Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 18 Aug 1921, p. 7

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H. POUSE mm I4fc% Hi ARNOLD'S m*. Have you ever tried Arnold's smoked meats? If not, come in today and give them a trial as we are certain of their quality. Our line of canned goods, bakery and vegetables is always complete and our minute-service goes with each and every order. Buy your table needs here and go home satisfied. --WATER STREET-*** MARKET & GROCERY P. J, Hcimer. Prop. 5,f:. t: w«* in. J Ift the inner man whom we serve and so well are we acquainted with the every day needs of life that we have just what you want in the line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Vegetables, Canned Goods and Bakery. Our prompt delivery system is ever at your service. M. M. Niesen McHanry Phoaa M New FEDERAL Electric Washing y * . t ' ; Machines • I"-*.-*' soWo*^ Monthly Payments Five Dollars Down \r ,;These machines-- ^quipped with swing- 4;;/;.'ing wringers--take Over the biggest job 4n the house and do better than human hands. They charge, 1 is wages 5 cents a j^fveek for dectrici^ Consumed. i *, Demonstrated at ou*. - 0 "' ?! Sales Rooms " -< Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS $ \ UKC TO VfR\-re OF FOODS SO FlNfc t S*V GET YOUR* VfWERt I OCT MINE w HEN Mr. Happy Party advises you to deal with us be Is making a jtt»od-natured effort to do you a favor. He says that the excellent foods that we sell have a lot to do with his geniality and his enjoy* ment of life and as a matter of fact this is the case. Watch'for Mr. Happy Vfertt * » •FRETT'S; lMMKtT K GMCEOT 5T.WDTKcHEHIY.IU PHONE ? - CIGARS mt- •r'.y *£' v>..Ok A SMOKE FOR EVfcRY * :'4 Juniors .... Special Twin*, 2 Bull Dogs --... ~ - . - t i i n ' j ! - . * Cazad®us . Paneteles -- » - Breva Specials, 2 lor Londres Extras - - - r - » - jjtffe 15c lie 1 lie 25c 15c Breva Havana ;l Perfecto Havana:. . mlm*- * - ^& & - -- -- 15C Supreme Havana Foil, 3 for. Sic X9KKP'8ar Vyr Always Northern Illinois) Jobbing Co. Whoieisle Distributors t / West McHenry, III. FOR ••it trday and Sunday Also Chocolate and Strawtteiry ice cream.. Any flavor ice cream made to special order. We cater to socials, picnics and parties and jniaranteo fire# rlacc 8PfViff>. W*' • wT v> , • •*' v>; * MeHENRY KS CREAM FACTORY 7 v^* T 0 y"T &tfNTIf PROP* ' 'Jin.^-: • - i-:' _ calling on friends in at tiie Everett Miss I. Ingram of Elgin spent Sonday in the Kane home. Fred Gibbe «od family, are entertaining the moapi this week. Miss Grace Harrison of Beta spent the week end with home folks. Orville Grey <jf Woodstock was a caller in the Kelley home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Whiston of Richmond were in town last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hoy spent the week end with relatives at Evanston. Mrs. Geo. Frye is entertaining a lady friend from Libertyville this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Beth are entertaining company from Chicago this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Peet spent Sunday in the Harry Peet home at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Peet are entertaining the latter's father from Woodstock. Mrs. H-j. W. Allen of Woodstock spent Tuesday Ringwood. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and family of Volo were Sunday guests of the Jepson family. Edson Hodge of Greenwood was a Sunday guest of his uncle, Geo. Harrison, and family. Miss Mirer.c* peet of Woodstock is visiting her uncle, Chas. Peet, and family this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Rainey spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Allen at Woodstock. Mrs. Rilla Foss and sons, Wayne and Floyd, went to Chicago Thursday to the Pageant of Progress. Miss Dorothy Carr and cousin, Miss Pearl Carr, of Chicago were week end guests in the Chas. Carr home. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith visited the latter's sister, Mrs. Oliver Southwich, and family at WiUiams Bay Sunday. Mrs. Clara Harrison of Woodstock spent a couple of days last week with her sister, Mrs. P. Flanders, and other relatives in town. Mrs. C. W. Harrison and daughter, Mrs. L. Smith, returned Sunday from Batavia, where they had been spending several days with the former's brother, Chas. Kotchkiss. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shepard, accompanied by Mrs. Walker and her sister from Wisconsin, motored to Woodstock Friday to visit Fred Walker, who is still confined to the hospital. Mr. and Mv. C. W. Harrison, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. James Ladd, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson, Miss Agnes Bigelow, Miss Taylor, Miss Laura Taylor, Miss Kate Freund, J. V. Buckland and Wayne j Foss were visitors at Mooseheart Sun- I** - j ' • • /;• :>W: VOLO . - ^ ^ Mailttei yonr eggs at BHck»**%^ Arthur Peterson spent Sunday with his parents at Huntley G. A. Vasey and family Sundayed with friends at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. J. Benjamin of Chicago visited among relatives here Fri day. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Huson and daughters visited relatives at Ringwood Sunday. Perry L. Persons and daughter of Waukegan called on friends here Monday. Miss Myrtle Kounse of Chicago is tile guest of Miss Mary Vogt this week. Just received a luge, new- shipment of percales, ginghams and muslins at Erickson's. Mr. and Mrs. Behm of Fremont spent Sunday with the latter's mother, Mrs. Lenzen. Mrs. John Walton returned home Friday after spending the past three weeks in Waukegan. Mise Ruth Bacon of Marinette, Wis., was a visitor among friends in this community last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Will Dillon and son, Arthur; Harold Stroker and Levi Wait spent Wednesday at Delavan, Wis Mr. and Mrs. Hanson and daughter, Delia, of Madison, Wis., were guests of their daughter, Mrs. P. L. Stadtfeld, over the week end. Mrs. Jolm Brimer spent Thursday and Friday lest in Qiicago with her parents. Her daughters accompanied her and remained in the city. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and children of Libertyville and Mr. and Mrs. Diedrich of McHenry were Sunday guests of tors. Ann Stadtfeld. Miss Pearl Vasey entertained her Sunday school class at her home last Thursday afternoon. A very pleasant time was had by all present. Mr. and Mrs. R. V. Fitch of Waukegan, Mr. and Mrs. H. Thomson of North Chicago and Miss Minnie Benwell of Round Lake spent Sunday at C. Dillon's. ^Sunday school at 1:30 p. m. Sunday, Aug. 21, and preaching at 8:00 in the evening. Rev. Sanger will talk on the "Message of the Book of Job. You are welcome. \ John Hironimus and fami% of Lake Zurich, Mr. and Mrs. Will Hironimus and son of Round Lake and Misses Hironimus of Fremont spe$t Sunday with their brother, Frank, 4nd family. The many friends Mrs. John Am&nn were grievedJb hear of her sudden death in^A Cnicago hospital. Besides her husband she leaves seven children to mourn for her. Funeral services were at St. Joseph's church Tuesday morning. The Volo Laditt' Aid will give a lawn social at the home of John Myer Friday evening, Aug. 19. The ladies have planned a special program and have been very fortunate in securing J. C. Sailor, ctate organizer of the I a» ppaekea ef the e»«ninf Mr. l„wqlooaw. SALE--At a Wjra"n, no. Inquire'at this % Heinz 10-tf' lumber, brick anil 'etlMr WWhn material., M. A. Thfclen, West lfc$f«Hry, 111. 5-tf feast FOR SALE--Hiree new grafonolas. Will be sold at farf&ry prices. M. A. Thelen, West McHenry, 10. 5-tf were yis- 12x30 stave silo in Inquire of or write McHenry, HI. 10-tf is a man writ worth plan to h»v«. a male qi «f Same* young cb aal fMQr one and help nfaka this an ing long to be remembered hi our ^(immunity. TERRA COTTA Mrs. John Liddle was a visitor in Chicago Monday. Miss Frances Knq« Thursday in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox itors in Elgin last Friday. Howard Phalin visited friends in Chicago Saturday and Sunday. Mrs. Burmeister was a business caller in Crystal Lake Monday. Mrs. Mary Grant and daughter, FOR SALE--1920 model Ford sedan. Margaret, spent Monday in Chicago., j Has been used but little and is in first- A splendid line of crackers and .class running condition. John Okie, cookies, right prices, ft Erickson's. j McHenry, 111. 9-lit* Misses Florence and Frances Knox pQR SALE--A quantity of ha7,d were business victors in Chicago Mon-. husked corn ,t *») per ton. Inquire . , of Peter M. Freund, McHenry, 111. Thomas Fnsby was the guest of oso-M-2. 10 Chicago relatives Saturday and Sun- j <!ay. Miss Beulah Larkin of Eight spent | last Thursday evening at the home of M. Knox. , • J. H. Gracy and It. Anderson spent Sunday with Mrs. Gracy ajt Honey Creek, Wis. FOR SALE?--A good condition. |B. J. Adams, i FOR SALE--A house and four lots on West Side. A bargain for somebody. Inquire at The Plaindealer office. 43 WANTED--SO or 160 acres of fertile land containing lake or river or bordering on same. Must have some woods, f. F. Kahn, 1518 Kimball Building, Chicago, 111. 10-lt FOR SALE--Household goods, including furniture, kitchen utensils, stoves, carpets and rugs. Private sale on Washington street near Green. Edwin May, McHenry, 111. 10-lt" LOST--On Sunday, July 24, a baby's wool cashmere coat. Mother of baby is widow and cannot afford the loss. Would finder please return to this office. 10-lt« A tWo-months-old Airdale 'ying A. V. Hannifin, McHenry, IH. ^Phone 643-R4L 10 LOST--Somewhere on road between the home of John S. Freund, east of McHenry, and our home, a little girl's hat. Finder kindly notify Peter A. Freund, West McHenry, 111. 10-lt* FOR SALE!---300 bu. good barley at 75c; 3 tons old eorn at $20.00; also have 15 tons 'prime clover hay, would trade for good dairy cows. Sam Rogers, West McHenry, HI. Phone 606-W-l. 10-lt* day, Aug. 7, a ladies' hrownil coat, ft is presumed that was thrown froor mdrfl on river ro|d between here aai conda. Fitttsr kindly notify Math. M. Blake, McHenry, HI. V-. =Hs LGSTpup. Anyone knowing of his where- LOST FOR SALE--The old Smith homestead farm of 160 acres located about two miles east of McHenry; th^ Smith estate farm of 82 acres at "Lake Defiance and the house and lot east of the Fox river bridge in McHenry. S. II.. Freund, McHenry, Dl. Phone 643- M4!. 41-tf iv, ^ ^ 'f y.'^kn" ?Nfr:.r ;4r- •- s -j, • % • i'pf ' - • James FVisby spent a few days last abont8 will confer great favor by noti week with his sister, Mrs. Herman Schaefer, at McHenry. T. R. Anderson of Long* Beach, Calif., is the guest of relatives and friends in this vicinity. Miss Mary Frisby is spending a couple of weeks as the guest of relatives and friends in Chicago. Miss Agnes Bertram of Crystal Lake spent several days last wdek as the guest of Miss Marion Shales. Mrs. M. A. Conway, sons, Walter and LeRoy, and daughter, Florence, of McHenry were calling on relatives in this vicinity Friday. Mrs. George Sterling and daughters of Chicago and Misses Vera and Nellie Doherty were calling in this vicinity last Wednesday. Mrs. J. P. Gannon and daughter, Jeanette, of Woodstock visited from Thursday until Sunday at the home of M. Knox. They were joined on Sunday by J. P. Gannon, who spent the day here. JOHNSBURG Property and cottage owners reiding on the north shore of the river just east of the Fox river bridge, in «hat is known as Elam's suB-division, held a meeting on Sunday morning to decide just what should be done to setter the road which leads to the ub-division from the main highway and also the road back of the row of •ottages. After considerable discussion it was decided to have the road placed in good condition, all of the property owners agreeing to stand their proportionate share in the expense entailed in making the improvement: Cottage owners alongf this shore are of an unusually progressive nature and are taking a great pride in their holdings. The top of a Ford car probably saved the lives of its occupants here last Sunday morning when a Ford touring car, owned by Jacob H. Adams and driven by his son, Alex, was struck by a big touring car and completely turned over. Occupying the car at the time of the accident; Apsides the driver, were five children and those who witnessed the accident declare that the top of the machine was the only thing that averted a fatality. The accident occurred near Jos. H. Huemann's blacksmith shop about eleven o'clock. The Adams car was traveling east on the main highway, while the big touring1 car was coming up the narrow lane just east of the blacksmith shop. Those who saw the big car declare that same v. as traveling at a good rate of speed. The owner of the machine is not known, altho it is said that he and his family are occupying a cottage at Pistakee Bay. The Adams car was able to travel under its own power, the greatest damage to the machine having bperi to the top and windshield. It will cost about llM'to repair the damage. x VOLO -- * Jason Walton autoad to Waukegan last Friday. Miss Ella Moore a McHenry visitor last Friday. Mrs. John Bramer afid daughters are visiting in Chicage. On Thursday of last week occurred the death of Mrs. John Amann. Popular shades of satin militairp, dress silks at Erickson's store. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Vasey and children passed Sunday in Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. L. Benwell and daughters were Sunday callers at Round Lake. . L. A- Huson, Frank Hironimus and Ves Wagner were Elgjin visitors last Friday. Miss Agnes Meyers of Round Lake spent Sunday as the guest of home folks here. Mr. and Mrs. F. Crocker of Libertyville were callers at the home of L. Huson Sunday. S Mr. Mad mr». Lin Hoscn and/OHU^hters, May and Ruth, spent SuHoay with friends at Ringwood. Misses Orphia and Alice Russell ipent Friday with thS^ siater, Mrs. C. Wright, near Wauconda. »| Mrs. John Walton has returned home from a three weeks' visit in the home of her daughter at Waukegan. Mrs. A. Kotterberg and daughter, Mabel, of Waukegan are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Walton. An ice cream social will he given at the home of Johli Meyers' on Friday evening, Aug. 19, 1921. Everyom; is From Ford sedan stolen from front of St. Mary's church on Sun- EV^RSHAFtP 1h» nmm* w mn 'hi ftmwST, civcnoap b aosoidbdy unique, the pencil that is always sharp yet never sharpened, always ready for smooth, easy writing,andbeautiftilly made for lifelong service. Eversharp prices, with 18 inches of EversharpLcads, 8T0 J$1 tip, r * N. H. PETESCH Druggist Phone lig-J 0th • / -r '-.V' , * If say, •ft serves > I • - hear of a man being held up and robbed dl five or six hundred dollars. T|W ; Nevertheless, the dormant dollars lying around ** homes are as unprotected as were the lined pockets of fh^victim of the hold-tip. * ,wJ| If you have savings at home ask yourself this *y,: : 1-; f 1 '*'}*itiestion. "Is it better to leave money at home or r * /*¥ to put it in the bank where it is always available ¥ itiways safe and always working?*^ Fox River Valley State ; McHenry, illinoii fOS. C. HOLLY, Cash. ' FREMONT HOY, Pre*. The Interstate Commerce Commission has semi-otfi- Mly announced th^ fcejg^l. rates cannot be low^ed befo|e| February 1st, 1922. V . ' Coal consumers all over, the country have delayed orders expecting a reduction in freight rates and in consequence thereof there will be a rush for fuel that will be: difficult to handle. Don't make the mistake of putting off buying your winter supply of fuel until the mines get swamped , with appeals for coal and the railroads are congested with, traffic. * ' |^e Wve a good supply Gi the i^ttowing iii itockf ard Coal ; M ' - ' Pocahontas Phone No* S and we will your requirement. m.: -PHONE $ WEST McHENRY, ILLak' \ " , • < :; •..: i 5 ' -;4i " • ^ 'l 4>" - * mm. Sp Soft Coal 3x2 Nut 6x3 Egg Indiana 4 be pleased to care oi m PHONE i

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