>NAL iday with of Chicago spent the relatives her®. Mk of Chicago passed the I willi relatives here, _-- Geo. Buss and daughter, ^ ,'Sillian, spent Tuesday in Elgin. "•* "H?"Mr. and Mrs. Geo. F. Lindsay were gueete of relatives at Rich- & fpi ' V \' . •>< v V -- ' * j PV ' " Electric • - ^ < * < Iron m: . ^ V-- :^Its Readioesl- 3 > r Wave Yoil need |ff. r occasionally of & pressing a garment or a piece of goods right •n' V away? Qccasionally? Every y day probably. ^ Y0110,11,1 ** *n aiJy if room with the s ELECTRIC IRON. As to ironing the family washing it will take drudgery out of the operation and shorten the time. Mobtkbr Payment# Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS " -« •kf LKfHT Summer. READlNCr & mond. ' ' ' » ' : .. *' Mrs. Mollie Given* and children spent Sunday with relatives at Belvidere. ' Mr. and Mrs. Paul Meyefs and children passed a few days this week in Chicago. Mr and Mrs. John Montgomery and daughter, Beverly^ motored to Waukegan Sunday. Miss Myrtle Cobb of Chicago spent the week end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb. Mrs. D. G. Wells, and son, Glenn, passed Tuesday with relatives in the metropolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Murray and son, "Robert, of Chicago spent the week end with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. John Goggin and son, Thomas, of Chicago spent the week end with relatives here. Miss Eleanor Phalin left Monday for- a several weeks' visit with rela- Ftoua^wuefr AND HAS ATTMWEk all! of *t!rip* irtttrafcni-glving quality that wheat should contain. From the wheat fields to the mill bins, from the bins thru our modern process, It receives our cons t a n t a t t e n t i o n , t h e r e b y guaranteeing to you the finest flour made. ? • ' Iri our flour--you'll Mlcjp it ^^McHENRt, Flour West McHenrv. III. tAT COOUNG MEM-S 1H SUMMERS \KftKl - OUR TASTY FOODS YftU- fROVE A "TfcEAT. THE- tasty summertime foods to be found here will be a welcome addition to your daily food plans. Here you will find the best of treatment and a grade of groceries that is unexcelled. May we expect a call from you iu the near future? . '/ > at. \ Wrtch for Hr. totptr iiiwr :FRETTS: XT?W0CtW SATURDAY, &ULY 90tM i wish to announce to the ladies of McHenry and vicinity the opea of a Ladies* Outfitting Department in my store in the Spaulding Building on Main street, West McHenry, next Saturday, July 30. - • h'.. m / ^ complete line of fresh and appetizi n g S r o c e r i e s always oa hand. Give us a trial and let us convince ydu tha.t we can save Sp money., . < . .. V -N.,-' « SMITH BROS* McHenry, 111. >u' la. _ ^ ^ _go was a guest in till lOlM^ 'ys 'iftothfr, Mrs., John Ktnox, the first of the week. Mr. and -Mrs. John W. Fay and sons. John and Jame&. passed the week end with friends in Chicago. Miss Marie and RicKard Liston and Miss Helen Moran of Chicago were. McHenry visitors over the' week end. E. H. Pratt of Elizabeth, N. J. was a guest in the home of Mr. and Mr*. - Wm J. Welch t.h» first of the week. Miss Mildred Banning of Chicago is spending^ a couple of weeks in the home of her aunt, Mrs. (Lawrence Quck. Miss Emma Pint of Chicago-- is spending a week's vacation in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Pint. Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Donavin and daughter, Kathryn, attended the funeral of the former's aunt at Batavia Tuesday. Miss Margaret Quigley of Chicago passed the first of the 'keek in the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. A* Sutton at Emerald Park, Mrs. O. Stubenranch and daughter, Leona, of Chicago are spending the week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. r^ndrew Miller. Atty. A. H. Povme and Alfred J. Richardson attended to business matters at Dixon, 111,, Tuesday, making the trip via auto, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Whiting of Chicago are spending the week as guests In the "home of Mr. and Mr£. W. D. Wentworth. ^ William and Charles Dwyer of Chicago are spending thei week in, jthe home of Mr. and Mrs.' Walter J. Walsh south of town. Mrs. Will Marshall and children of Morton Grove passed' a few days this week in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. "Geo. Meyers. v Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ernst and ^iC dren of Chicago spent a few days last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Welch. Mr. and Airs. C. D. Schoonmaker and Mrs. F. A. Holly of Genoa, 111., drove to McHenry last Thursday evening and called on friends. , James passidy of Chicago is spending the week as a guest Of Geo. P Goettsche at the home of the laser's sister, Mrs. David Johnson. Itfr. and Mrs. Phil Main^an andpMr. and Mrs. Edward Maiman'of Waukj&- gan were Sunday guests in pi^home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meytffs. Mr. and Mrs. Chaw/J. Heimer of Chicago spent the, tetter part of last and the first of this week as the guests Nof relatives and .friends here. Prof, and Mrs. A. E. wye and children of Coal Citf, 111., are spending the week as guests in the home of the former's brother, Dr. N. J. Nye, and family. Mrs. John Carr and two sons returned to their home at West Chicago Monday after a several days' visit in the home of her sister, Mrs. Walter J. Donavin. - Miss Mary O'Connell returned to her home at Whiting, Ind., Sunday evening after spending the past two weeks in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Walsh. _ Mrs. F- J. Niclcels apd son, Fred, and Mrs. Geo. Buss and daughters, Dorothy and Lillian, motored to Glencoe, I1L, recently, where Dorothy is employed. Mrs. Ed. Walsh and son, Robert, returned to their home in Chicago Monday after a several weeks' visit with Mr. ancl Mrs. C.' W. Gibbs southwest of town. • 3^ OPENING OF * L. 4cr~" to handle a complete line of women's as well as girls' nishings, including Suits, Dresses, Coats, Skirts, Petticoats, Hosiery, <jo|^*v etc., and will at all times handle a high grade. 4 ' " "" ' X At the opening next Saturday there will be on display an excelled line of Mfash dresses for girls, from"7 to 14 years of age as well a^-a fin# a s s o r t m e n t o f w o m e n ^ s s e a s o n a b l e a p p a r e l . * i ^ , k % ' * > u . ^ ^ ^ > . . For the fall trade I will i^e ready to serve ytwi %ith ready^rfmdt? as well as made-to-o^der Nsuits and coats and will have further announce? ments to make alojng thi^ line in future issues erf this paper. I also wish to announce that my gents' tailoring departinient wiff be continued the same as in the t>ast and hope to be able to give first-class service to the public ^ ^ ^ • , ' I <*<- ' • . ' • >**W- COME Tb THE OPENING r ^ fv' Items ef Twerty-ive Years iler The McHenry Plaindealer this week closed volume twenty-one. Many of our citizens took in the excursion to Devil's 'Lake Thursday. John Stroner. the West Side sh6e Clinton Martin passed Saturday in merchant, had a "tea pot" party one the metropolitan city. * e /f-ning last wfeek. '• j Mrs. Ellen Ensign spent last Thurs- Cal Curtis has formed a partner- day with her- son, Franklin, at Crystal t IN Ot|^||sY ita Seen by I'Iaitidcak*r Reporters and Handoiil inlu Owr Office by Our Friends > li J= ship with Albert Wienke at Woodstock as painters and decorators. The races at Gage's driving park on Saturday promise to be the most hotly, contested ones ever"held here. Lake. Robert Murphy of Woodstock spent the latter'part of last week in this village. ~ . t Mr. and Mrs. John Aylward of El- W. H. Mead, who was injured by the gin spent Sunday with relatives in tills premature discharge of a cannon in vicinity. this village on the Fourth, is getting-! Miss Elsie Wol/f spent the week end along nicely. ' with her sister, Mrs. Chas. ifcArlhu*, The Dr. A. & Childs property, now At Elgin. . f ' occupied by H. C. Mead, has been sold j Miss Floribel dassett is spending a to C. G. Holmes of Chicago. Consid- couple of weeks with relatives at eration, $1,700. ] Woodstock. N. D. Stevens of Ringwood has sold j Mrs. M. Carson of Evanston is a his house and lot in that village to guest in the home,: of Mr. and Mrs. -Mrs. Rich of Elgin. Nate will build Clyde Kent. a house further west. j Miss Eleanor "Kinsala is spending ft An entertainment was given sin this few days as the gu$st of relatives «t village on Tuesday evening by some Burftngton, Wis. - i little girls for the benefit of the sick j Mrs. Chas. Hail and sen, Edwin, babies and Lincoln Park sanitarium, passed Sunday and Monday wij;h rela- Chicago. itives in Chicago. H. C. Mead has rented the residence! Mrs, John Miller and Mrs. Harvey of the Hon. George Gage in this vil- Baron spent last Friday as 1|m guests Mr. Gage and wife will move' of friends at Hebron. to the residence of their daughter, j Miss Margaret Aylward of Chicago Mrs. Homer Clemens^, southwest of spent the Weetc end as the guest of town. 'relatives and friends here. • The large ice houses iftar the Tail- j Mr. atid Mrs. Robert E. Sutton and, road, owned by the Knickerbocker Ice children of Chicago passed the week confpany of Chiefago, were totally dis- [end in the N. J. Justen ,hon)e. trqyed by fire on Thursday morning.! George Heimer of Chicago was. a They have been empty for the past'Sunday guest in the home of his three years. , j mother, Mrs. Helena Heimer. ^ During the storm on Sunday ^tfter* Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Dalton of Freeport, noon the stealher "Elma," of the Fox 111., passed a few days last week with Lake line, loaded with passengers for 1 McHenry relatives and friends, the 7:32 train, was blown ashore and J Mr. and Mrs. ChtfB. Pich of Chicago did not succeed in releasing herself were week end guests in the home of until Monday morning. (the latter's father, Peter Thelen. Heavy rains on Thursday, Saturday | E- S- Young of Chicago passed the and Sunday gave the ground a good ,week «n<* in the home of his daughsoaking and came just in time,, as it ter, Mrs. F. E. Cobb, and family, was badly needed. The wind which | Miss Dorothy Lundgjren of Woodaccompanied the rain Sunday night P»ssed several days last week knocked down a good deal of t|ie "^e guest of Miss Leona Justen. heavy corn I Mr." and Mrs. Franklin Ensign and On W^nerfaTVternooi, smoke'cWMren of O^st.l Lake were Mcwas discovered coming from under the «• Jw JjLr*" , si.d 'e wal„k .m f,r on.t o%f .Jo hv n xHi e.• mer s Ih Mrs. Henry Heufter and little son of were week end goests ln thc sample room and on .nv«bg»ton .t her ( Mathias wa,s f ound. . t he wal.k .w.a s on fire , o n, t he, M r s . S„ a m u e ,l S„.i e m e n a n d. .l .i t t.l e under ^ side, . probably caused by a I . n . t,„.v 1 ighted cigaji being dropped down the, ' ' _ crack. Two People Killed When Locomotive the lat Rita Dodge Touring Car ! Pint Misses Kathleen ' O'Reilly ' and Miss Pauline Works, aged twenty, Blanche Meyers of Chicago spent the and Miss Louise Morris, fifty-five, both , week end art their respective homes of Crystal Lake were killed tit a rail- here. road crossing near Ridgefield late last j Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Donavin and Sunday afternoon when a Dodge auto- daughter, Kathryn, passed last Thursmobile in which they were riding was day as the guests of relatives at Bastruck by a C. & N. W. railway loco- tavia. motive. I Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Burns of Oak Miss Morris died almost instantly, Park spent the week end with tj»e latwhile Miss .Works died at the Wood- ter's sister, Mrs; G^H. Johnson, and stock hospital, to which she was taken family. ' after the fatality. Other occupants j Miss Varina Wentworth of Chicago of the car at the time of the crash' passed the latter part of last week-. were Edward Works, owner and driver (witli her parents, far. and Mrs. W. D. of the machine; Lorn a Works, his j Wentworth. • eight-year-old daughter, and Mr. and j Miss Anita Fruen of Chicago pafesed Mrs. Howard Rhinsbaflfs of Rockford. the latter part of .last and the "first Of Mr. RHinsbans jumped and escaped this week in the home of ~Mr. and Mrs; WEST McHENRY. IL v*' i,t FATALITY AT RIDGEFIBL© callers at the Shnorn Stoffel home Sunday. J i Mr. and Mrs. Harm Kist of Chicago spent tl^e week end in the home of 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John injury,' while'the driver and his eightyear- old daughter and Mrs. Rhinsbans were all more or less seriously injured and taken to the Woodstock hospital, where tfcey are now on the road to recovery. . The automobile, it is said, stopped dead in the middle of the track and directly in front of the approaching railroad engine. The machine was a new one, according to reports from Crystal Lake, and the driver had not fully acquainted himself with the brakes and levers. . McHENRY COUNTY DAIRYMEN Should Get Their Cattle Tested In Order to Meet Competition M.J.Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Karges and daughter, Dorothy, of Kenosha, Wis.; spent last week as the guests of Me- Henry friends. , , Mrs. Mary Meyers and son, William, of Kenosha passed Sunday as the guests of Mrs. Margaret Bonslefct and other relatives here. Mr. and Mrs; J. L. bobbins and daughte?, Ailie, of Adrian, Mich., were week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Cobb. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Speaker «t Burlington, Wis., spent Sunday in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Freund. Miss Marion Chapell of Chicago passed a few days last- week as the .'guest of Mr. and Mr. Robert Thompson and Mrs. Alsena Smith. \ Mm. Hattie Leach and daughter, Pauline and Adete Representatives of the Mexican gov ernment, headed by Edwardo I. Aguilar, called at the office of the Mc- Henry County Soil Improvement asso- Laura, an issea ciation at Woodstock last week, statPufahl were guests of relatives^ a* ing that they wished to purchase at least five carloads of grade cattle to be shipped to Mexico/ind that they wished to make a contract ^or future shipments. The county adviser immediately got in touch with dairymen in varioui parts of the county, but was unable to locate grade cattl# which were tuberculin tested and could be shipped out of the state. The Mexican representatives, upon learning that cattle could not *be purchased here, left fw Wisconsin, where they expected to have their order filled. Mexico affords1 a wonderful market for {lairy cattle. McHenry county dairymen should test their herds and be in a position to get their share of the* Mexican cattle business. . Four Days Horse Racing Charley, Dean's track at Palattan race Lake Geneva, Wis., Sunday __ Mrs. F. J. Nickels and son, Fred, and Mrs. Geo. Buss and daughters, Dorothy and Lillian, mttfored to the Great Lakes Naval station recently. Mrs. Eugene Fagan and daughter, Elsie, returned to their home in Chicago Sunday "evening after a week's visit in the home of Mrs. B. Frisbf. Mrs. Nellie Bacon and MisB Anna Frisby, accompanied by their guests, Mrs. Eugene Fagan and daughter, Elsie, motored to Waukegan last Satuiv day. Mr. and Mrs, Glenn Robison of Woodstock were guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Welch, the latter part of last week. Miss Minnie Tremere, who has a guest in the' home of Mrs. Martin during the past several left last Saturday for her ho; Belleview, Fla . Mr. and Mrs. L. P. Kane and daugfcwill be the scene of the biggest meeting in its history next week when, as part of the Illinois valley racingters, who have been spending the past circuit, a four days' meeting will be j several weeks as the guests of rela held August 3, 4, 5 and 6., A heavy ,tives in this vicinity, left for their entry list shows some of the best home at Tuscaloosa, Ala., via auto on horses in the western country. Three Monday of this week. races will be held daily, best three out Miss Lenore Freund passed Sunday of five. This meet is under the per- .with her sister, Rosina,who is at th*«- sonai management of Charley Dean, Garfield1 Park hospital in Chicago, the well known horseman, who has where she underwent an operation for taken so prominent a part in race appendicitis last week. Lenore found meetings thruout northern Illinois and her sister in splendid spirits and eviother state fairs for^the past tweaty dently malclng a very satisfaefcory myears. * covery. *"•* " . »/'• Jt*' .* jf - ** «* * DR. M. i. X-Bay _ , ' Jl *7:00 to 3:00 1:00 to 3:00 p. 7:00 to p. M-B :: McHenry, IU. *4%: Jacik Nicholls, ©ACHING AND TILING ^ Abo Well Drilling; Phone ^ ry, m. wUhia Sold*? «a&'3 N. H. PETESCH D^japlst I1S-JF? Cords Fabrics m m J-'M' 'M, ***: • v-/ - T1EDUCTION -IV. prices does' mean albwered quality,4 Ev^ry Fisk^Tire, lat-geor small, is a standard Fisk Tire. , ^r\v/\ Present low prices are om v, ^ tires which, have made ; ^ 4 the name Fisk famous lor quality and mileage^ There is no better tirci value in the world than v. jfi- Fiisk r- ' %• ^ - .^r' - l-h •M price 4 ij . !?. it to any Power Task JtVhile the Fordson Tractor has power In plenty to drag plows and harrows through the heaviest soil, it is light enough, small enough, acid so easily controlled that it can handily be pat to many tasks about the farm, that will save you time, money and work. fa fiu* the Fordson will do every pp#i? lob, both draw-bar and belt, more quickly and at less cost than it dan be done With any other form ofpower. 80 every month the whole year Yotxnd die atyays dependable Fordson win prove itself a paying investment, b*cwuBB of Ms capa* fOkties, its economy and eflkiency. We will gladly explain and |o youthe many, Fordson 1 Jhg, time-saving ^atiaret. money-maktime- eaving £ati^ret. Gall, write «r phone. •- STAR GARAGElota fl. Knox. Pi»#. Phonfrll^lrr *- v" , r«