Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 28 Jul 1921, p. 7

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As£zin| Sacce8i Adikved by Celebrated Medi* Not Only Phenomenai, But Unprecem. tYeaw--Foreign Countries Clamor for It. fe V Never before, perhaps, in the history of the drug trade has -.n.'-iklie demand for a proprietary medicine ever approached the' \ „^w©lid«rfttl reeord tttat is now being made by Tanlac, the ceiei 3nbiPM|(kl medfcijift Which has been accomplishing such remarkremits throughout this country and Canada. As a matter ;*©f fact, the marvelous success achieved by this medicine is not ^ ^ *>nly phenomenal, but unprecedented. The first bottle of Tanlac to reach &,* -the public was sold Just a little over &ix years ago. Its success was immediate and people everywhere were jgulck to recognize it as a medicine of ^J^pti-aorditary nierlf. Since that time "**iert? ^ave been sold throughout thSs >country and Ca&ada something over ytTwenty Million (20,0(30,000) bottles, establishing a record which has probably V,: *jf*aver been Equaled In the history of til# drug trade in America, Fame Is International. ^ ' The instant and phenomenal success .'which Tanlac won when it was first introduced has been extended to practically every large city, small town, • . jyMafc* and hamlet in North America, •i^teats fame has become International in . Its scope and England, Japan, Mexico. ,X3uba, Hawaii, Alaska, Porto Rico and - toany European countries an clamoring for it. ^ From cpast to coast and from Great Lakes to the Gulf, Tanlai is known land honored. Million- have taken it ^with the most gratifying and astonlshjp? ins results and have pronounced it tbe greatest medicine of all time. Tens of thousands of men and women of all ages in all walks of life, afflicted with stomach, liver and kidney disorder®, some of them of long standing, as well as thousands of wean. thin, nervous men and wosnen apparently on the verge of collapse, have testifiedthat they have been fully restored to their normal weight, health and strength hy its use. Restored to HeaNfc Still others, who seemed fairly well, yet who suffered with indigestion, heedaehes, shortness of breath, dizsy spells, sour, gassy stomachs, coated tongues, foulness of breath, constipation, bad complerlon, loss of appetite, sleeplessness at night and terribly dejected, depressed feelings, state th^t they have been entirely relieved <Jf these distressing symptoms and restored to health and happiness by the use of Tanlac. / Tanlac is aoid bp leading druggists everywhere. // AS1 U4JC1 %M fSaafafciftf Queeoed Near Enough. have rather a variety of flowers 5|?Hn'my garden, and w»en picking there • ... & I occasionally give a few sprays to IS^Grace, my neighbor's daughter, who ^-'^•"aeeina to enjoy the gifts. At such r'.H *times I make it a point to Impress "^,npoo' her the names of the flowers.' % , ^~Tbe other day I gave her some forgetr; ne-nots, telling her what they were. •£'~ Her mother was out on the lawn, and, V; «? running up to her, Grace said: "Mam- "ma, look*-my thlnk-of-mes."--Ex- ^change. %>w t-V Country Without' Scenery. When the'projected trans-Austrf^aa line from Oodnodatta to Port Darwin is completed the traveler on It will be confronted with what will be, probahly, the dreariest railway journey In the world. The greater part of the route lies through a desert region, practically devoid of life, Mid utterly uninteresting. ^ Plan three vacations a year and take one. will triple one's enjoyt UMeefe you see the naas "Bayer" on package or on tablets you are not getting genuine Aspirin prescribed by physicians for twenty-one years and proved safe by millions. Take Aspirin only as told in the Bayer package for Colds, Headache* ixeuralgla, Bhevmatism, Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve Bayer Tablets of Aspirin cost few cents. Druggists also sell larger packages. Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture at 9£onoacetic«icldester of SalieycacJd. Getting the Better of Him, * Scene--Police court. Sfearp-tongued, red-faced lawyer, cross-examining a witness as to his sobriety. Lawyer--You were seen entering the Spread Eagle directly the doors were opened, or soon afterwards? * • Witness--Yes; but not to drink. Lawyer--What object had you In view, then? Witness--The only object I had In view in going In, sir, was yourself coining out.--Edinburgh Scotsman ^ To Have a Clear Sweet Skin Touch pimples, redness, roughndfcl or itching, If any, with Cuticura Ointment, then bathe with Cuticura Soap and hot water. Rinse, dry gently and dust on a little Cuticura Talcum to leave a fascinating fragrance on akfe •wgwhere 2Sc «.ch- , Touching Appeal. The wind biowetb. thi farmer soweth, the subscriber oweth ihd the Lord knoweth that we ar* in need of dues. So come a runnln", ln*s have the mon In, this thing of dunnin' gives us the blues.--Exchange. SNAKE ST0#Y metlmes genius fools people by "wearing good clothes. The no-account endurable virtues make life you CAN WIN 000.00 j / t -f. 4 <*<&"?> ^ »V«S Fourteen-Foot Texas Iteptiie -Wanders About House for . Four Days Before Capture. New York.---"Volstead or no Volstead, the snake story season Is on! Dillon Shallarb, singer, starts the ball rolling with what he calls a thrilling episode at Central Singing studio. "It was 1a.m. and pitch dark," says he, "when we were awakened by the excited barking of our big black dog In an adjoining room. Mrs. Shauarb got up to investigate, and when her voice failed to quiet the agitated animal, she crossed the room to turn on the light. "Imagine her horro^ when apon looking shoot the room she saw a 14- feot saake Wiled around the* certain '• I* WSPI'J1 .^r„. -Wl« Shame on Them PERHAPS thfcre are a few mothers who do not know the virtues of FletcheiV Oastoria. Perhaps there are a few who know that there are iiaitations on the market, and knowing this demand Fletcher's* It is to ATT, motherhood, then, that we call attention to the numerous imitations and counterfeits that may be aet before them. ' - - * : It is to all motherhood ovory where tfiat ifcg the Wairafag tft fawm of the "Jnst-as-good"#«For over thirty years Fletcher's Castoria has been an aid in the upbuilding of our population| an aid in the saving of babies.; f And yet there are those who would ask you to try sometbMf 11^ this. Try that Even try the same remedy fer the tiny, scarcely breathing, babo that yon in all ytrar robost womanhood would use fer yourself Shame on them. M Answer This Puzzle--Cash Prizes Given NO-SEAM Combination Hot Water Bottle and Fountain Syringe' OBSERVE THESE RULES It not an Unit All limn i*Mt !*> ulM tw ftwH tl. ML IMIIIH aboaid b» wHoaa dm OM •yMawNV f Midilr •a••d» waaordt * aodnadbnaan Ma n1 ,a Mt k t,p Ha«e* tnW rlibt** mtmm haxl aaraar. If lyo to write t ' A I n T t a ' s a Kn&ltii dtcttoiuy MB ka mM. 0o nat mm atialili w*. Uaa •a* mi (in* «Md la Mi Am akjaat «• ba namat ."»»f I•.> D<• »i »M M ttM af ttwa waMaantt Mwli *a mSSSS* at « rtan aaab t.'j&iTanm 'imw «a la aaa ba naad ontjr M<a Miiix okan It aM*. Hw- •an) la MwU la and BMraal •id. artielw •lil tba letter "B" atria or SSmjvpgBrw t e t l l M W l t a l l l r t m4 MM Mia »rlsaa ff*a r» I Wnmil i9nml DaatMaHMaM. ftav wSB mt XftHmtu'* tr m Mr !*•• aad ._-non . .. . .Instance there is a rake, rabbit, etc.. and all the other objects are jeqnally cleac. See who can find the most. Fifteen cash prizes will bet piidfof the 15 best list! of words submitted to this puzde. The perso« •endinK in the largest iad nearest correct list Will win first prise; see* end best, second prise, eUi, °°® • P«rtl and fBrhite* evt voaf nipnafp. *§r,* tahmmi siim! thw«h oa wc*inh fiiini da t tlwy»o omr ofa&t m*il'yR -Wto«f^»trdh*«"r.; gWlf*« teomfeto My fo« will B«v«r har® &» Siucn Tou will b« •urpri^d to flud how Urff a ll«t of fTiTtt/<MgCprl:SL * mlouto»* study. Sit down and try n-- Omo md in your Uat and uy COSTS NOTHING TO TRY--E,rERYB0D1f JOIN IN «.P"r FaniooiNo 'S2e„e*m Corahlnawtlla>n- ,HTohil» W •a• ter Baoat«tl e tUuUdK rmuumii UaitB<9 to Incrca** Om r»» ta.jat*. Aa a mrar4 •PSKtUfySXSSfh toL purctiaalac O.N* or TWO of oUulrU Saepaxmrlteaal a oHffoert, Wwahtferar tiBjr aftotr n mm MB LABOS CASH YOU CAN WIN $1,000.00 im apacial flaati priM ofTera _ dui. in. sD tDiIi ai lR lffo aA dwnorutlldi tnIlik aa ntda ' j™"* wta mart tliaa SM.M b» aaudtn* la aa enter tor ooa ar twa Here's the Plan Srjt artia and «* ka«a i •r. IT yaar aaiawr ulaa «n( wrim aad CUT.S1E£.?^rA tAol ^wnti It la not nceaaaary to aand oria with raur naar • I • a kaa d la aoa m mum udafllMI Note the Low Price Oai "Kt-SiBi" fiM>*iilli Bat aWaa tour aBlalWarat anadla faM hiart oS aS iiatonia la. OMr «I.M lot Iba aoaaplate ZSZ. SAVoo Our Guarantee OMtoattaa Bet Water Baa aad kPaaa aktatcla 1 MSnbt.n aa. not te laaL K (MM •MfecLm VttBa a *1S1t1tt a«a »a> mm bn Wrf <1111 m AM THE PRIZES ir i prize. $20UW prite.. 10.M prize. 5.00 prise_ 54)0 prize.. lot 2nd 3rd 4th 6th 6th 7th price. 8th prise- Mi prize- 10th prize 11th prize 12th prise 18th prise 14th prise 16th prize Mat** »rina aa Man: if on: if two S3p u0r«c bh*uaa dta n epau Mbai«aaa aadra jseo.oo « soo.oo 250.00 - J25.0® •A :-,%5.00 fe ijM.00 : 40.00 240 2.00 2^0 2 JO 2M 2.90 2.00 150.00 7S.00 50.0Q 50.00 20.00> < 15.0fl^ 10.00 10.00 10.001 10.00 10.001 10.0# 10.00 10.00 la aaaa at ttaa. davtlaato ariraa wM t« gtoaa. ta OM nan tka Maaw af teat prl» faila to bac m» tbaanl afalw.* Maf tMo aD ot fcavtat puidiurd a watar jr. W.-M. RUBBER CO. 226 Sixth Avenue North jjjjMj - • .\fl'V 't- "--y V : 'h\ s v,l if f"; Minneapolis, • 4# J"! Qet M!m by tns pole under which she had Just passed. Keeping guard below was th^ faithful dog. "Fortunately, oar apartment boos* has all the conveniences of the drome. We thought instantly 6f the expert shake charmer, Kadiana, who lives In jhe next flat. « "Certainty, 1 wlil get the snake," •aid Kadiana. calmly, when awakened. And then ensued one of the eeriest fights It h«g ever been my fortune to witness. At this unearthly hour in a "New York apartment house Kadiana battled with the snake. "Hd$blt her four times on the hand and shoulder, but Anally she got him by the neck and the worst was oven "Then she told us the snake's history. For five days he had been wandering about the apartment house, having gilded away from his fellows and from Kadiaha, who Intending to add some new specimens to her llRt of pets, had ordered several samples tent to her. "Apparently he had hidden tn the basement and finally reached otyr apartment In some way unknown." The snake was a Texas bull. It ate voraciously when returned to Its box, Mr. Shallarb said. "Adventure? Why leave New Toil (Or It?" queries be. Well, why? LEARNING TO TALK ASAIN Cass of Man 8hot Through Brain MM to Be Without Parallel in . Medical History. Falrmotvt, W. Va --Ira Travis, aged twenty-seven, is learning' to talk In the Marlon County General hospital. Travis can say "yes" and "no" as clearly as you please, and while he knows other words and wants to say them, he is unable to. Surgeons who pronounce his progress in learning the art of conversation -the second time, marvelous, say his case is without parallel 1b medical history. Travis was shot through the brain In a fight, the bullet cutting one of the two nerves that control the speech. In the ordinary brain, surrgeons say, but one of the speech centers is used. The one Truvis used was cut and be hfs to develop th£ other one. It took Traftia 21 days to master the two word® he can now speak, although his full power of reasoniug has been tested and found to be normal. Travis can work problems in algebra and when he requires attention writes his request to his nurst; on paper. Nurses fay that Travis is rapidly learning to sound the different letters of the alphabet and a few diphthongs. It will be several years before hie speech fa) fully recovered. »,ai a a a »• a a a. a.a i • ay m i Kill Large Snake and Find He's a "Birdcage" .f Heading, Pa. -- Workmen on Uie Pottsvillc -state highwa killed a copperhead snake Fort Clinton. They noticed a thick "knob" about the middle of the snake's length and, cutting It open, found a good-sized tv\s Ial awrl , "nFn*f\nu 'n nntlf oti'nll rktt'oH all do feathers tfttd all. shortly before tbe copperhead itself was killed. Contents 15 Fluid >XCOHOL~ 3 PBR CEMT ttaglteSfcaticfesMdlkMc&rf MESS and Fetetidww* LossorS«3^ «»«*ttin$ »eftfha»-fawM<y pen Cry Mm i Your Friend, the Physician. The history ot all medicines carries with it the storr cf Mil against popular beliefs: fights against prejudice: even differences§t opinion among scientists and men devoting their lires to reaeareh weriq laboring always for the bettermeiit of This Infarwartw is at tiie hand of all physidaaa. He is with yon at a be the trouble trifling or great. He is your friend, yoor; counselor. He is the one to? whom yon can always look for , _ even though it might not be a case of skkm He is sot Just doctor. He is a student to his last and tfnal caXL His patients asa ^ v; his family and lo lose ait is little lass thitt losing «m of hie ow* flash and Uooda v =- • Believe him when he tells you--as he win--that Fletchertr rlf Castoria has never harmed the littlest babe, aad that it is a goo^./; '^ thing to keep in the house. He knows. ; \ namKasaiioou) kaotmkboouct that n around cvonr tonuornnanrtCMieMi GENUINE OASTORlA*alway# fBears the Signature of Oof^el Wrap^oa TH« ««HTMM BOMWmV, NSW VMM SITV. WOULD BE REASONABLY BUSY Small Qlrl About Right, If Bad Man % DM Hla Full Duty With** , . Foar or Favor. {*: ' • j ' f e V . ' V As Mason Mount, superintendent of the Howe button factory, of Petersburg, was reading his evening paper, his little daughter, Mary, age six, was playing on the floor. Tiring of play, she crawled to her father's knee and asked him: . * "boes the bad man got all the people who are bad?" Tbe father, not looking* up from his paper and a little provoked by the Interference, replied, MI suppose." The child studied tor a mlnata, aad then said: "Does he burfa thein all upl Botne little boys told me he did." Again the fatbec^replled that he supposed be did. Again the child, not satlsltaL asked the father where they went after he burned theu. till up. The father, irritated, VeplLeif that he supposed they all wont to ashen. The child studied for a few minutes, and then sa|d: "Gee, he must have an awful job carrying " --Indianapolis News. 1 ^ „ History Mads Interfiling. It was during ancient history period one day that I felt so embarrassed. I was tired of reading about Julius Caesar and wanted something new. I pulled off the old stunt of placing a book, a story book at that. In front of my history, and the old camouflage held good until I was called on to read. Thoughtlessly I stood up and In an excited voice began to read; "The lights! The lights! The boat Is sinking. As the cold water rushed on the deck " Here my voice ran off to a mere whisper as I realized what 1 had been reuu'ng. • "Interesting history," my teacher commented dryly as I hastily sat down. O, man! How the class roared!--Chicago Tribune. '* If people were compelled to follow the advice they give, there would soon be,an advice famine. Most of the shadows that cross our path are caused by our standing In Our own light.--Dinger. DESERT ISLE IN BIG CITY Woman Writs* Satisfied With Her Roe- Manae In "Hell's Half Ass*, in Philadelphia. |' '..r •• \ --- Katharine Havlland Taylor, the novelist, says she's found a desert island and peace right in the middle of Philadelphia. It happened quite accidentally. Recently she went apartment hunting with very little knowledge of the residential districts of Philadelphia. She found an apartment and rented it because there were two limou sines out In front, and so she judged that the street was all right. Ope of those limousines belongs to a broker of rags and paper, she learned later, and the other to an Italian peanut vender. She had moved into the Motoric district called "Hell's Half Acre." "But I'm glad 1 was misled." says Miss Taylor. "I am not bothered by social obligations aud I have lots of time for work. - We're never bored. Shooting privileges go with every lease, and my vocabulary is enlarging all the time.". Miss Taylor cannot be persuaded to move, for she is convinced that in thia retreat she will be able to do more aud better work than If she were living ta a neighborhood socially "coc* . : L Took Eveiythtne In Sight. A certain darkey "extra" appeared on the Hal E. Roach "lot" one morning a picture of woe, and he insisted upon telling his "misery" to that popular film actor, Harold Lloyd. "You don't mean to tell me that the furniture movers took everything, do you?" asked the 111m star after listening to the tale. "'At's what ah do, Mlstkh Lloyd," was the answer. "They took everything but the sidewalk an' they promised to come back to' that."--San Francisco Chronicle. Coming Up to the Scrttek. Xexdor--Is the stuff you f-jmlng up all right? Naybor--Yes, thanks to yon, 3hap, for* letting your chickens •round loose.--Boston Transcript. •ackbitera, "Don't yon detest people arfce taK. behind your back?" "Yea, especially In a theater.'* Reticence will spare one from'a til ostentatious sympathy. The Wherefore. "Why do you caii that horse agora?" "He's hard to harness.' Courier-Journal: * Ni- -LoaUreilte Lnzy men are Alwaya barpiaf Oft the lock of fools. Babies are the' mainsprings' tn the watches of the night. Cigarette To »sil in the delicious Burtoy tobacco flavor. It's Toasted c§ New Life for Sick Man j | Estonia Woriis •Ehf IT Now York Overrun With Car Thiovef. New York.--Ne\p York state showed 7,005 automobiles stolen during 1920, according to statistics from the information bureau of the state conference of mayor*. Of these 3,996 were recovered. Disliked Suitor; Shot Sister. Falmouth, Ind.--Angered because his sister "kept company" with Russell Wykoff. Of whom he disapproved, Cary Jones, twenty-six years old, a yonng termer, shot the ftii £tkd e&dsQ his own Uf& peed the body well -4 Right food for the body if , more important than righfc ' Fuel for the engine. ~ Grape'Nuts it a scientific food, containing all a the nutriment of wheat and mal%^ _ cd barley. Grape'Nuts digests easily and quickly, builds towani . health and strength -- and i^ delightful in flavor and crispnes& "There's a Reason /or Grape-Nuts "I hare taken only two besea at' •atonic and feel like a new maiv It has done me more good than acythlag/ rise," writes C. O. Frappir. Eatonic is the modern remedy tot acid stomach, bloating, food repeating and Indigestion. It quickly takes ap and carries out the acidity and gas and enables the stomach to digest the food naturally. That means not ooly relief from pain and discomfort bet you get the full strength from the food yen cat Big box only costs a titii With yoor druggist's guarantee^ ce Hotel caicaco •• Jaitall Btva. M« Ctakait Mm wit* owrtwa Mb Jtm a»a$iss4sa' «a mi I rtox rAt TOKY TO CONSI XI j ».ur roof house paiQC. b»r* ; j t*mub:le on. tractor osK from tM j t*I*r direct and HT, «l«Aler's j | atni Qons hi and olh«r I #T«rh«a<i. owr Uriels w»il ( Writ* xm tor price* &nd color credi j P«od. Co , Inc.. ProsjHtci , W. N. CHICAGO. NO. • .w v' . «\ \ / - r* , •>* • , v,*". ^

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