Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 5 Jan 1922, p. 6

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10 per cent and voM.„..k . .10 per cent Example Where present interstate 26c, new rates will be: New Reduction Seduction 13 per cent barl# and produfli nme rates. .22 per .18 per where previous per cent was made .10 per cent ieheesl and ^wultry 10 per cent Per Bushel Me 3.08c 1.76c 15c 70c pr to 100 lM Wheat Corn Oats Potatoes Hay .19.6c .22.5c .21.5c v'"\ v fntfe to plareyourorder fof ^pnng^4^ know what you will need so that we may?; • - i ' f ' ace your Let us n. GRINDING DONE PROMPTLY AND EFFICIENTLY fwRas ow we can please yon cHenry County Farmers Co-operative Association Plants at McHenry, Crystal Lake, Woodstock Office: West McHenry C. W. Gibbs, Manager u state traffic adjustments will be taade so as to vsAact proper relationship to interstate femes. APPLICATIONS FOR CITIZENSHIP To Be Heard at Woodstock on Tueeday, Jan 10 The following applications <bf eltirenship will be heard at Woodstock on Jan. 10: ," * Will Poul Fred Sternberg, (R. . F, D. 2, Harvard, HI. Frank Martin Max Pockrandt, R. F. D. 2, Harvard, 111. Frank Matacek, Gary Station, 111. John Alfrid Carlson, R. F. D. 2, Richmond, 111. - August Friedrich Miethke, 806 -Minnie St. Harvard, HI. John Anton Emil Ekstrom/ West McHenry, 111. • Issac Linstra, Hebron, 111. John OskarJBerg, R. F. D., Wood* stock, 111. John Liddlc, Terra Cotta, 111. Cesids DiBona, Marengo,'HI. Wenzel Mueller, Crystal Lake, HI. Robert .Herman Wendt, 201 South St., Harvard, 111. Sipke DeYoung,'Alden, 111. f / Josef Harrer, West McHenry, UK Archibald Andrew Sherwood* |L F. D., Woodstock, 111. Oscar Leonard Johnson, F.^X)., McHenry, 111. Joe Gorden, Harvard, •%]£.; Andrew Gustaf Lindquist, 683 > Prairie St., Marengo, 111. Hilbert Josua Johnsson, Union, HI. Henry Hall, 104 Washington St., Harvard, HI. - * FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce my candidacy for the office of sheriff of McHenry county and respectfully solicit the support of the voters at the Republican primaries in April, 1922. George J. Ehlert, Crystal Lake. Margaret W allace " NURSE - ° tEBLY in COMERS XND GOERS OF A WEEK IN OUR BUSY VILLAGE Jipee porters and hr Oar j\b Seen by Plain4?aler Handed Into Our Friends Mrs. Theo. Schiessle was a Chicago . visitor last Saturday. | Edward Conway spent a few days last week with friends in Chicago. I J. B. Kelter of Chicago spent Sun- ' day as the guest o! McHenry friends. Jacob Justen was in Chicago Monday, where he had charge of a funeral. Edward Pauly of Elgin spent the week end as the guest of McHenry friends. """• . s Percy Lodtz passed New Yfeart* day as the guest of friends at North Crystal Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Klapperich •Were Chicago visitors several days last week. E. R. McGee passed the first of the week with relatives and friends at Woodstock. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Freund spent NEW Ta Fox River and Lakes Improvement AHeoctttjop $! *?& W M. L. Worts £i4.$ Fred Justen ....... ... West McHenry State Bank. 1 John Stilling ....... N. H. Petesch . ' McGee & Conway. C. Unti • » . |M. Engeln & S 'Peter J. Heimer ..'..... IG. A. Stilling .. .. M . M . N i e s e n . . !**• Vycital ... ».»«?»$•«»... Geo. Van Minnen ..... E. R. Tweed .. J.. Frank Dulleck 1 Jacob Larson Henry Novak . . , John Bergh .. ^, F. J. Casterline Paul L. Pfeil Knute Etsel Schiessle & Weher F. J. Duda '.. Helen Barber . ii ." 1 :» » ••VV., 'A. C. Kummer Henry Habel Geo. Meyers ... ,-t Anton Hess .,;; < Karl G. Forssbotjf ,W. A. Breithaufet Fred Ulrici.-,.. ,*.si ! John S. Hurd .;. .. 'C. W. Peterson * » «*. < •V. *v.. <>«.••• • . i Phone 121-J McHenry,^. Ballot a few days last week in the metro politan city. Mrs. Mol/ie Givens and sons, Donald and John, were guests of Elgin relatives Sunday. • Robert E. Sutton of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday as the guest of relatives hei^ Miss Ethel Callinan of Woodstock Scharla® • • • spent Sunday as the guest of Mc- "V* Y' er» M* D* Henry friends. I Andrew McAnsh ... Misses Genevieve andborothy Knox !^' 5? ' \ passed a couple of days last week with i®' Windiate . friends in Chicago. ' . j Levin ... Mrs. Margaret Wallace spent sev- f?*"1,0' Erdmann eral days this week with relatives in 'Sf, „n ^ap'nff the metropolitan city. t I Sandrig Misses Alice Knox and Eleanor Con- |Norman Nifnecker ....... way were Notre Dame, Ind.,'visitors Orndorff, M. D. a few days last week. O. M. Walter, M. D. . Miss Dorothy Hulinger of Chicago jBenevolent Asm. .... passed the week end as the guest' of Erdmann ••••••• Miss Marguerite Overton. jGeo. V. O'Brien ••••••» Edwin J. Heimer of Chicago spent ^ Weston the week end as the guest of relatives ' Watson and frjends in this village. j Frank Martin ,i Miss Avis Carey of Elgin passed the i ^orth 1 west CamPinS Clu*> first of the week in the home <rf her 'i°Btph ,C®pak sister, Mrs. R. I. Overton. j Orchard Outing Club Miss Frances Bernier of Chicago Mar^aret Lyons'. cial Election, January 14th, 1922 COMMUNITY HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT NUMBER 156, McHENRY COUNTY, ILLINOIS '4P|wm» W » BtaotKU tfce ri^kt of tlie voril iadicatiii Ae way 3mm drain to vote.) )tl to atrrtiorfee tfie Board of Education to isisue bonds of Community Hij?h School District Number 156, McHenry County, Illinois, to the amount of $125,000 due in numerical order; $5,000 on July 1st of each of the years 1926 to 1928, both years inclusive; $7,000 on July 1st of each of the years 1929 to 1933, both years inclusive; $9,000 on July 1st of each of the years 1934 to 1938, both years inclusive; $10,000 on July 1st of each of the years 1939 to 1941, both years inclusive; which bonds are to® Jjear OTJwnci. payable semi- (mmvaSfy. t V' • .. « j passed the week end in the home of Mr. arid J4rs. H. J. Schaffer. Mrs. W^l J. Welch and daughter, Mildred, spent the latter part of last week in the metropolitan city. MisS Lenna Fitzsimmbns of Chicago spent the week end as a guest in the home of Mrs. Mary Carey. Clayton Wilson of Chicago passed Sunday and Monday in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Ensign. George Heimer of Chicago spent Sunday and Monday in the home of his mother, Mrs. Helena Heimer. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Warner and children spent Monday as the guests of the former's parents in Elgin. Miss Anna Knox of Elgin passed] R. D. Hopps W. H. Howe' .. W. A. Bledsoe .... Chas. W.' Peters Ernest L. Simons .. Butch Rothers 6.00 10.00 fcOO *00 i *•*00 €.00 8.00 5.00 #.00 i.oo 8.00 10.00 10.00 .10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 Jtp.uo 1600 ,,0.00 10.00 , .10.00 ;-lo.oo :Mo.oo /.juo.oo '10.00 10.00 '10.00 10.00 ip.00 -#5.00 :lo.oo JJio.oo 100.00 ' io.00 -io.oo ••'10.00 ito.oo ^40.00 "a 0.00 10.00 ^ 30.00 f 10.00 10.00 10.00 .30.00 . 30.00 "30.00 10.00 10.00 -30.00 .<30.00 / 30.00 T310.00 60.00 ' iBs.oo 100.00 : 10.00 9.05 COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Trustees Met In Regular Monday Evening * Council Room, Jan. 2, 1922, Hie village trustees met in regular session a«d Pres. Stoffel being absent ia motion was made by Wattles and i seconded by Doherty that Ericksou act las president pro tem. Trustees present: Doherty, ErickSt, u nd, ay and, „M ond, ay w.i.t.h h-e r m- ot,h er, son, Kntorx_, „O verton and Wattles. Ab- Mrs. John Knox, on Center street. Axause. Miss Verena Justen of Chicago 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a true specimen ballot to be voted in the Community High School District, No.156, McHenry County, Illinois, on January 14,1922. Secretaiy OT Said District. in ) i of her parents, Mr. and Mrs Regner, at Pistakee Bay. Miss Kate McLaughlin spent sev eral days the past week in the home of her sister, Mrs. Otis C. Murray, and family at Geneva, 111. Dr. and Mrs. D. G. Wells and son, Glenn, returned home Monday evening lbransen prexry tame3'cdisipared with the Gulbransen. Listen, your ear tells try it yourself--and you are amazed, ano" as you have known them. It is in two weeks instead of two years, with every form inusical expression recreation; an unequaled education at Montreal, Can., East. Misses Ladle Schoel and Charlotte Hartlett of Chicago spent a few days the first of the week in the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Schoel. points in the 1 H. owar^d Simpr son a" nd daa•gh - AO Qf ter, Dorothy Jeanne, have returned to their home in Chicago after a week's visit in the home of her p^nte, Mr Louis Oertel. ' enry spent Sunday and Monday with her pwirents, Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Justen. Miss Leona Cropley of Solon Mills spent a ^ew days last week as the guest of relatives and friends here. Miss Mary Burke spent several days last week as the guest of Chicago and Elgin relatives and friends. Walter Carey of Wilmot, Wis., passed Sunday and Monday in the home of his mother, Mrs. Mary Carey. Miss Florence Kamholz of Woodstock passed last wetjjt in the home of her parents, Mr. tricl Mrs. Fred Kamholz. Miss Christine Maynard of Crystal i Lake was a week end guest in the home of her sister, Mrs. Franklin Ensign. Mrs. John Walsh, daughter, Beraadine, and son, Ray, of Fox Lake spent (New Year's day with McHenry relatives. Thos. Knox of Chicago passed the i first of the week in the home of his mother, Mrs. John Knox, on Center street. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Maiman of W£auconda were callers at the home of r. and Mrs. John Knox on Monday afternoon. Misses Rosina Freund, Rosemary Nye, Dorethy Walsh, Genevieve Carey and Helen Bolger were Chicago visitors last Friday. Claude Freund of Norwood Park spent the latter part of last week in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Freund. Misses Rose McEvoy and Hazel Sibbald of Chicago were New Year's day guests in the home of Misses B. and Mary Doherty. Misses Marion and Irene Conway of Elgin passed Sunday and Monday in the home.of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Conway. N. H. Petesch was called to Chicago last Saturday by the death of his aged father. The funeral was held on Monday morning. Miss Kathryn Regner of -Chicago The minutes of the last regular meeting were read and approved. The following bills were approved by the finance committee, including officers' salaries; Wm. Fries, twirfe $ A. M. Brown, lbr on streets. . 6.00 5.00 j Mike Freund, Sr., lbr on ww. . 5.00 W. L. Howell & Co., charging batteries i. J. H. Miller & Son, use of pump Howard Wattles, gravel Mike Freund, Jr., lbr on ww.. Jas. B. Clow & Sons, supplies Standard Oil Co., gasoline & oil F. G. Schreiner, printing John Walsh, marshal service., W. G. Schreiner, tele & postage Joe Engeln, lbr & supplies.... M. J. Freund, lbr with team.. Wilbur Lumber Co., lumber and planks Simon Stoffel, Pres. service.. Peter Doherty, trustee service' L. A. Erickson, trustee service jJohn R. Knox, trustee service Albert Krause, trustee service' |R. I. Overton, trustee service ! F. H. Wattles, trustee service W. G. Schreiner, clerk service . Motion by Doherty, seconded by Overton, that the minutes be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Overton, seconded by Knox, that the collector's report be accepted as read. Motion carried. Motion by Knox, seconded by Overton, that the bills be accepted as O. K.'d by the finance committee. Motion carried.* Motion by Wattles, seconded by Doherty, that the report of the board of local improvement be macle at this adjourned meeting. Motion carried. Motion by Doherty, seconded by Wattles, that this meeting adjourn until next Monday night, Jan. 9, 1922. Motion carried. L. A. Erickson, Pres. pro tem. ) W. G. Schreiner, Clerk. ' 1.50 4.00 12.00 7.00 6.81 24.70 7.50 125.00 2.25 10.T0 16.00 859.60 12.00 v15.00 9.00 15.00 12.00 12.00 15.00 30.00 Administrator's Notifee Wm. M. Carroll, Atty. Estate of Minerva E. Kimball, depassed New Year's day in the home'ceased. The undersigned, having been appointed Administrator of the Estate of Minerva E. Kimball, deceased, late of the County of McHenry and State of Illinois, hereby gives r otice that he Will appear before the County Court of McHenry County, at the Court House in Woodstock, at the February Term, on the first Monday in Fsbfrom a two weeks' visit with relatives J ruary next, $t which time all persons having claims against said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons indebted to sa|d Estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned. Dated this 16th day of December, A. D. 1921. Wm. M. Monear, Administrator. Miss Anna McKay of Chicago spent the first of the week in the home of Mr. q&d Mm. B.-J. ^ The PHI QENEI SP« This ie the oldeij application. Stall i * 3. F"'1" Wholacal* Marktl conwissiof ATTENTION OIVXN LBtof, flutton, Host. 3tc„ Batter and Eg| • on the«treet- Tags i COLO STORAOB FR| CHH . . . - am CilANT Bts fanrislisd on HLUNOIS. ass<H ition with a wholesale' >les us to quote,the fo ululated Cane Sugar, per lb,__ Ind-picked Navy Beans, per lb. kble Salt, 3 lb. sack 51b. sack___:.v..3V:_ utipell's Soups, per can._^___ j...Ulc knta Clara Prunes f• This] il Monte Brand Peachy fo. 2 can Tomatoes _|2e gifted Early June Peas, per caaL.___ Jle HERE IS A REAL SNAP | -| Jo. 2 can Sliced Pineapple, per can. .2!^ larket is CLOSED ALL DAY on LOOK! LOOK!| What You cairi buy for 10 ceitts i Any of the following WATER PAIL8> DISH PANS BUCKETS WASH DISHES . GRATERS GRANITE WAR^ CROCKERY *nd GLASSWARltr- Thi8 Week Only Pbon- 98HW JOHN I. VYCITAL V v r : : 4 M c H e n r y * 1 H L X"-*: ' r M •*? I " : It TIktlnoidtdulUe of tias icryite Bringing leisure and independence to the American housewife, r • ^ ^ Conserving strength hating drudgery. Making happy, attractive, contented homes by furnishing cheerful, eye-comforting illumination, quick intense heat or steady, dependable warmth. 1 Doing away with disease-laden smoke, grime, soot, ashes and fumes. {Saving linens, draperies, rugs, upholsfexy, wall paper, furniture and clothes. Helping u* to have a pleasanter place hi which to live and enjoy the good health that goes with a pure, wholesome atmos- |.: p h«w. . ' "• ; ^ -J A service as Intimate as this must need u6 friendly. Let us deal with it in a friendly I • and Electric Coinp6J)y < -ii ' j-.i.1-J s

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