fi&MERS AND GOKBS OF A W3BB : ' 2N OUR BUSY VILUG8 -in Stet by PbinjetkNr Reporters aiut B«mW !at© par Office by Our ;nv^FrteiidB . i **r. and Mrs. Frank OTlaherty of Elgin were Sunday guests of the letter's mother, Mrs. Ellen Frisby. •Mrs. John Walsh, daughter, Genes iiW mgiwanry Atn hai iwn «&em by far of •wilwi settM Anrer, inflown, diphtheria, septic MM fluwV mall pes and typhoid. At th® October meetings of the Home Bureau the subject of the control of communicable disease is to be discussed and brought before the public as effectively as possible. Every parent should be vitally in- *i»ve, and son, Raymond, of Ingleside terested in this subject. Every indi called on relatives here Sunday. viduai going out from home risks the . ™isses Lora Smith, Evelyn Carey possibility of coming in contact with *»na Frisby and Mrs. Nellie Bacon people who are suffering from con vare Waukegan shoppers last Than- tagious diseases. The victims of these 4*y. Miss Mabel Krumpen of Genoa Junction, Wis., was a Sunday guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. George .Mrs. John Pint is spending a couple weeks as a guest in the home of k«r daughter, Mrs. Harry Kist, in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cascas and son of Chicago were week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Praser. Mr. and. Mrs. Harvey Baron and Mrs. John Miller ware guests of the formers' relative* at Hebron last1 Thursday. . Mrs. Chas. Pich, Mrs. ^Julius Butaan and Mike Thelen of Chicago were guests of Miss Emma Thelen the first the week. * Mrs. Jack Walsh and Mrs. Chas. W. Gibbs passed a few days last week with their sister, Mrs. Patrick Costallo, at Elgin. -K: .Miss Pauline Schmitt of Chicago .^pissed the latter part of last week as ;* guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J3> W. Stenger. - . Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Landwer and •on, Keith, of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. limes T. Perkins. Atty. and Mrs. Wai. Parkinson of Chicago were week end guests in the ^ome of the lattfer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Winkel. Mrs. Edmund Knox and Mrs. Robt. BL Knox and daughter, Mary Margfret. left Monday for a visit with Iplatives at Cleveland, 0. Mrs. A. G. Barbian spent the latter KSIrt of last and the first of this week m the home of her daughter, Mrs. C. G. Burkhartsmeier, in Chicago. Martin Foley left Monday for his kime at Cleveland, O., after a couple ydt weeks' visit among relatives and „ fjPiends in McHenry and vicinity^ 'Miss Varina Wentworth and E. Mc- Johnson of Chicago passed the week eg|d in the home of the former's par- •its, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. "Wentworth. Mrs. Walter J. Donavin and daugh- •tflr, Kathryn, and the former's mother lira. Sarah Reese, passed the latter part of last week at West' Chicago f*d Oregon, HI. ; Miss Clara Miller, one of the operators at the local exchange of the Illinois Bell Telephone company, is spending a week's vacation as. the guest of relatives andfr tends in Chicago and Kenosha. Mr. and Mrs. P. Meyers and daughters, Harvey and Harry Otto and Mis» Blanche Meyers of Chicago; Mr., and Mrs. George Meyers and children and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Prouse of Elgin were week end guests in the home of ...Mr. and Mrs. George Meyers. • - ^ HEALTHIER THAN McHENBY te Report ef ItHaoia J0emeat of Public Health JflCkkago, with its crowded streets, Its foreign population, smokey chimneys and it* smelly stockyards, is healthier than McHenry county. If you do not believe this send for the diseases are not always aware themselves of the nature of the malady with which they are afflicted, they, only know that they "fed bad." Some people would urder no consideration endanger another's health. Others are indifferent to other people's comfort or safety and because of this we find it imperative to control in some way the spread of communicable diseases. Another reason for controlling contagion lies in the fact that whenever our bodies have succumbed to the ravages of any disease it has taken its toll of vitality from us and has left us just that much less able to throw off disease or poison in any Mm - <3Mftte~ - mas sheets. Robe. Vog-t, Bl. If* FOR SALS--Building lot en Waukeroad near Front street. Address PJainde»'er. 16-St FOR SALE--A large hard coal stove, self feeder. J. W. Smith, McHenry. Phone 109-J. ' l«4f FOR SALE--A few trios of fine white Chinese geeee. Mrs. J. E. Hauswirth, McHenry, ID. 17-lt* LOST--Young male collie. Answers to the name of Billie. A. M. Schiller, West McHenry, 111. 16-tf WANTED--Neat girl or woman to assist with house work. State wages. Mrs. W. F. Powers, Crystal Lake. HI. 17-lt LOST--On Volo road, buggy robe. Liberal reward. B. Thonneson, Empire theatre, McHenry, 111. Phone 109-J. 17-lt FOR SALE--A two year old registered Holstein bull with papers. Inquire of P. M. Freund, McHenry, 01. Route 2. Phone 630-M-2. 16-2t* form in the future. You may say "I am just as well as before I was sick," but, nevertheless, the system is weaker than it would have been had n<^ disease fed upon its tissues. There are ways by which yon may help to check the spread of communicable diseases. These ways are to be considered at the Home Bureau meetings for this month. Come to the meeting, advertise them, bring your friends and convince them that the Home Bureau is a worthwhile organisation. LOST--Somewhere on streets of McHenry Sunday evening, a wrist watch with gray band, initial T. on back. Finder return to this office. Reward. FOR SALE--A beautiful walnut finish victrola, six records included. A bargain at the price of $50. Also a guitar, price $10. Inquire of Eld win Hall or at Smith Bros., McHenry, III. FOR SALE--The old Smith hoa«- stead farm of 160 acres located abost two miles east of McHenry; the Smith estate farm of 82 acres at Lake Defiance and the house and lot east of he Fox river bridge in McHenry. 8. H. Freund, McHenry, 111. Phone 64SM- 2. 41-tf 1500.SS REWARD for any informa- 'tion leading to arrest and conviction COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WORK jof person poisoning four (4) pedigreed Jersey heifers on Sayer farm. Information treated abeolutely confidential; the money to be paid over by West McHenry State bank. Geo. J. Sayer, McHenry, 111. 17-4t In Agriculture and Home Economics By McHenry Co. Home BtttiHa ;\ . t ; T Would You Believe It? Jfc fhe Home Bureau tent at the Pleasant Valley plowing match last week 95 rural children were weighed and measured. 79 per cent of them were underweight for their height and 87 per cent with 7 per cent or more underweight, putting them in the malnourished class, which means they are retarded at least a year in growth both in height and weight. The malnourished child is subject to many handicaps such as lack of enthusiasm and reponsibility, mental inefficiency, unhappy disposition and lack of resistance to disease. Better Community CoafereNe An added reason for Home Bureau members attending the fall conference is the fortunate opportunity they will have to attend the Better Community conference which will be held the three days following, Oct. 14, 15 and 16. Some persons of note who will speak include Lorado Taft, Zona Gale, Henry1 E. Jackson; Pres. of national community board, Washington, D. C.{ Mrs. Henry W. Cheney, Pres. League of Women Voters of Illinois; Miss Grace Osborne of the National Public Health association of Now York City, and Mrs. -Medill McCormkk. Mrs. Charles Beals of the National Child Welfare association is to bring an exhibit and will also speak. Miss Fannie Brooks, who for the past seven years has had charge of the home economics extension work in health, will spend this year at Mount Sinai, hospital in New York City as assistant superintendent of the nurses' training school. During her absence ber wMk wUl .be taken care of as well as possible by As other numbers of V"> FOR SALE--Select wooded lots on the river and adjacent to new golf course of McHenry Country club. Within viHage limits and in walking distance of stores and R. R. station. Apply to C. W. Stenger at West McHenry State bank, Ben Stilling & Son, McHenry of C. S. Owen, 600 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Phone Monroe 6800. 12-tf FOR SALE--A large 18-inch base burner. Nickel trimming in good order and not rusted. James N. Sayler, McHenry, HI Phone 78-W. 16 FOR SALE OR RENT--The Michael J us ten estate house on Elm street, McHenry. Apply to or write N. J. J us ten, administrator, West McHenry, 111. 1*4* the staff with such temporary help as can be secured from time to time. Mary B. Dalbejj^- McHenry Co. Home Demon£tratfl§ir Agent. ADDITIONAL EXCHANGES Chicken thieves are again rampaging in Lake county, where farmers are losing their egg producers by the dozens. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Bddin of Marengo, both of whom were born and have always resided in that city, celebrated their fiftieth wwdding anniversary there on Tuesday of this week. The postmastership at Grayslaks must be some job. According to last week's Grayslake Times examination for candidates wishing the positiea will be held on Sap*. 24, and thus flkr there is no one who desires the office. teflews. •'5:. £ETZT.'. „