Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 27 Oct 1921, p. 4

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were CWeasro Mr*. D. G. Wells it spending a few dtyt as the gruest of relatives in Chicago. EPRODF WALLBOARD Sheet rock is a standard fireproof wall and ceiling 'material. It can be easily tawed and nailed. Rigid, tough and durable, it lastaas long as the building stands. Sheetrock is fireproof. It fcannot warp, shrink or buckle. It is reinforced with the U. S. G. Patented Reinforcement for extra nailing strength. The square true edges make tight flush joints. Uniformly even in surface, factor y-cast and factory-finished, Sheetrock takes any decorative treatment-- wallpaper, paint or panels. 1 PbOM| West McHednr BURKING RUMOR EXPLODED • ii i.-n^ 1 Corn Will Net Be Used aa Fttd In Illinois TWe will be no good'«om burned as fuel in Illinois this winter, according'to eight of the most prominent corn growing county farm bureaus in the state and officials of the Illinois Agricultural association. Rumors about com burning, which have been prevalent lately, started, it is said, when imaginative persons saw some farmer making a bonfire in his back yard out of rotten corn dangerous for his stock. In order to get the facts on the issue the Illinois Agricultural association telegraphed eight • J l f j r f Now C o n i e s PzScholl's Demonstration Week Oct. 22-29 It is with much pleasure we make the announcement off Dr. Scholl s Demonstrations "Week in our store. We wantr \ you to come to our store any . time and learn how* ,. thousands of people suffer- , ing with corns, callouses^/ bunions, tired, hurting feetE have been benefited through^ the use of lkSchoiiy Rat Comfort Appliances Our Foot Comfort Depart-^ ment is in charge of a man who knows feet as well as shoes and will gladly answer ' any questions you may care to ask him relative to shoes and shoe fitting. |f« Urgej jYfrooui'i t(oa Make a Speelmt corn tHB|||in this county," ree LivtiPptih County Farm Bureau, "except corn which i.^ moldy and unsuitable for no other purpose.** "Si* or eight bushels of corn per hundred which is dangerous to stock the onlv corn burned here," answered the Champaign County Farm Bureau. Like replies were received from the McLean, LaSall«, Piatt, Peoria, Iroquois and Tatewell County Farm Bureaus. "Such unfounded rumors," declared Howard Leonard, president of the Illinois Agricultural association, "always come up during every low price era. The farmer knows that the price he is getting for his corn is way out of line with what he is paying for necessities, but he doesn't intend Jo use his corn for fuel." , "* COUNTY EDITORS MKj|r Are Guests of Editor £. F. Renich at 'Woodstock Saturday was SMITH McHenry 'county editors mat at Woodstock last Saturday as guests of Editor Chas. E. Renich of the Woodstock Sentinel. Shop talk took up about an hoar in the morning, after which the meeting was adjourned long enough to enjoy a noon day luncheon as guests iftf Mr. Renich. Durinjr the afternoon session Editor S. F. Preston of the Gillespie News, and former president of the Illinois Press association, gave the boys a straight from the shoulder tajk. Present at the meeting besides the host were Al. F. Hock of the Woodstock American, P/«E. Whittleton of the Harvard Herald, L. W. Cobb of • the Crystal Lake Herald, A. L. Johnton ot the Marengo Republican-News and F. G. Schreiner of the McHenry Plaindealer. Merten J. Emmerson of the HarvarjJ Independent, Ar. D. Wiseman of the Hebron Tribune and H. F. CJaston of the Richmond Gazette were Unable to be present. / At the luncheon the editors were foined by Mrs. C. F. Renich, Mrs. L. '0 W. Cobb and Mrs. A. L. Johnson. Is r Before the adjournment it. was defended to hold a monthly meeting" the third Monday of each month. Thus ^ ^ ^ the next regular meeting will be held I A3 Buy cotMHHtHl* no A Ford PH drivei vey, collided with a by C. Unti on Monday the result that the la* quite badly damaged. The McHenry post of the Aiatwiw Legion will hold an Armistice day dance at their hall in this village on Friday evening, Nov. 11. Further particulars Will appear in^hase collrmns next week. '• v; w Building operations aloitg our rjver still continue at a merry pace, which means that scores of new comers are going to enjoy the comforts and beauties of this summer resort region next season. A happy crowd of young folks attended the dance at the American Legion hall last evening. The event was given under the auspices of the McHenry American Legion post and it is the plan of the boys to run a series of these dances during the fall and winter months; Cement workers started the laying of the foundation for the new addition to be constructed to the C. Unti ice cream factory this (Thursday) morning. Only the fou&tl^on will Interest From Our Imrtitation of Learning Superintendent's Letter -v, fc;; ' To the Parenterals Elementary School Children: « j Attempt is being this year to improve the work in writing in the grades. Each room has been supplied with a copy of the Ayres scale for measuring the improvement in hand writing and frequent comparisons of the pupils writing with this scale are being made, • The Ayres scale was worked out by Prof. Leonard Ayres of the Russell Sage Foundation and consists of a series of specimens of handwriting tff varying quality, arranged accordingly, And numbered on a scale of 100 points. The range of the specimens on the printed scale is from 20 to 90. ' v Children of the lower grades usually score near the lowen end of the scale and gradually go higher as they progress thru the grades. There should also be gradual progress thruout the year. The report cards will give the score made in writing rather *han a grade in per cent as heretofore. Some -of the cards were graded in this way last month, which accounts for the apparently low grades. These were not so, low, however, .as the average fifth grader should score, about 50, the sixth grader 60", the seventh grader j 70 and so on. r • & * *"' -"Hours very truly, > « >' Oswell G. Tread#*?; J | . J * V ' | The first quarterly examinations will be given in the high school two from this Thursday and Frie Gm, it's |H pflflo be 4ppip||Mnore^'. Examinations next week. Whewt! Hqoray for our basket ball team. Some people have a look cross-eyed. We are all verjf busy writing osft* history outlines. ' • ^ ^ The English II class have jtat completed Silas Marner. Miss Pryor envies the smart people in the modern hiatory class. * gigj ome cuse blanks. ;.ti» • / forget thei Why do Miss" Petersoh|^§KMiia Cass^lls like oral themes. Freshman Notc®« you see freshman class. " , ; * * Clyde (Fatty) Carr is, not stood by the English I class. Miss Peterson was very well pleased jwith the freshman book reports (?). Everyone is anxiously waiting for 1 Frances Garbutt has been coming our party. (They have reasons.) jto school in her"Tin Lizzie" instead The candy sale of the sophs, held of on her horse. be put in this fall. This, however, will give the carpenters an opportunity to start building operations, early next spring. v Leon's Hypnotic Comedy company appeared as an added attraction to the regular picture show at the Empire theatre last evening. A woman subr ject was put to sleep in the show window at the C. G. Berner shoe shop about 2:30 in the afternoon and was not awakened until shortly before six o'clock. The advertisement proved a good drawing card for the perform- 'weeks ance last evening. ^ I day. The necessity of the Widening of j A basket ball game with Richmond Green street, from the old mill race, |has been scheduled to be played on the across Boone creek and thence on to j home "floor" Thursday evening, Nov. Waukegan street, was never more ! 3. Come out and see another victory keenly felt than during the past week | for McHenry. or more. The digging of the trenches 1 The high school basket ball team for the laying of the new water main jwon from Hebron last Friday on the has so obstructed the thorofare at this j local court by a score of 20 to 18. A 1 oniondui attended. The team afternoon it Woodstock on Nov. 21. fyoint that vehicles cannot pass one j splendid crowd attended | another and as a natural consequence j will go to Hebrqn Friday traffic jams are almost as common at)of this week. this point as in some of the larger j The annual meetings of the State Some day Green street is go- i School Board association and of the last Friday noon, was a great success. Anthony has recently joined the senior ranks, talk about the bright sophs. Cream puffs and sut nudaes (put sundaes) are quite popular a«bng some of the girls. ~ , The English II class graded their own themes Monday and it is evident Miss Cassells, will not lgt . them, d«j it again. • v. ' 1 !'- Warningll JBverybodysettheir watches and clocks by train time or there is danger of being late for school. • Tell us--' Why the freshies study so hard. Popular candies McHenry, III Ei ickson's. , . ing to be widened with a new bridge j City Superintendents' popular prices across Boone creek. Let's hope that I be held at Springfield Thursday and jday isn't far distant. (Friday of this week. Supt. Treadway will attend these meetings. The 1000th volume was added to our high school library this week. The name of this volume is Rose, • feeding the Family. According to • '(reports this may be a valuable book • ,Jor others than the domestic science • girls to read. . y^r; The annual meeting <rf the northeastern section^ of the fltfiiois State ^teachers' association will be held at JElgin Friday, Nov. 4. The teachers of the McHenry schools will all attend this meeting, consequently there wiU „4^e no school on that date. ' |. The sophomores will give the annual Wr;f ..,v J IJIallowe'en party to'the members of "A* j,ihe high school Saturday evening of ; P1'^ . ithis week. This party is one of the V r 1 [traditional events, of the high school , ;:year and promises to be more ^ "spooky" this year than ever before. Senior Notes Miss Beryl Holmes visited school •y$ast Friday afternoon. . t McHenry's basket ball team will Hebron again next Friday ,a| V- ; . ^ • . v*. ?r.*'.-1. . ^ -i-A.i - I S.»W?•-jK:. " • " * ;c ^ "i ;"r .• CLOTHES FOR VDUNGER MEN APPAREL T art in clothes--a true expression of exclusive it* fa- more an etlessf •i-jF*1... m McHenry, 111. <:,& ar nJ';- - v , y * * • - ^ f t iMm Our first basket baft game yffvith a glorious victory for McHenry, ^' May we have more of them. Rose Feffer attemled the show at Woodstock last Saturday evening he mystery is: Who is he? H* Arline, in physics test: "The C. G« «6. system is used 'mosed.' " (Did sh§ coin the new - word in honor of Mr, ^ The seniors jtain pens in LeRoy Conway likes the front seatsbetter than the back ones, as we found out Tuesday. - We elected Angela Petesch class president and Mabel Conway aa secretary and treasurer. , Alvera Heimer was absent from school on Thursday last to attend the 1/ ,V^ funeral of Harry Beck. We have a good fire at school and the radiators are hot. Aqk Miss Cas- ^ sells if that isn't the truth. '• j The freshmen can give good advice ^ ^5 as well as receive it: "Do not treat the freshies rough on Hallo we,'£aJr>. •night." ; Our wamt ads Wing results. McHENRY POST, NO. American Legion 491 Regular meetings every Tuesday evening at 8:00 o'clock. All exservice men welcome. DR. ^ WENDELL A. DIEBOLD Ofiteopathic Physician Stevens Bldg, Chicago treatments by appointment oily. Phone Crystal Lake 184, Regular trips Mondays and Thursdays. V'jfe: r. ' v' • ^ 1ST AUCTIONEER | 3|HAVE A GRADUATE TO CONDUCT YOUR SAL|S t ERN'EST ROSING INGLESIDE, ILL. • Phone. Hound UlwJi-W-l R H I L I P1 JAEGER ought to order founr cartons to avoid the ,'ing one each time a rthday comes along. The seniors are all impatient to gel ; invitations to the Hallowe'en party. i^The sophomores are rather slow •# landing them out it seems. ;.f Two of the senior girls have celebrated their seventeenth birthdays 'during the last two weeks. Doesnt St seem awfta to be fretting on in years? - • :-'AThere are -two different kinds of } Surprises in the lives of high school Seniors, viz., nice ones like s'prise vparties and not nice ones like physics and chemistry tests. The next thing we'll need after we jget a new high school will be a hospital for the injured chemi'stry students. Two casualties last week, iMary Bolger and Gladys Van Natta. Mr. McCarthy built a bonfire last • Friday afternoon during the basket • ball game and we don't know whether '•he was working for Hebron by tiding " to smother us or whether it Was ^coincidence. > Miss Peterson in English IV: Why don't you use the dictionary to find the meaning^' of ' those words? Youd j think til ere was4a small-pox sign on it." . Seniors: "Maybe there isn't small- ^>pox on it, but there's small-pox m it." Who says we aren't witty? Junior Notes We are now reading the play "Mao beth." v The sewing class has already completed several garments. The juniors received their class rings several weeks ag&. The juniors have elected Harriett Bobb for class president and Pauline >• Freund secretary and treasurer. The first year stenographers received a box of candy for typing letters for a citizen of McHenry. It is needless to say that the typewriting r ' -V- $ • GENERAL COHMISSION mERCh^VN| ' iraQAL afTKKTIOK OIVKN TO THK SALS ' WMied Beef, riutton, Hogs, Veal, Hides, Etc., Butter and Eggs ABd prio# lie FRRC , - CHICAGO. ILLINOI5. aiua m tun wiiiBSt lUUW Oil wiv fibt qvr appliestk>B. v cm n smpti stall 1 a a, mm Wkdrnto Market A Good Place to Trade It pays to come in and see our near all woo) tricotine, satjjs and caiiton crepe dresses in the latest designs from II4.M to ItlM. Also our sweaters, heavy and very heavy, in the oolors of maroon, American beauty, peacock blue, green and brown, trimmed with colors to match. You will also be surprised to see the many other iMeful articJes. such as bath robes, wool stocking*, flannel gowns, etc JOS. DiTTRICtft-'Jr.WEST McHENRY "M , 3- They'll Give You Good Wear They're sturdily, honestly made, these "Ball-Band" Rubbers, of best quality! materials--and therefore you can depend 00 them to give you the longest wear, at leant cost per day's wear. The "Ball-Band" Dull Slipper and Dull Sandal are shown here. Come in andf^t > select your Rubber Footwear firxxn" -V... fhH% stock of " Ball-Band." "BAL L§)BANiy JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHEMR*^1 MILL ffEDS Of ALL KINDS >TCNSM DOME ntosmvm anamx m ."'^41 Yfr^h: Cooley's Dairy Feed a Specialty , Corn Gluten 'Fcedi Corn bil C^fe^ Meal, Old Process Linseed Oil Meal, Cotton Seed ^ Hominy Feed, Wheat Bran, Wl|eat • 'Middlings, Blood Meal and Salt ^ ^ ^'^"Irteed Analysis: l^wtein» 25%\ Fat, 5%; Fibre, Manufactured and sold by us <> u • Pi a trial. We know we can please yon as Wte pleasing many other* V rf'i ' UK"- ^ McHenry County Farmers' Co-opentive Association Plants a 1 McHenry. Crystal Lake, Woodstock Main Office: West McHenry C. W. Glbbs, Manager) • • . V-i,* •-JV; • -f*. i "utO T

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