Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 8 Sep 1921, p. 5

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Telephone No. 108-R ST? '*• * SIMON STOFFEfc: * --- Insurance Sfent for all cteSMief pfB|Hlty Is the best com p* Tiles WWT1USKNKT. - Il.l.fNOIP ALFORD H. POUSE "Pfcooe M i: W«* MeHenry. m ARNOLD'S Smoked Meaty Have you ever tried Arnold's smoked meats? If not, come in today and Rive them a trial as we pre certain of their q&riit>-. Our line of canned goods, bakery and vegetables i s1 always complete and our minute-service goes with each and every order. Buy your table needs here and go home, satisfied. •9#! - WATER S1HH T MARKET & GROCERY P. J. Hcimer, Prop. Ifs the Inner4 man whom we serve and sp welfare we acquainted with the every day needs of life that we have just what you want in the line of Staple and " Fancy Groceries, Vegetables, Canned Goods and Bakery. Our proftipt delivery system is ever at your service. M M. Niesen MeHenry Phone t* "Sf feu.ov7\ CITIZENS PROTECT Vouii \"AM|LV5 HEALTH GrOOD \*MOl£SOWE fOftpl IS ViWtKX fOUCS NEttTl ON NOTHING ELSE *- f AW\L\£5> fEEO THE men and the women who protected their families' health take a serious Interest in the food question. They know that the high quality, of our foods protect their folks' health and serve to make their lives healthier happier. ' / v V Ww^ti for Mr. Happy P«ty FRETTS; MAtKET £ GROCERY MNST.WESTMcHENRy.ltL PHONE 3 -- k0V: V*?-: t?l Tbef^^T':. Electric v Iron _ v --Its ReadineSt ^ • v .>VV; - Uave you need occasionally of pressing a garment or / a piece of goods right away? , Qccas iona lly ? Every day probably. v y°u 0811 *n any room with the ELECTRIC IRON. As to ironing the family washing it will take drudgery out of the operation anct, shorten the time. Monthly P>;»MUa; * • ic Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS "See, Dear, this Instruction Roll shows how to pick out the melody notes < ^ p ' 4 and accent them. Now listen to me do it." Wife Anyone can play the Gulbransen without effort It is the one player-piano which has been developed to assist true musical interpretation. If you doubt . that you could learn to play a player-piano so it could not be distinguished from hand playing, we invite you to try the Gulbransen only ten minutes. % N, A. Huemann, West MeHenry -FOR-1-- L' Saturday and Sunday Also Chocolate and Strawy " > Uberry ice cream. Any flavor ipe cream made to special ;>%;^i|rder. We cater to socials, * f r picnics and parties and I .guarantee first class service. %• McHENfcYICE CREAM FACTORY C. UNTI, PROP. TKft&A COTTA Harold Knox spent Friday last in Chicago. Howard Phalin was a visitor in Chicago Monday. "^Star pianos at tki Kvarstt mude store, MeHenry. . Mrs. Mary Grant and daughter, Margaret, spent Thursday in Chicago. Misses Florence and Frances Knox were business visitors in Chicago Friday. Henry Shales of Crystal Lake spent Monday with relatives and friends here. Sheet music, all the latest and most popular numbers, at the Everett music store, MeHenry. Atty. and Mrs. Chas. Green of Chicago spent Sunday eveiling at . the home of M. Knox. Atty. Vincent J. Green of Chicago was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family Sunday. Mrs. J. H. Gracy has returned to her home here after spending a few weeks in Wisconsin. Wool jersey cloth, the finest material for jumper dresses. Splendid colors. At Erickson's. Miss Josephine Heaneyof Chicago passed the week end at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Malooe of Elgin visited relatives here from Monday evening until Wednesday. Raymond and Bernard Shine have returned to their home in Chicago after spending the summer with thr'r grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jo|>] Riley. • Thomas Frisby began teaching*® the Cherry Valley school T*6esday. Howard Phalin in the Ostend school and Miss Florence Knox as eighth grade teacher in the Crystal Lake schools. Those from this vicinity Who entered upon their high school duties this week were: Mary and Ellen Frisby, MeHenry high school; Eva, Neva and Mark McMillan, Harold and Rbbert Knox, Marion .Shales, Elizabeth and William Liddle, Crystal Lake high school, while Marjorie Phalin entered St. Xavier's academy in Chicago. Dave Burt, who plays the role of Kury Hughes in "Up In the Air," will be remembered by his delightful interpretation in "Mary's Lamb" With Richard Carle and of Colonel Massakroff in "The Chocolate Soldier." "Up In the Air" will be the attraction at the Empire Friday, Sept. 9, and is described as a "joy-ride-on-the-billowsof- mirth" and girls, the kind that will make your wife jealous. OSTEND Tablets, slates, pencils, erasers and all school supplies at Erickson's. Phonograph records for all makes of machines at the Everett music store, MeHenry. Monday was Labor day and many took the day off, but the farmers had to work to help make up for loss on milk. Arthur Hoppe started to school at MeHenry Tuesday. He is the only pupil from Ostend to attend school at MeHenry. No silo^lling since Saturday forenoon, so much rain. Could cut corn or haul if cut. They hope to commence again Wednesday. On Monday last Wm. Simes of MeHenry straightened the rods on Henry liobart's barn, torn down when the cupola was blown off, and reioHed the hoiu,e. He also put new rods on Warren Francisco's house. Earl Sherman and family and Henry Hobarf and wife made a trip to Richmond Sunday^ afternoon in the former's auto and called on the C. F. Hobart family. They recched home just in time to escape the storm Sundj ay eveni• ng. * Albert Buchert and brother motored out from Chicago Monday and visited, at the old home and called on other friends. They left Chicago at six in the morning (Chicago time) and in two hours and ten minutes were at their father's home. The two Woodstock young ladies who applied for the Ostend and Bull Valley schools did not pass in examination so gave up the schools. Miss Inez Bacon of West MeHenry has been hired at Bull Valley. We-have been informed that a young man has been hired to teach the Ostend school, but his name and place of residence we were unable to appertain. ADDITIONAL PERSONA!* School shoes for boys and girls at Erickson's. W. J. Donavin attended to business matters in Chicago today. / Miss Martha May motored to Chicago and passed Sunday and Monday. Marcellus Meyers has gone to Chicago, where he has accepted employment. v Miss Clara Merkefcof Chicago spent the past week in the Wm. Staines home. Al. Fraz^r of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday with his brothe^, S. J. Frazer. . > George Buss spent last Wednesday with his daughters, Dorothy and Lillian, in Chicago. * Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Vasey of Chicago passed the first of the week with »0»1 i srrra elii y. ,J„ Mr. and Mrs. J. E. McNichols of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday as the guests of MeHenry friends. Miss Lillian Buss returned Saturday from a few days' visit with her sister, Dorothy, at Glencoe, 111. Miss Ruth K rum pen returned home Monday from a two weeks' visit at Richmond and Genoa Junction. Miss Irene May of Chicago passed Sunday and Monday .with relatives and friends here and at Woodstock Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Staines entertained friends and relatives from Blue Island over Sunday and Labor day. Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Bieieeel of Chicago spent the week en^at the home CARPENTERS WANTED--Two exof their nephew, Chas. Rietesel, and family. Mrs. Ross Wheeler of Chicago is spending a couple of weeks in the home of her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Miss Clara Degen of Kenosha, Wis., passed the first of the ilteek In the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Henry Degen. Phil Meyers and sister, Blanche, of Chicago passed Sunday and Monday in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rietesel and Son of Chicago spent a few days last week with the former's brother, Chas1. Rietesel, and family. ADDITIONAL LOCAL Hair ribbons, a splendid variety, at Erickson's. Emory Herdklotz has accepted a position at Rockford, to which city he expects to move his family some time in the near future. nounce that hereafter he will make but perienced men. Must be able to do first-class interior finishing and trimming. Apply to or write J. P. Weber, MeHenry, 111. is LOST--An aid section of a black casting rod, somewher^ between Buch's pier and Main street. Reward to finder. Notify J. J. McCarthy, West MeHenry, 111. 13 WANTED AT ONCE--rMan or woman •solicitor. All year around work. Part or full time, home every night. Write for full ^nformat&n. sAddress MeHenry Plaindealer. 13 REMODELING OF FINE FURS--- Any style. Making, cleaning, relining. Coat work a specialty. Pockets. Work guaranteed. See me before buying new goods. 379 Chicago street, Elgin. ll-4t FOR SALE--About 60 oak and hick ory tree trunks. Will sell all or any number desired. To be hauled away or may be sawed on grounds. R. F. Clement, Clement Lodge, % mile two trips a week to Chicago with his | south of MeHenry on river road. 11 motor express ahd that the balance of his time is open for all kinds of draying at reasonable price. John Haire, a new employe at the Borden milk bottling plant here, has moved his family to this village. They p- occupying the Peter Doherty cotj oh Washington street. Summer resorters on the east shore Fox river nqrth of Rosedale are y much encouraged over the prosctq of having the electric light as M as the gas service extended along shore*. oe Michels, who has been em- 1 >yed in the Pistakee Bay store cond acted by Jos. J. Mertes at Pistakee Bay, has gone to Harvard, whore he has accepted a position in a market. He expects to move his family to that city in the near future. Auction Sale! -4 Geo. Vogel, :: Auctioneer Having sold my place, I will sell at public auction on my premises, located south of the village limits of West MeHenry, near Front and James streets, on SATURDAY, SEPT. 17, 1921 commencing at 1:00 o'cloc p. m., the following described personal property, to-wit: * Live Stock Bay mare, 9 years old, weight 1200 pounds; bay horse, 14. years old, >\taight 1200 pounds; 2 Jersey cows, 1 Jersey heifer coming in soon, 8 Chester White shoats, 1 Chester White brbod sow, 3 'white Enjbden geese, 100 Barred Rocks. ** Hay and Grain Six acres com in shocks, 6 tons hay in barn, stack of hay, i acre standing alfalfa, 150 bu. oats, 50 bu. wheat, 15 bu. Early Ohio potatoes, % acre late potatoes in field. Machinery, Etc. Drag, -nearly new; McCormick mower, hay rake, corn planter, disk, land roller, 2 cultivators, lumber wagon, bob sleigh, corn shelter, 2 walking plows, single buggy, double harness, single harness, and other articles too numerous to mention.^ \ Furniture Combination bookcase and writing desk, patent rocker, 12-ft. extension dining table, 4 dining chairs, library table, round center table, 2 iron beds with springs and mattresses, hand power Washing machine, hMld JKiW®* vacuum sweeper. Term» of Sale p '.f. All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. FRED C. FBLTZ. Carl W. 8tenger, Clerk. A Card We this manner of thanking our neighbors and friends who responded to the alarm of Ire at oufcf place last Saturday. Also special thanks are extended to Mrs. Frank Grasser, who gave the first alarm to the silo' fillers, as well as to the telephone operators at the MeHenry exchange. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayler. A Card We take this public manner of expressing our sincere thanks to the neighbors and friends who came to our assistance during the fire last Sunday evening as well as to the neighbors who have been so kind since the fire. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J. Wegener. The Place! Edgewater, for combination summer and winter homes. Ix>w taxes, outside corporation. Fox River Realty Co. Boys' and girls' stockings at Erick- CLASSIFIES DEPARTMENT FOR RENT--Seven room house. All modern conveniences. Inquire at this office. 13"u FOR SALE--Good tomatoes and cucumbers. Henry Sompel, Johnsburg 111. Phone 625-M-l. l2*3t FOR SALE--A 12x30 stave silo in good condition. Inquire .of or Write B. J. Adams; MeHenry, 111 10-tf FOR SALE--A house and four lots on West Side. A bargain for somebody. Inquire at The Plaindealer office. 43 FARM WANTED--Wanted to hear from owner of a farm ongood land for sale, price reasonable. L. Jones, Box 551, Olney, 111. . 13 WANTED--To buy or rent a cottage. Priee must be right. Answer at once. Phone 85-M or write C. Kent, MeHenry, in. W m / • w-it LOST--A gent's gold watch and heavyv link chain with Masonic charm along road to MeHenry from Chicago while Flour Cftefhical analysises and baking tests show Early Riser flour to be fully as good as any flour in the market, with the costs of freight andexpensive advertisr ing eliminated. McHENRY Flour Mills Wmi McHenrv. IH. changing tires. Good reward. Finder please call Chicago, Grace 4545 or address B. Olsen, 1454 Pensacola, Chicago, 111. 13 WANTED--Salesman to call on retail trade in MeHenry county. Experience preferred, but not essential. A good opportunity for a live man. Must live in territory. If you think you are the man we want write at once. Address MeHenry Plaindealer. 13 H. Freund, MeHenry, 111. M-2. Phone 643- 41-tf FOR SALE--Select wooded lots en the river and adjacent to new golf course of MeHenry Country club. Within village limits and in walking distance of stores and R. R. station. Apply to C. W. Stenger at West MeHenry Stats bank, Ben Stilling & Son, MeHenry of C. S. Owen, 600 W. Jackson BhrtL, Chicago. Phone Monroe 6300. 12-tf. FOR SALE--The old Smith homestead farm of 160 acres located about two miles east of MeHenry; the Smith estate farm of 82 acres at Lake Defiance and the house and lot east of the Fox river bridge in MeHenry. S. DR. N. J. NYE Physician and Surgeon X-Bsy Treatment and Radiasnph f.;: Office Hoors: y-,- - ^:00 to 9:00 a. m. • 1:00 to 3:00 p. m. 1:00 to 9:00 p. m. ',*• •• •Pheae <2»B ;; McHrtgyftlL Ja ck Nicholls : DITCHING AtfD ItLlM^ . ! Well DrilHnf Phone 122-H: MeHenry, 111. EVERSmRP 71# u m .*• pmmit Eversharp is absolutely unique, the pencil that is always sharp yet never shafpened, always ready for smooth, easy writing,andbeautifully made for lifelong service. Eversharp prices, with 18 inches of EversharpLe«to» are $l up. Sold N. H. PETESCH Druggist Phone 11S-J PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COrtMISSION MERCHANT &MGIAL ATT*NT10H QIVKN "PO'TH* BALM OF ^ \ ^ Dressed Beef, riutton. Hogs, VMl, Posltiy,- Hides, Etc., Butter and Ejrf $ - Ti*. (mm prioe (nes tarnished on Wtiy Suffer? ^When you can g€# Impermanent and im* mediate relief frosgt Dr. Scholl's foot appliances. W e have established Foot Comfort De* % partment and will be glad to give any assistance to our customers. Examination freft. / ..4 SMITH BROS. , MeHenry, III. This is the oldest house on the sU« application. ' * COLD STORAOE FRBB Stall i * j. P«ltM St ' CHICAOO, ILLINOIS. Wk»l*»U Market SERVICE FIRST Be a "Go Getter* Why waste time talking about depressed business conditions? U$e your long-distance telephone to locate new customers and encourage old ones. The country is not going to the "bdw-wows." There is business for those who seek it. Be a long-distance telephone business seeker. The business is in this country. Get your share. The long-distance telephone is your best aid in overcoming the talk of pessimists. The service is good, the lines are adequate to handle your business and the entire cost to you of obtaining business the long-disuuce way is the small price of the service. 1 As a time and money saver and a stimulant for business the long-distance telephone ii recommended. \ Get acquainted with the money and tiaii saving "station to station" service. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY That Satisfied Smill It's Broadest at S •%. ' * rhy&e aboiit the 'smilitig country iiithe iijionth of May.' But we'd rather see that same Country at harvest time, when the smiles are on Kibe faces of the farmers after their well-earned &ops have come in. V v- It's the same in every business at 'harvest-- iBfe time when a naan gathess ia the wturfts on && • hard work. . • ' , . 7 Our patrons, using to the full our many facilir ties anc^personal service, reap better returns on of time, work and money. * f: • c; ® MeHenry, Olinoto JOS.X;HObt.f, FREMONT HOY, fril.

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