Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 20 Oct 1921, p. 5

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Team Ago *?hm: Hum Friends Notice to Mr. Farmer I am giving a practical demonstration of the an Light farm light and power plant at my store eveiy Saturday afternoon. Come in and see theadva* tage of the electric power for the farm. H. R. LEVINE Electrical Contractor Dealer McHenry, Illinois Advertises ' VI. if ^ ' ' „ "3V-/; 'M, community enterprise, we look upon our bugmes$ p- • ; co-operative effort in the • best : of McHenry and her every wizen £*• The other day a friend said to ns: "Whjp >hould you advertise? You get all the gas ' •ess there is." - - We are glad he asked this question. jNsrha #,Sr you, too, would like to know why. Here » out" answer: 40K ^It is not sufficient that we merely give goo£ jrvlce, be courteous and make friends. Want to dispel prejudice and misunderstanding from the minds of the publicly continually sta|| ing the facts about our business. kt We believe it our duty to let the public kno^f the real nature of our business and the aims ami ideals of the men engaged in that business. Theri ' is no mystery about it, nothing that we woul#|J ffish to cover up. Then why not advertise it? $W t Like the man on the witness stand we •ay: "It's the easiest thing in the world to tell th||f fruth when there is nothing but the truth to tell. ^'WesternUnited Gas £& and Electric Company -o € louring F.O.B. '4 m O at your pleasure--go where yens choose and when you choose, with your family or your friends. Enjoy the boundless beauties of nature, the pure air, a lunch in a shady wood, a fishing excursion, a rest by a cool lake or streaml You can in a Ford. Millions have learned by experience that to own and operate a Ford is not an extravagance; they have learned that the many pleasures derived from a Ford takes the place of other pleasures, and the saving thus made oftpa pays, fctf • , maintenance.' < ,, * J. *\:V>* Let's talk this matter over, ' Get the < Robert E. fUbqat spent laet Saturday in the metropeHtaa city. j Miss Mary 8teffel was a Chicago j visitor last Saturday. Mrs. Nellie Bacon and Miss Lara Smith were Marengo visitors Sunday. Mrs. E. E. Bassfctt called on relatives at the county seat last Satur- • " ' 1 \ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Baron spent Stinilay as the guests of friends at Hebron. j Henry Freund apeat the lafttac-part of last week with relatives at Burlington, Wis. * Mrs. Chas. Gaulke of Woodstock passed a few days last week with relatives here. Mrs. Mollie Givens and family were guests of relatives at Elgin Sunday afternoon. Mrs. R. G. Chamberlin and daughter, Greets, were Woodstock visitors last Saturday. Mrs. J. W. Smith attended the fu neral of her nephew, Lee Waldron. in Chicago Monday." Geo. Kamhoiz was the guest of friends at Genoa Junctioh, Wis., last Thursday evening. « j Mr. and Mrs. John H. Miller werfe guests of relatives at Kenosha, Wis.. over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Becking of Wood* stock were recent callers in the home of Mrs. Sarah Sherburne. | Mrs. Ida McKay of Crystal Lake spent Sunday as the guest of her sister, Mrs. L. A. Erickson. October 21, 189* ;J* Tin old pickle sheds in the rear of the Bishop mills are being torn down. E. B. Perkins has just finished painting the interior of the Plaindealer office. ("apt. C. H. Try on of Woodstock was doing surveying H {Ms village one day last week. E. B. Perkins Is now engaged in painting the outside of the new home of D. F. Hanly on the West Side. The residence of H. & Wightman in this village has been neatly painted on the outside. John Neiss was the artist. A photograph -car arrived in town on Monday and has set up business on the hill just west of the residence of John Evanson. Negotiations are pending toward tiie sale of some land near McCollum* s lake to Chicago parties for ice house purposes. M. Merrhnann has commenced the foundation for a new barn in the rear of his residence on the corner of Elm street and Park avenue. PRichard Thompson, who resides about two miles south of town, on the Numia road, had seventy sheep killed by dogs in the past two weeks. Miss Ella L. Welch of this village recently sold a beautiful painting of Christ, crowned with thorns, to the Rev. L. M. Meehan of Morris, 111. Miss Julia A. Story delivered an address before the county convention of the W. C. T. U. at Woodstock on October 15. The subject, was "Equal Suffrage." , The Fox river steam boats have been sold to Robt Setler and Han? AL EXCHANGE reports the priee of ^i^Plier typewriter has been drojqHsdfrom $64 to $49.50. \ The bazaar, recently given for the benefit of the Catholic church at Spring Grove, netted $691. A fifteen-year-service bar was last week presented to Miss Julia Parcel 1, an employe of the Oliver typewriter factory at Woodstock* She first started work in the shop in 1906. Monday of last week was pay day at the two typewriter factories at Woodstock. The total auoount paid out was less than one-eighth of the total wage during normal times. Thirty registered Duroc Jersey hogs sold at public auction at Harvard last week brought the owner something like $700. Another indication that we are oitL the road -to normalcy. •/ Four barns, four silos, an engine house and shed, entailing a loss estimated at $40,000, were destroyed by fire on the farm formerly owned by James Dorsey early last Monday morning. The Crystal Lake Commercial club has set about to advertise that place as a year round residence city. There isn't a reason why Chkagoaps could mm not he induced to make that their per rnmm place of atwde. of {So;Vagier-Schillo Pickle jfjgpgan resulted in cMipn^ at Richmond were paid a total of $80,000 for this season's crop. An average of about $500 per acre was maintained by the growers, altho there were a few instances where nearly $800 was realized from a single acre. A giant mtftal airplane, c£ a foreign manufacture, landed in a field near Harvard Sunday evening. The machine was enroute from Grand Forks, S. D., to Chicago. The pilot of the plane, employed by the New York aircraft corporation, had lost his way and in making the landing broke a wheel of the machine. A . couple of Chicago youths came very near making their get-away with a Ford runabout at Crystal Lake on nte fads some distal tal Lake. The as Arthur Thorn pi Thompson was released on ing Tuesday evening when came out from the city and ga| officials assurance that he wos care of the youth in the fut also paid all bills. The secoSft who is said to have a police was taken to .Woodstock and the county jail. When young Silver had in his some jewelry which, it is stole in Chicago. Edgewater Lsla Are easy of access to tl» fiver within walking distance to Fox River Realty Miss Mayme Barbian passed the B°SW*N» both of Grass Lake. The C. G. steamer "Willard" was sold for $200 and the "Elma" for $800. Thomas Noonan of Chicago, a ,week end with her sister, Mrs I Burkhartsmeier, in Chicago. I Mr. and Mrs. F. V. Cobb and daughjter, Gladys, of Hebron passed the *>rtfther of Ed. Noonan of this village, week end with relatives hen. I P*8Sed »w*y at Hot Springs on Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. John E. Pufahl and ,<**y He was fifty years of age and daughter, Adele, passed Sunday with had been on the Chicago police force 'relatives at Lake Geneva, Wis. .twenty-four years. | Miss Lillian Hall of Oak Park spent Mrs. Cluuncey Beck with, one of .the week end in the home of her par- oldest residents of this section, ! ents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hall. passed away at her home in this vil- Mrs. L. H. Owen of Cushing, Okla.,.la^ on Saturday afternoon at the ad- J passed several days last week with vanced age of eighty-one years. She her mother, Mrs. Alsena Smith. McHenry in 1837 and has been Mr. and Mrs: Jos. J. Sutton of * resident for fifty-nine years. The Elmhurst passed a few days last week (funeral was held Monday and burial With relatives at Emerald Park. Woodland cemetery. Miss Blanche Meyers of Chicago is | Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Smith celebrated spending the week in the home of her their golden wedding anniversary at parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers Dr. and Mrs. A. H. Waterman pf Chicago were week end guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Oberstadt Mr. Mid Mrs. Augost WiUe of Ridgefield spent a day last week in the home of the latter's aunt, Mrs. John Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Pauly and daughter, Helen, of Elgin were Sunday guests in the home of MV. and Mrs. N. E. Barbian. Misses Marion and Irene Conway of Elgin spent the week end in the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway. their home in this village on Tuesday evening, Oct. 13, 1896. There were over two hundred invitations issued and nearly all responded. One feature of the occasion was the remarkable fact that her table was spread with the same table cloth, same knives, forks and spoons and same dishes that she used at her wedding fifty years ago Auction Sale! , MeHENRY POST, NO. 491 s American LugiSn Regular Meetings every Tuesday evening at 8:00 o'clock. All exservice men welcome. WEIR FURNACE A feeling prevails that the coming winter will be a humdinger and the Weir takes smile at that. Let us show you why you should have a Weir furnace in your home. Only the best in the long run. It does a t v e c o f t . , * Riverside Drive Sheet Metal Works Mm >ikna. Prop McHeety, 111 Phone 57-J .^V4, Monday afternoon of chase by ^DR. WENDELL A. DflSGU* Stevens Bldg, Chkag* Treatments by appointment Phone Crystal Lake 184. I trips Mondays and Thtumiaya. A i m <v •r,*' "ftp', HIGH GRADE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS STRAIGHT RUN GASOLINE, HIGH TEST GASOLINE, BEST GRADE KEROSINE Quick Delivery on Receipt of Onto Brewery Service Station M. I Worts, Prop. Phone 20 McHenry, IB. BIRDS Chas. Leonard, Auctioneer Having decided to sell my dairy, I am offering my entire herd at auction sale on my farm, situated 1% miles Ralph and Glenn Van Natta of Chi- south of McHenry and 7 Ms miles north cago were guests in the home of their j«®st of Crystal Lake, on the McHenfyi parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Van j Barreville road, on | Natta, Sunday. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1*3* j Mrs. Frank Spieker of Burlington, J --This Herd Consists of-- Wis., passed a few days last week'40 HEAD OF GOOD YOUNG COWS with her parents, Mri and Mrs. including six pure breds, as follows Michael Freund. i Lady Spencer Oak Fern, No. 186781 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Riggs and daugh- Gelsche Neko Beets, No. 287118; Gilter, Carol, of Salem, Wis., were Sun- berta Alcartra De Kol, No. 436580 day as guests in the home of Mr. and Neko Alcartra DeKol, No. 439719 Mrs. Wm. Tesch. 'Gilberta Beets DeKol, No. 287117; Mr. and Mrs. Phil Meyers and' Cornet Neko DeKol, No. 308487. The daughters of Chicago passed the week ' present herd sire is King Pontine end with the former's parents, Mr. and Aaggie DeKol Segis, No. 251102, who Mrs. Geo. Meyers. v_ ; will be sold on day of sale. Five Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Frjsby and chil- two-year-olds and 7 calves, most of dren of Austin spent Wednesday of which are sired by Dulcina King of last week with the former's mother. Rock, No. 129233. Other sires that Mrs. Anna Frisby. have been used in this herd include Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hall and chil- Sir Gelsche Beets, No. 71826, Sir dren of Oak Park were week end Carmen Alcartra DeKol, No. 146400. guests of the former's parents, Mr. | / 22 High Grade Cattle and Mrs. Chas. Halt. including 16 cows, mostly sprhigers; Mr. and Mrs. Otis C. Murray, 2 two-year-olds and 4 calves. Most daughter, Maijory, and son, Raymond, [of them have cow testing association of Geneva, 111., spent the week end in records, which will be given on day the McLaughlin home here. j of sale. All are young, having been Mr. and Mrs. Ben Bonslett of Chi* raised on this farm, a guarantee goaarw* PHONE * i it cago passed the week end as guests of the former's mother, Mrs. Margaret Bonslett, and other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger, daughters, Margaret and Lucile, and sons, <Jeorge and Carl, Jr., motored to Chicago Sunday and spent the day. Mrs. Henry Block and daughter, Mm, Albert J. Kamhoiz, passed the latter part of last and the first of this week as guests of relatives in Chicago. Mrs.. Simon Stoffel and daughter, Esther, Mrs. Chas. J. Reihansperger and daughter, Ruth, and Mrs. Mayme Harrison were Elgin visitors last Saturday. Mrs. W. A. Sayler spent several days last week as the guest of her son, F. W. Sayier, and family and her sister, Mrs. W. C. Besley, at Woodstock. Mrs. N. H. Petesch and daughter, Angela, Mrs. J. C. Holly, Mrs. J. F Miller and Mrs. Clara Starritt visited Miss Alice Waite at "Rest Haven" sanitarium at Elgin Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Thomas and children of Franklinville and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Anderson and daughter of Woodstock were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamhric. Margaret Wallace NutUttRMSKS " V , rn-J KcH«uy. ffling with every cow. --Will also sell about^^f ; ; 60 SPRING PIGS I Weighing from 75 to 150 pounds. All of these pigs are from pure bred Duroc Jersey sows and can be registered. FOUR HORSES Two-year-old draft colt, yearling draft edit, work team, 8 and 9 years old. --Am also offering-- 5 Pure Bred Poland China Gilts and 4 pure bred boars, sired by HAtt Ton Fashion, No. 34€95i. Dam of two of them Orange Lady No. 1071508; dam of other two Orphan Waif, No. 1072512. Gilts same breeding. * Brad and owned b^ ^. J. Kittle. MACHINERY, ETC. Universal milking machine, twe double units, pump, air tank and pi]* ing, all in good condition; an 8-16 Mogul tractor with plows, silo filler, bundle loader, 2 top buggies, washing ^machine, 15 acres corn in shock, 16 acres corn in silo. V' Terms of Sale: AH sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of 6 months* time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. No property to be removed until settled for with clerk. WALTER J. WALSH Prap. J. C. Holly, Clerk. J Sale starts at 1:00 p. m.f sharp. Lets in Edgewatar can be purchased at moderate price and on easy pajw at plan. Fsk Bhrer XaaHgr Q». v : On ¥our New Home H*- 1/ r tt7 > - ' k/i* : ' V 'hA:: W" W&- 'ip, IIERE'S something! When you're having your new house built you can save time and money by using ART-CRAFT roofing, and we can proue it if^ j|| you will give us a chance to figure your roofing work, ^ • S It costs less to apply and you get your house finished! and ready to live in quicker. The horizontal pattern erf ART^RATTTBe^Design roofing is the economical roofing to put on new houses. It is a beautiful spark-proof, weather-worthy roof--Am kind of roof you would like to have on your house. Come in and find out about it We can show you die real thing. - ^ BIRD A A • ^ '4} 1 Y jf .ft » V. ^'4/ , -;V- . "vV--4 4"- McHENRY LUMBER GO f^AUTY AND SIRVKK FIRST V*V'* v; JT- ^ ^ A*'. ,"i. »* ,

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