Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 1 Dec 1921, p. 5

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kf' 4 !# i Chicago ADDITIONAL •4 drive to ;l|(|||000 tion of a n.ew./^|ianic uilding at Elgin has been started. Two Waukegan young men have ust completed an auto trip from their ome city to California, covering a distance of 3,400 miles. They used ,175 gallons of gasoline in making tike trip. .. CUTS LAKE THEATRE JMUmM U the of known Wednesday, Saturday and 8 railing at 7:80 and IhlOtfabek. Star-- Moderate Prices Margaret Wallace NURSE £ lack Nicholte 'y* DITCHING AND TILING f - Aflm Well Drifltag ' 1 m Th*v«epp«sqr iMs vatgrown its jipweti| l|U<nMi aadawew factory build- . ing lahadly needid. Saturday. The farmers Conversion of Camp Lawrence* con-, were reprertMtad by Atty. George D. sisting of fifty-two acres of land at Car berry of Elgin. the Great Lakes Naval Training sta- The Woodstock Commercial club has tion, into a fair ground and establishagreed to lend its assistance. towards ing a northern Illinois state fair is the disposal of stock in the Cross the contemplated action of several Manufacturing company of that city, business men of Waukegan and Chi- - - •• • ---a eago. Charles Aims worth, a federal prisoner, has been released from the county jail at Woodstock after serving only sixty days of his six months' sentence. His release followed an order from Judge Carpenter of Chicago, which was received by the Mc- Henry county officials on Sunday. The Rand road between Lake Zurich and the county line is now closed to travel, while the contractors are putting in the culverts at Quintin's corners. The contractors expect to get as much work on grading and putting in \ culverts and bridges accomplished as is possible during the winter so that the work of paving may go forward without delay in the spring. J Catherine Hogan of Chicago filed suit in the Lake county circuit court last week against the Lake county Phone 121-J McHenry, 111. FU RS! Bring your RAW FURS to McHenry; Highest prices paid by R. S. Howard ABVB passed Monday In ttmms AND Gofclts <M A'WEEK IN OUR BUSY VIM.AGS S*+n by Ptaindealer Rri»rteri* and Handed Into Onr (Hike by Ow Friends J Edward Brefeld spent Elgin. William Loeber was an Klgin visitor last Saturday. Miss Mayme Barbian spent a few days last week with relatives in Chicago. Jacob Jus ten transacted business matters at Waukegan one day last week. Dr. EAil Windmueller ct Woodstock was a professional visitor in town Sunday. Charles Buss of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day aa> the gtaest of relatives here. * Mrs. Almy Wtsw*& of Chicago spent Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs. Henry Dowe. Ms. and Mrs. Nick Steilen of Chicago passed Thanksgiving day with McHenry relatives. Mrs. Ahna Thomas and daughter, Eye, Ear, Nine, Ureal EXPERT S3 Yam m State St. Cross Eyes Straightened by my own special method. Tonsils removed by Twilight Seep. Glasses $5 up. Write tw Fix of testimonials of many Franklin O. Carter, M. D. 1«0 S. State St, Chicago Hotrns-e to 5 SVHDAT-IO to 1* SAPOLIO board of agriculture in ihe sum of (Mrs. Gerald Newman, spent Saturday IS ,000. The plaintiff, it is understood,' will attempt to prove she sustained serious injuries during the fair at iLibertyville last September when thtf grandstand seat in which she was sitting collapsed, causing her to fall, upon an automobile. iV>K -*Y • 5$. • f. mf- • V.'. PHILIP JAEGER OENKRAI COIIMISSION MERCHANT SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVBN TO THE SAL.X OF L)rested Beef, nulton, Hoga, Veal, Poultry. ttidea. Etc., Butter and Egga * on the street Tag* and priOH H«t» faralrtad m application | p.. COLD STORAOE FREE v Stall 1 a 3, PiiltiK St. •CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. WhoUaaU Mar* at To the Voters of McHenry County Owing to the fact that under the law a sheriff cannot hold two terms of office in succession, and as it has been the custom in this county for many years where a public officer has served the people well during his first term that a second term has always been tendered such officer without contest; therefore, as I have served the people of this county since my election as sheriff to the best of my ability, and if I have merited your approval, and as I cannot become a candidate for renomination for sheriff, I respectfully request your support and votes at the coming primaries for the office of county treasurer, for which office hereby announce my candidacy. . 22 ROY J. STEW A**. MMnfdHtt city Mrs. N. H. Petescfa and daughter, Angela, and Miss Floribel Bassett were Woodstock visitors last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutton, son and daughter of Richmond were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo, p. Lindsay. " ANNOUNCEMENT To the Vetera of McHenry County To correct rumors now being circulated to the effect that I will not seek a re-election, and also because many of my friends have urged me at this time to announce my candidacy for re-election, I hereby announce my candidacy- for the Republican nomination for the office of county judge at the approaching April primaries. Since you elected me in 1918, I have at all times discharged my duties as county judge to the very best of my ability and if my judicial record meets with your approval, I ask your support for a second term. Very truly yours, 21 CHARLES P. BARNES. MeBENRY POST, NO. f « American Legion Regular meetings every Tmeeday evening at 8:00 o'clock. All CSserviee men welcome. Treatments by Phone Crystal tripe Mondays and Get your sweaters at the West Side tailor's. Joe Dittrich. if- A BIG VARIETY OF NOW READY All FirstClass now mmT «void the late shopping rush ' , / SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY •fill Phone tt-M JC^J^VYOTAL McHenry, flf» H, $ J\ f , , - P: /• k. >s-, ;-j <§£ THE PRICE MARK IS ALL SOME PEOPLE CAN SEE We heard a man say that the other day and as we consider this statement we realize how few people understand what true economy is. They never stop to ask the net contents of the package or can or the quality of the products; their first and only thought is the PRICE. v-'l TRUE ECONOMY isndt #te«l4rticle costs in dollars and tents, ttot father what that article is worth to you. Take for instance, a can of our Batavia Peas at 25 cents per can, and any other brand in our store or elsewhere at half the price, (say 15c per can) and for your o\^ satisfaction compare the real value of the brands^ * NOTICE THE PACK You never realized before how much w ater and how few peas some brands really contain, and in comparing how well packed and how full our Batavia Brand is. Then, in addition, you have the flavor and the sweetness of fresh peas, the uniform size, for every can is sifted, and more than all, the economy of our BATAVIA PRODUCTS and your money's worth in every can. ' He Se 23c lie m Lard, per llfcg^^,-- ------ I?': Bacon by tneljsfece or half;.. Rolled Oats, large packag^-- * Holled Oats, small packag^ ^ , $auer Kraut, per qt.. -+r* m*'*r CENTRAL MARKET Wm. Priee, Prop. Phone SS-M APHIS While 200 Boxes Laat G 1;" $hese applet are an Al. - Western stock. Every „ Ode guaranteed sound or your money bade.- - Delicious ROMAN BEAUTIES - an^l JONATHANS Special r $2.75 Per boxj Get your order in early ts they are going fast. ROY HANKERMEYBt West McHtarjr, III m SHEETROCK Tbm FIREPROOF WALLBOARD Sheet rock is • standard fireproof wall and ceiling material. It can be easily sawed and nailed. Rigid, tough and durable, it lastsaa long as the building stands. Sbe^trock is fireproof. It cannot warp, shrink or buckle. It is reinforced witb the U. S. G. Patented Reinforcement for extra "*'i^ strength. The square true edges make tight fioah joints. Uniformly even in surface, factory-cast and factory-finished, Sheet rock takes any decorative treatmentswallpaper, paint or panels. Wilbur Limber Co. WM NcHiwy with relatives in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Schrauth passed Thursday and Friday as the guests of relatives at Waukegan. Mr. and Mrs. John Miller passed Thanksgiving in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mix in Chicagf^. Misses Eleanor , Kinsala, Carolyn Miller and Carolyn Staffes were Chicago visitors last Saturday. Jacob Hauperich and daughter of Woodstock passed Sunday as the guests of McHenry relatives. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith and son, George, of Woodstock spent last Thursday with relatives here. J. F. Adams of Algonquin spent Thanksgiving day in the home of bis mother, Mrs. Mary K. Adams. Miss Verena Jus ten of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Harold Smith of Chicago paaaed the latter part of last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger. Glenn Wells of Galesburg, 111., spent the Thanksgiving holidays with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Wells. Mr. and Mrs. John Karls and daughter, Evelyn, of Woodstock spent Thanksgiving day with McHenry relatives. Misses Elisabeth and Theresa Karls of Woodstock were Sunday guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Karls. Paul Barbian of Chicago was a Thanksgiving day guest in the hom* of his parents, Mr. and Mr*. A. G. Barbian. Miss Ella Nickels of Woodstodc spent the latter part of last week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. B. Harmsen. George Justen of Chicago pa seed the latter part of last week in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen. Miss Rose Freund of Waukegaft passed the latter part of last week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Freund. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. McCUntock of Chicago were guests in the home of Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Wells the latter part of last week. The Misses Mildred and Eleanor Klein spent a few days this week in Chicago, doing some shopping and calling on friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dryer of Chicago passed Thanksgiving day in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hairy Block. Mrs. A. G. Barbian passed the latter part of last week with her daughter, Mrs. C. G. Burkhartsmeier, in the metropolitan city. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kamholz and daughter, Florence, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kamholz were Waukegan visitors Thanksgiving day. Mrs. Nellie Bacon and Miss Anna Frisby spent Sunday and Monday with Chicago friends and attended the funeral of Eugene Fagan. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Westfall of Chicago were guests in the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stoffel, on Thanksgiving day. Miss Varina Wentworth and E. Mc- Johnson of Chicago were guests in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wentworth, Thanksgiving day. Mrs. William Aebischer and children of Chicago spent Sunday and Thanksgiving day in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Stoffel Mr. and /Mrs. Oscar Brecher and daughter, ilelen, of Chicago spent Thanksgiving day as guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Stenger. Misses Edythe Peteech and Angela Germer of Chicago were Thanksgiving day guests in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Petesch. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Smith and children of Libertyville spent Thanksgiving day as guests in the home of Mm. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Diedrich. Mr. and Mrs. Stephen H^mer and Miss Helen Althoff of K €ncs»$ffii spent the latter part of last and the first of this week in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tabor, Robert L. Taylor and Miss Helen Fay of Chicago were Thanksgiving day guests In the home of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John W. Fay. Mrs. Geo. H. Johnson and children passed the latter part of last week guests of her sister, Mrs. A. K. Barns, at Oak Park. Mr. Johnaoa spent Thanksgiving there. Mr. and Mrs. John Freund and little daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spieker of Burlington, Wis., were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and: Mil Freund. MR HfcPP* PARTY HAVE A GRADUATED AUCTIONEER TO CONDUCT YOUR SALE EllNfeSTlROSING INGLESlDE* Woodstock Typewriters ttwrtwi 9ff&t ,CRO\Ct MEW XS *> Itoeicomo by the man WHO'S UMINft BY A, Pufte roov A RE you living by the pure food plant Choice meats help to build a man. Have you tried the meats we sell? Eat them if you'd live quite well. Keep ou# number in your mind. This shop's not so hard to find. WMdi toe Mr. Him PgriNqr' FRETTS! HILL FEEDS OF ALL KINDS OWDfNC DONE PRONTTIY ANO CITICiaftLY 1 I ------ HI I ••• ' .;;P> M Cooley's Dairy Feed a Specialty Ifanufactured and sold by us m Late Potatoes and Fancy Apples on hand now. Xeaye your orders at the mill. Give us a trial. We know we can please we are pleasing many others McHenry County Farmers' Co-operative AssMrioa Plants at McHenry. Crystal Lake, Woodstock Main Office: West McHenry C. W. Glbba, BIRDS 'M /y* ' M l MEPQNSET Bl ArK> WATER PROOF BUILDING PAEER 5 f,r: "Hi. Making a Few Nickels Save Many Dollars ' I 'HE difference in first cost between a roll of * ordinary building paper and a roll of Bird*s Neponset Black Waterproof wiU buy only a few cigars. But, Oh, the difference in protection in future iVCAIs! w • It is absurd to sheathe roof boards, or walli with a non->vaterproof building paper because these soak up moisture like a sponge and quickly disintegrate. Bird's Neponset Black Waterproof Building Paper lasts as long as the buildings^ Save coal and colds. Keep your house warn on cold days and cool on warm days and always dry by using Bird's Neponset paper that is really waterproof. BIRD * SON. inc. (EstaMiaKod 17961 - MCHENRY LUMBER CO WAIIRR A KP aanvio ^ w

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