igs^ v^X 1'i.i u, U1i siiuco, gVOii «*M w> ' i».ta«iv |i«uj K»'»!fvt^» »A *&*?•-• kid and gun metal, dark brOwn in calf, nature asidfes^ round toes. Women's oxfords and pumps, brown and Modi with leather and rubber beete, from $2.91 to • ' • " Satin Pumps Men's shoe? in black aad brown,, new lasts, from 4r^to V..*. iP-k.' ?&IPH&wJArt- ' .• > * J|£ ress Goods *h' New lirie of fell dress- fcoodsm serge,'- trk<^e|*|^ f / ottoman and mixed suiting, Silks in tuffata, sating If satin militaire, crepe de chine, ete., i§ ^ *•.'.<-».S 4 brown and many high colors. §s-,M€ A Ifcrge line of sweatcrs and sport coats. Goodc Delivered Promptly Phone 117-R mx-mB l» k ,"^c"- - «/'1 vf /" , ,«> V--5; J'- " w,.-m - ' ' r y "> vv.V.rt"*i ' • • V - ' * T j .4; ",f '*# % Evcry^^m^fmi^ ironing one In and JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. ft, *-.. - • ":•'#• Si •/il'V. . >*« ,'wf •'4^' •- f.-- - t:,' And how are you going to get your clothes washed next week? For sanitary reasons if none other your washing should be done in your home. Whether you do your washing yourself or have someone do it for you, it* is a waste of time, money and energy to wash in the old style way. r Save Work--Save Clothes--Save Money Wash the "Quicker Yet" Way You have undoubtedly been wanting a modern washing machine for sometime. You don't need to wait another day. You don't need to do another washing by main strength and back aches. You don't need to look at another batch of unsatisfactory washed clothes, laundered at a big expense outside your own home. You don't need to do these* things because you can now have a Quicker Yet Washer. •"•A-.*,*,-' mbtH> ",-hn' s . :'i& '# : < *"* :,.i^ «,• WrS- ~ ^ & 'f -•- ^ 7e* *^/k r^,U r:\? „ hR 1 QUKKEP YET »;• ".(Jinui..1! <'»»"•• •'.•j i't*r • • v.S / -'V. Ouicker-Yet Snowhite Electric $74- .• Pre- W ar--N ormal Time--Prices Compare These Prices j.* Mew 1W PrkMNow TOroWe Tub Electric Washer... 1117JS HSjM Quicker YetSnowhit* single tub) Electric Wwher 117J* 74J« Quicker Yet Double Tub Power Washer lMJt ISM Quicker Y«t Snowbite (single tub) Power Washer. 4UI T:,!** al>pve prices are for brand ne*»r machines, no seconds or rebuilt machines. These new price** on Quicker Yet Ws&hers are at rock bottom. Prices cannot go any lo*er-. Thene pre-war prices have been made so that, the factory wlllcjuickly moveheavy stocks of raw material on hand Of course this saaaaxa hr»», lues, but i t,is your pront. when present stocks of material are used prices may be considerably higher because present materials cannot be purchased at a price that would pei uiSt selling at these pre-war prices. You will realize that new materials cannot be bought to sell at a loss. '* • * •' 'i»v u. i. , iY't, ' n»irtii"r J. J. Vycital, McHenry, III. lain, Not. 1 The fifty-fifth annual conventtSn of the McHenry County $undajr Scfaooi association will take place at the Goni prregationa! church, Algonquin, next Tuesday, Nov. 1. Hie county ofRcers are doing their utmost to make the coming convention one of the la^srest in point of attendance as well as one of the most beneficial ever held in tt»e county and with this as their aim a cordial invitation is extended to the public to Jjc present. /«' -Program >- • * ft,' Mailing Se8«iort!;/-V [ 9:45 'Registration. 1 V 10:00 Opening Service--W. E. Royston. Hebron. S ' . 10:15 Greeting's from County Officers • and District P*-esident. Election of Officers. 11:30 Address, "The Gospel of the Fourfold Life," P. H. v . 12:00 Adjournment. ? •, Afternoon Session,'; v'-'f 1:30 Sonjc Service and P&S0fr ' 1:45 Address, Rev. R. B. Guthrif. , 2:15 Address, Rev. C. H. Newhaitt.; 2*45 Simultaneous Conferences-- Children's Division, Mrs. M* if. .^•"Eckert 1 i; '1?PunP People's Division-- • Girls--Antoinette A.f S»m* lor^au^'.. •' . , jiioys-^U- ,W. Cm^rn .. a(iministration Divisli^p. H. Wing. t /' Evening Session* * 7:00 Song Servioifc. . - •>* * *f'. ^ Offering. ' ' ' Address, "^fiie 'IStTnisuy of the Sunday School," Mrs. Antoinette A. Samoreaux. Violin Solo, Miss Helen Dvorak. Address, "The New Vision of ^Christian Bdncntios," D. H. c Winjf. • - «tr--^ Memorial Stadium Campaign Miss Cleora Johnson of this village was selected today as a captain in the University of Illinois memorial stadium campaign. The appointment was confirmed by R. W. Bardwell of Woodstock, chairman of the McHenry county' executive committee. In order that alumni may be solicited personally, one captain will be named for every . ten graduates or former students in the country. These eaptainj, under the immediate supervision of Bert Spaulding,. will do the actual solicitation work during the stadium week activities, Nov. 1 to 5, at which time it is hoped to swell the fund to $2,500,000, estimated coat of the new structure. Practically $1,000,000 has already been pledged by students, $700,000 in a drive last sparing, the remainder in a "plus" campaign among the university's 3,500 freshmen on Oct. 21. More Lots For Reverters . Two more land owners here have decided on plotting out tracts for summer resort purposes. Walter J. Walsh, who owns a considerable stretch of river frontage south of this llage is getting matters shaped up so as to be-able to place quite a large number of lots on sale next spring, while M. A. Conway* whose place is located east of Fox river, just outside of the village limits, is also contemplating the plotting of a tract to be sold for summer resort purposes. Will Attend Teachers' Meeting McHenry instructors are planning on attending the annual meeting of the northeastern section of the Illinois State Teachers' association* which is to take place at the First Congre gational church, Elgin, on Friday of next week, Nov, 4. The northeastern section takes m the counties of Du Page, Grundy, Kane, Kankakee, Kendall, Will and McHenry. Oswell G. Treadway, superintendent of the McHenry schools, is chairman of the executive committee of that body. - Building Boat Channel f , Edward Sutton., who a short? thae ago plotted out a large tract of his farm on Fox river south of this village, now has a 90-foot boat channel for use of future purchasers of lots there. The work was done by the big steam dredge owned by the Fox River Realty company. Mr. Sutton has already sold a number of lots in the new addition, while the prospects for future sales look excee^iagj* bright. Mrs. E. €. Hawley Dead • • Mrs. E. C. Hawley of Ringwood, wife of the proprietor of, Ringwood'a meat market, passed away at the family home there late yesterday afternoon, following a long illness. Short services will be held at the deceased's late home at 10:30 o'clock Friday morning and from there' the body •will be taken to Elgin for services and burial. Dam Nearly Completed .V • • With the, exception of minw ft* pair work on the apron and a few other finishing touches, the work at the McHenry dam is now completed. In fact, <a couple of days' work is all th^t is now needed to complete the contract as awarded Taylor Bros, last spring. The gates at the dam are now wide open and water is passing thru the locks at a lively pace. Expect to Winter Here A fftw /if fsTT.iiitt; cv/Tiins hcjSwj along Fox river near this village expect to spend the entire winter here/ which means that these people have, established permanent places of abode along our river. Just as soon as we get that cement road between Here and Chicago the colony of winter resorters is sure to grow. Mrs. Geo. Bohr passed Tassday fa the metropolitan city. v r«|. 4k m*T.. OCT. 28 & KAZAN 7m (£r««£*#£ James Ottver curwood aAorv «wr teW -ANDAN EDUCATIONAL COMfiUfc SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30 r:- !Nu M ---AND-- A UNIVERSAL COMED^|; . M ATINB& AT 2t» I < -- • ' TUCSOA^ NOVEMBER ' No. 4 \ /:i MYRTLE LYNO wt* APT in "W^N£RS OF T*£ b/<esr ITS /"l UNlVt#»AU ly ' « pWMMfht ^ Jne Red Blcxxled. American WstorM* • Chapter. Play ?f; oliUWEST 9farrln^ ART AC I ISOMINQ Ray fn "SCRAP mor way wi cover twenty-three v;.v^ 4!' '• IH .'i'ijp"." .. &•: Wlllil lli Wl ft tf,. 'i' •\--7 •, w .V 'P" i. . "i. ,4:'Hi K • ,/fc" J'**}- P, . %y tv, - H*" . 'j. ' J > 4.;.i-v Z-iiS&'k f > We #tite lt M our honest Wef(^>. / • v- 5. ^ the tobaccos used in Cheater* . 'Idd «« of finer qu»lity -f T- .. V V*"• r,' ~tV f-eien ce; v- of better taste) than in anv . Ci"d ,j - v M" .n , • ' * V :$,Z ,- ^7 ' • V.* •' CIGARETTES fiv. :y* ^"V v < • "' ' * *' '«* / 'V X VAA £* 1 A b i> < * ' V'i%}W%r?- of"Turkiah and Domettic tobacco*--bUndmd^ ** ^r , , ;; ' T'i" W« \ * i '•'v "• ' '5A>>;,> A; ft J- >'• y::mv/-^ •- ' ; i • /f • , .» "T *' . * y '£P. ' m .• *k If: . 1- it'x;-::?:; OFFICERS . C. I. FEGE1S, --PRESIDENT P, S. WEBSTER, VICE PRESIDENT SIMON STOFFEL, --VICE PRE8IDENT CAN. W. STENGEK, --CASHIER CCRAL0 J. CAREY, ^SST. CASHIER iiirtnrihij^Wiifrt ii i i i i i .I. . f x P o v e r t y i s an u g l y ifuzzard that is hatch- . ed from the egg of shiftlessness. ww&w? / ' £t'Pr ^ |(* i-,,' ' **' v , <*. j ^' / ,r" jt-2 " - ' •' - SC ^ ^ r ' ' w •, m -"I'i'fl '• I"* M*"* ;• V • :* • DIRECTORS E. L. WAGNER, CHAIRMAN C. 8. TEGERS P. S. WEBSTER SIMON STOFFEL: F. H. WATTLES F. A. ***** W. E. RRADLEY mm i. walsr Jd fc'i n ' mr iii|i[j|ii»|ui»fii;|ipi-|ii "in'in .'i,|.;L!^j,'v)i.^|W-l'im'<."i THE BANK THAT SERVICE BUILT 1. IAIXW:': j- '(" •-J -- | ni.in.inif llfi ifl-^ : '• V1"*" "•v : ' rV' 2y LH >•.•• < tys a n a y J * p r x n t - - v ; lii lb. cati Corned lieef - .i*^-'33c '..v'. "j •>' - • -•c'-zk 1# lb. Pail Karo Syrtip, dark. 49o 'k- '3 i Pail Kaip Syrup, light 59^^ -fiac H^lb. I*9il Karo Syrtip, dark ' i "• \'v"" 'aM *"4 S6wir caift t>U S*rdfaMT: 5c U Karo Syrup, light. 310 i | ? Pure Fresh Candies , . ;•/* "f -1 s,v • • • ' s M xv 'W: ^ *" Basket Social A basket social will-be held at the Ostend school on Saturday evening, Nov. 5. Program at 8:15. Overton's bus will leave Petesch's drug store at 7:80 and Vogt's drug store at 7:4§. • Howard V. Phalin, Teacher, ,# v ^ 5 'ki t'» "" 5;i4 \'r ^^ uOn Saturday Only'we will sell nc\v% fresh, erisp, salted f.; Soda Crackers, Graham or Milk Crackers 12c W boxes of about 4 lb. at per ttjjg %i?f, These are ij* -am • 'V / «KNERAL MERCHANDISE s wmmmw %E8T McHENflY. BLL.,