Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 29 Dec 1921, p. 7

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West~MeH« •V- ;>•*> M-fv bed first of POUSE Attanwi-M stwsat MiPiM The Humphery No. 1® Radiantfire . «W-.' :-• ** *-W' £VS\';:. &** - • :> ~r: c',"i^M:: n|||||| |w| ^ awood Mrs. day's I take. Mr. and Mrs. P. A Hitchen* «nter. tained Christmas guests from Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Frye viaited the girls at Solon one day last A perfect M$ ne# ly#$ concentrated heat jy and directs the it rays in the same I&Jinner that an electric does. Costs less than 1\ 2 cents an hour torun. For sm al' room s, offices and cozy corners. Cala be tilted at any angle. You can put it on a shelf or table and tilt it down or you can put it floor and tilt it Cj|t , ^ -Price $15.00 v \; Western Uaited fits and Electric Company We extend OUT wishes to our friends and patrons and hope that all may enjoy a M. M. Niesen McHenry Phon* 49 Ri* ••Onck-Horae to Banbury Craw, th' GuJbramea H*i M«4e a Boy rftht Boe LOOK AT THE JONESES-SUCH FUN WITH THEIR GULBRANSEN c* • If you knew the Joneses you'd know why. Tike merry music of the Gulbransen--the delight each of them takes in playing it--here's a world of new fun for family and friends. N. A. Huemann, West McHenry i^lU^Sk THE UNIVERSAL CAR Pride y Ownership THE Ford Touring Car jva brought to the fitrgi homes of the country more nd pleasure, cdtnfortandQOQVsQlsacathan perhaps any other one thing. . It has enabled theferrosrand hie family to mingle with friends, attend church, neighborhood functions, and enjoy the many pleasantries that abound in country life. Truly the Ford car with its low coat of operation and maintenance, its usefulness and efficiency, has been a boon to the American farmer. Your order should be placed at onoe if you tp avoid delay In r STAR X*7¥- Wm. Rawson is oa the le of her mother, Barbara BwButJerof Elgin spent Christmas with his sister, Mrs. Hitchens, and family: The Brunswick family ate Christmas dinner with relatives at Genoa Junction. Miss Winifred Bradley entertained a gentleman friend from Chicago over Christinas. Mrs. James Rainey visited her mother, Mrs. Alma Thomas, at McHenry Monday. Miss Imoe-ene Ingram is spending her holiday vacation with her mother at Geneseo, 111. Mrs. John Gould and two daughters of Woodstock are visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs C. D." Bacon. Mr. e.iid Mrs. Geo, Bacon and daughter of AntiocK were? Christcias guests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Hodge. The party at Smith's hall last Friday night, was well attended. The next one will be January 6, 1922. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ritter of Kenosha are rejoicing over the arrival of a new son, born Christmas day. Miss Martha Dailey is spending her holiday vacation with her sister, Mrs. Walter Lyman, and family in Chicago. Fred Walker, who underwent a serious operation at Elgin hospital recently, was able to come home and eat Christmas dinner with his mother, returning to the hospital Monday. Tfie Christmas program at Hie M. W. A. hall last Thursday night was very well attended. The program was good and very well rendered and the little folks were happy when Santa Claus arrived. H. W. Allen of Woodstock, formerly of Ringwood, underwent an operation at Woodstock hospital last week and the report -comes that he is doing very well. Mr. Allen has many friends here, who hope he, will Wl again. *.'V - raitiu cto-ffc > Howard Phalin was arWood stock visitor Saturday evening. Rev. M. J. McEvoy of McHenry was a caller here Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Grant was a business visitor in Chicago last Tuesday. Miss Margaret Grant of Elgin visited at her home here over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Adams and children spent Sunday at P. H. Conway's. Miss Alice Bergman of Chicago spent the week end with friends here. Mr. and Mrs. James Green of Woodstock spent Christmas day with relatives here. Miss Mary McCabe of Chicago is spending her - vacation at her home near here. Edwin and Francis McCabe of Chicago were guests of relatives near here Sunday.^ _ Mrs. John Riley and daughter, Alice, were guests of Chicago relatives over Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Nels Person of Chicago visited at the home Of S. B. Leisner Christmas day. Mrs. Marion McMillan and Miss Marion Shales spent Christmu day with Henry McMillan and family. Miss Marjorie Phalin of Chicago is spending the holiday vacation with her parents, Mr. and. Mrs. J, M. phalin. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bergman and son, Carl, of Chicago were guests of Mrs. Bergman's parents and sister Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schaefer of McHenry spent Christmas day with the tatter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Frisby. [Last week's delayed letter] Mrs. Stella Peck visited relatives in Elgin Monday. • Henry McMillan was a business vis- 1tnr in Elgin Monday. Marjorie and William Grant spent Saturday with their sister in Elgin. Mrs. John Riley and daughter, Alice, spent a day last week with Mrs. John Flanagan. Mr. and Mrs. James P. Green of Woodstock were guests at the home of M. Knox and family Sunday. OSTEND John R. Hutson came out from Chicago to- visit his uncle, C. B. Durkee. No school this week and the children are enjoying the holiday vacation. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Rogers were invited to spend Christmas at Rockford. Miss Peari Qaxton of McHenry was a Monday visitor at the C. B. Durkee home. C. B. Durkee is slowly improving and is able to sit up a pertyof the time. His nephew, Orvil Hutson, is still with him. Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Eppel and children ate Christinas dinner south of Woodstock with Mrs. Eppel's toother, Harry Silliman, and family. Warren Francisfco and sister entertained at dinner Christmas their sister, Mrs. Delia Hobart, husband and son, Ruy, and their niece, Mrs. Nina Sherman, husband and three children. C. E. Jecks feels quite sure of a mild winter and an early spring. He saw a meadow lark sitting on a bunch ©f corn singing a merry lay and it was not of short duration. He went a second time to the corn field, a neighbor accompanying him, and it was still there singing. Rev. Edw. Berthold of Virgil, HI., was the guest of McHenry friends on Cornish /is numbered the A. |Hiitt...of Chicago is thegu< of J^to ffwtsr ijjtts week. MJ«* Mfjmfe f as lw» of Harvard is the guett at her sister, Mrs. Chas. Vogel. Kirk Crane of Chicago spefet Christmas at the home of Geo. Vogel and tssiily. Mrs. Victor Abas and Mrs. Wm. Cornish were Spring Grove callers last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. D. S. Thompson ware guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Cropley Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aubert of Chicago are the guests of the tatter's parents, Mr. ank£ars. John Gibbs. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Haldeman and daughter, Floy, spent Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. Nellie Turner. Mrs. Geo. Westiake and son, Charles, ate Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Jin M«€aimon at Wilmot. The Christmas exercises held at the school house Friday night were well attended and the program well rendered. Mr. and Mrs. Brennen of Chicago were guests at the home of the former's brother, y$m. Brennen, over Christmas. As Mrs. Nellie Turner and Grant Hill were coming home from Richmond Wednesday the car got into a rut and turned turtle, injuring Mrs. Turner's hand quite badly. Mr. and Mrs. Kohn Entertain The hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. George Kuhn, who reside on Maple avenue, was thoroly enjoyed by a company of friends at a noon day dinner at their home on Monday of this week. Those who made up the gathering were: Mrs. S. Button, Mrs. L. Lawless, Mrs.^ N. Holly, Mrs. E. Wheeler, Mrs. S. Sherburne and Miss Anna Sherburne. A1" well prepared creamed chicken dinner was served the guests, after which the afternoon hours were pleasantly spent in social conversation, recitations and selections on the victrola. The latter were especially pleasing to the guests as the numbers played were by the leading singers of the day. The occasion will long remain in the memory of those who were fortunate enough to be present as one of exceptional plea: ures. H. H. Fay was kind enough to convey the guests to and from their homes in his sedan car, which courtesy was deeply appreciated by the ladies. Royal Neighbors Enjoy Tree Hie members of Riverview camp, R. N. A., together with the children of the members, enjoyed their annual Christmas tree and party at their hall on Riverside Drive on Tuesday evening of last week. The evening's program, which consisted of recitations, music, songs and dances, was supplied by the little folks and was thoroly enjoyed by all. After the program Old Santa made his appearance and distributed candy and nuts to the children and also brought with him two> very suitable gifts which were presented to the oracle of the camp. D. of A. Enjoy Christmas Party The members of Joyce Kilmer court, Daughters of America, enjoyed a Christmas tree and party at the K. of C. hall here last Friday evening. The fore part of the evening was set aside for the enjoyment of various games, after which Miss Kathryn King, in the role of Old Santa, distributed gifts among those present from a tree. The hall as well as the tree was very prettily decorated and the Christmas sj>irit predominated in the hall. Delicious refreshments 3pwe served. Is Candidate For State Representative The Ploindealer is in receipt of a communication from James Monroe Gun thorp of Cary, in which he announces his candidacy for state repre^ sentative at tke . doming April prisaaries. Mr. Guntitarp is a Republican and his name will therefore naturally appear wi the Republican ticket. \ A DDITION ALPERSONAL C. Unti transacted business In the metropolitan city. Wednesday. Mrs. Geo. Meyers is .spending a few days with Wauconda relatives. Miss Blanche Meyers passed* few days last week with Chicago relatives. Jay Comiskey of Sparta, Wis.,'.was the guest of friends here WedoeSday. William Althoff was a business visitor at Algonquin last Friday morning. . Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gillepie of Chicago passed Christmas with relatives here. Mrs. Fred C. Felts pafsq} at few days last and this week with relatives at Marengo. Miss Lucille Schoel of Chicago visited in the home of her parents here over Christmas. Leon Miller of Jasper, Ind., is spending the holiday vacation With McHenry relatives. Arnold and Joyce Chesnut* passed a few days last week with their father at Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Miller and son, Loren, are spending a couple of weeks as the guests of relatives at Cary. George Justen of Chicago is spend- •n® the holidays in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Justen. Edward Bonslett of Madison, Wis., is spending the holiday vacation with his parents,'Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bonslett. John H. Brefeld of Waukegan spent the first of the week in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Brefeld. Miss Christine Karls of Delavan, Wis., spent Christinas day in the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred as a Mrs. •.:» ,r Mrs. Wm. Dryer of the first of the week* of Mr. and Mrs. Htttp Blotk. Robert Websr, a student a* tiie State University at Champaign, is spending the holiday vacation in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Weber. !Kc.,atad Mrs. F; W. Sayier and daughters, Viola and "Joyce, of Woodstock 8pent Christmas day with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sayier, at Hillside farm west of town. Mrs. Patrick Kelleher and daughter, Helen, of Houghton, Mich., arrived in town the latter part of last for a month's visit with her mother, Mrs. Christine Schreiner, and other relatives. TO PC Also E--A good black mare, I Will John M-2. pre- CLASSIFIED DEflttmERT WANTED--Good yellow ear corn McHenry Flour Mills, West McHenry 111. • 23-2t FOR SALE--Floor lamp without shade, never been used. Inquire of Mrs. John Montgomery, McHenry, 111. WANTED Man with Ford ferred to distribute gasoline vaporizen. Something new. Every Ford owner will want one. Big money for a hustler. F. E. Gaffir, 788 Prospect Ave., Elgin. 28-2t* FOR SALE--"On old Smith homestead farm of 160 acres located about SALK--Choice China boars, sired by No. 360671, a son of Gsaaftdale Jones. These pl«Hy of length and bone, wishing to improve their do well to look them ov« right. James Hunter, West. HI. Phone 617-J-2. The Prices Tell the Story of These Vffapes Good Curtain Scrim with a»at border......; Silk Camisoles, in plain and changeable colors ..ItJt Dress Shields, light weight but serviceable 1 English Nainsook, fine ,K v weace, perfect bleach, yd Outing Flannel, 36 in. wide, good weight, psr jd House Brooms, good quality corn, well reinforced... - Wool Work Hose, a 1c „,„j|t this price Sfe- FOR SALE--Large size, nearly new, self feeding hard coal stove. John R. Smith, McHenry, 111. Phone 634-R-2. FOR SALE--Maxwell 1917 touring car and Republic 1 ton truck. Real bargains. Stilling's garage, McHenry 111. 19-tf FOR SALE--By the ton, a quantity of wood in stove lengths. Inquire at Fox River Valley State Bank, McHenry, III. 28 CLUB derives to purchase vacant or water front property. State full description and terms. Address The Plaindealer, McHenry, "111. 29-2t FOR SALE OR RENT- The Michael Justen estate house on Elm street, McHenry. Apply to or write N. J. Justen, administrator, West McHenry, HI. f6"* FOR SALE--A number of large bronze turkeys. Toms, $10.00 each; hens, $7.00 and $8.00 each. Mrs. MK-HAPTY PARTY I FIND THEIR MEATS aurre TO MY TASTCAN ORDERS SENT,. -C*. ^ / 4,,. ,« ,'vfc 'OU'LL find our meats Y' and our methods to your taste. When jou give us an order We attend to it at once. With as. "at once" means i mmediately. w«tch lee Mr. lUm V; " FRETT5 JOHN STOFFEL WEST McHENRY The FIREPROOF WALLBOARD For walls and ceilings of new buildings as well m J&r repairs and alteration©--the ideal material is Sheetrock. Sheetrock, made from rocks is fireproof and cannot warp or buckle. It is resistant to beat, cold and sound. It takes sky decoration you prefer--paper, paint or panels. ' - 1 mt M* »llAMI MOW . f- - " ^ WM McHenry rS.y&' f~r - '-.4 Pfcoas S. t'.'"'to ' '"' . -Bar Our Wish : HE cordial greetings are extended to ^ , each heart and home in this community and our most sincere wish at :£j;L this season of the year is that 1922 will bring . to each and every one of you health, happiness and prosperity. ^ - (; ^ " V- ' .ifa. ^ , •--SPECIAL FOR---- ' " NEW YEAR'S DAY and Strawberry Cream in Bulk I • per brick----. -.50c McHENRY HX CREAM FACTOR^ C. UNTI, PROP WHOLESALE & RETAIL %r'*' . „ M/: , ! m %' **<*<? V" - v.-*"' ^ . . . . . ACfes-fortveW «Ci>' McHenry, Iliinois FREMONT HO J, Prea.

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