Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Nov 1921, p. 5

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WASTE* nrn! *i« j Ten iMunuieeg n ^igf hlwt as result of an injury or pKlfffse contracted in the military #"|imil serlimit for reinstatement of war risk vice durin* the Wort* but is not tem insurance expires 1091 fl ;« has:: December 31, «x-service men who care to reinstate their insurance, which they have allowed to lapse, do so by that date for after that time no reinstatements will totally and permaMRtly disabled, lie mar reinstate his lamed or cancelled yearly renewal term insurance by having a full medical examination to show that he is not suffering from any disability other than that con* an Id uyjg 'Ijyilihce had not lapsed, together with interest at a . rate of 5 per cent per annum, compounded annually, on each premium from date said premi'im fa doe by the term* of the policy 2. If the ex-service man is in good health and his insurance has lapsed for less than three months, it will be necessary for him to sign a statement Years. Jut* fPff •4' By the Her Gas Stove the %; HousewifeCan Exerv : IMjJ* pi cise Great Economy */'<* *>*•'• ' -Ik\' 4V % . *•» . >K » tli.Hh J.,I " * •• ~*f '• • J • * - fcj „v * - "" «• < ' / , ** ' A ' " . 5J ^Tf fe tSHfffrirtt for i ctkik wltc Is toaedlb a bobf ] .1 • ^ range to rval»/>- the jireat intensity of gas range x" <lp|S heat. cooking on a gas range is once \ t ^ started it is almost impossible to use too Httle -j" • heat, but it is easy to use tod much. • ' " •' :' v" Alrhost all kinds of slewing or I^-!'.,»he*'done with the burner turned low; the results -. / / '• <r-1< r> "" * ' will be very much better. Rapid cooking will often spoil the food! The proper method is to start the boiling over, a single burner with- full flame, and then when the boiling point is reached, turn the flame very low, or transfer the saucepan to tj>e .simmering burner. fr: m v yssi-• » Some conks light the gMR burner for thing. This is wasteful afid unnecessary. The simmering burtier is a/i important aid to economy. It burns the smallest possible amount of gas and can Ik' used for a great deal of cooking^and for M ' keeping things^warm. i rr' ,•} «fej» that he is in good health and pay two* stock, months' premiums on the amount of The Jffauconda Leader has just the insurance he wishes to reinstate, closed tftird 'volume. Undw the H If the insurance has lapsed for manttpiW<« -- ;< more than three months and less than come » bright, newsy sheet. six months it will be necessary for John Stoffel was certainly the haphim to have a short medical examina- piest man in town , the first of the ition made and pay two months' week. Two bouncing girl babies ar- | premiums on the amount of the insur- jived at his home on Saturday. j am e he wishes to reinstate. » Chris Schroeder of Chicago has purj 4. If the insurance has lapsed for chased of Heimer & Enpeln two lots t six months or more, it will be necea- at River park, north of the iron bridge, sary for a full medical examination to which he proposes to build on in the be made-and pay two months premj- future. < j umn on the amount of hwaranee fce Conductor Cass, of the C. ft N. W. wishes to reinstate. R., and whose run is thru McHenry Any ex-service man who is inter- on the Williams Bay passenger^ is reest'id in reinstating his insuranc^may ported dangerously ill at his home in secure reinstatement blanks or fur- Aurora. lift jack, 45 grain sacks, cross cut saw, surry pole, hand corn planter, power washing machine, row boat, __ ^c" ichnidt heator, cook stove, forks, shovon Thursday evening, j eU and other articles too numerous to mantle^. V:; '$• ' lerma of Salpi All aulas p" $10.00 ana uncfer,' cashj over that amount a credit of six months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annum. No property to be removed or possession of same given io purchaser until settled for with clerk. FRED W. HIT EM ANN, Pxw*. I Stephen H. Preund, Clerk. Thanksgiving Henry House Nov. 26. i Simon Stoffel is digging a new well at his cottage on Waukegan stroet. occupied by A. C. Spurting. Joel H. Johnson, ope of the oftteet settlers of McHenry county, passed away suddenly on Tuesday at Wood- Chaa. Leonard, ther information regarding reinstate- 1 rne?it by vrriting or -cailmg at the luj suvance Section of the U. S. Veterans' (Bureau, 14 E. Congress St., Chicago. ! We are !i»w showing aa extraordi- | nary and complete line of underwear for all the family at Erickson's. f-i ^ tVC*»v Ncanci or vv,; WHCAT , U5£0 * : $courtC® n"«L HI Lt BEI"X>PK it ever goes into our' millinjr projwes it is a sjx»tless grainNof jfolden nourishment- When it Hour it unites ell of j'te purity pod whole irss that, the Ih-m, o| ind milling knowledge ; •rtii iiupatt to flour. ifceHrV McHENRY Flour Wnt McHe : • ) ) Rev. J. Stranb, pastor of the Universalist church, being cAlled away to attend a funeral in his old parish, his pulpit was occupied Sunday iast by his sister. Miss Straub of Qiicego. She gave the congregation a very excellent sei-mon. Wesley Ladd of Ringwood, one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of this town, on Tuesday, the 3rd inst.. cast his fifteenth vote for president since his residence here, having resided in McHehry township Hfty-six years. The mail train, which passes this itation at 7:28 a. m. going south, jj |nmped the track between Carpenters- " ville and Dundee Friday morning and nearly caused a panic among the passengers. No one was injured, but all badly frightened. .Isaac Wentworth and wife of this village were on board. } Married--At St! Patrick's church in • this village by the Rev. W. J. Median oh Thursday, Nov. 15, 1896, at 10:00 o'clock a. m., Peter Doherty of Terra Cotta and Miss Mary Welch of McHenry. In this happy affair John Walsh, our efficient city marshal, acted yts best man and Miss Ella. Welch, sis- : ter of the bride, as bridesmaid, f Pupils of the McHenry public school neither absent nor tardy during month of October: r Auction Sale! Auctioneer Dated at Woodstock, Illinois, this 1st day of November, A. D. i$21. 5 E. H. White, Special Master in Chancery of the Circuit Court of McHenry Oftn^tr, Illinois. COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS SmH>! MMtiw of Vill.o. » Motion by Krause, to Knox, W. G. Sthreiner, ANNOUNC1 Te the Vetera of Me To correct rumors now being circulated to the effect that I will not aeek a re-election, and also Friday Eieniaf •- many of my fnends have uifedi /, . ,*T „ . -f: this time to announce my __ Council, Ro,o m', Nov. .4', 1921 • ii ffo„r. re-election, ,I h. ereb, y announce my The village trustees met in special! candidacy for the Republican nomisession for the purpose of regarding; for ^ office of county jud^ anything that the approaching April primaries. m BIRD'S ROOTS faSElfr >'• .jj J if (* l;'*,. a? "v M : :'Zw s? # '*> i.t ' r > i §" & ' i ^ * I 6 -*ri fw fmt ^ pfeeketbool now buys more 'building materials of all kinds and roofings--a whole lot morei - v So are we.'^Cz •v,4 Residence, garage, barn, bungalow or shecf > :r'jroofs that leak or look shabby should be re| Roofed right no>|, . ';p- %• •' .-j u» f&tf'iw'iiiii 1 we ask is a ehance to prove that th<| ight Bird's Roof is the cheapest in the long *tun. rair and square? » ' tr: ^ „ ^Whether you #need Birds Paroid, Birds: Art-Craft (tile or shingle design), Bird's Plain ^ Slate Surfaced, Bird's American, Bird's Gran- > tized, or Bird's Neponset Twin Shingles, well 1^1 te glad to tell you how little it will cost. AH ^ Bird's Roofs are durable;, attractive and will| I ' |iot catch fire from falling sparks and will save ^f jnoney for you. ' • ^ '•.^S r'7 • # ' . ' . . "iv.-1* v-.»; *.%•?**% " • 'v-5^S v.. L-* ^ BWD A SON. fee. (FttabKehwi 17*6' Em* WaipoK Map!*' MCHENRY LUMBER CO^ ^ ^ ' f 9VAUTT AMD SKRVICP FBUTf ^;|^T '*>f *» J v. m * '• ^ %V*' ^ f * Having decided to quit farming, the undersigned will sell at-public auction on the^ place known as the Walter J. Walsh farm, located two miles south of McHenry and seven miles north of Crystal Lake, on the McHenry-Terra Cotta road, on ^ THURSDAY. NOVEMBER!* commencing at 1:00 o'clock, sharp, thii following described property, to-wit: JLJ HEAD OF LIVE STOCit,^ ^ --consisting of-- t 8 Head of Choice Cowsf ; : > new milkers and close springers, some with calves by side. 6 Head of Horses Black mare, 10 yrs. old, wt. 1700 B>s.; black gelding, 12 yrs. old, wt. 1400 lbs.; bay gelding, 10 yrs. old, vt 1400 lbs.; brown gelding, 9 yrs. old, wt. 1450 lbs.; bay gelding, 10 yrs. old, wt. 1100 lbs.; black mare, 12 yrs. eld, wt 1000 lbs. AM ALSO OFFERING a cow, a springer, 6 yrs. old; Made mare, 5 yrs. old, wt. 1350 lbs.; sorrel mare, 7 yrs. old, wt. 1100 lbs.--Owned by Frisby Bros. Hay, Grain, Etc. Two tons alfalfa and timothy mixed In stack, about 8 tons cow peas and oats, 8 tons Hungarian and millet, about 240 shocks corn, 100 bu. to-acre; 6 tons corn in crib, about 10 bu. corn. ..Farm Machinery, Etc. Heeling grain binder, new, cut only SO acres; Deering corn binder nearly new; Deering mower nearly new, com planter nearly new, 80 rds wire, 2 pul verixers, 2 single row cultivators, one the new; 3 horse cultivator, 2 drags, one 'new; drill, 16 in. riding plow new, 8 First primary room--Florence Gran- prairie breakers, 14-in., one new; narger, Willie Gallaher, Janet McAdams, row tire wagon, 2 stubble plows, 14- Itiellie Newman, Freddie Feltz. in.; fanning mill, milk wagon, iro« { Second primary--Zue Gallaher, Car- wheeled wagon, S tough ton wagoa jlgyn Spaulding, Geo. Burke. v nearly new, silo wagon, set dump First intermediate--Cassie El- boards, 2 wagon boxes, one nearly dredge, Chester Goodman, Florence new; hay rack nearly new, 2 seta Howe, Dora Munroe, Willie Kimball^ breeching harness, one nearly new; 11a Smith. set work harness, 2 single harness, Second intermediate--Archie &ik milk cart, 7 milk cans, pail and strainringer, Lynn Cristy, Etta Colby. Ntna ers, 2 movable hog coops, hog oiler, Colby, Earl Waite, Edna Story, and many other articles too numerous Mabel Granger, Stella Fitch, Lucy to mention. •-t-*"---- Terma of Sale: All sums of $10.00 and under, caah| over that amount a credit of sbt months' time will be given on good bankable notes bearing interest at the rate of 7 per cent per annaun. No property to be removed until settled for with clerk. ! ' CHAS. S. ENSIGN. Pit*. - | Jos. C. Holly, Clerk. Alford H Complainants. State of .Illinois, ) County of McHenry,)u. , , In the Circuit Court -- idersigned will sell af public auction Covmiy Term, A. D. mU his farm, situate! 1% miles north Peter Freund> Jr^ et al> VS. j' Jacob, M. Freund, et aL , , Bill for Partition, Gen. tOM8. PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby give® that in pursuance of a decree of salt made and entered by said court in the above entitled cause on the 31st day of October, A. D. 1921, I, E. H. Wait* Special Master in Chancery of said Court, will on the 19th day of Novem- .•ie sired by Sir Korndyke Colantha l>er> A> D. 192i, at the hour of ten £Sfermen, No. 195813, H. F. H. B. j o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at 5 Head of Horse* ~ [the front door of the Court House ill Black mare, 7 years old, weight 1400 ^ dty of Woodstock, McHenry black horse, 11 years old, weight County, Illinois, offer f6r sale and sell lbs.; black horse, 13 years old, public auction to the highest and (••eight 1000 lbs.; black horse, 6 years }>eRt bidder, for cash, the following iOld, weight ,1000 lbs.; road horse, 5^described real estate in said decree s _ imentioned and described, to-wit: Sheep and Chkke«|| | Part of- Lots Number Twenty-five { 23 head of high grade ShJ#SMfe ! (25) and Twenty-six (26) in the Vil* f*res, 2 rams and about 200 White ; lage of Johnshurg, according- to tht tleghorn chickens. , plat thereof, bounded and diescribed ai Hay and Grain | follows, to-wit: Beginning at the IB acres corn in shock, 400 bushtis \ Northeast corner of said Lot Number cirn in cribr 13 tons bay in barn, 860 Twenty-five (25) thence South on the bushels oats, 200 bushels good seed j East line of said Lot Number Twenty- !oats. . * Machinery (live (26) one hundred four (104) feet; \ . McCormick corn binder nearly new,' thence West at a right angle to the IftcCormick mower, Piano grain binder,: West line of said Lot Number Twentyllty i ake, hay loader, side delivery ' six (26); thence North on said West rake, t orn planter with 120 rods wire, iline one hundred thirty-four^ 134) feet harrow, harrow cart, disc harrow, 1- to the Northwest corner of said Lot horse cultivator, 2 riding cultivators, Twenty-six (26); thence Easterly on 4 roll Appleton com husker, gang the North line of said Lot Number plow, sulky plow, 2 walking plows, Twenty-six (26) to the Northeast corbroadcast seeder with grass seed at- ner of said Lot Number Twenty-six tachment, lumber wagon, wagon box, (26); thence South along the East line aft wagon springs; hay rack, hog rack, of said Lot to the Southwest corner of bob .sleigh, bob runners, manure Lot Number Twenty-four (24); thence •(reader, rubber tire top buggy with East on the South line of said Lot storm front, milk wagon, drag scraper, Number Twenty-four (24) to the place Sharpies milking machine, 2^ h. p. of beginning, situated in the North- Sh&rples engine, 2% h. p. pumping east quarter of Section Number ThirflUinnna A K n paiyVawlffl-WAyga an. tCCTI (l3)v ill Township Mirmh^r Fortygine, pumping jack, threshing belt, five (46) North, of Range Number Sharpies cream separator, 2 tank heat- Eight (8), East of the Third Prinere, caldron kettle, 100 gal. galvanized cipal Meridian, and situated, lying and tack, litter carrier, horse clipper and being in the County of McHenry, in sheep shear combined, 240 egg incu- | the State of Illinois. balor, brooder, 2' galvanised coops, 2: Terms of Sale: Twenty-five (26) sets heavy harness, set surry harness, per cent of the purchase price to be 3 single harness, riding saddle, horse paid on the day of sale and thf balblankets, post hole digger, post mawl, a nee of the purchase price on approval j wire stretcher, hay foik, rope and of the Report of Sale and the delivery ' * - < v^,V Js, U J • !«!. i* ^ % : . ~ t I _-i - n; the waterworks and jmight come up before the meeting, with Pres. Stoffel presiding. Trustees present: Doherty, Knox, and Wattles. Absent: Erickson and .Overton. Motion by Krause, seconded by Doherty A that in an emergency case which exitra the money to be paid out is money to be paid for fixing water mains. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Knox, that the village draw an order on the treasury for $700.00 to be paid to Taylor Bros, for part payment, on their contract that they have with the village of McHenry. Motion carried. Since you elected me in 1918, I have at all times discharged my duties aa County judge to the very best of my ability and if my judicial record meotu with your approval, I ask your sipport for a second term. Very truly yours, y$$.' 2U:~'S " CHARLES P. RARNBg. Reserve Your Tickets To avoid confusion, due to the fact that many did not keep their chcck* after the first number of the lyceum, tickets must be again reserved. Reservations may be made now at Mc- Gee & Conway's. ' • McHENRY POST, NO. 491 American Legfen Regular meetings every Tuesday evening at 8:00 o'clock. All axservicr men welcome. . V' BR. WENDELL A, DtSBOL» Osteopathic Physk5*a t , Stevens Bldg, Chicago Treatments by appointment ocdy. Plione Crystal Lake 184. trips Mondays and Thursdays. •ERVICE PIR8T r ? Inexpensive Long-Distance Calls The Bell system offers a time and money sating plan for making long distance telephone Get the telephone numbers of your customers in Milwaukee, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha, Des Moines and other cities so that when you time and money by caUing theift pa the. fi||evens; ( •|;:>Gramai«t' Okity, Fred Eldredge, Emery Kimball, Chas. £Himpin, Grover Kimball, Marion Mc- A/lams, Ettif Simes, Elsie Howe, Mil- ;dte<l Stevens, Nettie Schiessle. fT High school--Bessie McAdams, Beridce Perry, Saylor Smitii, Clyde tlinH- * ifell. * v- ' j Auction Sale! Qeo. Vogel, :: Auctioneer / Having decided to quit farming, the Pouse, Solicitor for th« of McHenry. on the MtHenjry-Jotas- ;l»rg road, on TUESDAY, NOVEMBER IS Commencing at one o'clock, sharp, the "following described property, to-wit: 22 HEAD OF LIVE STOCK «L --consisting of-- •: 17 Head of High Grade Cattle seme with calves by side and some close springers. Some of these cows station to station Get acquainted with the money Mving •tattoo to nation Calls made between 8:30 p. m. and midnight on .tLhe. "station to statio_ _n»»" ib an:s cost bi ut lUitudLe. more than one-half the day charges, and made after midnight about seventy-five per cent lest than dav calls. ILLINOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY L nenoR The Focdson Tractor is taking much of die drudgery out of farm life; it is solving the labor problem; it is reducing the cost of preparing land by almost one half of what it was with horses; and it i» saviitf one third to hatf of the farmer** time; and making term fife more attractive. The Focdson will run your threshing machine --and at the most opportune time for you. It will operate the milking machines, saw your wood, fill your silo, pump the water, and take care of every kind of belt work-- And don't forget--It will plow six to eight acres in a ten hour day, handling two plows • with ease. Thus the Fordson is the ideal year-round factor. It will pay for its fall and winter keep la many ways. * There's a big story to tell yon about the Ptosfe son--and a true one-- come in and get the £acts> Or, if you prefer, telephone or drop ua a card and w e will bring them to you. •m \yt\ - STAR GARAGE W0 l<3 i' " >

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