^ ronwBo evqiY rHURsbAv SCHREINER •>;« Baok-Bail^loc r I>leph'»fi« J*-W. ' roffcien Advertising Representative 1 AV Pr*V;«i« - '"5<*> LAT'ONi # j tat*pktatt'Cftft w<>riderfur pro-j containing 5,000 characters; rfFhexacme oftt is "Love and Leisure" and Francis certainly does stone wondetful dieting 81 if. In fipite of all his :fBireir he is 'hot a bJt conceited and has thavlcveliest, quiet manners. Adele Heimer first took up nursing and 4atar Studied medicine. She is toow-wnong1 the leading physicians" of the country and it is rumored that she will succeed Mayo Bros, at Rochester, Mini*. - Adele's husband' is also an eminent physician, butN-his fame is ,«s*v *;• ofcgg Proph^y- " -tK Si "ST (By Mabel E. Krumpeil) >rtr * -*West M'cHenry, June W, , ;*iss Mabel Krumpeh;^ "«T?rsl^c * VUe'ne^A, Switzerland. T :: A' ' 1*,*i*«ai' Mabel--Since yqq were the OTfei'shadow®d by that of Adele. . ^1y Member of'the class of 1921 Who Emily Beatty, aftergTaduatlOn, be- . lifts unable "£o be'with us at our twen- Mm# raore more popular as time tjeth reunion I am writing in behalf on* ^ the wen around Bere /^o&rclass ^O e'xpress our regret at wem ® *0Ve with her. One' •ytamfc enforced absence. fellow actually droWTtefc Win self iil Tvenly" years agolistr nighVw* McCollum's like because she refused oil "the" :s'tag^ o#' th^66mp!rt miftrry him, they say. Several Cffceatre, reaching out trembling' hahds ^wl 'awy ^te "forget? heft* BHe Just ^^grasp •our diplomas. But what a kept them in Suspense'-all: the' timfe w>afi£e*has come over most of ua! ' Anally married an tild man from ^Hbward Phalirt, as you will rgmeih- /©tawtoiitf, who' ft :nefth*r wealthy iter v. e always thought was going to not *ttracftv6.- floWever,'• they seem toe at least president of' tfie ^fjriited very devoted to«tK4t other'itiid Emii£ •ttftes^on aeieount of fits splendid *ee*ns' to be'« vfery faithful wif^. <8cec-utive ability. But alas! While ' Marguerite Ovei-ton is very' haip- Ite was in the senate he met a very married. Her husband is a'btmi •ealthy elderly woman, whom he "'esman a^ they oWn a pretty Httle tftariied. She forced him to give up bungalow itt EVanston. Jack a>id I * «lf other1 business and travel with her. stayed with her wheA we first calHe Ijjh^y tame from NewYork to the re- ^l'om California to the class femtiblf. tjttlcn. Poor Howard! He used to be Marguerite is a wdnrferfbl hoiftte^ _ :M pretty good fellow, but now he looks, keeper and a fine cook. Her five chiU ^jt'kast ten years older than he is and; Aran toe Very Well behaved as A ie- >1ie is almost totally bald. i suit of fchrfir mamtna%'excelleht tram- . Rosina Freund is a bareback rider mg. •; ,4(i Barnum and Bailey's circus. Ro- Lelah Bacon is doing scientific re- Jific always was fond of performing! search work at Rotind Lak%. - Shfc " daring feats on horseback. She is-has a laboratory ftiere and she sd&h Ike.idol of the circus-going public and; expects to make a wonderful ^diScd"^ ha..n't changed much since our highj ery that will be a great, benefit to 'school, day... She, too, is married to! humanity. Of course she may be dopital about eleven o*clock Tast Satarday night, thre* hours after bei^g struck and run over by an automobile. The accident took place on one of the business streets at Barrington and was unavoidable. one of the clowns in the circus. • ing- something great for humanity. Andrew Hawley, after leaving high; but I think it's a shame the way she 5fAcol|r -studied to be an undertaker,] neglects her husband and family, but. he. was found to be entirely too when she is locked away in her old tender hearted for- that occupation, so' laboratory. Her husband Seems to li<iri^^t present a dishwasher in the! so nice,, too.. He' is a.^Mtatia of ^IiuTcstone hotels He isn't married j Round Lake. r •. • for .lie is still a woman hater. . j Jack and I are going to spend the ^ Wuyne Foss is professor of Amer-, rtest of this week visiting friends and Jan literature . at _ Harvard college.) relatives here at' McHeqry and Riix^ 6' is also one of America's leading) wood, then we must return to Calipoets. His third and iatest book of fornia. We left the baby with jack's pcems is entitled "Ringwood Reminis- mother and we're anxious to get bac& tences." Wayne's wife is eighteen; to the little fellow, as well as te re* ffears his junior and she is very pretty,j turn to our fruit farm./ -.: '( Kit rather frivolous. : Mabel, altho you are in Qwitaec.- **• Teresa Conway is the wife of a land and I am 'way Mb act irithe good wealthy retired farmer. They have aiU. S. A., remember that I am, as beautiful home on the north shore of1ever, . . Your friends fialte Michigan and Teresa is one of Hie leaders of Chicago society. Her name appears frequently in the society columns and altho it isn't Con- , Bernice Smith fiUiotti way, it still letter. begins with the same ^JlibiiiTIONAL EXCttANfitfs 7 V D. Sherburne of Woodstock, the Fprd agent, sold fourteen cars "and, three trucks in a single: week recently^ . ' ; Accoi'ding to a detailed c^nstis ffe- ^ Elmer XMseh tohelieft- ip^ recently issued from Washing-' J»achelor y<» ever saw. 'Be eefttiflly0., MeHenry county has gained i* lots different from thtfjolly bey he a population of 655 lfl the ^st ten <Med to be. He hab dyspepsia, caused ve_'is -l "• it Is said.by disappointment • to love^7 ^ Carnivaf Wbpilny ^4' »d he has grown a ternbte set erf ^ ^ ^ Q x ^ ^ ^iskers. He owns three farMs • to- ^^ere ftey' Wcl iho^Sr CLASSIFIED BEPAR1HEHT FOR SAl^--Oakland touring car. 'Prfee, t>S75. Inquire at this office. 1-St JTQR SALE--A house and* four lots on We^Side. - A bargain for somebody, laquire at' .The Plaindesler office. 43 FOR RENT--For July and August, suihmer cottage 'in Mchenry, furlfisKei. ' Rent rtesbnabli. Inquire at this office. 2-St Jbi$4u£-two cylinder, 12 h. p. motor boat Price, $125.00. Phona 1.64-M.-1,. Crystal Lake, 111-, or write i-P J&. ii.. Eggert, Elgin, 111.- 8 LOST--Somewhere on street in West ifvHenry • last Saturday, a pair of triads in case.' Finder kindly return to E. H. Feltz or leave at this Office 3 jthe auspices of the. local po£t of, Q\| IA* m• erican tL e' gi- on. :<ns.s:: • D. C. Clark, who recently "opened 4 R^rage at f ox Lake, was release^ From the Lake county jail at Waukfe-' gan under bond of $2,000 oh Wonday . b£ tjiig week. The chafg6s against the garage man were f6r iniistte&ting He owns three MeHenry county and has l6t& of Mloney besides, but money isn't everyifcing. ' .. • ••• •*' ~r.: , 4i Pearson travelled abt^ad Sluc^ittg' music tmtjl two yeirt-s Ttgo, ' fihen «he returned to Rhigwood with dashing Frefieh- -noblethan *fdr a tSisMnd/ SHe fives' violfri recftals r * ,v ,, , . . • LIIC gaiagv luaii wvic m'ery night in her'-native citjh Ring- L fiftecn-vear-old bov w<obd, by the way, now has stget f y ft. VickerS) former" Ha^lm! **- .<^r« . ^W'-fchatit *nd Illinois legislator, has a^ Wiafly^aff as fttge as Mcfleriry.-To Lrfed a responsible p^itfon with the rfturn to ^he original subject,, people «y6r Motor co-party in Chicafrom. -.W u- h«ar L0 He has , teken ~k sa1eS , reiation Qra'ce.play. ./r tvith the motor company, which will "t Fmhcir-.FriSbgr is.-in the inovies -and jnake Chicago his headquarters. •• ^all the girls are crazy,about:him^;He:! Belle Ziemet, five-year-eid datqfhr wiwr $10,000 in contest t» lieokle who- ier of Frank Ziemet, Barrington-bazv was thip-jnost tppularman in-Atnsrioa: Wr, passed away at tl»e PAl&tirte hos«k t IT--Last Saturday a . book confeVnin^' hine raffie tickets on a Buick yar. Finder kindly return to Miss Tleorevicve Beef eld, West MeHenry, nt. ' S* ; S-lt Lt)$T--Last Saturday sonawhere between MeHenry and our home on Pistakee lake, a ladies' black hand bag. Finder kindly notify T. A. Cummings, Piatakee Lake. 3-lt W ANTED--To purchase One load of rodks'. Also to engage a man with rtor^e rake to rake weeds from river oed. Mrs. Percy Elam, MeHenry, 111. ^hfifo'e <37-W-l. Route 3T 8 FOR SALE--The house, on . Green £ftce$t known a$ the Jack Bishop jpome, consisting ot six rooms. Purchaser must move same from prem- Priea, MeHenry, 111. S-tf WEMSTITCHING AND PICOTING-- Have just installed a new machine for &uch work and all mail orders will be promptly filled. Mrs. G. A. Barker, 118 S. Jefferson St., Woodstock, 111. 46 l OR SALE--The old Smith homestead farm of 160 acres located about, owo miles east of MeHenry; the Smith estate farm of 82 acres at Lake Deiunce and the house and lot east of th&Fox river bridge in MeHenry. 8. li. Freund, MeHenry, 111. Phone 648- M-2. 41-tf BABY CHICKS--Cut prices. $&60 .00 up. Postpaid anywhere. Assorted, white or brown Leghorns, Barred Rofclcs, White Rocks, Reds, W. Wyan- ^%fes,"Buff Orps. Big hatchery, 600,- 000 chix. Get bur prices first. Catalo£ free; Farrow-Hirsh Co., Peoria, 111; * ; \ 48 FOR SALE--A few real good used car values at very low prices. A Studebaker four passenger coupe; a Studebaker three passenger landau roadster; an Overland model 83 touring car.; a Republic one ton truck. If you are .in the market for a used car or truck . you cannot afford to pass thesf up. Come in aod look them o y e r , . S t i r l i n g ' s g a r a g e , . . 4 9 USED CARS FOR SALE--D-45 1917 six cylinder Buick in excellent condiAion, $700; E 1918 six cylinder Buick with. Rex top, newly repainted and in first^dass. condition, $900; model 76 Overland roadster in good condition, $250; model. 85-6 siix cylinder Ovarl^ rt(J ^t a bargain, $500; Ford sedan, I9l8r with starter aq<) jnftny. extras,. $500.' We have cut the price on theaa used jobs and if you are.thinking.of buying a car1 it will pay you to drop iiF;akd lobk them' over at our place at West MeHenry. Overton & Cowab» dealers in Buick cars. ' ' t