Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 6 Oct 1921, p. 8

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•v»'- V - • •i4#»" >r. )Nf8STlS PI *' • AT B»D OF INING fS fete *;; n m .5,. $ f > ' Silk Vekmr Hat».~.. -. £ t - $2.M „ts;.( Caps Heavy Wider Caps...-- l.lWand up jf ^ Wilton Bros. Heavy Unfcm Suits,Regular $2l25 value.-_-._- $1.75 and up i**hb< Wilson Bros. Woolen Sox. •«* 014 *Cj*> Boothby and "Ntek* Hi Hook Up la Pre«t»Pftcittn' tie--No Soaring $5«5i • The rain 6f tast"tiapday afternoon^ s&r< 'VOktflMr'SMK: a game of to set a Idom. • -t yr *W- **?* Wilson Bros. Black Cotton Sox. tic, Kc,Uc& He . «r.- fL* V 0 i- ,••' . Sr.' ,#£\" >ji t' 5i< i • *=£%• rff r 'S> / - . a JKIV. Wilson Bros. Shirts V"? Mixed Wool Flannel Shirt* iM Khaki Pants »i^3C. .*• md-IMti-W>, R.»l" 4ii< Me* , y Rellim Washable Belts §0e v ^ A fine selection of men's and young men^ *^s jwefUher-all top coats in the latest doublfe v ^ $i isted.belted and pleat beck models .. ' $S.W and upI'ilp s ' . •.•:••• f •%- iVw tiLMcHENRY, III. THE EXCELSIOR * ry. r^;: i S4 s£ttt ssy fV- .fK.~. . 'vv.; ff ^ :SK.W- )0* •fr ^?|: Vi k: *' ?/* is sanitary, efficient, rtistic, practical, safe, durable. The Excelsior Monopipe Pedestal Register saves fuel, produces comfort, insures health, reduces labor, secures cleanliness* brings happiness. The Excelsior Monopipe Pedestal Register adds value to the home, makes life worth living, is a fine investment, saves its cost yearly, ornaments any room, utilizes nearly all the heat J Let us put hoe in for yotf i Also Pipe Furnace* Installed Figures Given Cheerfully J. J. Vycital, :: McHenry, 111. &il&ra-u. r,V ' ~Xit. X.'~ ' *• ^ • '1$' A** 3. K'V v'<'- zf., ;-SS Zk . ' - w' ir-j4<**v ^4. K m' sfev. f¥;v> - : ^*5 ^ V;' ' - - FtV- ^ " jpx ISi »' C'i1 - .• ^ *" :s^: hm ,V^?i School shoes, good and serviceable in black vici kid and gun metal, dark brown in calf, nature an# round toes. Women's oxfords and pumps, brown and black \' with leather and rubber heels, from $2Jf to m. A U Men's shoes in black and brown, new lasts* in**,-.*., .. C-v y ', , »• i"k-u.y W' k£ ^*'1 r " ?!> l1". V, i%i] ^ '"r-v ^ Fall Dress Goods New lTne of fall dress goods in serge, tricdtinpy r ottoman and mixed suiting, Silks in taffata, satitti satin militaire, crepe de chine, ttc^Ja black, navjf,, ;/ brown and many high colors. A'large line of sweaters and sport qpat*|J - •• ' "*•• - %/r; J. Good* DetiuiMl Prompt!y Phone 117-R M. J. WALSH mt f5/ "'V',uK ..K 'y. ' .•"•"• C "(a""' / ' ' *€'""i , ;%• !?'%•> ' -y-r- '< l t \ kh ! *" ^ * t- v.v \V> Vk 4 ' > - s , - |< ' J A • p; W? W Shirts. Dnmm ; •; "J* e Come In and See If M JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. fmr : ;/¥p i fe'f*'. haa^Mril whM new record in local it was the-tMrd eif^ atttdiRg gene •between the loeal eutht and the Cary agtpiefention, ea«H ^ef the two teams hartniF won a tfaSM via the shut-out route. The first ef the aforesaid contests went to McHenry 10 to 0, while Car? copped the "second- encounter 6 to 0. r. In spite Of the cold winds and threatening clouds, • good sized crowd wsj on hand to witness the struggle, and it was a sad and disheartened following of the national pastime that* left the grounds after the manager? of the two teams, together with ye umps, came to the decision that it was too dark and the grounds too slippery to continue the game after the ftfthf * inning had been completed, Heizman for Cary was at bat in the sixth inning when the storm clouds, swayed over the playing field. Nick Hubert, pitcher and captain of the visiting team, stepped to the plate and requested the umpire to e»ll the game until the clouds had passed by. A light shower did the rest and the game was called off, neither team having been able to score a run up to thif time. Hubert was on the firing line for the visitors and during the five innings of play allowed the Itome team but one single and struck out eight batters. Opposed to Cary'8 pitching ace was one Cy Boothby, who has been performing well with various teams in the minor leagues and who is said to have won a berth with the big show. Boothby allowed two hits and struck, i out five men. With both mound artists going at top speed it? sure did look as if the fans were to be treated.^ to a baseball game seldom witnessed on a prairie diamond; but, is stated^; above, the old weather man det in an everything was off. The game, so far prog rested, follows: First ihning: Hoeff struck out- Allen planted a single te center a took second when Boothby allowed attempted bunt by Ehlert to get awi from him. Kieley recovered the too late to make the play at first. L. Smith hit into a fast double play whei he shot a sharp bounder down Kieley, the ' double play being completed via Kelly and Warner. One hit, no runs. ' McHenry: Kieley strode Out. Kelly skied to Hod in right. Boothby *as thrown out by Allen. No hits, no runs. • Second inning : • Bennett's grounder got away from Warner, the batter going to second on the error/ Hubert rolled to Kelly at second and was thrown out at first, Bennett taking third on the play. Bennett attempted to score on a passed bell and was nipped at the plate, Bean to Boothby. O'Connell struck oat. No hits, no runs. McHenry: G. Smith fanned. King skied to L. Smith in left and Bean went out on a long fly to O'Connell in center. No hits, no runs. "* Third inning: Schuldt was thrown out by Kieley. Haizman struck out and Hoeff was thrown out by Boothby No hits, no runs. McHenry: Warner and Marum both struck put. Thelen doubled to left and Kieley fanned. Ons hit, no runs. Fourth inning: Allen rolled to Kelly at second and was thrown out ai first. Ehlert struck oiit and L. Smith skied to Kelly. No hits, no runs. McHenry: Kelly was safe on Hais man's error and took second on Boothby's sacrifice, Schuldt to Hubert. G. Smith and King both fanned. No hits, no runs. ^ Fifth inning:" jtonnett ottt, Kelly to Warner. - Hubert Imick out. O'Connell laced a single to right and took second on a passed ball. Schuldt out, Kieley to Warner. One hit, no runs. McHenry: Bean skied to O'Connell in center. Warner was thrown out by Hubert and Marum struck gut. No hits, no runs. - i' m:, r *Jatck Nicholls 'mrnmrnm pm-t Phone IIMC, 1f«Be*y, 111 i- Saturdiyaflsrooon. Come see m09m> tafe oC the electric power for the farm. WON&fiRFIJL mmmmm _ H; R. LEVINE fr iriaMiiiW afiasi mr*- % ./hf, -STARRING Hedda Nova, Jack Holt and Everybody's Darling •Little Mickey Moos* --AND-- AN EDUCATIONAL COMEDY SUNDAY, OCTOBER Sf f ^ Carol Holloway f/§ Life in a Great Lumbtr Cuapi to the Northwoodt to portrayed Mr' "The Deceiver" AND -iXifW 1 *"SlTNSHme: tJOMEDY' N t i >HIE JAJOTORS" ' ^MATINEE AT 2:3# , TVCSDAY, OCTOBCR li , .. . " ** ' Ano** flutter *c fted Blooded American History Chapter Play The tabulated tcot»: McHenry Kieley, ss ..... .0 Kelly, 2nd b r^. f >0 Boothby, p G. Smith, cf ... . .k.0 King, 8rd b.5*. .v^J.0 Bean, c ..........0 Warner, 1st |l ..,.0 Marum, If .. »*>v0 Thelen, rf ... ^vj|. .0 • <&•' H. P0. A. J15. 0 0 S ^ 0 0t 2 4 >: 0 • ® M*** >?• # * s» 0 • © 2 ti 0 5 1 0 t t 0 •« •0 1 lfi 10 2 . -1R. H.. P(^. A. E Hoeff, rf ft t 0 f Allen, 2nd 1.0 l*k Ehlort, 3rd 1| . ./. .0 0 $ \j 0,^ L. Smith, If t • 0 0 Uer.nett, c i>..» # .0 0 [ - 0 0 Hubert, p . • 0 \. 1Jt't * 0 O'Connell, cf * K. .0 1 I ? • 4 0 Schuldt, lstjb ..^.# 0 t 1^ 0 Haizman, s*. .v. .0 0 0 0 1 ^ksrrioC LMmmtc WEDNESDAY, OCT. 12 |LJV ICrrInIfIfBi buiauuuuirai 0 2 16 8 1 Ufliia tauw: McHenry, 2; <3try, 2. Struck out: By Boothby,' 5; by Hubert, 8. Two base nit: Thelen. Umpires: Billip and Jtieley. Carload of Potateee Oprioad of Minnesota grown Bad Riv«# Ohio potatoes now on track. $1.76 per bushel at car. J. Mont* go--ry, Fbooe No. JUL Baaket Social At tbs Terra Cotta school OB Saturday evening, Oct. 15. Program starts at eight o'clock. Everybody welcome. Miss Marguerite Knox, Teacher. -Notice' No trespassing, bunting, shooting or trapping by dog or man on w fcWikx' ' . walking thru our store and seeing the articles we hate on display. Grasp the opportunity next time you are in the store. - We will be pleased toshw .v«S ^ -» ; f. v-'is MM McHenry, III. |l your dories are nil4 , ^ * vOe|i't fuss. If they are rasgitf or ripped* Don^ctws. winkled or worn / -Or (Mcd^r ton!, v 4tt y6«iwaBt mm fixed, " a* A 3%~:- We make suits and overcoats to order ii| the latest fall and winter styles* Our mottc^ it quick service and first class workmani,' >M "v; » >'i i ii m. in ^1*6.:^. '"M The West «Mtl»n*-*?Wlor tlitifSni-OT ^ •», ^V-. v-s, •> -» •? t • ' ' - >t >t•» ft . , i* 7^ \ v.i * - * ^ yfj ; • \ *j . > ^ Mm ^ "'.fc'L ^'A kt i&JKfS' . 1.^". •.£* . . . . - . ;>»' 1 *' 'ji* i*'-si is a •4V r't# .-•"N »/• j. <», * r , 'Sjt - ' - , f- ",' %r it-, *"•' ^ } •>, ; - : >. . - - J;jt ....i..j ^ iaS ?' "i* ' •' *' i "i t v^'%? s^.'l'-v. *p£ f: , -j t^ fe J ' -f "1 i £. » ~""fu <•' ' 0 ..k iA'm 1 nMi >Ssm rt'&'t:* - J,-* : . i- • • '^r <j: iff:"" r: ^ ,'V £43 < • \l. m tifcyir- •-M *%' \ ^ j • »V;' ' *- A*~ i «*!> •'jik A'? OrriCERS rtiimsi JT* SL WMIOt, -mww ^WtaioawT .-VIOK HWPPBIT' iCAfti VT^BThMSQtt v-oMSMtkn *mua& I CaKYf OMHIM J ^ " J- ^ ^ :;>Vy •" ^ s\ " r f, ^ .?>* " ; f.. ' t **v. , • • v».4 t'V*" JLa; 'JiAjk OPPORTUNITY stands at the right hand of a man with a hank account -A rfip V - , • P' '• p'-v £f;i ' ^ v. "'4 ,r" vj x£5, ^ mi %r , •iimltMpa •• Ibty.r- '• 5* ,Ci •>" 1 ' 4- V4h' - ;v> v" * /ti«H 'x *•' ' • "V ,v' %>$• *; - . -' ' . . " ;> MJ#i '..i. , - j DIRECTORS tLVMn, CHAIRMAN CIPEttlS cf; r. a,«Anus r.jLi SW! 'ins '.1'i'jul1 aiiirfu umii tHi is11 i iiiMmii •s'rZ-,* -%£ •* • mim ,, .'• i'A'J . ' <• •' x-Mm •• '• 1 '4,: 'v:5v" * ' ' ' M •$ v'?' f S. •&' .a . ». ' 5&<i ' * tlv*. •iSki .

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