' *; '-k -7r 10 It POUSE a W1 It. up *P|WM||I m ?c*~ Bversharp is abihfr pencil that is always sharp yet never sharpened, always ready for smooth, easy writin&andbeautifuliy saade for lifelong service. Eversharp prices, with 18 inches of EversharpLeads, are $1 up. -V* Sold by #-y' N. Hf j^EfihESCH Druggist Phone IS8-J '.3 if. " l T-?\ *v 4bARtOAD<ip Lftave your order today for your winter's supply,, t .«• ; k\.p ^ ' '£ j*> vJ ** ^>7 * vf *4; v M. ML Niesen McHenry Ftione 4ft MR-HAPPY PARTY YOUR MEALTIME JOY GiUlTE ASSURED- 30«TTR*THIS HAMIT'S ^SO&AR-CURSD ¥T just makes you feel better to repeat the words, let alone eating some of the article itself, --sugar cured ham. Doesn't it make you hungry just .to thinkaboutif?, ^ •» v- rfevu-. - ' : 0»*ck foe Mr. HappyFaity #FRETTS ] MARKET £ GROCERY INST.WCSrMdKNirr.tLLl IE 3 MILLER PORTABLE LAMPS (No. L 2434) kV -}' y**r';'1 * v I* 8* \ -4 /./cV, WrV. * 1 ^ VV- >,. - 1 ->V ; Dollars Down $1 each month ./>• •, .V - ^r*1 , . 1 ! »•*- rrBSML^y *' tTb tuvuc yon To rnspeci our stock of these remarkably fine lamps sold at remarkably low prices. '-v?. >v- ? • Public Service Co. OF NORTHERN ILLINOIS Mochn--"ldy boy.It*« wwhtM how you bw Impimiil ttace 1 h»w beta ph>>H I-- •ccompenMmh oa the OuIbniMcn." The Son--oothn, it helps m • lot." Your first week with a Gulbransen, you can learn to jjjfay acceptably thelcind of music you would stumble over after five years of hand practicing. You can prove this in ten minutes at any Gulbransen • Dealer's store. Please do it Find qui what ibe gulbransen will do for you and yours. N. A. Huemann, West McHenry , " -- ' . ^ I* 1 •>.'* *' > • •». Q5T r-M$v ^ COme to be recognized as the best ',jfF a .f^4 sold in this territory. This has been ^ made possible thru our long experience ^ , at the business coupled with the sanitary k. and up-to-date methods employed in the manufacture of our cream. Our service too is perfect in every detail, thus enabl r:;^s ^ V.'-' » ' " f . . - i , 'T.- . •»'- V?-; •' HcHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY C. UNTI, PROP. WHOLESALE * RETAIL Erickson's. strive on shoe Boy Coming, a prices at Erickson's. , Will Wentworth of MeHency was tnuwacting business is t/mu KoBdajr. r* and Mrs. Cwfefttit-fitay spent SmdAy with the latter^ rekitvss in Evanston. James Conway of Harvard ^w»a In town Monday looking after Bowman dairy interests. Sheet anwlc. all the latest aad moet popular numbers, at tbe E*e»ett muAe store, McHenry. Mr. and Mrs. Smiley of Elgin spent the week end with the latter's sister, Mrs. E. C. Hawley. C. W. Harrison started for North Carolina Saturday and expects to be gone about ten days. Mrs. Emma Brown returned home Saturday after having spent two months with relatives in Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. L. Schroeder and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Brown motored to Burlington, Wis., Sunday afternoon. Now is the time to market your surplus poultry. We pay cash for same. McHenry P. & E. Co. Phone 111-R. Mrs. Jennie Spaulding is spending the week with her granddaughter, Mrs. Wm. Mervin, and family at Walworth, Wis. Miss Martha Dailey and Maxwell Beth were Chicago shoppers Saturday and attended the theatre, "Tip Top," in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Smith motored to Rockford Sunday and spent the day with Misfi Mary Smith. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Stephenson attended the wedding of Harold Bennett at Belvidere Monday night. The Bennett family will be favorably remembered by many of our townspeople, who wish Harold end hia bride a happy wedded life. •' Wayne Foss entertained a company of relatives and friends at dinner Sunday. It was in honor of Mrs. W. E. Smith's birthday as well as his own. Wayne knows how to serve a good dinner and this one was thoroly enjoyed by all who were fortunate enough to be present. Don't foi'get to come to the Woodman hall Friday evening, Oct. 28. There will be fun for everyone. The hall will be open early so that everyone will have a chance to buy candy, souvenirs, eats, ets. Hie program will begin at 8:00 o'clock. Opening Chorus Jfeck-o'-Lantem Scene I--Cornfield Song--Jolly Jack-o'-Lantem. Edmund Whiting and Chorus "The Chase" Pumpkin Head and £jbq?tfs "(^Intermission--10 Minutes^; . .* Visit our candy booth ^ Scene II.. Brownie Land Song--"The Brownies" Chorus "The Brownie Dance Hist! Hist "Ten Little Brownies". .Brownie Men Intermission--15 minutes Visit our souvenir booth Scene HI .Goblin's Home Song--Little Orphan Annie.. Ardis and Mercedes Whiting and Chorus Song--Halloween.. Julia MoLawghlin and Helen Lawrence and Chorus Goblin's Dance--"Watch Out" Intermission--15 minutes Buy a paddle Scene IV Fairyland fairies' Dance......... Eight Fairies Dance of Greeting.. Fairiet and Brownies Ffciry Queen Intermission--10 minutea Buy "eats" {Jeene V. .Witches' Cavern, Spookville The Broomstick Dance.. Six Witches The Ghost Parade Six Ghosts "Goodnight"--Chortts ..10 Brownies 8 Fairies, 6 Ghosts, 6 Witches, 5 Goblins, Pumpkin Head Don't forget to come. Bring everyone and a big, fat pocket book^:,j, OSTEND -- " Saturday specials at Erickson's. Candies at popular prices at Erickson's. Star pianos at the Stare* male store, McHenry. Mrs. C. E. Beardsley has a sister visiting the family hom«? from Michigan. The Borden milk inspector was calling on farmers in this locality Wednesday of la&t weds. Now is the time to market yew surplus poultry. We pay ca«h for same. McHenry P. A EI Co. Phone 111-R. Mrs. Daisy Jecks left last week Tuesday for Emmettaburg, la., to be at the bedside of her mother, who was reported failing. Several farmers are wishing for dryer weather to take care (rf hay. Some have alfalfa and some a second cutting of clover. R. H. Merrifield, who resides on the old T. A. Abbott farm, will quit farm ing and sell all stock and farming tools at auction on Thursday of this week. The company that owns the Wallis farm and the S. E. Clark farm has moved the silo filler to the Clark farm, where the sixty-five milk cows are kept. There have been two new silos erected there this fall C. IS. Jecks had the misfortune to lose four cows Monday. He milked the cows in the morning and turned them out as fast as they were milked. They went to the alfalfa field and ate frozen alfalfa. In a little while he noticed they were bloating. Soon four were dead and seven more badly bloated. Dr. Wheeler and the neighbors came to his assistance and the others were saved. Mr. Jecks baa been very unfortunate of late. Only a few' days ago he lost one of his best horses. Our want ads bring result*. ^; TERRACOTTA John Riley has been fll at Milioaie here. Ladiea' brogm oxforfe *t Erickson's. Francis Frisby was a visitor in Woodstock Sunday. M. Knox and son, Vernon, were visitors in Chicago last Wednesday. Fred Bergman of Chicago is sending a few weeks at the home of 3. B. Leisner. Howard Phalin was a business visitor in Minneapolis a Hw days recently. Mr. and Mrs. M. Knox and family spent Sunday afternoon with relatives in Woodstock. Phonograph records for all maketi of machines at the Everett music store, McHenry. Mrs. Geo. F. Kuntsman of Dixon is spending a couple of weeks with relatives in this vicinity. Miss Marjorie Phalin of St. Xavier's academy, Chicago, visited at her home here from Thursday until Sunday. . Now is the tame to market your surplus poultry. We pay cash for same. McHenry P. & E. Co. Phone 111-*. Mr. and Mie. James P. Green returned from their wedding trip last Wednesday and spent the remainder of the week at the latter's home here. Sunday they went to Woodstock, where they have gone to housekeeping. ADDITIONAL PERSONAL E. R. Me Gee attended to business matters in Chicago Tuesday. Miss Cleora Johnson spent the week end with her parents at St. Charles. Edwin Walsh of Chicago passed Sunday as the guest of McHenry relatives. Miss Mabel Peterson passed the week end with home folks at Maywood Mrs. Josephine Heimer is spending a couple of weeks with relative^ in Chicago. Paul Meyers has gone to Chicago, where he has accepted a position for the winter. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholi and children were guests of relatives at Belvidere Sunday. Mrs. Jacob Jus ten passed several days last and this week as the guest of Chicago relatives. Mr. and Mrs. 'John Schuenemann of Chicago spent Sunday as the guests of McHenry relatives. Neil H. Foss of New York City, is spending a few)weeks as a guest in the home of , Claxton. ( Mrs. lieW McDonald and Miss Ella Newman spent Saturday and Sunday with Chicago relatives. Mrs. Emma Fullington of Crystal Lake is spending a few weeks in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. L. Page. Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman and Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Newman were Woodstock callers Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Charles McArthur and daughter, Ruth, of Elgin were Sunday guests in the home of Mrs. A Wolff. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Reihansperger passed Sunday as gnests in the home of the former's parents at West Chicago. . Misses Bertha Haven and Rose Jensen of Racine spent the latter part of last week as guests of the Misses Claxton. Peter M. Freund and daughters, Helen and Catherine, and "Mrt. Bernard Kennebeck spent Tuesday at Waukegan. Miss Edith Lauck of Elgin spe^t Saturday and Sunday as a guest in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Claxton and family. Mr. annd Mrs. Geo. Eddy and Mr. and Mrs. Rafyh Wells of Elgin spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Newman and family. Mr. and Mrs. John Carr and sons of West Chicago spent the latter part of last week as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Bonavin. Mrs. John Reihansperger and daughter, Mary, of West Chicago passed a few days this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. J. Reihansperger. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weingart and children, Mr. and Mrs. John Knox and children and Mrs. Elizabeth La urea spent Sunday wih Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christensen near Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Burkhartsmeier and children and Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kent and daughter, Mary Lenore, motored out from Chicago on Wednesday of last week and called on relatives here. Col. Howard R. Perry of Camp Grant spent several days this and last week in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James B. Perry. The colonel ,is soon to leave for the Hawaiian Islands, to which point" he. was recently ordered. , . ADDITIONAL EXCHANGE The new garment factory at Cary opened last week with seven ladies operating the sewing machines. The iMarengo American Legion post has opened a labor exchange in an effort to keep ex-service men em-1 ployed. | Charles S. Asn»»orth, convicted in the federal court in Chicago on charge of stealing, is serving out a six months' sentence at the McHenry county jail at Woodstock. The Harvard Garment company, manufacturers of rag dolls, is now giving employment to thirty-five people. Two hundred dozens of dolls are being turned out weekly. Matthew McRoberts, retired farmer residing at Chemung; has add to Harvard merchants this season a total of 1,400 pounds of honey, for which he was paid $420. Citizens of Crystal I^ake have turned down the offer of the ConniMfliiir pseii at tiM^it'of a revolver was caughfpKa tijiiiiit of on* mm the mat «m* <4 th*Iak» fer *lM*}. The _ has but 600 '•feet of lake frontage. Crystal Lake, for some years past, has beat desirous of getting hold of a piece of lake front property-for a city park. \ Woodstock American: "Be^ sure your sins will find you out." Never was this quotation more aptly demonstrated than Thursday when Floyd Hammond of Harvard was notified by the Chicago police that the thief who four years ago, Oct. 5, held him up whits nUfag a house in Austin. lit the thief's pocket was found his wallet, trie papers and cards intact and watch, a valuable time piece purchased shortly before the robbery for $175. It is, quoting the Chicago police, one of the most peculiar coincidences ever recorded in police history. That the police of Austin should arrest and secure valuables stolen four years ago on the very anniversary of the theft and that these articles taken would be practically intact is most remarkable, according to the police. in «rtas»MMied al«oat «tactly aMMxmt fn the pocltft taken. Mr. Hammond went cago Thursday afternoon to ci bring home his property^ ^ "t Fanners' Assn. to Meet The annual meeting of the Ml County Farmers' Co-operative ciation will take place at the hall on Monday, Oct. 31, at one o'clock. Official notifications of the coming meeting, together with proxies, will be mailed out to members next week. --i umi) i * . * • - , ; K *. . - :• • ;; 5 . ^ *^ , /< 'TfMo thY e^ man who* #b eilll*ie ve*s 4m Keeping f * ^ < y^ ; **'• •-*&J money working all the * , 1 cates of Deposit will appeal. ZFWFZVJ; These Certificates provide an exceptional method for the investment of temporarilyidle funds. They never fluctuate--are always worth 100 cent$on a dollar, and pay liberal interest -vv, McHenry, Illinota FREMONT HOY, Pre*. All the warmth of tftefct%co& the bulk and weight. Style lines that reflect superior tailoring^ Belted backs, all around belts, double breasted, most of them withaif fed sleeyes, 4najl the west . shades. . • - ' f 'Ms/' -vi, N'KNir • . J*1, v;-.< i-.;' ' . atUniMw»Y 't - • • 1 > . v»-- \ < M " imm I?' % sm>.. ."--v " OlMI C.K.&.& . :4> ' ->V. ^ ;V» >}?K ;