m. ; J & The Place to *i* v>; y'," .? l,ABuy Your Drugs ':%n |mSI§P$4P^ \ r,, >••* tte,' ' ^ " .«W.- *»• M1N. H. PETESCHMOU NURDS Of ALL KINDS «ii*t OWDWG MRS PROMPTLY AND EmdENTLY Cooley's Dairy Feed a Specialty •*:'4•'§e=u• V v> *•"" • W"~\ & Manufactured and sold by us Late Potatoes and Fancjr Apples on hand now. Leave ^our orders at the mill. * We are pleasing many others if**. County Farmers' Co-operative Association Plants at McHenry. Crystal Lake, Woodstock 1Mb Office: West McHenry . C. W. Gibbs, OUR STOCK IS COMPLETE Mne dress goods io all popular shades including the new middy reds, navy blue serge, prices up from _ .$1*1# Underwear in all sizes, cotton and wool 5te to $5.M Sport Coats in green, brown, red and cavet heather... ^ ..HUMUS Sweaters in afl popular shaded ^ Women's Oxfords in the new shade erf tan H.M to SIM Satin Pumps and High Boots A full line of men's; fatpys* and children's shoes at popular prices • " . Spats in brown, fawn and pearl A beautiful line of new stamped goods and Japanese table sets , the best money can buy Fina oranges, apples, grape fruit, cranberries ^ - Tea, the finest we ever owned, per lb._ _ g#e Coffee at : ^$e, jgeand 4* Goo* M*mc4 Promptly Phone 117-R M. J. WALSH tm i I " * Come In and See ItUAJ$ > • <afc£r JACOB JUSTEN McHENRY, ILL. i- : Indiolas Flivers Oh Hmfoi Buiek Six El Rector* Crowns .. . «%•% .5 .8 ;»i.-v,'. .4 - it'--' £ . . . 8 6 The Indiolas, captained by Walter .Warner, still hold the "dizzy" position in the local bowling: league, but from the form shown by some of the other teams during the past week it looks as if the tea distributors will have to go some to hold the lead. That most of the bowlers are beginning to round into form is aeen by the scores registered during the past week. The individual high score in the league games in now held by Henry Weber with a mark of 244, while Art Meyers holds the individual high average for a fting)* series with a score of 196 1-8. Outside of the leagnfe sra?nes the three highest scores for the month are heid as follows: Alfred Richardson, 267; Art Groom, 28©; Walter Vogt, 257. Oh Henrys Defeat El Rectors The Oh Henrys defeated the E! Rectors in three straight frames on the West Side alleyfclast Thursday Might. The score; Oh Henry* •:;%£ 1 Meyers . .VyVt^lW Bacon . ..",.>,175 Richardson ...164 Schmitt , ^iil64 Steftap .• MdUtN^VS •ONE OF AMI V*' Vmrnal. <" flOV 24. 25 « 26 &V,' Screen Version of Neil Thrilling Rani American Raring: Drama "The County Fi FEATUIUWC Wesley Bittf, ome Eddy* f » R« SZ\. Four end dMlwn. Mrs. m, MTfoi BBHT--Ana Cdoney, Woodstock, UL SALE tf. 18. 111. txreek, will McHenry FOR SALE--Maxwell 1917 touring car and Republic 1 ton track. Real bargains. Stilling's garflge, McHenry. _ __ JU^ 19-t£ f SALE----The . a. 24 Stenger at West McH< •ALB 0» «ifa'-'n» Michil: s8^"^ i ^ ™ 5rb ,r?:i^ro- lw>fe™r rm arse kin »ce to f|fc»te FOR SALE--Todd chwk Exactly model, nearly new. quire at The Plainddaler office, McHenry, 111. 20-ft W« McH^., CMna ^ ^ by ^ -- I No. 369571, a son of the famous old Satith kaM-! Gerstdale llpat. These boars have TT- f,arm of 15°„ac™8 ***** &**• Plenty of %mgm and bone. Anyone protector, two miles east of McHeniy; tfeaflfatth wishing to Improve their herd woidd $20. In- Mtate farm of 82 acres at Lake De-jdo well to look them over. Pricw flaaee and the house and lot east of right. James Hunter, West McHenry Pox river bridge in McHenry. S. 111. Phone 617-J-2 20-tf i'if-i'-'•!# 8 >"A '" ' \ $»" 'Mi, "m rrf*. 'f.M, :t:r * » * i % I * w irhts Bank as previously announce Public School to promote THRIFT. AND AN EDUCATIONAL COMEDY ALSO...... 129 FLASHL1GHTS OF THE i El Rectoif\. Patzke . Hankermeyer Ritter ..... Etisjeln Grftsin ' 752 773 793 2318 Flivers Win Two Out of Three Taking two of the three games rolled the Flivers easily defeated the Buick Six on Saturday evening. The winners rolled their best in the second game when they piled up a total of 851 pins. "Die scores: Flivers Page .... Lodtz .., Gorman .. Spurling Webor .. • / Buick Six Nickels Jones ... . 1 ...1*7 ....176 ....136 , ' 818 1 ....1*7 . $*-. 153 COME TO US FOR YOUR R. Conway . . .138 Brefeld ......143 F. Thompson .134 2 149 147 164 201 190 861 2 173 196 104 186 170 3 161 127 126 198 20* 812 3 196 192 137 127 164 Total 477 403 465 534 602 2481 Total 506 540 379 406 468 705 778 816 2299 El Rectors Trounce Flivers S Straight The El Rectors, who have been going in hard luck ever since the opening of the league season, came into their own on Monday evetfing when they handed the Flivers a threestraight lacing. Groom led the winning team by piling up a total of 673 pins, giving him an average of 226 for the evening. Henry Weber came in for the high individual score with a mark of 244. El Rectors Groom ..... Patzke Engeln .;. Donavin ..». Ritter . .,.. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 27 Shirley Mason» ^ ' :-v; AND ^ CFNTURY COMEDY "FOR SALE" j MATINEE AT'):* as been^uoc^afuHy placed in the McHenry „» J ; ^Start Today---With a Pennt, u. The interest shown by the parents, teachers and pupils is far beyond out expecta^ % tions. Thrift is ncfW America's greatest need. Automatic Receiving Teller jjjj Boys and girls should be encouraged to eagi money by doing a little work, { 'K Put at lea8t a Part of their earnings in their School Bank. The West McHenry^^ State Bank has made this saving possible. Parents co-operate with the teachers \v •W-V". in this great movement for THRIFT* % - > C"' U i >» - * f * Ft* . t v "THE BANK THAT ^feftVlCfe TUESDAY, NOVEMBER *9:?0- Gladys Walton & -••IN-- ? figk HedT • (. ' y -AND-- • • '^v'W BIRD'S ROOFS 'M \f H The scores: 1 2 ~ 8 Total .214 287 ibt 673 .189 155 176 520 .138 153 124 416 .129 161 150 430' .168 148 184 500 Flivars Page ....., J. Knox .... Gorman i, Spurlinir ... Weber 1 .170 .136 .113 .160 .130 844 2 147 103 .127 223 171 866 3 130 .103 157 135 244 2538 Total 447 342 397 518 545 . 709 771 769 2249 Crown* Win Over Buick Six The Crowns finally came into their own on Tuesday evening of this week when they defeated the Buick Six in two games and tied the third, the tie game being decided by each man rolling one ball and counting the total number of pins. The Crowns won out I by eight pins, tho the team is credited with three straight games. The tie was rolled in the second game, when each team hung up a total of 913 pins, the best record yet made since the organization of the local league. C. M. Bickler is credited with high individual score in the three games with a mark of 225. The scores: Crowns * 1 2 3 Total W. Bickler ,. A64 194 ,137 496 Perkins ......170 142 211 C. Bickler ... .128 225 164 517 Whiting 168 165 170 498 E. Conway ...189 187 184 560 'fPE- .. ••_ . ; 809 918 886 2588 FttfirSi* 12 8 Total F* Thompson .169 199 164 582 Jones 192 176, 182 560 Nickels^:*'# -161 177 176 604 Stenge .121 203 185 469 B>«£#U#?A'...1« 158 127 488 a I UJJJ-U. LLLL tfVS3« * Xj : 7 on Bed Blooded American Hfetor* Qiapter Play AUT 1 ACOft SSSS," THURSDAY, DECEMBEf| J. j ROAD SHOW Chan, Morris Co-. The Mysteries of India To the Vetera of McHenry County Owing to the fact that under the law a sheriff cannot hold two terms of office in succession, and as it has been the custom in this county for many years where a public officer has served the people well during his first term that a second term has always been UsniMMed Much officer without contest; therefore, as I have served the people was united in marriage to Miss TilHe 'of thLs county since ^ election as. Van Durand of Crystal Lake at the sheriff the tef,t of »y ability, 786 913 794 2488 Walter Geake Married Waller F. Geske of Woodstock, who was born and grew up in this village, but who has made his home at the county seat for several years past, Lutheran parsonage at Woodstock last Saturday morning. Witnesses to the ceremony were Mr. and Mrs. Fra# if I have merited your approval, and as I cannot become a candidate for renomination for sheriff, I respectfully Geske, brother and sister-in-law of the j request your support and votes at the grwip« miei » »nvi Ab ti wncjfiuw--u MIJ# ; eomine-* -n rimaricw fnr t--ViA a--I the couple will return to Woodstock, county treasurer, for which officii where they will make their future home. McHenry friends extend confj gvstalatto--. |jS#'?-' hereby aaiiounce my candidacy. 22 ROY J. STEWART; jt . •VI !*' * > ViV , ' UR roof should be handsome, durable, fire-resisting, and economical. All these qualities are combihed in the famous Neponset Twin Shingle--the roofing development of the 20th century. Neponset Twin Shingles are fire-safe. Easier and quickly handled. Save one-thud the labor over ordinary shingles and requite § 4^! third less nails. They are die only twin shingles--two shingles in one and setf-spadb ^^^Sing.-. Skte-surfaceda. . colors--red * llggreen. ^ ^ ; Neponset Twrn1 Shingles are jhsf what y^t' ' ^ fe need for your home. Come in and let us teH i, sc t ISlppA *{t 'v- * S* • - ^ W9L 'w?v-• sjd?' v ^ly'iyou more about this shingle. It is the ^ ^ economical artistic Single, considering first cost, ec^e of laying, and years of service - -.A- *}V % -.V ..JHKD ft SON, inc. (EstabBslwd IMS) bl Walpok, • J„<f4 JVlcHE^^UMBERCa -mm ™ . . „ . 11: u *>> Ji'i- 4 •it" **£,. jT • ifH ' ;tv \ **• ,T >