Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Nov 1921, p. 4

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Solicitor for In the Circuit Court McHenry ...... in <Mphry of VHKW?vl No ber, A. D. 1921, at the hour of o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the front door of the Court House in County, September Term, A. I). 1921. the city of Woodstock, McHenry Peter Freund, Jr., at *1, ,rt.,- J County, Illinois, offer for sale and sell V # v; fat public auction to the highest and ffeiteb M Freund, «i Av- , - Bill for Partition, Gen.'No, 20«» PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby priven that in pursuance of a decree of salt made and entered by said court in the above entitled cause on the 81st day of October, A. D. 1921, I, B. H. Walte, [beat bidder, for cash, ^dcscribsd cst^itv ;'VSHEETROCK The FIREPROOF WALLBOARD Sheet rock is a standard fireproof wall and ceiling material. It can be easily •awed and nailed. Rigid, tough and d urable, it lasts as long as the building stands. Shctetrock is fireproof. It Cannot warp, shrink or buckle. It is reinforced with the U. S. G. Patented Reinforcement for extra nailing strength. The square true edges make tight flush joints. Uniformly even in surface, factory-cast and factory-finished, Sheet rock takes any decorative treatmentwallpaper, paint or panels. the following in said decree mentioned and described, to-wit: Part of Lots Number Twenty-five (25) and Twenty-six (26) in the Village of Johnsburg,* according to the plat thereof, bounded and described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at the Northeast corner of said Lot Number Twenty-five (25) thence South on the East line of said Lot Number Twenty- > five (25) one hundred four (104) feet; I thence West at' a right angle to the ! West line of said Lot Number Twenty- | six (26); thrice North on said West ! line one hundred thirty-four (134) feet | to the Northwest corner of said Lot 'Twenty-six (26); thence Easterly on ! the North line of ?aid Lot Number (Twenty-six (26) to the Northeast corj ner of said Lot Number Twenty-six | (26); thence South along the East line | of said Lot to the Southwest corner of Lot Number Twenty-four (24); thence j East on the South line of said Lot • Number Twenty-four (24) to the place j of beginning, situated in the Northings detei soon No one who wants to succeed fa con- Hit (8), tent with old ways; worn-out handed ^ cipal Meridian, and situated, lying ami'<fc>wn methodsclumsy, old fashioned i to qui being in the County of McHenry, in tools. He wants the newest and best• uwjsrtiirned will sell at pdlftSFiuction the State of Illinois. Why abandon human life to neglect, |0n jfiis farm, situated l4 milea north Terms of Sale: Twenty-five (25) ignorance and needless death? J0f McHenry, on the McHenry .I ohnsper cent of the purchase price to be . Wake up, America! You need every Ihuw road, on fisid an the day of sale and the ha!- ounce of gtreryrth you can summon, if! TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15 ance of the purchase price on approval .you are to meet your destiny.--Red !commencing at one o'clock, sharp, tfae of the Report of Sale and the delivery J Cross Bulletin. ^following described property, to»wit: of the Master's Deed. * - Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 1st day of November, A. D. 1921. E. H. Waite> Special Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry County, Illinois. Fundamentals In the Control of Communicable Disease Provide good, pure water. Provide a safe niilk supply. 22 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK 22 --consisting of-- k • 17 Head ef High Grade Cattle apme with calves by side and some NURSflf ?.•; U % Phone 121-£ McHenry, III •*d. t* , 3. Vaccinate children against'close springers, Some of these cows smallpox1, typhoid fever and diph- are sired by Sir Korndyke Colantha ... j Carmen, No. 195813, II. F. H. B. COOPERATIVE EXTENSION WdRK j 4. Provide for the prompt report- .5 Head of Horses s . every case of communicable ! Black mare, 7 years old, weight 1400 In Agriculture and Home Eiouspiics j- Vv-* ;lbs.; black horse, 11 years old, weight By McHenry Co. Home Bureau J 6. Insist"";^^peody1^l<: effective 1200 lbs.; black horse, 13 years old, !quarantine. , ' u" weight 1000 lbs.; black horse, 6 years Home Bureau Program for November 6 Insist, on fh« breast feedings of DITCHING AND TILI Aim Wall DHUiag weight rs 0I8. old, 1000 lbs. horse, 6 years Sheejp end Chick era 23 head of high grade Shropshire. wiirMfrt* v\>ti McHeary ,!TV ' j, •» > :Y< • In brown sb'rgi, french serge, trico- » tine, worsted plaids, also gray w o o 1 flannel suitable for men's shirts and boys' blouses, €4me in and let us\ show them to you. TK STORE OF SATISFACTION SMITH to. McHenry, HI. Nursing--Care of Patients Suffer-j ing from Communicable Diseases. j 7 Insist on prortpt and complete Roll Call--"How I Entertain My birth registration. Patient" Members] g Abolish all opto and insanitary J ewes, 2 rams and about J|F]biJe. Demonstration of Bedmaking ^ privies. J Leghorn chickens. ^ Bathing of helpless Patients...,Local| 9 Screen; li"IlliS,!' ; N Hay and Giraisi^^ Nurse or .Tralh Member, .mosquitoes, insects, etc. j 18 acres corn in shock, ousSels "Sanitary Precaution. . ... Advisor j jq. Eliminate breeding places for , corn in crib, 13 tons hay in barn, 350 There are several rur«l spools in'flies and mosquitoes. j bushels .oats, . 200 bushels good, seed McHenry county to which it is neces*'. State Department of Public Health, j oats. Machinery sary to carry water a quarter a i. Mary B. Dai bey, j McCormick corn binder nearly, new, mil^. 'This prevents clean hands and I McHenry County Home Demonstra- j McCormick mower, Piano grain binder, establishing the hot school lunch. tion Agent, |hay rake, hay loader, side delivery " 'What shall it profit a child if he j THE DUNDEE CASH STORE OF, ra'te» corn planter with 120 rods wire, Haiti the whole world of knowledge p jj^LL CO. IS NOW RUNNING harrow, harrow «firt, disc harrow, 1- and lost his own health?" REAL STORE. THE RECENT horse cultivator, 2 riding cultivators, "Undoubtedly many of the troubles j PURCHASE OF THE STERNBERG * ro" Appleton corn husker, gang that effect one in later life have their j xTQRE GIVES US THE LARGEST plow,-sujky plow, 2 walking plows, start at school age and it is quite J STORE IN THIS SECTION AND broadcast seeder with grass seed atprobable that some of these troubles j \yfm LARGELY INCREASED tachment, lumber wagon, wagon box, are the result of insanitary conditions : jjfOCKS AND BETTER FACILITIES set wa£on springs, hay rack, hog rack, at our public schools. We require by j poR HANDLING WE ARE IN P0- s'e'l?h> bob runners, manure SITIQN TO DO YOU MORE GOOD sprefwtei". rubber tire top buggy witft Phone ltt-lfc McHenry, III. r, Nese, Ureal EXPERT 99 Tcwaa Mate Bt Croes £yea Straight ened by my own ape- TooaOi removed by TwSi^it Sleep, Glasses AUCTIONEER y ^AVE A GRADUATE TO CONDUCT YOUR SAL#*; ' ERNEST ROSING INGLESIDE, ILL. Phone' Round Lake M-W-l state law that children attend school. ION ' Is it not, therefore, wrong to neglect EVER BEFORE. YOUR IN- storm front^ milk wagon, drag scraper, to them at school with good JterestS BUYING LIES WITH Sharpies milking machine, 2% h. p. air, adequate heat and light, good water supply, sanitary toilet facilities, comfortable seats and desks and general cleanly and sanitary surroundings?" " Harry F. Ferguson, Chief Sanitary Engineer. «j I ' - •Mi* ifew? THE DUNDEE CASH STORE OF C. Sharpies engine 2** h p. pumping F HALL CO. TAKE A TRIP AND en«me> 6 h* P- P*irhanks-Moi-se en- FIND OUT NOTE THE PRICES: eine' jRck> threshing belt, Best American prints, yd. 10C. 8 Sharpies cream separator, 2 t^nk heatyds. 36 in. sheeting, good round thread ers' ca,dron kettle A 100 *a'- galvanized fbr $1.00. 8 yds. thoroly good bleached tank- litter carriet"' horse cl'PPei and Face the Facte muslin, 36 in. wide, for $1.00. Rem- sheeP shear combined, 240 egg incu- ^0if6tBgious diseases kill 300,000 nants in seemingly endless variety at bfttor> brooder, 2 galvanised coops, 2 children every year and permanently • prices fully one-half regular rates. 8e*s heavy harness, set surry harness, injure countless others. 186 jn. material for quilts, 5 yds. for a ^ single harness, riding saddle, h And yet the prevention of much of!side, 16c yd. Fruit bleached, yd. 19c. blankets, post hole digger, post maw this sickness and these premature ' Boys' anl girls' hose, 10c and 15c w're stretcher, hay foik, rope and deaths is within the control of man, pr. Ladies'hose, special at l«c. We Pulleys, wool press, fanning mill, What would you do if one-eighth of | carry 72 kinds of hose, for all ages, grindstone, hay knife, 1000 lb. platyour calves died>»ach year? ranging in price from lOe to $2.00. form scale, wheelbarrow, 6 milk cans, If worms and insects destroyed or j Men's wool hose, a special, at 25cjack» *5 grain sacks, cross cutr damaged your crops before they had' Our clothing is now carriea in tfte saw, surry pole, hand corn planter, barely begun to grow? cento- room, the entire se^tioiv-beinj£ power washing machine, row boat, If one in every ten of your business j devoted to clothing for men and boys, chunk heater, cook stove, forks, shoventerprises failed just as it was get- Boys' men's overcoats, ulsters and els an^ other articles too numerous to ting a start? 'men's sheep lined coats and vests in Indention. If your roads and bridges and build-! ]arge variety at a1>out half what they i Terms of Sale: were last season. A special purchase j All sums of $10.00 and undo-, cash; from the Wisconsin Clothing Co. en-jover that amount a credit of six ables us to give you rare bargains in months' time will be given on good this line of mdse. ' bankable notes bearing interest at the The entire room on the east where | rate of 7 per cent per annum. No we formerly carried both clothing and ! property to be removed or possession shoes, is now entirely devoted to shoes |©f same given to purchaser until setand our stock is largely increased with tied for with clerk. ! specials in shoes from 75c up. Our : bins are full of real bargains and will attract your attention. Rubber goods ! for all ages. \ _ j The ladies' dept. is now oil the main _ floor (the north end of the store) and 1 is devoted exclusively to ladies' fur- ' nishings. It is well equipped for this We carry cloaks, dresses, FRED W. HUEMANN, Prop. Stephen H. Freund, Clerk. Auction Sale! purpose. Chas. Leonard, Auctioneer Having decided to cftiit farming, the undersigned will sell at public auction on the place known as the Walter J. sweaters, skirts, waists and a real line , Walsh farm, located two miles south of good bargains. Do not pay cityjnf McHenry and seven miles north of prices unless you cannot reach the J Crystal Lake, on the McHenry-Terra r n Tl.11 _ . > Dundee Cash Store of C. F. Hall Co. I The dry goods department occupies the Sternberg store in the front. We 'offer this week specials in blankets, j larger than sheets, for $1.00 j We are going to tell you from week to week what we have to offer and we ! shall expect to see you. Oar interests • are mutual and with our system of ! premiums it more than pays you for 'riiminr See us every week. C. K. HALL CO., DUNDEE. t& road, on THURSDAY, Coti NOVEMBER 17 commencing at 1:00 o'clock, sharp, the following described property, to-wit: 17 HEAD.OF LIVE STOCK 17 --consisting of-- 8 Head of Choice Cows new milkers and close springers, soma wHh calves by side. 6 Head of Honw Black mare, 10 yrs. oW, wt» IT®# H»s.; black gelding, 12 yrs. old, wt. 1400 lbs.; bay gelding, 10 yrs. old, wt. 1400 lbs.; brown gelding, 9 yrs. old, ANNOUNCEMENT 1>d the Voters of McHenry County To correct rumors now being enr- ,wt. 1450 lbs.; bay gelding, 10 yrs. old, culated to the effect that I will notlwt. 1100 lbs.; black mare, 12 yrj^oid, 1 o«ek a re-election, and also because wt 1000 lbs. ^ manv of my friends have urged me at, AM ALSO OFFERING ^ this time to announce- my candidacy, a cow, a springer, 6 yrs. old; black for re-election, I hereby announce my mare, 5 yrs. old, wt. 1350 lbs.; sorrel 'candidacy for the Republican nomi- mare, 7 yrs. old, wt. 1100 ..•••. ... i.r<' *».k. . Overcoats $35 to $60 Clothes torMjunocr Men Satisfy wearers with the certainty of clothing correctness -- stand highest in favor where real values are appreciated* i nation for the office of courtty judge at the approaching April primaries. | Since you elected me in 1918. I have at all times discharged my duties as county judge to the very best of my nhilitv and if my judicial record meets with ^rour approval, I ask your sup- , 5 tons corn in crib, about 10 bu. seed by Frisby Bros. Hay, Grain, ^ Two tons alfalfa and timothy mixed in stack, about 8 t«ns cow peas and oats, 8 tons Hungarian and millet, about 240 shocks corn, 100 bu. to acre; ' port for a second term. ; Very truly yours, ^ CHARLES P. BARNES corn. Farm Machinery, Etc ? Deering grain binder, new, cut only 80 acres; Deering corn binder nearly ADWTIONAL PERSONAL new; Deering mower nearly new, cor/» ^ "fm. Pries was a Ch»oago visitor jpjanter nearly new, 80 rds wire, 2 pul- Wadnesday. * ' jverizers, 2 single row cultivators, one John R. Freund visited friends ®tjBew; 3 horse cultivator, 2 drags, one Qntarioville Tuesday. |»ew; drill, 16 in. riding plow new, 2 Mr. and Mrs. J. J- BarWan were breakers, 14-in., one new; nar Ml •yj McHenry, Illinois Chicago visitors Monday. ' Mrs. Simon Stoffel and daughter, Lena, were Chicago visitors Monday. 1 ]. E. Pufahl and daughter, Pauline, iwere Chicago visitors last Saturday. Mi.-* Ellen Spencer spent homecooiing week with friends at Beloit. j Kiss Belle Carey of Elgin was a week end guest in 'the home of her sistor, Mrs. K. I. Overton. I Miss Mayme Barbian is apeoding the week with her sister, Mrs. C. G. Borkhartsmeier, in Chicago. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Overton and daughter, ' Gwendolyn, spent several days last week with Harvard relatives. Miss Zenith Ellis of Chicago passed row tire wagon, 2 stubble plows, 14- in.; fanning mill, milk wagon, iron wheeled wagon, Stoughton v nearly now, silo wagon, set duUik boards, 2 wagon boxes, one nearly* new; hay rack Nearly new, 2 sets breeching harness, one nearly new; set work harness, 2 single harness, milk cart, 7 milk cans, pail and strain ers, 2 movable fyog coops, hog oiler, and many other articles veo atu^ppa* to mention. . iTeraui of Sale:- All sums of $10.00 and under, cash; over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the the week end in the home of Mr. and rate of 7 per cent per annum. No Mrs. Wm. Doherty south of town. ) property to he .removed until settled piipmiwi TheyTl Give You GoodWear They're sturdily, honestly made, these " Ball - Band " Rubbers, of best quality materials--and therefore you can on them to give you the longest wear, at least cost per day's wear. The "Ball-Band" Dull Slipper and DuB Sandal are shown here. Come in and select your Rubber Footwear from our stock of " Ball-Bond." %r- JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY HILL FtEDS Of All MUDS ' <•&tRlNDWC DONE PROMPTLY AID EmtlENTlY Cooley's Dairy Feed a Specialty "WW #- M*nufKMrad from ->>•» > Brewere' Dried Grain, Corn Gluten Feed,v Cora Oil t^ake Meal, Old Process Linseed Oil Meal, Cotton Seed Meal, Hominy Feed, Wheat Brao, Wheat 1 • Middlings, Blood Meal and Salt /"-/•* Guaranteed Analysis: Portein, 25Ji; Fat, 5%; Fibre, 11% Manufactured and sold by usr /\j trial. We know we can pleii^'is we are pleasing many others McHenry County Farmers' Co-operative Associatioa Plants «t McHenry. Cr^aUjltt, Woodstock Main Office: West McHenry C. W. Gtbbe, I W infield S. Woodburn of Youngstown, 0., spent a couple of days, hurt week with his fkthcr and brotiher hn. for with clerk. CHAS. S. i'r*v . Jea. a Holly, Cl*k.v »•»» an Saved By taking advantage of the c"«s. tation to station" long distance telephone rate /out of town calls can be made moit quickly and at less expense. -i For instance, the day4'station tostatoii^^ rate fbr a three-minute conversation between Chicago and Cleveland it $2.05. The same call can be made in the evening, 8:30 p, m. to midnightrfor $1.05. Ffom midnight to 4:30 a. % the cost is bufc 55 cents. "jtt '•^8 ucvscquuRw saving <4«tai I wttn tne money ana time ion to statkui" service. ILLINOIS B£LL TELEPHONE COMPANY - •M •M #••• Mi t • * , rP it. t-ii&i "H 2k: -~k W

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