Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 3 Nov 1921, p. 5

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G. E. Schoel was a Chicago visitor Mdodajc. Ezra Moser passed Saturday and Sunday at Madison, Wis. Geo. Josten attended to business . (matters in Chicago Monday. Mrs. Wbl J Welch «*« * !%jsitnrat Arlington Heights layt Fri- DR. N. J. NYE Phyakdan and Sorgeon | X-Kay Treatment and Radiograph ^r.'XMBee Hourai fijbO to 9:00 a I»0 to 8A0 p.'S. ^V^VV. 7HX) to 9:00 p. m. £;;' l&Mato «Mt Officer and Mr. Walter Brooks Chteairo *t»M«dow^riei»dwhere Ouiyfcy. Samuel Smith of Janesville, Wis., spent. Sunday with friends in this vicinity. L. A. Erickaon and Postmaster B. E. Bassett were Kockford visitors last Thursday. \ Miss Aris Carey jjjf Elgin spent Sunday in the home ofner sister, Mr*. R. I. Overton. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Green of Woodstock called on relatives and friends in town Monday. • MR. HAPPY PATCTY MiievelttanlM Waste ?«=< m ^ J.S33 I|V EVttC* 3"JPCt£ or FOOP5 YOU W6T7 SAYS THAT BUYiN^r HtRC'S A TREAT, [OWr tb« governor one state mtjfht any to the governor of another state, "It's a long while between breakfasts" if they bought their hams anrl bacons here. Flow is your Ket-up early appetite, any way? Why don't you bin your meats of us? y Watch (or Mr. Hap#4Nf*y •FRETTS Iharket £«oaifr W ST.WESTMdfNRf.ILL PHONE 3 f*' 9NIMV8 ODO< _ sootoanov m,tm% E ^ERY housewife realizes that if she has the best Hour to work with, her ba'k in g results "are assured. Here in our mill we Strain our efforts so that Mrs. Housewife may be sure of her flour and baking problems. Buy our floor.- ' Tf» our flour you'll like £ -v . McHENRY Flour Mills West McHenrv. ill. PHILIP JAEGER GENERAL COnMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO THE SAOF- Of DrMNd BmI, riutton, Hoga, V»»l, Poultry, HMm, Etc., Batter aad Bgfs ^ This is the oldest hoosi on. the street. Tags and prioeiist# application , COLO STORAOE FREE \ CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. THE UNIVERSAL CAK Sedan $660 F. O. B. UttttU tartar ntaU• WmhStmrtrnr atfmt Mm Complete on B M. U Complete automobile satisfaction is the result of buying wisely and economy ically rather than the desire and meant, to buy extravagantly. Figure out your every automobile rf;s quirement and you will find it in a Fond Sedan--a family car of distinction and beauty a car of comfort and convenience 7-- a car of dependability and service -a car that will give you complete satisfaction. You should place your order now , you wish to avoid delay in delivery. STAR GARAGE «*».N R KNOX. Prop. aMjjul COMERS AND GOBRS pr A WEEK IN OUR BUST VILLAGE AS, Smr ;.y Piaindfaier Kf|IWH»l Handed late Oar OittliAjUftii Friends * Dr. D. G. Wells wis a Chi nan n visitor Sunday. Miss Lelah Olarton.spent Friday last in Chicago. - Miss Marguerite Knox was an Elgin visitor last Saturday. Mrs. C. W. Stenger was i 'Olicago visitor last Thursday. M. A. Conway passed 'Hw>d»y»-in the metropolitan city. J. F. Claxton was a business transactor in Chicago Monday. Supt. O. G. Tread way was a Chicago visitor last Saturday. Miss Charlotte Frett passed Saturday in the metropolitan city. Miss Pearl Claxton spent the last of the week with friends in Chicago. Wm. Simes and Geo. F. Lindsay Were Richmond visitors last Saturday. Misses Rosina Freund and Marie Miller were Elgin visitors last Saturday- W. D. Wentworth passed the week end as the guest of relatives in Chicago. Miss Florence Kamholx attended the wedding of a friend at Harvard last Saturday. Misses Helen and Bessie Steinwart of Dundee were Sunday guests of Miss Pearl Feltz. Paul Meyers and Jim Junker of Chicago passed Sunday with the former's family here. % " Mr. and Mrs. Walter J. Walsh passed Saturday ai the quests of relatives at Eljfin. Miss Irene Conway of Elgrin passed Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway. J Mrs. Franklin Ensigp and little son, Jack, spent last Friday with relatives at Crystal Lake. Mesdames F. E. Cobb, Geo. F. Lindsay and J. E. Wheeler were Elgin visitors last Saturday. Mi ss Eleanor Lark in of Eljtin was a week end truest in the home of Mr. and Mrs.>Edmund Knox. Mrs. D. G. Wells returned hodte Sunday from a several days' visit with relatives in Chicago. E. S. Younpr of Chicago spent the week end as a guest in the heme of his daughter, Mrs. F: E. Cobb. I M iss Verena Jus ten of Chicago j spent Sunday in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. J us ten. ( Miss Marie Miller of Elgin spent !the week end in the home of her brother, John Miller, and family, | Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Landwer and I son, Keith, of Woodstock were Sunday | guests of Mrs. Mayme Harrison. | Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schuenemann of Chicago were guests of Mrs. Josephine Heimer over the week end. ' Miss Christine Maynard of Crystal 'Lake spent last Saturday in the home * of her sister, Mrs. Branklin Ensign. Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Freund of Woodstock called on relatives and friends here last week Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Turner of Solon Mills were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Frazer. Mrs. John Walsh and son, Ray, of Ingleside were the guests of Mc- Henry relative* last Thursday evening. Mrs. Rollin Babcock^and daughter, Mrs. Ralph Wells, of Elgin were calling on friends in town last Thursday. Mrs. W. D. Wentworth attended the llorthern Illinois R. N. A. convention at Aurora the latter part of last week. • Geo. Phalin of Harvard spent Sun- |day as the guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John M. Phalin, south of fewn. p Frank Schumacher of Chicago spent : Sunday with his mother, Mrs. Meta J Schumacher, itt the heme of the Missesi LDoherty. , j Neil H. Foss has returned to his jlK>me in New York City after a month's visit with McHenry relatives 'Wid friends. Mr. and Mrs. 4rfulV Meyers and thi^- dren of Chicago were week end guests j'of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Miss Blanche Meyers returned to Chicago Sunday evening after a two weeks' visit with her parents, Mr. and •Mrs. Geo. Meyers. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spieker of Burlington, Wis., werp Sunday guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. •nd Mrs. Michael Freund. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grote and daughters of Elgin spent Sunday aa g^iests in the home of Mrs. F. B. Martin northwest of town. - Walter Eikstadt and Frank Block of ' Slsrengo were guests in the home of .the latter's parents^ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Block, last Saturday. Mrs. Amanda Mooney and Mrs. Sarah Vosburg and children of Chicago passed last Thursday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller. Miss Marie Miller, who until a short ' time ago was employed as a telephone operator at Wauconda, left Wednesday for Tulsa, Okla., where she will spend the winter with relatives. On her way to Oklahoma she will stop off at Jasper, Ind., where she will visit . her brother, Leon Miller. t. 5 Mr. and Mrs. John Miller HMbd Mr. sand Mrs. Harvey Baron attended a I basket social at the Ridgefield school 'last Saturday evening. The social [was given by the pupils and teacher, jMiss Margaret Miller. The latter is it daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John I Miller of this village and is proving successful in her chosen pro Item Clipped From The Ptaiadealer of Twenty-five Years Ago Nr October 26. 189A .. A -fefcufiae#%>h!st!e has* Wen on the fwrww^sSfaotory at RingwoodJ E. Perkins is building quite an extensive addition to his< residence on Green stweet. iN-'v. G. R. Van fcforne, formerly p>" 'siding elder in this district, is eonducting revival meetings attheM: E. church. O. N. Owen and wtfeA.and^S. S. Chapell and vKfe atteiw^d ^he funeral of Mrs. fi^ E. Chapelit'«t>Oali'ParH Sunday. " 5 A new pTalform . and steps havtf been added to the front of the Bishop mill in this village. A much _ needed improvement. '* V* Ferdinand Geske, father-in-biw of Albert Wolff, passed away at the latter's residence in West. McHenry on Monday, aged seventy years. ^ Frank Bennett has been engaged as teacher at the Roseville School near Wauconda for the coming winter and commenced his duties Tuesday. H. W. McLean, who has been in Tennessee with his son the past year, trrived here on Thursday and has again taken up his residence in this village. W. Gallaher, with a party of Uncle Sam's postal clerks, has just returned from a hunting trip up in Dakota. In ten days he killed 104 geese and 70 ducks- Master Harold Criety was agreeably surprised on Thursday evening last, it being his thirteenth birthday anniversary, by a' call from the Star club, of which he is a member. The friends of G. F. Boloy gave him a surprise reception at his residence on Friday evening, it being his fifty-second- birthday. The MeHenry hand was out and a genome go&ri time is reported. Brad Smith's team was frightened by the <faUing of the rold piekle factory roof, which workmen were tearing down, one day last week and made a lively run from the postoffice to their"home one-half mile north of this village. , ' November 4, 1896 J. J. Bishop was on the sick list Hie first of the week. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. fay at Ringwood, on Oct. 29, a son. Jas. B. Perry has been confined to his home during the past week. Flag day was generally observed n this village on Saturday last. Tuesday was an ideal McKinley day thruout the entire United States. On Wednesday morning it began to Know and by noon fully a foot had lallen. Mr, •mnd Mrs. C. '^W. Thatnpaon of iRingwood welcomed a baby daughter Alto their home on Nov. 2. A few enthusiastic individuals went to Elgin on Thursday last to see W J. Bryan and his free silver train. The store of John Evanson A Co on the West Side is receiving a coat of paint on the outside. John Neiss fc doing the work. Election returns * were received at the depot, H. C. Smith's,* ltd. Long's, Henry Smith's, John Hehner's and Owen & Chapell's. The address by Hon. W. A. Northcott at the Republican rally at Riverside hall on Wednesday afternoon was cne of the best of the campaign. S. S. Chapell, of the firm of Owen & Chapell, had the misfortune to run a rusty nail, into his foot-on Tuesday morning, making a painful wound. He is around on crutches. M a rried-s-Wednesday, ^Gct. 28, MM, at Burlington, Wis., Anna Swedish, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Swadish of this village, to William Waldnian of Washington, D. C. They will reside at Lake Geneva, Wis. Miss Browne and her pupils gave • recital at the city hall last Friday evening. The piano solos by Mrs. Browne, her mother, a lady of seventy jearfc, were pronounced the finest ever fceard in this section. •„ Marsh Merriman met with a aovopft and painful accident on Friday flfiomng. He was doing some &ork in the upper story of his new barn when in some manner he fell a distance of ton feet, striking -on the upper floor. He |»ras injured across the back and rf» ceived other body bruises. ADDITIONAL "EXCHANGE v C. L. Teckler of Crystal Lake, who during the regular season operates a strawberry farm, two weeks ago picked 250 quarts of the luscious fruit from his patch. A shipment of 50,000 fancy gold fiah was recently received by Joseph Mertc, manager of the Oriental Goldfish Hatchery & Supply Co. at Cary. The shipment was sent from Maryland. John L. McCabe of Harvard ia signing players for the best basket ball team that has ever represented that city. Among the talent already signed up are-three AU-Western Conference men. • That the labor e&dhange recently established by the Marengo post of the American Legion is doing excellent work is seen by the fact that to date every applicant for work has been placed within an hour after they had asked for a job. A handsome new church and parish house, to cost approximately $40,000, is to be erected by St. Thomas' parish at Crystal Lake. Weather permitting the excavation work for the foundai* tion of the church will be started thig fall. Tho parish already has a buildr ing fwtd-of more than $9$00. ~ Pf^d Nordyke, aged fifty-throe, now confined in the county jail at Woodstock, where he is awaiting hit - rial on a charge having robbed a took place a short time ago and since theit Nordyke was traced1 to Chicago, where he was lfound and placed under j Charles Wandrack brought the pris-i arrest last Saturday. Deputy Sheriff j oner to Woodstock Sunday morning. WW It li Bo to.tffll-- ' i • WW ,. Vl»ir« trffrft'fttaAbrlBffoytrti ihe NEWS'W your ;>i°wn l»omc town. Week after week,.it prints ia> i^detail the happenings of the community. FaiUl- ,' ^fully it sets forth the xougs and comings.of itit/ j |3pecH>le, giving careful attention to the homely flittle items that are ignored in the overcrowded i-.^.^daiKe.of lhebw^tiei. •. ' .... -• .• can furnish you wirti more interesting informs-« T*t»on about people you know, or used to know, than could a dozen private correspondents. The one who writes to you may know only a few of your friends at home--but your Home Town Paper knows them all. It tells you about people you are interested in.„ Finally, in a good, hard business sense, your Home Town Paper is of value to you. It keeps you posted as to the industrial and commercial growth of a community which familiarity may have taused you tq neglect. It often reveals that keen people see, right in your home town, a mine oi golden opportunity. The moral is obvious-- * :VI; Subscribe today for your Home Town Paper =SB* BIRD'S SEE THAT BEAUTIFUL ROOF? ITS ART-CRAFT! . GEE the handsome effect of the Art-Craft Tile Design? • Looks for all the world like flat tile. Here you have die secret of Bird's Art-Craft's truly wonderful popularity -r-it gives to any building the charm of a hi^v-pacsd t loof at a remarkably low cost --7- Weather-proof and spark-proof. Absolutely reliable. Also laki right over told wooden Singles. - - 1 Come in and let's get down to figures. The coet will be less than you th^nk. . BIRD & SON, inc. ( £atabliaKed 1795 ^lcHENRY lumber GO, « * - QUALITY AMD SKRV1CK FIRS1 V W • "ik'Z - i" V. • i:.i* . A -j-j- ;

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