Illinois News Index

McHenry Plaindealer (McHenry, IL), 12 Jan 1922, p. 1

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OfBfj of H**h Srtkk>! A«a Not 4 4 secohd semester of this iu|«* jri year will begin Monday, J$n. is time a ~4pff9|l*. <rf be urflpfil and arts will be o^|^'9d take cafe of MMhts whiKlilfe to re-enter high . , * the Wat^me. 99ri#% the flwHfear that the high school has been able to take care of the students satisfactorily at the be» of the second twniwwr. ,1 teachers, however, to the faculty last fall, which 1VVU j Wl»v QIC tiuu Were #•* V- • •*.. d"-*< ->• * jTi* 'f'-- r< - ;v • / "" *' ^ ! ^ Ci ' • *» v, 'v * r . . . . . . . ' A • ; £v/*•••.•'-".-ns, ™ '• ThePteee-ie t ^ ,* :y v t ^ *. . tt^Buy Your,Dru^r/ \ "| ti- %«• -V 14- V m--;' L' ,>i< -3k- 1 w- 4RT' PHONE 118-JN- H. PRTRSCH P ROC CIS T ft •M ,w We wish-to say to every citizen of this coniittunitv who, during the coming year* expects to fieed ANYTHING in the line of FURNITUR&' that we are out strong for your trade. ^ ^ We haw determined to put in a stiff bid for thf business that has been going to the mail order c houses, and aH we ask of you as a fair minded citi- &•**«•• »en is to ~*"WOUR ORDERS < - , - '• ^ ,v**'/•€. '<•; . ... ...... ic Surely this is no more than fair to your nome merchant. Then if we can't please you (quality and Quickness of service considered), <we will bear owr loss without a murmur. V ? A fair chance to compete for yoQr trade is all we ask. May we have it? *# .,1 Mttta JACOB JUSTEN 3>: ' 1 % kMf-cUHTE7^NTRDYV , IrwL LT . ' i A Foot ^SStey.:* z-?v Demonstrated" from Chicago Coming. to our Store -p-J ^';S;4wi Wetestay, Jan. 11 This man is specially trained by The Scholl Mfg. Co. i4 in die method of extending foot comfort originated '0$!$ by the eminent authority Or. Wm. M. Scholl, and wlH make a special demonstration of ;^r IbatOMffaAj^ances We invite you to make a special effort to call during his visit aria learn from him how thousands of people who have suffered from coctfs, callouses, bunions, tired aching feet, fallen archeS or cramped toes have been benefited by these remarkable inventions, for remember, there is a Dr. Scholl foot Comfort Appliance or Jforufr for every foot trouble. •'t - j Hqpg a Jfedu-graph print made p v' of your foot V^V-A. With this new device, perfected by Dr. Wm. M. Scholl; a food V dear print of the aixxfcinged Coot is loataotly obtainable, k registers your foot meaauremcna and ll a (mt help in select* J$:- 1m dw proper type dioe fat yourfiboc. By to wee comet «frae •nag to simplified. r and m*Uce «tuch chaniree it the organisation of enom ear courses to take ear® ta who re-€®ter or start h work for the first time. £ The,new high school building wi^J likely be ready next year and studentSF. ,i1I»1UaUa11 ImIVa w*» iviinlllli *4*#« *4j t to their advantage to enter and get•• their work square^! away for next fall. * It is thetdesire of the high school ' to serve you in every way possible. It ft? your school and it is your privilege •to make use sof it to the fullest extenC We should like to hay® y°u enroll for the second semester at once and shall be glad to have you call^/at the office and talk over the courses you would like to take. If you can't call just now, write us. shall be glad to answer any question you may wish to ask. Trusting that a large number of the students not now in high. school will take advantage of this opportu- Yours very truly, Oswell G. Treadwiay. "-Senior Notes Miss Mildred Welch visited American history class Monday, we had our lesson as usual. Taik about talent. We have a regular Jack Dempsey in our midst, haven't we Edmund? There will be another elec#on the near future to decide on the tioitd issue. Be sure to vote "yes-" The mill pond back of the achool house is in fine condition for skating and a great many are seen on the ice every day. • The English IV clas? is studying Emerson and they find that he is rather "deep" iift a high school senior's mind. School opened Mtmday. We didn't want to come back of course, but we accepted the inevitable with our usual cheerful spirit. You should see the array of woolen gloves among the high school girls since Christmas. Santa must be predicting a cold winter. Girl graduate books are making their annual appearance. Time to start thinking of some new and witty quotations to put in them. Do you remember way back when you voted to build a new community high school f Well, , votei the same way when the bond issue comes to hallot. Senior and junior book reports and outlines were due Tuesday. Another benefit to the Public Service company, due ta the enormous amount of light . ' ' £ '..Junior Jfswpp^M EveryorieTmust get out aiw v» the issuing of bonds at the new elec tion. We all heaved a sigh of relief Tuesday when we handed in our book reports and English note books completed. The-sewing classes were very much pleased with their new pressing board which arrived Tuesday. It is supplied with all of the necessities used in pressing. Some of the resolutions of the juniors: , • V' We re9olyed^iw»«r Ml* to school. •' "%y*' . ..... We resolved never to wfci*|)iir or talk aloud in school. ;*\r • We resolved always to have our lessons and have them on time. We resolved to always study at least two hours every evening. We resolved never again taf Jeave our books for book reports ulftil the last minute. ^ Sophomore Notes We find Roger Be Goverftly vsry humorous and interesting. Mary Walsh and Rosemary Nye visited school Tuesday afternoon. We are very disappointed, but not discouraged about the bond issue. We're dreadfully afraid that we will lbse some of our teachers next year. Goo--lashes" have become very popular among the high school girls. We may be late in our greetings, but we wish everyone a very Happy New Year. The Latin II class have started Caesar again. We wonder how long it will last. Supt. Treadway attended the state teachers' association at Springfield during its session in that city. In two more weeks the modern history class will have a debate on "Resolved that Napoleon was a greater man than Caesar." We have every reason to believe tiiat it will ho, vsry exciting. All the members of the high school "faculty spent the Christmas vacation at their respective homes: Supt. O. G. Treadway, Macomb; Miss Blanche D. Pryor, Princeton; Miss Mabel Peterson, Mayvvood; Miss Gladys Cassells, Homewood; Miss Gertnide Kisch, Evanston; Miss Cleora Johnson, St. Charles; Ezra R. Moser, Bluffton, 0. Freshman Notes W# had a week of Christmas vacation. • We have more new books in 1iie library. | English I class be^ns Enoch Anton Wednesday. * The sewing pupils received a new ironing board after the Christmas vacation. Many of the pupils received fountain pens and Eversharp* for their Christmas presents. , ' Frances Garbutt hurt her arm during the Christmas vacation,' but is able to be back at school. McHENRY'S •W r • .V • , . f-¥i fAI. & m Harry Carey vf IN FOX BUN DAY, JANUARYS Tom Moore " IN---- 10 -- AND AN EDUCATIONAL COMEDY , Matinee at 2:3# • i.r. ; - "'^ESOAV. JANUARY^. ; Marie Provost^,;'*, A Parisian «•i ~- • •Sftj-'i"* r"t A' ND-^*- Jo. lf| UlKfcv mootM Trsooer# Amerifcan Wstor>{ Chapter Play WINNERS oMeWEST' Qturintf ART Acoa OH HENRYS STILL IN LEAD FlivvefiiDrop Threelw B Rectera Bowling in very poor form, the livvers dropped three straight to thV Rectors laat Friday eVeniqg| winners accumulating a total of 'H40t jpins to the losers' 2099. In tl^|Mji£< |o Groom, of the El Rectors, again Ipd his team with a total of 567 pins for tiie three gam«e. The scores: El Rectors Groom . Patzke , Ritter ., 1 ..i.aofr ...145 .155 134 ®ftgeln»ft i. i. .184 fhvw!*: • T B. Pag4r^;.l49. Sayler Gormart ... 146 Spur ling . .128 Weber *" >..m 2 . lYO 155 164 164 145 798 2 113 116 119 119 174 178 190 166 146 182 812 3 133 122 134 167 148 Total 557 496 485 444 481 2407* Total 395 408 399 409 493 .im m Qtlar 754 641 704 2099 Iifnin Jake Two Out of Three After dropping the first of the three-game series to the Crowns on uesday evening, the tndiolas came back strong by taking the next two gameo by good, safe margins. Warner of the Indioias was high man of the evening, rolling up a total of 584: pins. He also rung up the high score of the evening with a mark of 224, which was registered in the second game. Geier and' Qpmiy did the best work for the Crowns. The scores: „ t ,. IndiolaS, ... J. / Vogt . .169 L. Page .^. .123 R. Thompson . 122 Laures_iif......, 1,50 Warnei' . .176 Grown s V 1 8 Total 146 499 185 457 149 456 12& 425 l&l 584 3 Total • *«!< ••4; 150 yi ' t.ifip S' A.;,'* "'ift • •jfti ". by Long Distance Bill long-distance telephone service is dc-^ tensively used by large busi m )usin€»s houses. It-'4 ^ ^ I provides the quick and economical method 1 £ 'of handling business and selling to distant >\\i.customers. It saves both time and money..'- V: " A larger use of this service will expanc| your business and widert your sales tefritcry* Ssible cost, use Bell " Station service, which means asking for anyone at *, !ticular person. '•» , r: "Station to Station" service saves you .C;^ about twenty per cent on your long-distancefw ^charges. A still further saving can be madc|^ and night rates. ' ; X \A "' '• \ *• 1 ILUNOIS BELL TELEPHONE COMPA^ ^ ' * 7"rf'+V5w' fir"." •CAPABLE MANAGEMENT ^--RESPONSIBLE BANKING V - - S i • ' A . . ' f . ^ ' . . S t 3--COURTESY ' J -INCREASING : v . . . i V : < ^ .-"k- <v ^ ' SVi' . E " : /tv- '•M* .!-• v v ^r'-- • s,' ?T ,• :$r.. :'r ' . "•*%& HELPFULNESS . .. v 'i | ;; Ji'V# ur poncy is to cncourage every mem ^ . </- **^5'-v '•>} ..-4 ;y. this community to take on increased effi ciency--to cooperate in every practical in making this a better community in whicli ;to live--to cause every individual entering ouife# doors to feel a cordial atmosphere--to encourag^ v ^ every ambitious person of integri^ tc^ fi ; *• ii4 y-7'.. financial advancement--TO HELP. n ? •U-»' In Ueal Bowling League With Indic olas a Close Second. ¥;^ Oh Henry* Indioias y. El Rectofcs Buick Six , Flivvers ., Crowns .. Standing of Tean» - W 17 • *jf»» »• 14 .12 8 6 WJ * . f * j •mi 10 12 , 16 21 Pet. 708 667 583 500 333 222 , j^f odo-Cgraampeh iFno Aotn Pytriimntes .f irm^ /. • J. VALSH 1 MMi. The standing at the teams in the McHenry bowling league remains the same as last week, with the Oh Henrys leading the procession and the Indioias a dose second. The Buick Six, who have displayed a wonderful improvement in their work during the past two weeks, are very much encouraged over the showing and, while they are already causing some anxiety in the ranks of the two leaders, they may spring a real Misses Zenith Ellis and Kathleen surprise before the schedule of games CorhweU of Chicago spent New Year's jhas advanced much farther. in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W».' The lowly Crowns just don't seem Doherty south of town. to hit the right sort of a Stride and, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Garner and son while their showing thus far this of Chicago and Mrs. Louis Eucker and i season hasn't been anything to boast children of Chicago spent Sunday and:about, the quintet is far from dis- Monday in the home of Mr. and Mrs.'heartened. They still have hope* of John Stoffel. climbing 19 in the race and will do '••iV. * ^ -• } St POOtf TTONGS TO EAT E. J. BREFCLD, Manager 7mw WEST MCHENHY, IIX. t* .» y'.V-r • '»],j fxM4- e Store That Saves You Money Stert Ate new year out right by making a resolution to buy where yotr can get good fresh reliable groceries at the lowest possible prices. Yon do not have to visit neighboring towns to do this, as you can get the$t, right here in your own home town. Come in and give us a trial order. . ;-.Uf *7^,.. Maple Syrup, large bottl^j^ ^ J. Jfe Virginia Sw. Pancake Floutf pkg. _.He- Swansdown Cake Flour, per pkg. Cream of Wheat, per pk^J^J.t Corn Flakes, large pkg. . Cora Flakes, small pkg. -- Post Toasties, small pktf. 1."®^ Shredued Kruaibies, per pkg.v_. Pillsbury Health Hrau, per Seeded Raisins, 15 oz. pkg. Recleaned Currantii ISoz. plry Mazola Oil, pint can.. T|We Salt, 10 lb. Yeast Foftm, 3 pkgj ^ THESE PRICES CUT THE COST OF UVINIl';! Fancy Santas Coffee, per Extra Choice Santas Coffee, per lt£_28c Yuban Coffee, Ji lb. pkg 42e .White House Coffee, 1 lb. pkg..^v.tte Old Reliable Coffee, I lb. pkg. ^__ JKe Pan Fried Japan Tea, extra fancy, lb. !8e Ceylon & India Tea, black, per lb. r .Jlle Gunpowder Tea, perlfe.._iA^.^J8e Milk, tall can...... Pure Fruit Preserves, large jar-^.|Be Snow Cap Pilchards, per caB--.^-„I8« Map Sticks, extra strong. Blackene Stove Polish, per 2 in 1 Shoe Pcrfish, per can ..4, m ;Sff. I'

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