nec-: House is equipped with gas, electricity C. C. Hunt of Hebron was a busicaller in town Monday. feed Comb scratch feed for yftur flhickens. Get it at Wilbur's. Mrs. H. M. Stephenson attended the Relief Corps meeting at Richmond last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Beck of Dundee were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Peet. essary; aftaftdy. A. J. Dalies, Greealoaf St., Evanston, 3219-W. of Crystal Doherty of the M. Knox FOft SALE--Seven passenger Studebaker, 5 passenger Overland, Maxwell touring car, % ton Republic truck. For sale cheap. All in first-class condition. Central Garage, Johnsburg, 111. 46-tf 1222 | aiMj has furnace heat. House and lots 52 will be sold together or separately. J. G. Schrauth, McHenry, UI. 48-tf :1. '¥r WANTED--Board and room or room u „ o » * . . . 1 w > t h h o u s e k e e p i n g p r i v i l e g e s , J u n e 1 5 f B«°» «» Crrtol L.k. to ^ 15 AdB|t and 8 Mld spent Monday evening and Tuesday !SBaBaKBHBBaBnaaK in the Hawley home. i Children's day exercises will be held ; at the church next Sunday at 2:80 m. All are invited. v 1 James Bell and family and Miss' Susan* Speaker attended the class play at Richmond Tuesday night. | Mr. and Mrs. Brown of New Orleans, La., are visiting the letter's mother, Mrs. Stacia Kane, and other relatives. I Mr. and Mrs. Phil Kane and two ' daughters of Tuscaloosa, Ala., are spending several weeks with relatives in this vicinity. | Miss Mary Smith returned from, Rockford college Friday night and entered the employ of the Ringwood State bank Monday morning. Demonstration of the Thar electric ironer at the Jacob Justen furniture store, McHenry, Thursday, Friday and Saturday, June 23, 24 and 25. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McLean, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence and Mr. Nellis, all of Woodstock, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Stephenson. Mrs. Ray Bartholf and Mrs. Frank Johonnott of Richmond and Mrs. John Gould of McHenry were guests of Mrs. C. D. Bacon last Thursday. QUARTER"OF CENTURY Items Clipped From The Plaiadealer ^selrfweaty-fiTa Years Af» .. u June 10,1896 V" M?cnenry will celebrate the fourth in an appropriate manner. Mrs. H. C. Smith was visiting with friends at Waukegan last week. This section was favored with heavy lains on Saturday night and Sunday. Miss Kate Howe came out last Saturday with a new Garden City bicycle. James Perry, Jr., of Chicago is visiting with his parents in this village. Children's day was observed by'the German church in this village in the usual manner. A. C. Friedley has come out with a fine new delivery wagon, handsomely painted and lettered. A grand Fourth of July celebration will be held at Ben Stilling's lesort, Pistakee Bay. Fred MtOmber of Milwaukee has been spending a short vacation with friends in this village. ' The grand opening of Jos. J. Mer tes' hotel at Pistakee Bay will take place Sunday, June 14. A. C. Friedley and wife rejoice over the arrival of a girl baby v at their l.ome on Sunday morning. Herbert Bennett went to Kenosha on Saturday last, where he has secured a situation for the summer. Mis* Ethel Mills of Rossburg, N. Y., is visiting her friend, Miss Cora Bennett, who expects to accompany her home. A game of baseball was played the first of the week between the West Ends and Barreville, which resulted in a victory for the former by a score of 11 to 9. The McHenry second nine of ball tossers went to Nunda Saturday last and played a game with a nine of that village and got beaten to the tune of 17 to 10. At the last meeting of the village board W. D. Wentworth was awarded the contract for sprinkling the streets for the coming season. This is a frood appointment. The depot of the C. A N. W. railway in this village is undergoing an extensive renovation, workmen being engaged in calsomining the interior and painting it inside and out. Thirty-five friends of Miss Cora Bennett enjoyed a most pleasant evening with her on Saturday last. Miss Bennett has been attending school here and expects to return to her home in New York the latter lijt this month. * : June 17,1896 ' .J McHenry will celebrate on Saturday, July 4, 1896. The editor and wife are rejoicing over the arrival of a ten pound boy, born Tuesday. Bert Dowell of the Pistakee Gun club, Fox Lake, is now the champion crack shot of Lake county. FOR SALE--The old Smith homestead farm of 160 acres located about two miles east of McHenry; the Smith estate farm of 82 acres at Lake Defiance and the house and lot east of the Fox river bridge in McHenry. S. II. Freund, McHenry, 111. Phone 643- M-2. . 41-tf r--nrn fur .Jfeaks, White Rocks, Reds, W. Ip*, Buff Orps. Big hatchery, * 000 chix. Get our prices first. Cat log free. Farrow-Hirsh Cot, P« 111. FOR SALB--A few real good usad^ car values at very low prices. A :' Studebaker four passenger coupe; a*; Studebaker three passenger landaa roadster; an Overland model 83 toutw: ing car; a Republic one ton track. |tf you are in the market for a used car or truck you cannot afford to pass these up. Come in and look them over. Stilling's garage. 49 WH Will II Jiff •Will it ever stop raining?" inquired the city man! \vho witnessed a steady downpour on his first day's Visit in the country. J •'Well", said the farmer; "It.always has before/* That's a good answer to the pessimist who says iness conditions will never improve. Already steps being taken to help, the farmer, and the skies are ^clearing. We welcome conferences with farmers. The Two Best Lads t Farmer Ever Had "I'll go myself" and "I'll see to it" are two best lads a farmer ever had. Old Proverb. v % 4 But we're helping put that proverb on the scra]| heap. During the busy season it is unnecessary fpc farmer to come to the bank himself. , 1 „ « > ^ -r< j* Mail your deposits 6r requests for banking servicer we'll see to it. %* ^McHenry, IUinoit c. ftOLty, CMk ?:•'. ImEMONT HOY, Ha ;r- A ii*: VW " 'fell 4! CLASSIFIED PEPARTMEWT FOR SALE--Oakland Six touring car. Price, $375. Inquire at this office. 1-St FOR SALE--Four sows with twentysix pigs. Jacob Weingart, McHenry, III. Phone 637-M-2. 52-2t FOR SALE--Four new bee hives. Inquire of Henry W. Ahrens, West McHenry, 111. Phone S3-J. l-2t FOR SALE--150 Barred Rock pullets of the 200-egg strain. Math. B, Laures, West McHenry, 111. 1-lt FOR SALE--A house and four lots on West Side. A bargain for somebody. Inquire at The Plaindealer office. 48 FOR SALE--Canned fruit, large electric fan, washing machine, good as new, and some Belgian hares. Anton Schneider, McHenry, 111. l| HEMSTITCHING AND PICOTING^- Hftiva just installed a new msrtrina tm On Your New Home •:* v - f IFRF'S something I When you'ie having your new house built you can save time and money by anting ART-CRAFT roofing, and we can prove it if you will give u$ a chance to figure your roofing woik. It costs less to apply and you get your house finished and ready to live in quicker. ^ The horizontal pattern of ART-CRAFT Tile Design roofing is the economical roofing to put on new houses. It is a beautiful spark-proof, weather-worthy roof--th| kind of roof you would like to have on your housa Come in and find out about it We can show yog" the real thing. " • ;"4* V i f, :J; BIRD Sc. SON, Ik, (EatsHslnd 17WliiWil>«li, IMcHENRY LUMBER C(V AND sutVICE • r W •jlf •x 3m