Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 10 Nov 1921, p. 7

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^\LFORD H. POUSE" pyC Vm( ID T r * » - 1 M L 8 SMON STOFFEI, Insuraait;i*ent for *0 s property In tb« buck * FvT «h.frFVRT fM.r*«w- The Humphery No. 10 Radiantfire A perfect portable gas heater. Made on an entirely new principle. Givesconcentrated heat energy and directs the heat rays in the same manner that an electric does. Costs less than , 2H cents an hour to run. For small rooms, offices * and cozy corners. Can be tilted at any angle You can put it on a shelf or table and tilt it down or you can put it on the floor and lilt it up. Price $15.90 Western United Gts and Electric Company Now Here! sr..""*; ,s ? P- • Another Carload df " --<rf-- ' Late White Better phone in. your . 4*rder toda|^^ M. M. Niesen Mo Henry Fhor^ t« •«IH« Hi "George, we you for* " ,nl. H-. «p«'tvti fun «t home, deat, with yen * md the OutbiaoMn. Come «ing this one Irtth me." Ki first week with a Gulbransen, you can learn to .play acceptably the kind of music you would stum- V ' jble over after five years of hand practicing, You -V'/'fcan prove this, in ten minutes at any Quforansen ^ •; ^Dealer's store. Please do it. Fina out ^hat the iGulbranseil will do ftotwr yy°oiu and your% '! A. Huemann, West Mcffenry j • r •vr'TK-VV ^ \ & 'A\i \ ' * * 4 • - ;; - ^ *V ' ^ • •V ^ has come to be recognized as the best , M > sold in this territory. This has been I T*J made possible thru our long experience :. A at the business coupled with the sanitary V ." and up-to-date methods employed in the manufacture of our cream. Our service too is perfect in every detail, thus enab|-! ing us to cater to all social function* N 0h • '. mmini. focHENRY ICE CREAM FACTORY C. UNTI, PROP. WHOLESALE & RETAIL Brewery Service Station RtNGWOQD Popular candies at popular tt EricKgfon's. O. A. Tabor made a business trip to Chicago Saturday. Miss Lora Smith entertained friends from Janaeville, Wis., over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. Merritt Cruikshank of COUNCIL "PROCEEDINGS Trustee* Met In Regular Monday Evening Elgin were visiting relatives here last gent; week. . I 5Jr. and Mrs. Floyd Carr of Green- ' Council Room, No*, f» |®2l. >• The village trustees met in regular session with Pres. Stoffel presiding. ' Trustees present: Doherty, Knox, Krause, Overton and Wattles. Ab- Erickson. The minutes of the last regular o j « . and sP®c»l meetings were read and wood were Sunday guests of Mr. and approved Mrs. S W. Brow* _ _ ^ j Th, followilv bills ^ Md Gr«ndm. H.wtay of Bnrtegto« ,ppTO™d by the b« cwnmitte.: came last Thursday tovisit her son, Wilbur Lumber Co., lumber* , , ^ j |276.62 Public Service Co., red glotws. 23.55 from Chicago last Thursday and will Frank Schoel> ibr on ww.. . 50 soon be able to be out again Standard Oil Co., gasoline fc0.59 Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beth and daugh- w j Donavin> suppiie8...; _ - 2.95 tor,- Cor., and Mr. and Mrs. Wbl James B clow & gon BuppUe|1 Kelley were shopping in Burlington,, for waterwofka sw 7? Wis., Monday. National Cast Iron Pipe Co., Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Bacon attended cast iron pipe 805.17 a birthday party Sunday at the home Service Co Hght| stg of their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Georg? .and tramc li?hts l48 06 Gkmld, at Woodstock. « . John Thennas, gasoline & oil.. 26.39 The next number of the lyceum M L Worts ^0^, B6.84 course wiU be given by a quartette of john8-ManviIle Co., supplies ^°m® . for waterworks John J. Vycital, supplies for waterworks WANTED--An Indian Runner drake. Notify this office. 22 FOR SALE--A new milk eow. Adams, West McHenry, 111. B. J. 21 TYPEWRITERS FOR SALE RENT--Terms reasonable. H. Cooney, Woodstock, 111. OR T. 20 LOST--Last Friday somewhere on; No. M0G71. a son ofri roads in the vicinity of McHenry or in the village, a curtain for a Mitchell car. Finder kindly notify Henry Williams, Ring wood, 111. 22-lt FOR SALE--Ford roadster in condition. Price for quick sale, $125 cash. Phone 60S-R-2. 22 FOR SALE OR TRADE--Fins dairy farm east of McHenry. Have von a friend or relative you want near you? Send him this ad. I might trade farms with him. Address Box 2, A-I jWest McHenry, 111. 19-4t* GenrtdaW Jones. TheM p!e«ty at length and: wishing to improve their herd would do well to look them over. Prices right. James Hunter, West McHenry, 111. Phone 617-J-2. «Mf FOR SALE--Maxwell 1917 touring car and Republic 1 ton truck. Real bargains. Selling's garage, McHenry, Ul. 19-tf girls on Tuesday, Nov. 15. 75.66 out and hear a good concur! Miss Helen Freeman of Greettwood was a guest of Miss Dorcas Foss last & suppii^}^^ Thursday night. They attended the w £ 3chreiner, telephone «wS teacher* meeting at Elgui Friday. postage 2.25 Mrs. Rilla Foss amlieons, Wuyne j0^,, walsh, marshal service.. 125.00 and Floyd, ^accompanied by Mrs. Wm. T#ylor Bro8 > lbr on ^ :1242.00 Coates and Mrs. Gal Williamson, via- c & N w R R Co fr^ on ited relatives at Spring Grove last supplies for ^^0^,... Saturday. J. W. Bonslett, lbr & telephone Word came from Paul Stephenson r ca„s Qn waterworks Monday saying that he arrived safely w L Howe„ & ^ ' ^ ' He went by steamship from ] batterie8 3.00 17.28 39.57 93.32 in Cuba. New Orleans to Cuba and he says he F. Weinschenker, hauling pipe enjoyed the trip very much. ^ M lbr Qn streeta|..? The opening party at Smiths hall ^ McDonald> lbr on ww... last Friday night was a genuine sue- p j lbr & aupplte8 cess in every way. About 200 were in attendance and every neighboring town was well represented. The next party will be Nov. 18 and the popular McAndrews orchestra of Woodstock will furnish the music. OSTEND V"* .. WANTED--1000 couples to attend the American Legion dance at the Legion hall, McHenry» on Friday evening, Nov. 11. 22 FOR SALE--The old Smith homestead farm of 160 acres located about two miles east of McHenry; the Smith estate farm of 82 acres at Lake Defiance and the house and lot east of he Fox river bridge in McHenry. S. H. Freund, McHenry, HI. Phone 643- M-2. 41-tf FOR SALE--Todd check protector. Exactly model, nearly new. $20. Inquire at The Plaindealer office, McHenry, 111. 20-ft FOR SALE OR RENT--The Michael Jus ten estate house on Elm street, McHenry. Apply to or write N. J. Justen, administrator, West McHen ry, m. FOR SALE--Select woodefl lots on the river and adjacent to new golf course of McHenry Country club. Within village limits and in walking distance of stores and R. R. station. Apply to C. W. Stenger at West McHenry State bank, Ben Stilling & Son, McHenry of C. S. Owen, 600 W. Jackson Blvd., Chicago. Phone Monroe §300. 12-tf WANTED--Man with Ford ear for McHenry and vicinity. Selling experience not necessary. Guarantee you can make from $10.00 to $25.00 a' day for next six months. This is not a house to house proposition. Yon call on business men. Our district manager will be in McHenry Boon. Write us at once so that we can arrange for him to see you. United Factories Agencies, box 376, Rockford, Hi. „ 22-2t Another Dance at Rihgwobd t> Hie second of a series of fall and winter dances to be sponsored by the Ringwood Dancing club will take place at Smith's hall there next Friday evening, Nov. 18. McAndrews' orchestra of Woodstock has again been engaged and another fine time is in store for those who attend. Dance tickets, $1.00; war tax, 10c; total. _ !;PK SAIJt-^hoi« big typ, Potaid)|)10 Fverybody i» mart conlUlly l«-tf | China, by Ceretiues Timm j |nvita<1 to attend 3.00 6.00 10.40 5.00 3.00 Jack Nicholls, lbr on ww 35.00 Motion by Knox, seconded by Overton, that the minutes of special meeting of Oct. 18, 1921, be corrected to read that Taylor Bros. Uy »n eight inch main on the east side of Green street or at such place as the ' Buy cotton goods now at Erickson'e. waterworks committee shall determine . Little Elma Sherman was a Sat- in its discretion instead of that Tayurday guest at Grandpa Hobart's. *or ®ros- 'ay an inch main on Mrs. D4|y Jecks received the good ^®8t side of Green. 8treet». whlch w#f news that her mother was slightly im- incorrectly stated in motion at sue proved in health and had asked for meeting. Motion carried. j Motion by Doherty, seconded by Seth Richardson s again an Illinois Krause, that the minutes be accepted citizen, having arrived here last week corrected. Mation carried. from Dakota, where he spent the past1 Motion by Overton, seconded by summer. Doherty, that the reports be accepted C. E. Sherman and Martin Bros. the exception of the collector's are husking corn for Chas. E. Jecks. »Port. Motion carried. It will take them siveral days to. do1 Motion by Doherty, seconded by this job. , Krause, that the bills be paid as O. Earl Sherman finished husking corn *.'<• by flnance committee. Mofor P. W. Freund last Friday noon ^ion carried. A A . and moved to Tony Freund's, He hits Motion by Krause, •*con<1 ^ several days' work there. Overton, that the emergency appro- The disposal of a five dollar sold priation ordinance be passed as read, piece was one of the attractions at Motion carried. the social Saturday evening. Mrs. Motion by Doherty, 8®con ^ Oscar Prahl was the lucky winner. Knox, that the ordinance for 5r?W The social at the schoolhouse Sat- ing money be passed as read urday night was well attended, carried Seats all fillet! and standing room all Motion by Overton, occupied, hardly room for one more. Wattles, that the anticipation We are informed the total receipts rant be passed as read. otion carwere something over $250.00. ried. - The crowd at the schoolhouse Sat- Motion by Knox, seconded y urday night at the basket social sur- Overton, that the report from prised some people, but if they had waterworks committee on tlie new been here a few years ago they would water mains be accepted as rea . have seen a packed house many times. Motion carried. At entertainments all the seats and Motion by Krause, seconded y standing room have been occupied Doherty, to adjourn. Motion carried. many times in the past. Of late no i effort has been made to call a crowd Motion seconded by war- ..LEST WE FORGET • • --J _______ November 11th, proclaimed by the president ie United States a National Holiday, marks the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice which ended the World It is fitting that the Conference on the Limitation of Armament begin on this date. Those who gave their all that war might be ||o more have waited patiently for the Governijients of the World to justify their sacrifice. May the Washington Conference make gaining toward permanent peace. On Armistice Day, November this bank will be closed „ Na||Qaal Holiday, 3,*^ .W'- , ^ K - rij.3 ' Fox River Valley State Bank JOS. €. HOLLY, Cash. McHenry, Illinois FREMONT HOY, Pres. Simon Stoffel, Pre*. W. G. Schreiner, Clerk. JOHNSBURG jBmergency Appropriation Ordinance Black Gat hosiery at Erickaon's. I Be it ordained by the Present and Miss Margaret Smith spent a few Board of Trustees of the Village of days this week a the guest of friends, McHenry and State of Illinois: in Chicago I L That whereas an emergency ex- Miss Julia Smith and Joe Regner »ts because of the waterworks syspassed Sunday as the guests of friends , tem of «aid village having become at Kenosha, Wis. , .Very defective at certain points and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Baer, Mrs. 'that immediate money is required to Jos Freund and Mrs. Fred Smith replace and repair said defective motored to Chicago Monday. Points in said waterworks system Mr and Mrs. Wm. Smith and chil- therefore there is hereby appropriated dren of McHenry were Sunday guests from any money that is now due or of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Michels. be hereafter due to said village, Arthur Adams of Woodstock spent or which may be in the Village Treasthe week end as a guest in the home ury of said Village, not otherwise apof his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. propriated, the sum of Four Thousand Adams .Five Hundred Dollars ($4500.00) to Mr and Mrs. Math. Raven and son, defray the expenses and liabilities of Arnold, of Solon Mills spent Sunday said Village in the said emergency, as guests of Mr. and Mrs. John said sum of money being appropriated „r reuna. . 1 for the Waterworks Fund of said Vil- Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Michels and chil- lage of McHenry. s at HIGH GRADE PETROLEUM PRODUCTS . •• •: OF QUALITY • •/ _ STRAIGHT RUN GASOLINE,' HIGH TEST 4 GASOLINE, BEST GRADE KEROSINE " ' • t ' ' «• ' T ' i '"'%uick Delivery on Receipt of Order ; 2. That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect ten days after its passage, approval'and publication according to law. Approved: Simon Stoffel, President of the Board of Trustees of the Village of McHenry, County of McHenry and State of Illinois.' Attest: Wm. G. Schreiner, Village CM. Passed Nov. 7, 1921. Approved Nov. 7, 1921. Published Nov. 10, 1921. To the Voters of McHenry Coaaiy Owing to the fact that under the law a sheriff cannot hold two terms of office in succession, and as it has b^enj^** at her the custom in this county for ma: *•- i years where a public office? has served I Mr Trf Mrs. John FUuugu. and P«Pl« *>•*•« W'""1 Mr. ana with that a second term has always been \ family »p«t wmw "rt" tendered 50ch ^ |fnMto Nev. McMiBto took th. therefore, as I have s«vcd Ul. people j teacher's |laMr?Sla P^kFw«ythe gueet of'tf 1 have merited your approval, and relatives in Elgin and Carpentersville »8 * beco»e a^an T duiat^IJf" 1 relatives m e,ikui k- nomination for sheriff, I respectfully I the latter par o ^ • rpnn<>«t your support and vot-^i »t the I Misses TT" coming primaries for the office «ft gronte and Fl«en«, Kn.r rtteotod tpeasurer, for „hich oBc. I a teachers' meeting at Elgin Friday. I Now is the time to market your surplus poultry. We pay cash for * -- Ik. 4* dren of Harvard passed Sunday in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Michels. The Lady Foresters will sponsor a public card party at parish hall this (Thursday) evening. A most cordial invitation is extended 0 everybody to attend. » TERRA COTTA Miss Eleanor Phalin was a in Chicago Sunday. Henry McMillan vis Carpentersville Sunday Mrs. M. Knox and calling on Woodstock relitferes Sunday. Miss Marjorie Phalin of Chicago spent Saturday and? Sunday home here. It's Easy to Shift Gears on a examination at Woodstock,^ thus county since my election as ' Aeriff to the best of my ability, and hereby announce my candidacy. 22 ROY J. STEWART. M. L. Worts, Prbp. Phone 29 McHenry, 111. „MpHenry P. & E. Co. Phone _ Special prices on lard and smoked --- -- " - '-.x • ..Tv ,111<I. meats, at Erickson's. BUIVK tjtxws n-Six-U Three Pa**. Roadttm 9U96 U-Six-^6 ht. Pais Touring 1596 gM-Six-id Three Pa**. Coupe 91S6 96-Six-b7 h'w Pas*. Sedan - H36 99-Siz-iS Four Past.Couf* - 9396 tt-Hix-bii Snen Pass. Touring 1735 t§JSix-60 Srren Pa**. 8e4m* flif Buick Fours 99-Four-UTwoPa**. Roadster 9 1136 99-Four-io Five Pa**. Touring 976 99-Four-M Three Past. Coupe U75 MSfour-3? Fife POM. Sedan I960 • ' AH Prien F. 0. * Flint, *»»•># * * tggiii. iiiu'iir, I i-pti)'!1 uiP* A SLIGHT moveMfefit of IA the hand shifts Buick gears, and without noiae. " That's why thousands of owners prefer Buick for eity driving. Come in, see the 1922 Buick models, and let us demonstrate 9 to you the ease of Buick shift control. . FOR SALE BY OVERTON & COWEN WEST McH1EFNNRRYY , IILLLL.. HARVARtTtlt •'V?4r ' ri-'"'-- Hi; W WHEN B UTEK AUTOMOBILES ARE BUM*. BUICK BUM) " " . i ( ( : > • r S L * " -•v, <••• % „:-tk ; III A. afe"' • m

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